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Melee 2.0 Feedback: Megathread (With Template).


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Weapon used: Dragon Nikana


Faction fought: All of them


Mods used: Fury + Berserker (also crit up and some elemental mods)


Warframe used: Valkyr


Skill used: Warcry


Thoughts & Experiences: To keep it short I broke "your" so called "Fury nerf" and did so called stunlock every non boss enemy with constant attacks. It was like chooping vegetables. It's realy sad you gave us half way done patch... Ofcourse you can "nerf" everyting else I mentioned here in name of so called "balance" but... It would be better to remove this content because it would be meaningless.


More to read about it in my personal feedback tread:


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Weapon(s) used:  Doesn't matter

Faction(s) fought:  Doesn't matter

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used:  no stances

Thoughts & Experiences:  ~8 hours of playtime and still zero stances, so I'm still stuck using the using the tiny fraction of this system that you have the nerve to try and pass off as a "basic stance".

Approximate Time Spent: ~8 hours


actually that "fraction" is like 70% of the system

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Weapon Used: Machete Wraith

Stance Used: Sundering Weave

Time Spent: 20 minutes

Experience: E*5 then hold combo involves a mini-slash dash at the end, but this final strike doesn't gain its momentum when already walking/sprinting.
E*3 pause E combo seems to involve a small AoE strike that causes knockdown, but its rang is smaller than an actual swing. It seems to be meant for actually hitting a single target with the knockdown, but it has damage falloff over the very tiny area it covers. A direct hit dealt double regular damage, while a graze did about 5.

Edited by LukeAura
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Weapon(s) used:

Heat Dagger, Galantine, Machete Wraith, Furax

Faction(s) fought:

Grineer & Corpus

Thoughts & Experiences:

It would be nice if there was an option to use 'primary fire' for your melee attack when the melee weapon is equipped. My natural instincts always want to hammer the left mouse button when I have the weapon out and it's rather hard to adapt to keep hitting the 'quick melee key'.

Most weapons are slash weaponry, with impact coming in a distant second. It would be nice if wecould get a few more piercing melee weapons in the near future as we're pretty much limited to a few daggers to fight Grineer effectivly and after that further expand on the impact (or special elemental damage) melee weapons.

Also while it is nice that you can unequip your primary/secondary to get pure melee runs they are not really viable at the moment as it's next to impossible to hit flying targets with melee weaponry, making it next to impossible to finish extermination missions in a pure melee build if there are drones around.

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Weapon(s) used:  Scindo

Faction(s) fought: Corpus

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Charge damage/speed build, Stance N/A

Thoughts & Experiences: Overall rather fun, the charge damage build I had on the Scindo traslated very nicely to the new system and it was 1-2 hit killing Corpus up to level 25. I enjoy the ability to effectively block and move but would like the option to rebind the melee mode attack, block & channel buttons without affecting the normal melee button mapping. Additionally the charm did wear a bit thin after a while using the "default" non stance. It would be very nice if Stance mods were more readily available (alert rewards perhaps?). Farming for stance mods is not appealing atm and is putting me off playing more. 

Approximate Time Spent: 40 min (survival)

Supplementary Info
: Played with Controller

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Hello fellow Tenno and Assorted Devs,


Weapon(s) used: Many


Thoughts & Experiences: TL;DR: Myself and others can't get into the new melee system because of keybind conflicts.


Since the time of the second dawn of the Tenno, we have, for the most part, come to expect our Mouse Button 1 (or Left Mouse Button, LMB, Trigger Finger, what have you) to be used to kill and strike down our foes from the moment we first grab hold of our Bratons.


Granted, pulling out the Skana, which is bound to E, may have stuck with some folks. For them, I'm sure Melee 2.0 has been fantastic.


Sadly, myself and others moved our Skanas (and other weapons) to keybinds that made us feel more comfortable. My melee attack landed on Mouse Button 3, (or the Middle Mouse button, MMB).


This has made the new Melee system controls less then favorable. Luckily, not to be beaten, I set up a new layout: LMB for Attacking, MMB for Blocking, and RMB (Right mouse button, or AIM) for Blocking...


This worked wonderfully! I was able to block and attack smoothly, and finally was able to get a good feel for the new system... Then I swapped back to my rifle...


