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The Reason Why You Dont Use That Alt Skin/helmet


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Uh...I don't enjoy using the Pendragon helmet because Avalon looks better and that power str. boost is useless on the higher levels. Lol.

I also don't enjoy using any helmets on Ember Prime, because the default one is so badass.

Are you kidding? power boost is exactly why I love the helm because I gotta jump to the moon.

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While I laugh at the shenanigans in this thread I guess I'll add my own.


Ash's default helmet is the only one I can use on him. I don't hate the others, they actually look cool but It just feels weird wearing them. The regular Ash helmet fits him best for me.

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I don't use most helmets because the negative stats...when it comes to skins it's just simply a waste of money that I could be putting into catalysts or something more useful


And no the fact that my avatar is that helmet doesn't mean I have it. I don't even have excalibur anymore.

Edited by Domaik
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Maybe you prefer to play with the vanilla look

Maybe its because you can't unsee something about that helmet

Maybe its the stats or maybe its just ugly 

What look do you use for your warframes?


Personally i have massive trouble with Excalibur's Pendragon helmet Everything about it is awesome EXCEPT for this duckface/fish mouth..its just...ugh 





Where'd you get the picture?

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You sir just ruined this helmet for me :c

Yeah I never noticed this til now.


I was like 'What is he on about?' then I saw  the :o and burst out laughing. To be honest, he reminded me a lot of the impossibru guy for some reason. Immediately thought of him and even saw the eyes. Good thing it's not so obvious in-game.



And hey! Don't berate Loki's helmet(s)! He may lack a neck with Essence but it's still funky. 




Least favorite alternate helmet, ever..

Ember's Phoenix helm is just so much better, better stats..(plus it doesn't look like that^)

Eh, that helmet is great (Alt 2) but the colour scheme and quality is exceptionally poor. The artists haven't bothered fixing it up so it's just got some terrible grey texture to it. Wish they would rework it already. Long overdue and ruins any customization. Same for Pendragon as there's a horrid poor quality grey part there too.

Edited by Naith
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Where'd you get the picture?


From google :D

Nah its the pic they showed us in a livestream where they showed all of the season 2 helmets for each frame

I immediately saw this and it never left my mind

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I tend not to use any of Excalibur's alt helmets on my Excalibur Prime, I think his vanilla body+helmet look stoic as hell.


Frost Prime I change to the Aurora simply for added armor, to combine it with Steel Fiber, thus more Globe health.


When I first got Rhino I had the issue of running with squads that behaved like bipolar puppy dogs who couldn't decide whether they wanted to camp an area that had no oxygen pods or run everywhere but to where pods were in Extraction.


Since my biggest peeve is squads that don't stick together, when I played Rhino for a little bit, it made me feel a little better knowing I could at least make it to the idiots running off alone to get cut down by the superior enemy numbers. 


Since I got Rhino Prime I don't bother with the Vanguard. If I can out-pace most faster frames with Excal's run speed, then I can do so with Rhino Prime's buffed run speed while still getting to wear what I think is the better looking helmet out of his other two. 


For Vauban I prefer the Esprit. I just love the look of it. 


Volt's Storm Helmet is all I wear on him. I think it looks so much better than the other ones. Added power strength is a lovely bonus.


I prefer Ash's Scorpion helmet over the others because when I want to use him and mess around on Survivals for a bit the extra stamina lets me melee more and with him, I really don't worry about power efficiency. 


For Loki, the added range provided by the Swindle is a must for me since I actively use Radial Disarm in conjunction with a duration build, which helps Over Extended overcome Narrow Minded. 


Nekros is probably the only frame who I have a separate look for all three of his helmets since I like them all.


The second helmets for Valkyr and Oberon look awful in my opinion and Zephyr's current alt helmet makes absolutely no sense to me. 

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