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a moon clan with <300 members?

did you just clean house?


Edit: By "clean house" i mean, did you kick inacives out and thats why you have a moon clan with the membership of a mountain clan

Well we did some cleaning ......people come and go ........and clan is growing back again ;)

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1) Knight's Order:

2) Clan tier=Shadow

3) Members=19+

4) Representative: APBladeX

Originally, Knight's Order was a part of the Solar Coalition consisting of 72 clans, but the incentive to be a part of the Coalition slowly declined. The alliance has neglected the Solar Rails and left the Dark Sectors to the other alliances, such as Eclipse, without putting forth effort, funds, and rails to actually do something. In search of a new alliance, Knight's Order left the Solar Coalition and I have stumbled upon your thread about the Spear Confederation. I want to be able to contribute to a cause that will actually fight for that cause, and your alliance looks like that. Time to take down Eclipse, right?

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hmmmm what thappen! server is down or? a few hours ago my Clan members  told me that we are not in the Alliance? there is some thing going on here and  i am not informed?


I am sorry but the alliance hit it's cap, I sent a PM to you concerning the issue. Sorry again for the inconvenience.

Edited by Gryphticon
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Alliance was at the Cap?i thought the cap is 4k members and this alliance is around 1k i don't get it?! if if was at the cap my clan would not be able to get in...but we did and help alliance  succeeding  conflicts  in a critical moment ....and at the end after Alliance won  you just parked us .....very nice from Spear Confederation!  my clan felt used! 

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Posted 09 April 2014 - 01:52 PM

This just in:

The maximum size of an Alliance is 4000 members. What this means you can combine any tier of clan in your Alliance, but the theoretical members can never exceed 4000. You will not be able to form an Alliance with 6 Moon clans that only have 250 people in them, or any other permutation that would exceed 4000 member slots.


Previous reports of 3000 were outdated, apologies. 4000 is the correct cap for Alliances.

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Edited by emblema
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Alliance was at the Cap?i thought the cap is 4k members and this alliance is around 1k i don't get it?! if if was at the cap my clan would not be able to get in...but we did and help alliance  succeeding  conflicts  in a critical moment ....and at the end after Alliance won  you just parked us .....very nice from Spear Confederation!  my clan felt used! 


I am terribly sorry. Devs confirmed that per example, a alliance would be full if there were 4 moon clans of 301 members in it even if the effective number is only 904 members. We would like you to send a support ticket to DE to downgrade your clan from Moon to Mountain so that your clan doesn't take as much space as now.

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I am terribly sorry. Devs confirmed that per example, a alliance would be full if there were 4 moon clans of 301 members in it even if the effective number is only 904 members. We would like you to send a support ticket to DE to downgrade your clan from Moon to Mountain so that your clan doesn't take as much space as now.


The only Moon Clans on Alliance was mine and yours and it make it 2k (max Cap is 4k)other none active clan's need to down size to there tier clan if this is the case and want to make a it Fair!


And next time give a warning !the quick expel action was very rude! 



i guess DE really need to fix this issue.

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The only Moon Clans on Alliance was mine and yours and it make it 2k (max Cap is 4k)other none active clan's need to down size to there tier clan if this is the case and want to make a it Fair!

I'm compiling the size of every clan, but it is sure that the alliance was bigger than 3k. We should get enough data soon. But meanwhile, I would appreciate that you try sending a support ticket then if you need to expand, you will be able to stay in the alliance.

It should also be good for your clan to only pay resources in the dojo for the size of a mountain clan instead of moon.

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The only Moon Clans on Alliance was mine and yours and it make it 2k (max Cap is 4k)other none active clan's need to down size to there tier clan if this is the case and want to make a it Fair!

And next time give a warning !the quick expel action was very rude!

i guess DE really need to fix this issue.

We'll try to invite your clan after we clean inactive ones. Hoping that we can fix that soon.

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We're currently in control of 3 Dark Sectors: Pluto - Hieracon, Mars - Kadesh, Phobos - Memphis


Thanks for your support tenno, for lower taxes and high battle pay! That is our promise, we have 5% credit 0% resource tax across the board.

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Hello I would like to connect our clan into the alliance . If possible . Thank you
I am a warlord clan for the Czech and Slovak players warframe
Clan Name . . . : CZ/SK Elite Clan Booty Camp
Clan Tier . . . : Mountain
Clan Size ...:31/300 members
Official Clan's Thread . . .:  http://booty-camp-cz.webnode.cz/
Clan Representative . . .:  ----._Plutos-Czech_.----



Sorry, we unfortunately do not have anymore space for a mountain clan.

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