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Mission Type Variants And How They Can Improve Stealth Gameplay


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So, I think stealth gameplay in Warframe is fun and enjoyable, but not so interactive or useful. I think a simple way to further implement it would be variants on the standard mission types that would indicate it as more useful to go stealth or aggro. I thought of only a two actual potential scenarios, both for capture missions:


Aggro - Target will function as a mini-boss and he can only be drawn out of hiding by killing a large amount of his allies; big fun battle ensues.


Stealth - No indication of target on radar. Target has no weapons but is armed with stealth technology and is very elusive. Target will leave traces and clues (not sure what these will be yet), leading a trail to his current location. If you use stealth tactics, yourself, you'll gain a leg up on him, in that if he doesn't know you're there, he can't turn invisible or use some other kind of evasion technique. 


Oh yeah and also, I thought of missions where you could be on the other end of the stick, as in Grineer or Corpus are trying to perform capture or spy missions on you and you need to stop them and you can lock down areas and things. I don't know if it would really work; just a though. And I also thought of the idea of squad v squad combat, which would be an added element to the conclaves I imagine. There could be mission objectives for this as well, like just plain kill the other squad or capture points or whatever else.


Feedback and additional notes appreciated.

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