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Constant Crashing After U13


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I've been having the same problem. It seems to crash most when I'm doing towers or survival/defense missions with 4 people.


Some people have been telling me it might be because I'm using an older OS (vista home premium), does this match up with other people who've had crashing issues?


It's probably not the OS.  I'm on Windows 7 SP1 and getting the same problem.

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in the middle of dark sector survival on ceres....halfway thru a wave game decides it wants to go from windowed mode to full-screen, i go to set it back to windowed, game decides it wants to crash.....for the 15th fckn time in 5 hours. Progress on lewt is gone


On Windows XP

Edited by DrBalefire
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had gotten less and less crashes with hotfixes since u13 though slowly, and now with u13.2 more crashes yet again. :/


crash reporting tool doesn't want to send the files, ticket send...

Edited by SlyBoots
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Game just crahed three times in a row, went in a survival and around 2 min crashed, then went again and crashed once more around 2 min, then joined my friends in a surv to crash around 11 minutes. Evolution Engine stops responding.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm crashing terribly too.
It happends almost everywhere in the game: during missions (mostly) in the foundlry, in the equipment screen, after host migration, whn i get a achievement, when a mission ends... or anywhere the game feels like.

I tryed playng solo, to se if  it was something related to matchmaking, but it crashes anyway.
or sometimes the game just doesen't loads thing properly.


After each crash i try to send the report, but the game fails to contact the tracking server.


 The last time I was able to play a proper game was the Cicero event.

same for me.


EDIT: oh, and don't forget login issues. very annoyng.


As Derpstick suggested, it would be a GREAT idea to have the option to rejoin, without losing exp and items collected.
if that's not possible, at least a list of of the user you recently played with and a "join mission" option on who's actually playng.


Edited by Shineshizu
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Hi, same here i only crash in-game, never in the lobby. But i always get the DE report window. Does DE even looks at these comments? We never get the patch/fix for this.


Today's crash code or whatever: WAR-252310

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I'm crashing every day several times and in every new updates more crashes, because I have only 2GB ram  :/.
When I played warframe in update 8 I had everything on medium and no issues 40-60fps. Now I have everything on minimum and off all options in all new maps only 17-28fps and crashing preety well.
Too bad you can't optimalize the game.

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Have the same issue with logging in... have crashed for more than 10 times now, and have tried to re-install the game (in case there was something wrong with any flies, or if there was missing any files). Any idea what this may be? 


 - WAR-245478

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  • 4 weeks later...



i invest way too much time, plat , energy into this to just waste it on a crash.... yea it may seem rude but the only rude thing is playing for a VERY long time an lose it all due to some stupid file which it probly is... some lame screen pops up sayin my pc is the issue... NO ITS NOT....... this pc is a BEAST dammit... its your software since the  update....dont tell me its my pc bcuz i play EVERYTHING on here with no flaws or hiccups.... i dont ever even have to turn down graphics....ever.... i dont mind crap happening but wasting my hours an then tell me its my hardware is nonsense...  im sure you guys get reports all the time an yet nothing being done... you want cash, you get it, so give us a working product plz... thanks guys... plz fix this immediately......

Edited by Kaylusho
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I was having constant crashing after update 13 after a couple minutes of gameplay no matter what mission.  So I tried troubleshooting it by verifying DL cache (no effect), defrag (no effect), disable multithreading (no effect), disable directx 11 (no effect), and finally after all this my game appears to be more stable after disabling 64-bit. Hope this helps.

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