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Primal's Prime Part Trading Shop! --- Trading Parts And Mods

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Primal's Prime Parts Trading Shop! --- Trading Parts And Mods

Welcome to my shop, where I list parts and mods Im willing to sell or trade away and also where I list parts and mods I want, I may buy some of these for platinum but only if it has the *.I will sell everything for platinum if you are willing to buy, however if you have something I want or even if i dont want it just tell me and we can trade, Part for Part or Mod for Mod.

WANTS - Only buying with plat if it has *

Orthos Blades



Lethal Torrent

No Return

Ice Strom


SELLING/ TRADING AWAY - I Sell everything for platinum, however if you have something I want or you think I might want, tell me and we can trade. All 5 plat , 2 for 8 , 3 for 10.

PRIME PARTS I HAVE - All 3 plat , 2 for 5 , 4 for 10


Ankyros Prime BP


Boar Prime Reciever
Boar Prime Stock
Boltor Prime Stock 
Braton Prime BP
Burston Stock x2 
Bronco Prime BP


Fang Prime BP

Ember Prime Chassis 

Glaive Prime Discs x4

Latron Prime BP
Latron Prime Barrel- 
Latron Prime Reciever 
Latron Prime Stock 


Mag Prime Chassis


Orthos Prime BP x3 

Reaper Blade 
Rhino Prime Systems 

MODS I HAVE - All 3 plat , 2 for 5 , 4 for 10

Arrow Mutation

Energy Channe

Hornet Strike

Rending Strike


Steady Hands


Tainted Mag

Tainted Clip
Pistol Ammo Mutaion 

Power Throw


Physique - 10 Plat

Enemy Radar - 10 Plat

Rifle Amp - 10 Plat

Edited by PrimalMayhem
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