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Warframe Heads


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I'm sure the inside of the suits are normal fitting proportions and the outer shell/armor is just deformed for decorative purposes. 


Like this helmet, humans fit this nice and still don't have cylinders for heads.


*Jolly Co-Operation buddy picture*


You obviously don't praise the sun enough since you don't know this...


I've seen that problem a few times allready. People somehow get the idea that a person inside a certainly shaped suit or armor must have exactly that shape underneath.


A popular examplare are the Space Marines from Warhammer 40k. For some reason some people imagine their armor to be paper thin and Marines are shaped exactly like the armor underneath with tiny heads, instead of taking servo motors, armor thickness and undersuits into account, aswell as the art style of the drawings (some newer art depict them as more tall than broad for example).


Another example that would fit your picture would be medieval helmets with a beak faceguard. Do people imagine all medieval knights to have beaks because of that?


Oh and Dinosaur depictions fall under the reversed problem. Many drawings of Dinos are based on their skeleton so as a result most artists and scientist in the past just slapped a bare minimum of organs, muscles and skin on these skeletons and presented that as how Dinos looked like.

However nobody can be sure that this is how they really looked. For example a cat drawn in the same way based on it's skeleton alone would look like some horrorfying alien being, rather than our small crazy furry friends we see everyday.

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