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Shadows In The Dark (Ghost And Shadow Clan Alliance)


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Shadows bring with them stillness and peace, and peace is the only way the tenno will thrive



Fellow tenno,


       The time has come for us to create alliances and rediscover these long-forgotten dark sectors. And though this comes with much preparation and excitement, we must not forget our goal: to keep this system in balance. My clan officers and i have agreed that it is necessary that an alliance with the purpose of keeping the tenno focused on their mission be created before any mistakes are made. Shadows in the Dark, Many times I have seen this solar system fall into disarray, especially since the introduction of the Harvester and the Grustrag 3. It is time we unite and discover these new lands together!




-I have made an alliance named Shadows in the Dark

-Any ghost or shadow clans are welcome to join

-All taxes will be set to 1% to ensure fellow tenno can stay focused on keeping the balance elsewhere

-Message me privately if your clan wishes to join this alliance or if you have any questions regarding the nature of this clan

-Due to the way alliances work, if there is a way to give allied clans the ability to recruit into the alliance, the first 10 clans to join will be given the ability to invite any more clans into the alliance at their own discretion

-Any open dark sectors will be taken before we take the task of combating fellow tenno to remove the risk of further internal battles

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