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When Should A Warframe Be Released To The Public For Plat?


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So I have noticed with some of the recent warframes (Zephyr and Valkyr) that you could purchase them long before you could farm them. Note, I do NOT think they should be remove from the market (DE has to make money some how), but, having a several day long waiting period between the addition of the frame to the game and being able to farm it, while seeing other people who bought the frame, sort of makes me a bit frustrated. I would propose making it so the new frame is only available to be bought for platinum once the frame can be farmed, or, in Zephyrs case, 6 days later. This would make it so that you can still buy it earlier, but not a week or so earlier. 


Mods/DE staff: please move this if it is in to wrong forum.


Everyone: feel free to discuss, but please keep it civil.

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Buying stuff in the market is for ease of access, that's about it. I don't mind seeing people playing with whatever's on early access because:

1) They spent their money to have it, that's their prerogative.
2) It's a good way to have feedback from players.
3) They may have early access on it, but I'm not playing a racing game anyway.

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People buy them so they dont have to wait, that totally defeats the purpose.

actually its because getting Zephy's Oxium is mind boggling. I still have never reached 300 Oxium(no way to build a distilling extractor either, too damn expensive), and I have formaed so many items running all over from Mars, Venus, and beyond... Zephy is that one frame throwing money at is ideal.

Edited by Arlayn
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You deserve an amen!

Me? thanks!



unfortunatly it's your personal problem, people who bought/traded their platinum deserve the early access

I am aware that it is a personal problem. It is also my opinion, and I realize it may make me sound like i feel I am entitled. I know I am not and that they deserve to get what they pay for.

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this is a FREE 2 PLAY game design


People who want to pay to get frames and weapons faster = pay for them

People who do not want to pay for anything and use the game's crafting and farming system to get the stuff that way = farm


BUT with the ability to farm special mods and prime warframe and weapon parts you can use trade to make platinum and then buy the things you want faster , so for people who dont pay to play there is no one road to your farming.


there are a lot of free 2 play games out there and this one so far has an excellent farming system to getting stuff ingame.


just my 3 cents.

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I dare to disagree. People who invest their hard-earned money deserve some kind of privilage, be it early access, just for the sake of keeping this awesome game alive, especially considering that there are such alternatives like pay to win.
Your ego beeing hurt is not an excusse to take that privilage away.


actually its because getting Zephy's Oxium is mind boggling. I still have never reached 300 Oxium(no way to build a distilling extractor either, too damn expensive), and I have formaed so many items running all over from Mars, Venus, and beyond... Zephy is that one frame throwing money at is ideal.

Two words: Sedna, Kappa. If you're lucky you'll get 40+ Oxium per run. Just be sure to take maxed Loot Radar with you.

Edited by xGryphus
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actually its because getting Zephy's Oxium is mind boggling. I still have never reached 300 Oxium(no way to build a distilling extractor either, too damn expensive), and I have formaed so many items running all over from Mars, Venus, and beyond... Zephy is that one frame throwing money at is ideal.


Uh I have 3 Distilling Extractors, and built and researched Zephyr, getting Oxium is easy if you know where to go (Kappa, Mimas atm, and a few others).


I usually do 1-2 runs per day on one of those and gather from 60-100 Oxium per day, so sorry, it isnt a real grind unless you want it right away.


To the OP, the idea of purchasing the frame for platinum right away is exactly so you dont have to wait the time it takes for it to be available, then to build it. You avoid that, and also its great to get feedback and fix bugs before all the people that are building it start using it.

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Bottom line. If you want early access to the warframe you can pay for it. That shouldn't change. These guys need to make money to keep pumping out content for us. If you don't wanna pay essentially you farm for it and theres a soft wait imposed. At the moment I think that wait time is good in most cases.

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Grandmaster, Inferno stomper here. Trading and being able to buy frames has made the game worse for me because there is no longer any drive to go do anything except forma on survival missions. If no one is playing Elara or Cambria and there's no event, I'm probably playing something else instead of Warframe.


There are times when this is good, like with the stomp pack. I'm not a fan of rushing the void and I like to go slow, but DAT DROP TABLE. Then there are times when it's bad, like with Nekros. Nekros could be gotten doing relatively few missions and you could do a wide variety of types leading up to a really interesting boss fight. To this day I've only fought Lephantis (took me a sec to even remember his name) maybe twice?


I mostly PUG, but I'm hoping that with better group tools and player hubs I'll be able to jump in with random people for things like this more often.


Water is my thing and I love pirates so I will absolutely be reducing my plat stores to get the new frame IMMEDIATELY today and I will still want exclusives if they're in bundles, but going forward I don't plan to buy items directly. I'll probably just buy resources and forma until I feel like grouping is better.

Edited by VKhaun
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Why do you care what people have in a game like this... sounds like jealousy which you shouldnt have cause eventually youll get the same frame. Besides those people buying the frames and such are helping DE more in a direct way so why would you want to hurt DE? Besides this isnt some unique snowflake weapon/frame game... any thing you see in game you can get... aside from the founder stuff.

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