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Constant Crashing After U13


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so far, dojo has caused me to crash a total of 4 times, and force me to quit the client via task manager twice.

I was on of the "DE is taking its time for U13 for all the bugs that is here"
i guess people were so demanding and hating for the update to come, that coding was slightly rushed, and mistakes were made.

I dont hold anything against you DE. i will continue to support the game, and keep my rage from crashing in check :P

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So I have not crashed since then but now there's always this weird delay after a mission. Might be because of the server load, but 4 slightly similar scenarios happens. Each one more weirder than the last.


Scenario 1 - Extraction screen blacks out and nothing happens even after a long wait so I'd have to close the game through the task manager.


Scenario 2 - Extraction screen blacks out again, except now I'm back in the mission so to speak but my character is trapped in some black box and I can see the planets from above. Visual glitch? Have to leave the game again via task manager.


Scenario 3 - This time, extraction appears to be working fine although slightly delayed mostly from the massive server load but when I check my arsenal, none of my mods, resources or XP gained from that mission was received even though there was no notice that the game was unable to update.


Scenario 4 - Extraction screen blacks out but I'm sent back into the mission where another wave started but my HUD is shut off and I can't press ESC to change my settings. And all the other members in my PUG are just standing there, they keep getting killed but when I try to revive them, nothing happens. Again, had to quit through task manager.

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got stuck in game,went to the dojo to check on the status of things and rooms being built,  activated the console the first time to check progress of the trees, checked one tree, tried to activate the console again to check another it wouldn't activate, tried to activate the node to see the progress on the obstacle course, it wouldn't activate, tried again on something else, ended up with a gray screen, no display, terminated the game from the task manager, logged in again, login is buggy, got into the dojo, tried again to activate the console, it only activates once, had to reset the system, tried again, same thing happening, except for the dojo elevator ( that's the only thing i can activate ) nothing else seems to work, even the nodes in building process doesn't show the time left to finish the build, tried to leave the dojo and the evol. engine crashed.

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I was soloing Vor. Mind you, this happens in every single lobby I join and host. It crashes, no exceptions. It just does at random times.



I was doing an Exterminate. About halfway through, it crashed.

Edited by NecroCypher
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I keep crashing in Grildrig on planet Phobos playing alone on "Private" match settings. I'll get about 5-7 minutes into the mission and it crashes. I haven't tried playing much of anything else, I don't see the point.


I stopped playing for awhile, came back for this update, last time I played a lot was around U11 during damage 2.0. I never had a problem with crashing.



Edited by Drew
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It's nearly impossible now for me to do a long survival, even 15 minutes is risky to be honest. I can't play the new tileset either, 'cause even if the other crashes are random, the new tileset is a 100% crash chance. Haven't managed to finish one till now.

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been having alot of crashes aswell and have tryed to sent them to de but for some reason i get a lost connection error when i sent it and it tells me to contact support or type on the forum


in my case i usualy crash a few minutes into missions (no specific type of mission but apollodurus survival seem to not have any issues at all) 


iam not sure if this is a problem with u13 or the newest nvidia beta drivers but when i crash ingame i can see that it was because the nvidia display drivers died. 


i have tryed reinstalled the driver as a clean install but with no luck


when i crash this way ingame i em unable to start the game again. every time i try to do so i get smaller then usual loading screen (1/4 the usual size) and then get sent back to desktop and get the usual error report popup that refuse to sent the data to de. 


i'am able to get back ingame 2 ways:


1) i restart the computer (restarting the display drivers does not cut it same with a relog)


2) in the launcher i choose to start the game in window mode. i'am then able to play without problem but the moment i go into the ingame options and choose fullscreen the game crash again without giving me a error report screen

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I get a guaranteed crash on survival missions at around the 18min mark. Happens if I'm hosting or not. WAR numbers vary, i will start noting them done now. 


WAR-217419 - Survival, not host, about 10 mins in.

WAR-217515 - Mob Def this time.

WAR-218143 - Survival, not host, 18 mins in

Edited by Shifty_Shuffler
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Yea, getting kicked to desktop sure is annoying.


I get kicked from chattserver about 5 times every hour on avarage, and on

mission maby every other mission or so. I really want to enjoy my new

Mr Puddles, but ill hold off on that till the next major fix and read a book instead.


(not to mention a veritable sea of other minor issues, but those I can usually live with)




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  • 2 weeks later...

I've already commented in the crashing every 10 minutes thread mainly because I missed this one, but I'd like to put my hand up and say I'm also constantly crashing.

Having a lot of fun with the game and despite only just starting I'm still re-logging just to see how far I get this time.

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it seems the game is crashing only when playing with other players. everything is fine if we do solo mode


I just tried solo mode to see if this made any difference to me.  It seemed to last longer before going down but it still went down.


Also only 1 out every 10 crash reports are being submitted.  I just keep getting connection failed messages right at the end.

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I've been having the same problem. It seems to crash most when I'm doing towers or survival/defense missions with 4 people.


Some people have been telling me it might be because I'm using an older OS (vista home premium), does this match up with other people who've had crashing issues?

Edited by insaninater
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