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How Melee 2.0 Should Look Like


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We all know how melee 2.0 looks feels and performs like.


DE wanted to make it like dmc and not only it was bad idea but even for that i feel its poorly done.


I would like you all to give DE some indication how would you want to make melee 2.0 look like, some video maybe screens and short explanation why this and whats good about it, but pls try to choose something thats possible to do without scrapping whole melee system.

Lets show de what players expect and lets help making it great.


Ill start:



One thing that reckoning did really well is combat. 

You can freely switch between targets mid combo, enemies react to each melee strike, combos are fluid and you can quickly mix multiple weapons and even bring powers without breaking flow of combat.

There are even chakrams which work like glaive and thats what i would like to see


Thats what i would expect from melee 2.0 and everything can still be done without scrapping current model.

Edited by Davoodoo
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You can't possibly have that. Amalur is a single-player game. Warframe is mostly a shooter, it's not made for melee combat and I think what DE has made is pretty much spot on

Edited by RaiZu
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if i had only one change for warframe new melee system, more combos more animations so it flows nicer and  gives better control and response, other then that its mostly fine. so really its only improvements. after all i think the current system is nice.

Edited by Toddwjp
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Besides they focused DMC for melee because it's very high paced. Amalur is slow and it wouldn't be right to face so many enemies at one time while melee. You'd have to be invulnerable while doing combos and that would be game-breaking.


And most of the enemies in warframe are ranged. You have to account for that. If you want melee go play Invictus or Dragon's Nest or C9

Edited by RaiZu
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Basically, the ability to chain our powers into our moves, right? I, personally, would @(*()$ LOVE that. Imagine it, using a hammer, and during a combo you can press your icewave and it does it on a downard strike or some such, like Lech Kril~


You can't possibly have that. Amalur is a single-player game. Warframe is mostly a shooter, it's not made for melee combat and I think what DE has made is pretty much spot on

DE has done a good job with it, yes, but they can make use of more of the system. Like say when channeling if you use a power, it can activate that power on the end of your combo. Think about it for a moment, you're playing ember vs infested, you're channeling into your nikana, activate accelerant while channeling, the power goes into your sword, at the end of your combo accelerate bursts out from the blow.

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I like melee 2.0. It's a great and bold step in a new interesting direction for warframe combat. It feels thought-out and offers something completely different from the guns.


I do think each mod should have a few more combos. Also ground finisher, wallrun attacks, sliding attacks and air attacks should have a couple alternates as well.


But channeling is awesome. The hit counter could be featured more prominently. But it's a great addition and the dmg multiplier for combos is slick and helps make melee-only more viable.

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F*** this i give up.


All ppl see is video, nothing besides it.

You cant give example cause whole community thinks its exactly what you want, not that you think that some ideas can be taken from it.


If theres any moderator pls delete this topic, theres no point to it whatsoever.


Edit: i take it back.

Edited by Davoodoo
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I did like some animations that were not implemented into melee 2.0 presented in one of DE live streams.


Slide slash fluidly transitioning into another cut was really good. 

Also, air slams followed by optional extra move would be awesome.


I wrote about it here




before mentioned stream, so I was really glad seeing them coming to live


first melee system was not great but quickly switching from melee to gunning down enemies felt natural, now we still have it but in handicapped form only...

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F*** this i give up.


All ppl see is video, nothing besides it.

You cant give example cause whole community thinks its exactly what you want, not that you think that some ideas can be taken from it.


If theres any moderator pls delete this topic, theres no point to it whatsoever.


I feel you, Tenno. 


I personally loved this game's combat system and only played it because of the combat. There is stuff in there that DE could make use of, but the community is not ready...most of them are still crying for their long gone no-brainer uber charged attack and cringe at the idea of actual skill based combos.


But fear not, i'm sure DE has a lot more up their sleeves.


EDIT: You know what i've been waiting to see and didn't see in the update? The customizable combo moves that Steve was talking about.

Edited by Symbiont71
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what he is trying to say is freedom to split from a combo, target, or group and mesh it with another combo/target/group, and rewarding us for doing this fluidly, that is what amalur's combat focuses on, meshing wildly differing combats together with fluidity, now if we compare this to warframe the systems in place are very much similar:


melee weapons-melee weapons


ranged weapons-guns


the formula behind it is much the same, although warframe could do with more joining of these styles rather than currently making them mutually exclusive to most builds (either ability use, melee use or primary/secondary use) as how it is now the transitions from a play or tactic you have committed to, to another, is extremely jarring  

Edited by AdmiralAvalanche
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what he is trying to say is freedom to split from a combo, target, or group and mesh it with another combo/target/group, and rewarding us for doing this fluidly, that is what amalur's combat focuses on, meshing wildly differing combats together with fluidity, now if we compare this to warframe the systems in place are very much similar:


melee weapons-melee weapons


ranged weapons-guns


the formula behind it is much the same, although warframe could do with more joining of these styles rather than currently making them mutually exclusive to most builds (either ability use, melee use or primary/secondary use) as how it is now the transitions from a play or tactic you have committed to, to another, is extremely jarring  

Thank you, someone understands what im trying to do and thank you for explaining this in more accesible way.

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Ah, Kingdom of Amalur Reckoning, quite the memory. The only redeeming quality of this game is the combat system. Everything else was soo boring. I particularly love the rogue with pure rogue build. Anyway, i believe that this melee 2.0 just the beginning for DE as it will evolve in the future (beta indeed). I wont be surprise that in some way melee will be deeper and complex in the future. Taking inspiration from KoAR maybe a good idea but perhaps in different way as KoAR purely melee experience (the range attack is not that long-ranged). Warframe still, by design, a shooter. However, I am excited to see how the melee system change in the foreseeable future.


edit: there probably not gonna be a sequel for KoAR. the studio was shut down T_T

Edited by elijahpw
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Ah, Kingdom of Amalur Reckoning, quite the memory. The only redeeming quality of this game is the combat system. Everything else was soo boring. I particularly love the rogue with pure rogue build. Anyway, i believe that this melee 2.0 just the beginning for DE as it will evolve in the future (beta indeed). I wont be surprise that in some way melee will be deeper and complex in the future. Taking inspiration from KoAR maybe a good idea but perhaps in different way as KoAR purely melee experience (the range attack is not that long-ranged). Warframe still, by design, a shooter. However, I am excited to see how the melee system change in the foreseeable future. 

Even if you take only melee out of it, it would already be great improvement imo, making it work with powers and to some extent sidearms for close ranged attacks would be even better, but as long as you can more freely switch between enemies and get some gap closers to help you with it, its fine.

Edited by Davoodoo
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