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Suggestion:making Codex Scans Count Towards Mastery.


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As the title says, I want to make a suggestion to DE: let those scans (completed scans) count towards mastery! that way, we can have a reason to actually scan those rare enemies, and scanning regulars is less questionable. My suggestion is that for each completed scan (full details), about 500-1000 mastery exp is given. With the large amount of enemies in the codex, this can open up opportunities to increase the mastery cap.


Of course, it would be better if the rare units (crawlers, im looking at you) would get more xp as they can be difficult to find.

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I could agree with this, but I believe you are being too nice with the amount of mastery per thing. 100 Mastery per inanimate object, 200 per standard unit, 300 for heavies, and 400 for bosses would be how I would do it. Maybe I am too harsh on mastery though...

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