I couldn't shoot.


Thinking it was a bug of some kind, I poked and prodded at my gun and menus, until I got back to the Keybind menu...


Turns out, our new Melee Stance shares it's attack keybind with our Gun Stance. Meaning using LMB for both was not possible.


Floored by this, I have been struggling to find some other way to make this work out, only to finally settle on...


Not using the new melee system.


Now I wasn't expecting the new system to go down easy with me, but this... this is worse than the system before hand. While in Gun Stance, I have lost my Blocking ability, the Charge Attack on many weapons that were built around the old system (Galatine, Glave, and the Jat Kittag) are gone and all I have to show for it is a new system that refuses to let me bind it properly.


I watched the Dev Streams, and I would like to think I understand that you guys would love to make a unique melee system for us Tenno, and we appreciate that, truly. But I have to ask...


If you consider how we have been fighting all this time as being in our Tenno "Gun Stance" and our new "Melee Stance" as the other side of the blade, why not have two keybind set-ups. You can still have all the new systems, just two layouts for when you are in whichever "mode" you want to be in.

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Weapon(s) used: Ankyros, Kogake


Faction(s) fought: Grineer


Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: None


Thoughts & Experiences: It seems that fist weapons have a problem with connecting hits, even at close range. Many attacks seems to have passed through or completely missed the opponent, and only a few connect consistently. However, the damage for fist weapons seems to have improved greatly, and it's quite fun upper-cutting enemies in the jaw to send them soaring away. 


In particular, though, the finishing speed seems to be very slow for the Kogake. Perhaps a speedier finisher would be an option to make combat more streamlined? 


Overall, a good improvement, but could use some tweaking on the range of fist weapons, so that all attacks can connect.


Approximate Time Spent: 10 minutes
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Weapons used: Cronus, Dual Heat Swords, Glaive, Orthos

Factions fought: All Three

Approximate Time Spent: 2 hours, 45 minutes

Thoughts and Experiences: To put it bluntly, I think locking all Stance mods behind an RNG was a bad idea. To be clear, I appreciate all the work that went into Melee 2.0, and I'm not opposed to having alternate Stances be drops. That's fine. What's not fine (in my opinion, at least) is not giving veteran players even one Stance to begin with. There has to be a reason things turned out this way - my current assumption is that the idea was geared towards how it affects new players, i.e. they would start off without any combo abilities, then find Stances as they progress, which makes some amount of sense. The obvious problem is that current players (like myself) have to grind before we can start to actually have fun with Melee 2.0. Currently, all I can do is equip a melee weapon and then spam E - which is exactly how the old, unfun melee system functioned. Yes, there's Melee Channeling and blocking and a combo counter, but it's still just mashing one key ad infinitum until the drop tables tilt in my favor.


If I was just given even one Sword stance for use on my Skana/Cronus, I wouldn't be complaining. I'd have one set of combos to mess around with while I attempted to obtain more. However, I patiently waited for Update 13, but after getting my hands on it, I discovered I would have to wait even longer and grind before I could actually enjoy the one aspect I was looking forward to the most. I hate to sound ungrateful, but if I'm to be completely honest, that was a letdown.


In addition, I have two concerns regarding the combo counter: one is that I feel like the reset window is way too small. It's, what, about two seconds? Maybe three? It just doesn't seem like that's enough time to compensate for how slow some Frames are, how fast some enemies move, how long it can sometimes take to circumvent world geometry, etc. even for targets that are barely a dozen feet away. The second is that it heavily favors faster weapons, as they can get the counter higher (due to needing more hits) and faster. If this isn't how it's coded already, slower weapons should require fewer hits on the counter to reach the damage multipliers in order to compete DPS-wise.


All that being said, melee weapons do seem to be more effective and more satisfying to use overall, with my Dual Heat Swords in particular getting a noticeable increase in speed. Blocking incoming fire is entertaining, and it's especially nice being able to block Infested Ancient knockdowns. I just wish I didn't have to farm to start looking as awesome as I want to look.

Edited by Zaranell
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Weapons used: Orthos Prime, Glaive Prime, Dual Ichors, Hate, Magistar
Factions fought: All Three
Approximate Time Spent: 4 hours

Thoughts and Experiences: These mods are supposed to relatively rare. I've been playing Update 13 for about 4 hours, and have found a total of three. It's not horrendous. I think I'm expecting to have a decent number in a decently short time.

