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Renekou's Rantings


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First off, as this is my first post to the forums.. Hello! I've been playing Warframe fairly relgiously for about a week, and I'm very exctied for this game and what I, as I'm sure others, believe the tremendous amount of potential that the game has. In fair warning, this will probably be a very long, opinionated post and it will be coming from someone not too terribly traversed in the game... so for any of you number crunchers that have been here since CBT... please bare with me.

1) My Overview of the Game

As stated above, it's been quite awhile since I've been so drawn to a game since I first booted it up. While vaugely similar to all shooters, as it should be, I find this game to be on it's own level and possibly a step up from where most others of it's "genre" are currently located. The highly mobile units combined with a dynamic "free-run" Warframes are obviously what makes all this possible. Each independent from one another while collectively fighting for the same purpose, the eradication of all things Grineer.

I've sampled a few of the warframes (Loki, Excalibur, Trinity) and find that each offers up a very different approach to gameplay through their skills, if we're talking from an objective stance for how I feel each of them should be played. I have tended to notice through reading through the forums how everyone feels the gameplay is repetitive and gets old after you clear a few planets, and while I cannot disagree with this statement 100%.. I do feel my approach to each warframe makes the game feel very different and allows me to enjoy it all the more. Now to break down this approach I speak of

2) Loki, Excalibur, Trinity

Starting in the above listed order, Loki is the "trickster" of warframes. With such abilities as Decoy, Invisibility, Switch Teleport, and Radial Disarm.. he is my ideal candidate for the role of stealth runs. I realize stealth mechanics have been talked about in great detail in a lovely forum that has been pinned in gameplay feedback for everyone's reading pleasure. I feel the OP makes very valid points toward the way stealth for the game should be developed and I back him with full support.

That being said, with my Loki I run him with the Paris (Bow), Bolto (Pistol), and Dual Zoren (Melee). Primarily I run solo missions with him because I tend the more players you have in your map (unless communicating) makes for a very miserable stealth attempt. As it should be, I kill only when I need to, attempting to get to the objective and then the extraction point as quick and unseen as possible. I use Mods to improve high mobility and abilities increasers (especiall duration). Fairly standard stuff, and now onto the Excalibur.

Excalibur, as the name suggests is who I use when I want to get up close and personal with my targets. He is my preferred melee champion, who runs with Strun (Shotgun), Bolto (Pistol), and Dual Zoren (Melee). You've noticed by now, and will continue when next comes Trinity, that my pistol and melee choice remain the same, I'll touch base on this at the end.

Excalibur is the man with the plan, running in with axes swinging wildly, he's not afraid to draw the attention of all the enemies for his team mates. For such purposes I build him with Vitality, Fast Deflection, Redirection and all those other mods that allow me to face death and laugh in his face.

Trinity is my angel, and my best friend when it comes to laying into the enemy boss. For Trinity I run Gorgon (Rifle), Bolto (Pistol), Dual Zoren (Melee). The reason for the primary swap is I focus on the support role, mowing down as many enemies as fast as I can from a safe distance. The Gorgon's fire rate also packs quite the hurt and makes sure the bosses shields have no chance on recharging. Her skills allow me to assist my team mates by keeping up their energy and health, which makes boss encounters much more enjoyable.

3) Warframe - Tank or Ninja.. Tanijank?

Everywhere I read, someone is arguing the philosophics of whether we should be tanks or ninjas, and I don't see where or why we should draw a line. The fact of the matter is it's very possible to fill either of these roles or even both at the same time. How you build your character should be a reflection of your preferred play styles, and not a generalistic cut and pasted feature of what everyone else is doing. Embrace diversity.

However, with the current maps I've ran, there are very few areas where I feel that the "free-running" aspsect of the game are implemented to the point where need to use them. A few places to note are when you need to run up the wall to get into the ventilation systems, or possibly where you can either wall run or zipline across the chasm. That being said, these are not the ONLY places these features are viable and as you run with player I'm sure a few will surpise you on what they've discovered. Like skipping certain elevators by simply jump crouching off the bridge to the lower levels.

In the future, I would love to see more diverse maps.. especially ones that implement the "free-run" aspect of the game much more heavily. This seems to be a key feature many players enjoy and I hope the developers see that and plan to install many more instances where it will need to be used.

4) Suggestions

A) Map Suggestion

As stated above, I would love to see maps implement the "free-run" mechanic so much more. Currently I feel that the maps are limited by their boundaries that would other wise greatly open up possibilities for this. That being said, open world enviornments would be great change of pace and scenery from what is currently available. I know the snow biomed maps offer a bit of the outdoors expereince but it's usually only while your running from building to building. Perhaps crashed vehicles force you to scale the wall to get over it, or a series of fallen buildings act as a warframes jungle gym with running up walls and leaping over gaps to make your way through. Currently as stated above, the game modes and lack of scenery changes can start to feel a bit redundant. For such purposes (diversifying these game modes from one another) I feel the different maps would be a huge step to making them feel independent from one another.

B) Game Modes

I understand this is only open beta, and there are many more changes that can be and will be coming and I for once cannot wait to see what is unveiled. Personally, I feel both the capture and resuce missions should be played out slightly differently. Currently it feels impossible to have your escort die, so it's nothing really to think about while you play. I would love to see an AI almost focused on stopping their hostage from escaping alive rather than just thinking of them to be excess baggage, (I don't even think she has to be at the extraction point to win). With the capture missions, sucking people into my hand is cool and all, but again.. it's just something to think about as you're plowing your way though. Personally, I would change it up to where the captured person is on a short leash and his people are intent on taking him back (Perhaps a tagging system, they touch him and try to bring him back to where you started?)

Extermination and Defend, what can I really say about these modes? Seems to be exactly what it needs to be, maybe a bit harder difficulty levels for more experienced players, but as for now it's good by me. Kill everything or kill everything and don't let your precious cargo die. Good times.

Spy and Sabatoge, where I beleive stealth should be the primary focus.. I mean spying and sabatoge are almost synonymous with stealth. To change up Sabatoge, I would love to see perhaps bombs that are planted or intricate console puzzles in order to bring down the electrical systems aboard a ship. Perhaps cutting the time frame down on when ships integrity becomes compromised to feel as if though you're really rushed rather than just acting as if you are. Spy missions would be amazing with eavesdropping and following. You're set out to listen to one in particular Grineer and follow him as he makes stops along the way (talking to more people) until you get to the end of the stage and you assassinate him, he's lived out his usefulness. You could have him path through other units so that it's not just waddling behind one target but having to find alternative routes to keep from being detected.

Anyway, I'll stop my rant there. See what everyone thinks of the few suggestions implemented. As stated above, I'm loving the game. I hope has and wish it much continued success. I will be on boad every step of the way from here on in.

Lock and Load, Tenno.

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well one thing, is i'm looking forward to your suprise when u make "Ak Bolto" or use a charging speed Mod and use a Dual heat sword or just a pole....

xD Each warframe comes with its Ups and Downs, so your on the right track by the description you have provided so far (Wait til u see Rhyno)

an other thing is that Sadly the Free run you wish to see will... take a while before you see it, but the makers would love to see some1 like you (that can break down information) to stick around or even make a few youtube videos to pass around the words of warframe's "Pure AWESOMENESS!!"

you do implement a few good... really good ideas in your text, and it makes me eager to see the Administrator's Reply... (Like the Spy missions) Lately spy means transporting Data... which in it of itself is fun.... but gathering the data would make it ALOT more interesting...

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