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Hotfix 13.0.3


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Added/Restored a Recent Players window to the Friends tab

Alliance Changes:
Now, only Warlords in the founding clan can invite other clans and distribute resources
Added in a new 'Kick Clan' option. This is restricted to the founding clan.
The founding clan can only leave the alliance if it's the last clan left in said Alliance

Removed Oberon Rewards from Everest.
Added in more alert panels in the Shipyards tilesets.
Removed the Dragon Nikana from Clan Research and added in a new conversion blueprint to the Market. This will allow users to upgrade their Nikana to the Dragon Nikana without having to first research said weapon.
NOTE: The Dragon Nikana Blueprint requires a Mastery Rank of 8 to be used
Additional Improvements to the MOA and Shield Osprey visual effects.
Increased the speed of the Glaive charge animation.
Improved the performance and increased the robustness of the new Friends tab - should prevent hangs on popular clans/accounts.
Improved the visuals on the Excalibur Prime Channeling effect.
Tweaked the energy colors on the Attica.
Secondary weapons will automatically be equipped during Recovery missions if a Primary Weapon was not locked when first captured.
Improved numerous Staff melee animations.
Increased the volume on Energy Channel activation sounds.
Slightly reduced the drop rate of the Delta Beacon
NOTE: This reduction was instated as the original spawning issue (max 1) which necessitated the increased in drop rate was fixed.
Tweaked the sound of the tram's in the Shipyards tileset.
Tweaked a number of weapon sound effects.
Improved the visuals on cloth accessories on the Dragon Nikana.

Fixed issue where only 1 Prosecutor would spawn in a given mission.
Fixed Stance Mods not being included in the proper drop tables - Codex has been updated to reflect fix.
Fixed parrying and blocking not working.
Fixed an invisible wall which was blocking projectiles in the spawn room on the Forest Tileset.
Fixed Recovery missions not properly accounting for loadouts that did not include all weapon types.
Fixed an error with Oberon's Noble idle stance.
Fixed a number of level holes and stuck spots on the Shipyards Tilesets.
Fixed a number of Warframe abilities not properly damaging Vay Hek.
Fixed Saryn parts not properly being rewarded after defeating the Sedna Boss.
Fixed Heat Dagger front facing finisher attacks not dealing damage
Fixed an error regarding permissions for who can and who cannot make contributions to a Clan Vault.
Fixed an issue with the Nikana sheath acquiring accessories meant for the Nikana itself.
Fixed Vauban's Bastille ability not properly affecting enemies that walk into it if it's been up for a bit already.
Fixed a bug that allowed an invisible melee weapon to be swung during in the tutorial
Fixed being unable to navigate the Alliance menu with a controller
Fixed an issue with current sessions not being displayed correctly in the Friends Tab
Fixed players getting split in half/destroyed when fighting certain enemies.
Fixed a number of crashes

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yey! thanks DE!

some issues still persisting:

- life support bug, this doesn't seem to be limited to life supports. I've seen a player similarly get stuck to an elevator console.

- some texture glitches (maybe i'll make a separate thread for this)

Edited by Zerakh_Ezekhiel
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"Fixed players getting split in half/destroyed when fighting certain enemies. " Why oh why is it gone lol


"Increased the volume on Energy Channel activation sounds." NOOOOOO im sick of that sound already.

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Fixed Vauban's Bastille ability not properly affecting enemies that walk into it if it's been up for a bit already.

Now Vauban just needs his Bounce fixed* and he'll be good as new!


*Bounce only launches targets, including the player, about a foot in the air and deals roughly 20 Magnetic damage ticks which all do 0 damage.

Edited by Ailith
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Added/Restored a Recent Players window to the Friends tab

Alliance Changes:

Now, only Warlords in the founding clan can invite other clans and distribute resources


Why was this necessary? Too much power in the hands of the founding clan. And kicking clans as well? Now, it's no longer an alliance but essentially a hierarchy that makes the alliance a larger clan and that's it. It is no longer an alliance between clans.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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yay farming fixes! maybe now those dirty scorches will drop a polearm stance for me, and farming beacons will be even easier! glad they dropped multiple beacons after 13.0.2, but now multiple prosecutors as well? I'll fill up my codex in no time! thanks, DE!


and after checking the codex, I see that the stances have moved around a bit. this is acceptable, and also appreciated (farming bosses for a mod is pretty annoying, worse than farming for the systems BP back in the old days. I wasn't looking forward to that)!

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Added/Restored a Recent Players window to the Friends tab

Alliance Changes:

Now, only Warlords in the founding clan can invite other clans and distribute resources

Added in a new 'Kick Clan' option. This is restricted to the founding clan.

The founding clan can only leave the alliance if it's the last clan left in said Alliance


Removed the Dragon Nikana from Clan Research and added in a new conversion blueprint to the Market. This will allow users to upgrade their Nikana to the Dragon Nikana without having to first research said weapon.

NOTE: The Dragon Nikana Blueprint requires a Mastery Rank of 8 to be used


This changes are so sweet  ^^

Edited by Alex-4
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