I've been playing Jupiter and Saturn survival missions, as well as the Mars invasion.


No, the thing that disappoints me more is that the new stances don't add anything more than a single combo. Don't get me wrong. The combo looks REALLY great.However: the awkward pauses during the combos really throw me off. It's perfect time for an enemy to get a hit in and disrupt my combo, especially with Infested swarms.

I do like the Channeling, though. I feel like a Pewterarm flaring his metals (Mistborn trilogy allusion) when I use it. It's a bit energy hungry, but I like it this way. It really makes you think of conserving.


However: my Glaive Prime disappointed me a little. The extra step in throwing the Glaive really stopped it from being a viable source of damage. Also, the charge is almost unbearably slow in a fast-paced game such as Warframe. It once again allows opportunistic enemies to hit me when I'm charging.

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Weapon(s) used: Dakra Prime, Duel Ether

Faction(s) fought: Corpus, Grineer, Corupt

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: No Stance Mods Yet :/

Thoughts & Experiences: I Think The Key Used When Not Equipping The Sword 'e' should be channel while the main fire button "Left Click" should be swing sword, "Right Click" should still be parry. its kinda confusing switching from clicking to attack to using the key, its fine for when i need it temp, but when i have my sword equip i think it should change to left click. and channeling should become 'e'. This is just my preference on the control scheme, I Like melee 2.0 otherwise,the attack Flow seems great so far. Cant wait to get a stance mod

Approximate Time Spent:  3-5 hours

Supplementary Info
: i use key board and mouse, My default button for sword is E and F is my switch weapon. mouse primary fire is left click and secondary/aim is right click

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Weapon(s) used: Ether Daggers

Faction(s) fought: Grineer, Corpus

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Sinking Talon

Thoughts & Experiences: I'm not a huge fan of one click = multiple hit animations. One reason being is due to the lack of control. It also tends to be rather buggy...For instance, after doing quite a bit of comboing, I saw a shield Grineer running up toward me. I tried to Jump, but it didn't seem to work correctly and I continued to "spam" animations. I tried it a few more times (while getting knocked down a few times as well) until finally I jumped and suddenly began spamming jump attacks. I'd jump over and over, and instantly do the jump attack over and over until I manually stopped moving.


Also, Sinking Talon's longer combo sequence. The somersault jump-to dual slash seems a bit buggy. Sometimes the slash doesn't register on an enemy, including tall enemies like Heavy Grineer. The uppercut rarely registers either unless I turn my character away from the enemy slightly...and even then it doesn't register most of the time. The ending slash when you land back on the ground has never registered against any enemy; at least not so far.


There is also a notable problem with the weapon combo list and custom mouse keys. This thread states the problem perfectly: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/210681-melee-combo-list-not-visible-if-melee-attack-is-bound-to-a-mouse-button/

Approximate Time Spent: 3 hours

Supplementary Info: Mouse/keyboard, Coop and Solo.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Weapons used: Non-Heavy Melee Weapons (twin daggers, longswords, etc)


Factions fought against: All


Mods/Stances: n/a


Thoughts and Experiences: Hitting ospreys, cameras, and turrets is nearly impossible. Wall attacks have been improved by huge amounts, with the free aiming and what not, but the problem is that the character swings right at the beginning of the animation, so only enemies at a very specific distance will get hit. 


My suggestion: Press E while wallrunning to leap off the wall... but don't swing until E is released. This raises the skill ceiling and allows players to attack enemies that would normally be out of reach and will make wall attacks more viable in regular combat for skilled and creative players.


Time spent: ~5 hours of Melee Mode gameplay. Countless (successful) attempts to destroy Corpus Cameras, Corpus Ospreys, and Grineer Magnet Doors using melee only. Countless (failed) attempts to do this while other enemies are nearby without wasting time and taking serious damage.




Wall attacks improved greatly, but are still not viable to use. The range is painfully limited due to automatic insta-swing; players should be able to choose when they want to swing after leaping off the wall.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Weapon Used : Galatine


Mods/Stance used : Rending Crane


Thoughts and Experiences : Loving the new system so far. While playing with Galatine after I found the Rending Crane stance mod, I noticed the Galatine is at an angle at which it hovers over the shoulder. The character is holding the Galatine like it hardly has weight at all. Maybe the angle Axes/heavy swords are held could be tweaked a bit so they are resting on the shoulder.

