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Posted (edited)



Infested strains:

Phorid: current evolution

Lephantis: orokin strain

J-3 Golem (if and sounds like when reintroduced): original infested


Corpus guilds:

Alad V: zanuka project

Ambulas: Guild#1479

Hyena pack: Guild#3754

Jackal: Guild#0259

Raptor: Guild#4659

Nerf Anyo: recovery team 1-Alpha7 or 1-Alpha7


Grineer battalions:

Vor: artifact hunter?

Vay Hek: cammo strike force

Sargas Ruk: cybernetic design?

Kela De Thaym: royal guard

 Lech Kril: strike battalion 571

Tyl Regor: clone research?


?=not finalized


an additional idea is that each has there own language and playstyle

Edited by ukovalian
Posted (edited)

Well, my idea for sub-factions was not have one for every boss, but rather have them bound to atleast a character and have five for the Grineer and Corpus, and only three for the infested. But Hek, it would ultimately come down to what DE wanted.

People keep saying they think this is what DE meant by Proxy Wars, and it does honestly fit a bit into the frame work they keep talking about. The two things I wanted with these sub-factions is to better express the lore and show some character interaction. I've actually wanted to see Vor chew out Alad V for his failure in hiding the Phobos base, Vay Hek and Sargus Ruk arguing over the Grustrag Three, and Lech Kril wanting to talk about how he wants to hammer in Nef Anyo's head.



Branch -> Corps -> Division -> Brigade -> Battalion/Squadron -> Company/Battery/Troop -> Platoon -> Section -> Team

Is that in ascending or descending order?

Edited by Krion112
Posted (edited)

Is that in ascending or descending order?

Descending, with a branch being comprised of several corps, all the way down to a team which is only divisible into individual soldiers.

Edited by Seele

Well, my idea for sub-factions was not have one for every boss, but rather have them bound to atleast a character and have five for the Grineer and Corpus, and only three for the infested. But Hek, it would ultimately come down to what DE wanted.

People keep saying they think this is what DE meant by Proxy Wars, and it does honestly fit a bit into the frame work they keep talking about.


well it is your idea so it is up to you I added it because i though that people would cry out for subs for all bosses (like I did previously)


well it is your idea so it is up to you I added it because i though that people would cry out for subs for all bosses (like I did previously)

Fair enough. I do appreciate the additional ideas, though.


Great ideas! I have been thinking the same thing for a while now.

I think the Proxy Wars will be like Guilds, but maby they will create guilds around vips like Kela, wich would make you a Grineer royal Guardian. And maby the royal guard would strike against Vors supply ships to steal Orokin tech.

I hope this becomes a thing.

  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping/A Question:

If anyone reads this bump, how would you think that these Sub-Factions would work in up-coming Proxy Wars?


I've made 2 of these sub-factions:


One is a pirate Cropus sect that don't follow the whole market cult called "The Heretics"



the other is a group of Grineer that forsaken Tyl Regor's attempt to solve their flesh deterioration and decided to follow a group of Grineer that sacrifice their flesh bodies for Machinery ones calling themselves "The Pure"


The Pure: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/229165-sub-faction-concept-kela-de-thaym-and-the-pure/


The Heretics: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/226091-corpus-boss-and-group-concept-the-sniper-boss-ter-evarg-and-the-heretics/


Mini Boss of the Heretics: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/225956-boss-concept-the-heretic-corpus-robotic-boss-the-gecko/


never really get much views or replies from my posts

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Another bump. I might do a couple more in the future, but I'll let it die eventually.

Edited by Krion112

um dude...you mind if i use this idea? i really want sub factions and I'm make my own concept on how each one acts and looks (thanks to the enemies of the tenno it's quite easy)


um dude...you mind if i use this idea? i really want sub factions and I'm make my own concept on how each one acts and looks (thanks to the enemies of the tenno it's quite easy)

Sure, if you want to make up some sub-factions, boss by boss or group by group, go ahead, and use them for your own topics, by all means you can use it.


All my yes for grinneer and corpus sub factions.


No for infested. They are 1 being...kind of


yes and no they have a neural network that mental connects them which is more then likely controlled by the three bosses J-3 Golem, lephantis, and phorid. if these three where separated they would more than likely split into three different sub factions/strains


Alright, so this is worth my two cents' worth of input. So the Proxy wars will introduce several sub factions within each Main faction, probably each with their own theme/leader, so it's not a stretch to imagine that each boss will have their own sub faction/missions/rewards. As was stated in DS27, "What if Alad V Commed you mid mission, and told you to go raid this optional area", which was a direct statement for Proxy Wars. It is VERY possible that we'll see some interesting inter/cross/opposing faction action, both on a Main Three basis, and those that're further down. 

I remember that the devs were talking about the different groups you could join as being completely separate factions.

The Red Veil (which is a rebellion towards the Grineer and Corpus) and the Oracles of Saturn (yet to be revealed) were mentioned as well as the other factions.


Sup. I have made 2 past Sub-Factions of my own which you can find a bunch of them in my Fan Concept Threads:


One Faction is a space-pirate group with opposing ideals of the merchant cult of the Corpus called "The Heretics."






The other is a faction of Grineer that forsaken their flesh bodies and under the guise of a new reformed Kela De Thaym replaced their flesh bodies for machine bodies (a Machine-health faction) called "The Pure."




Take the time to check them out.



I have actually seen them, and I'd like to say not bad. I will look through any additional sub-faction concepts you create in the future :D



I Like the sub faction idea

Thanks :D


Jeeze, alot of people ended up liking this idea over all of my other concepts. Ironically, this was my least thought out idea and was just something I realized as I used my Valkyr to tear Alad V apart, with helpless Zanuka trying to stop me...

Ah well, maybe more ideas of mine in the future will get additional appreciation.

  • 4 weeks later...

kewl idea dude i hope de sees this but  i think de steve was talking about proxy wars and stuff similar to what your talking about well we just have to see how thing play out


I share the want for faction grouping.

We saw it in the Profit video, and Leaders (eximus?) was a small step i guess.

With the Red Veil and coming assassins and Grineer I assume will get unique troops depending on the leader, Proxy wars should introduce skins to show Allegience.

I hope to see the Guardians soon, not just the Stalker.

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