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Weapon(s) used: Glaive, Duel Ichor

Faction(s) fought: Grineer, Corpus

Mods equipped/Stance used:  No Stance

Thoughts & Experiences: Not working consistently for me, glaive was working as in normal melee 1.0 fast charge throw, then it was back to 2.0. 

Had a bizarre bug, I decided to not equip a secondary to increase primary lvling speed. Entered a Spy mission (alert), collected a data mass primary still functioning normally (No secondary to switch to). I was knocked down bleeding out with a primary wpn (Synapse) functioning. Collected all data mass (I had 2), upon reaching exit after collecting all 4, the mission wouldn't end. It was as  if I ate the data mass and they didn't register as being collected.


Supplementary info: Mouse and Keyboard, played Solo and Online.

Edited by DON4R1S
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Weapon(s) used: Dual Ichors, Scoliac

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: High attack speed

Thoughts & Experiences: My current issues with the new system are in regards to spin attacks/'coptering' and the awkwardness of melee attack not being left click when they are wielded. There should be more customization/toggles/bindables for allowing melee to be controlled however you wish whether they are wielded or not.


The good point is, momentum transferred to weapons from attack speed for spin attacks now seems to be greatly enhanced, which allows many more weapons to use spin attacks for mobility purposes. The momentum of spin attacks in the air is pretty insane however, a Volt's Speed being able to fly some 100m~ from a single jump -> spin, this should probably be toned down slightly. I don't consider myself a rusher, but I like to use whatever tools I have available for mobility.

My main problem is that now several weapons seem to have a downward attack following spin attacks, meaning more often than not I can no longer do a second spin attack after the first due to it being spin -> down -> spin -> down at the very most. For attack speed weapons, this can be very frustrating and even slow you down more than when compared to not using spin attacks.


Having the 2nd slide attack in the air turn into a slam is very bad for aspd focused weapons. It completely ruins your flow and momentum, doing nil damage while grinding your movement to a halt.


For people who use Crouch Toggle with the new system, instead of going back into your sprint after 2x slide attacks, you very often get stuck sliding on the 2nd attack due to it being a downward thrust, which again cripples your momentum and fluidity.


That should be the basis of high speed weapons, to move from one opponent to the next striking quickly, not giving any time to retaliate. Now.. I just kinda get stuck crawling around the ground half the time either due to slam attacks or crouch toggle not releasing after sliding downward thrust.

Approximate Time Spent: 5h+

Supplementary Info: Mouse and Keyboard. I use M4 and M5 on my mouse as Crouch Toggle and Jump.

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When using Nekros w/melee weapon out, at least on the Reaper Prime the weapon keeps dissapearing and re-appearing on Nek's back, then preceding to appear back in the hand when using Desecrate. 

Also I notice a rather heavy nerfing of the Bloom effects? I would like to have the visual effects back, as I enjoyed them very much so. 


This is not particular to the melee, but since I'm touching base on the bloom effect I might as well note this.


A "Bloom Fader" would be nice for players who compain of over bloom effects, but would still like to retain some. That way players have a large control range option for maximizing bloom per personal preference. 

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Weapon(s) used: Dragon-Nikana; Dual ichors; Orthos prime; Glaive prime; Fragor (Brokk); Dakra prime; Hate;ankryos prime; fang prime
Faction(s) fought:
All (Grineer execpt Arid; Corpus; Infested;Void/Corrupt)

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Pressure point; Fury; Reach; Killing blow; Focus energy; Reflex coil; spoiled strike; Elemental mods; Stance mods(Tranquil cleave;Cross snake;Fracturing winds)

Thoughts & Experiences: 


Its a nice change in pace, however gameplay wise i dont really like it. its sort of annoying going enemy to enemy using the combo system *I do not and will never use auto guidance system i do very well without it*

Did a void defence with a friend and combo seems sort of useless without mobility to move from 1 target to another, i'd rather just basic slide attack every enemy in my sights.


I'd like to say that melee static... immobile... unfocused. Theres no clear stream of how to combat the enemy.

(i.e: There is an enemy infront of me, 3 to the right and 1 to the left. Normally for my playstyle, i'd kill all of them in a clear fashion, but with melee being static and slow it doesnt feel so right and clumsy-like: in simpler words melee should have a hit and go fashion and be more mobile *Not focusing on 1 enemy*) I feel melee 2.0 should have a mobile offensive sytle 


Channeling system seems nice, having a way to use ur enegry that isnt by ur powers/mod. Maybe add special attacks exclusive channeling, just my thoughts.


Also 8 mod slot feel sort of limiting now with more mods poping up to use, some that even takes up warframe  modslots.



Max combo hits i done is 160 :p *Yes without auto aiming*

Approximate Time Spent: 3-7 hours on melee 2.0? dunno

Supplementary Info: Mouse/Keyboard and Coop/solo


Bugs: a bug i found is with the codex+ channel: When u channel then equip ur codex and unequip, ur in channeling without having to hold the button, however with this bug, i'd like to ahve a toggle channel button it was nice not having to hold downa  button for more damage


Edited by LoveNot
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Thoughts & Experiences:

So much effort went into Melee 2.0, and all it amounted to was a whole load of nothing.


-We did not need countless hours of animation work to increase melee damage to a point it'd be viable.

-We did not need at least a weeks worth of all-nighters to finally get blocking to work.


The stances cause people more frustration than joy, being hidden behind massive grind, too unwieldy to take advantage of in actual combat, and simply not worth the effort to acquire.

For the most par all the stances do for us, is change the E>E>E chain animation and maybe use an extra mod without spending a forma.

Edited by Naqel
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Thoughts & Experiences:

So much effort went into Melee 2.0, and all it amounted to was a whole load of nothing.


-We did not need countless hours of animation work to increase melee damage to a point it'd be viable.

-We did not need at least a weeks worth of all-nighters to finally get blocking to work.


The stances cause people more frustration than joy, being hidden behind massive grind, too unwieldy to take advantage of in actual combat, and simply not worth the effort to acquire.

For the most par all the stances do for us, is change the E>E>E chain animation and maybe use an extra mod without spending a forma.

I still hope against hope that this debacle will turn into something beautiful. But until then, I agree, and wash my hands of it.

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Weapon(s) used: Amphis, Lecta, Reaper Prime

Faction(s) fought: Corrupted

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: The uncommon ones for all three

Thoughts & Experiences:

Further feedback.  This time on stances.  Best summed up in a single word so far: Disappointing.  Noticed no real difference with the stances equipped.  I tap E like they say, but nothing special happens.  No special animations, no special attacks.  I've tried varying when I tap E, but with no difference.  Now, I've read at least one post where someone says the whip one does some good stuff... but I haven't seen it.  The combo system is not intuitive as to when you press the buttons.  Perhaps it needs a UI element.  If not in the game itself, then in a "training room" in the Dojo.


Also, wanted to dabble with the Scoliac, but was disappointed to find out its polarity did not match the uncommon whip stance.  Don't care for the implications of that.  If the rare is a different polarity, that means we need polarize the slot... when we only have two stances per weapon.  These starting two should have the same polarity, and weapons should have an aura slot that matches that.  Alternately, weapons should universally start out with no polarity on their stance slots.


UI related feedback: When looking at the stances in the Codex, it should tell you the weapon type the stance goes with, even if you don't have the stance.  Likewise, weapons need a category for that their stat sheet that displays the weapon type.

Approximate Time Spent: Dabbling for hours, while mostly shooting stuff

Supplementary Info: Mouse/Keyboard

Edited by Axterix13
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Weapons Used:  Various without stance, Reaping Spiral Reaper Prime, Crossing Snakes Dual Ichor


Factions fought: all


Mods:  I used a lot of different mods.  Fury makes it hard to use combos sometimes, making the weapon go back to the regular button-mash combo.  Reach had no noticeable effect on weapons with a stance (+60% range is usually very obvious.  Could this be a bug?).  Focus Energy and Killing Blow work well.


Thoughts and Experiences:  You did a really nice job reworking the melee system.  The weapons do plenty of damage; Reaping Spiral combos are good.  There is definitely some room for improvement, though.


When holding the Jat Kittag without a stance, you look like the flag bearer zombie from Plants Vs. Zombies.


The hitboxes on both stances I used need to be tweaked.  On downward strikes during the Reaping Spiral combos, the hitbox needs to be extended upward.  Horizontal strikes need a broader hitbox.  When the scythe is kicked out in front of you for the spin, the multiple strikes (I think you said 5 during a devstream) need to be more noticeable, and the hitbox needs to be bigger, especially with a maxed Reach.  The Crossing Snakes combos felt very awkward to use.  The button presses and the animations don't line up as the Reaping Spiral does.  The weapon felt really slow, though I had a maxed Fury equipped.  The combo with the spinning-jump-downward-slash was very satisfying, ragdolling and launching enemies.  However, the hitbox is much too small and the combo is weirdly paced, so I rarely was able to land the final strike.  I think I got it twice in a 30-minute survival.  If the pacing and button timing were fixed, it would be a very enjoyable stance.


Channeling works well once you get used to the buttons.  I see people asking to make it a toggle, but if you do, keep the hold-to-channel option.  It was nice to be able to save my energy for certain strikes in a combo when I could get the most out of the channeling.  I'd like it if you made the visual effects of channeling on the Warframe and weapon more visible and made channeling damage numbers a different color than normal attacks for feedback on whether or not I'm pressing the mouse button at the right time.


The buttons are a little unintuitive, but it works, and you get used to it.  Having melee be the same button all the time makes sense.


The combo counter is a good mechanic, but it drains so quickly that I lost my combo while I was in the middle of a large group because I cleared the area around me too quickly.  I was hoping that the combo counter would be more like the combo meter on Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II for Wii, which is the best implementation that I've seen of the mechanic.


BUGS:  I found a few.  Fury and Reach were mentioned previously.  Any flying enemy, such as Shield Ospreys and Orokin Drones, seems to be completely immune to melee attacks other than the slam attack.  During a survival on Nuovo, Ceres, I temporarily lost my ability to melee at all.  Luckily I had a backup weapon, but the bug is frightening.


Time Spent:  Hours... and hours... probably about 12 hours all told.


Supplementary Info:  Mouse and Keyboard, Co-op


The stance mods are too rare.  How many Lancers do I need to kill to get an uncommon mod???


EDIT 2014-04-14 23:16 EDT:  Well, I've been able to get some more stance mods, but not any more that I can use.  I've come up with the perfect button configuration.  M1 is melee attack, M2 is channel, M3 is quick melee, and F is block/quick melee.  The problem is that I can't implement this in game.

Edited by Telogor
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Weapon(s) used: Dual Ichor, rank 30

Faction(s) fought: Grineer

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Fury, True Steel, Organ Shatter, Virulent Touch, Fever Strike, Pressure Point, Spoiled Strike, Crossing Snakes stance (all maxed)

Thoughts & Experiences: I was lucky to get a stance early, unlike what I hear from many other players. The combos are a bit of a learning curve: apart from trying to remember various combos, it's kind of difficult for me to get a feel for knowing how long to hold or pause attacks, getting familiar with animation timing, etc. It will take a lot of experimentation and practice. Even at the beginner level, I imagine it's a big game changer, as melee is not just viable but even a bit overpowered.

Approximate Time Spent: 2 hours

Supplementary Info: We need practice dummies/holograms in the dojo. Learning combos vs a stationary target is absolutely necessary for casual players to get a feel for the system.

I have always used Middle Mouse Button as my melee attack. Having Channelling as Left Mouse and Melee on Middle Mouse is awkward. Can we get additional key bind options to change melee controls independently from gun controls? I.e., I'd want LMB as gunfire/melee mode block, and RMB as aim/melee channel.

I'm also a fan of the idea of Generic Stances: Maybe mods with no polarities for each weapon type that you automatically receive along with the first weapon of each type. Melee 2.0 is a big sell for the game now, having combos as a rare drop for the bulk of non-veteran players is very odd. Give more basic combos, and make the rare stances worth the grind with an additional perk (base +5-10% channelling efficiency or channel damage).

Supplementary Info: Co-Op playing Grineer defense on Ceres - Casta. Mouse/keyboard controls.

Edited by DaftMeat
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