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Who's To Blame?


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Over the past few months (and updates), I've noticed something.


The forums are becoming increasingly more negative.


Players are becoming more disillusioned and disgruntled. Updates are no longer good enough anymore. Everything is a disappointment. Weapons and warframes are nitpicked to death -- animations are wrong, art design is bad, abilities and weaponry do not "feel good" to use. Content does not fare any better, as players instead talk about how terrible it is, of how much they hate it and how it doesn't feel complete.


So who's at fault here? Is it DE, for failing to deliver on some things, and for failing to live up to their own hype? Or is it the playerbase, for setting expectations too high and then lashing out when things fail to meet those expectations?

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I say, it's mostly the player base, and partly DE. I have to admit, the Attica feels...weird. But I have noticed the surge of hate on the forums lately, and I'm rather...confused by it. Mixed feelings. I can't tell if it's people being hateful, or pushing DE to better themselves.

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I say, it's mostly the player base, and partly DE. I have to admit, the Attica feels...weird. But I have noticed the surge of hate on the forums lately, and I'm rather...confused by it. Mixed feelings. I can't tell if it's people being hateful, or pushing DE to better themselves.

I'm thinking it's equal parts. DE seriously hyped up Melee 2.0, but I think a lot of the playerbase (wrongly) expected Melee 2.0 to be this huge gamechanging system.

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I've been around for almost a year and yes, the forums are becoming more and more bitter and negative.


People complains about everything.


Every topic someone creates, the first reply is a negative response that usually get more upvotes.

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I'm mostly curious to see where people feel the blame lies, be it the developer or the players themselves.

To be honest though, i think it's fair to say that is the combination of everything you mentioned in your OP, it is not one singular entity that has caused the forums to become much more negative but a mixture of everything. It's no surprise that the pot finally boiled over

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It's kind of hard to follow up success, which might be the problem.
So if this is mostly a recent observation, like say after the point U13 was delayed a week after being super hyped, it's probably because Zephyr, Jat Kittag, and Phage along with the Tethra Event all went over so well people's expectations went up.

Now that U13 has come out and there are a lot of controversial content and decisions, as well as the goofs like all those bugs, have come with it, people are going "What the Hell happened?!"

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Pretty simple explanation if you ask me: We're getting more and more players. More players -> more whiners. It'll get harder and harder to find the worthwhile posts and threads between the ever increasing avalanche of negativity from the masses.   =p


If you have 1 Troll per 100 players, and only 100 players, the Troll is alone and will keep quiet. If you have 500 players, there's a group of 5 Trolls that can band together and stir up some trouble. How many players did we have, again ? That's an army of Trolls right there. And there's always been more whiners than Trolls, too.

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Probably because bad things happened nowadays. Update 13 delayed, now this hacker-thing with the servers, nothing works, etc. It's a lot of dissapointment, and it's no one's fault. (Because poor DE couldn't to anything about these... or.... at least about the second one.) It just needs a bit more time to go away.


I think the "Kingdom of Positive Thoughts" will be back... Soon.

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People don't visit the forums to agree on stuff. Disagreement is mother of discussion, no one would ever talk about anything if everyone agreed with everyone. People who are content with the game stay out of forums mostly, that's about 90% of in-game population the other 10%... Well, we are here to disagree erm, discuss I mean.

To answer your question on who's to blame; It's you and people like you and me who don't have better things to do in their lives then to open meaningless threads on public forums and talk about them.

Edited by CatScratch
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I agree with op actually, compared to when I started this game, there is far more negativity in the chat and on the forums.

HOWEVER, I have a theory for why. When I started playing, there simply wasn't that many people playing the game, probably 1/3 of what there is now. Those that found the game originally were probably like me, playing it before it was popular because we absolutely loved something about the game, rather it be DE (In my top 3), the idea of ninjas(Of a sorts), the feeling of power, or something similar. Now that the game is more popular, we are getting players that may not have spent time searching for this particular game, but instead found it by chance through steam etc, in other words, more casual gamers that may not have such starry eyes towards the game as I, and many others, still do.

EDIT: Other posts above mine said similar things to what I said while I was typing...

Also, as previously mentioned, many people are over-hyped about some of the things in the game, and no update will ever come out that isn't riddled with bugs. But within merely a week or 2, most of them are usually ironed out (Even if that does mean some of the bugs are merely replaced with other bugs...) I for one, love almost everything DE has ever released, including Melee 2.0, Damage 2.0 (though sometimes i'll admit i miss the extreme simplicity of sticking one build on every gun), etc.

SergeantHam, on 17 Apr 2014 - 10:50 AM, said:

i find it funny how you made a negative thread about people being negative

His post doesn't seem so negative to me, this has been bugging me as well, and it would be interesting to know different peoples opinions.

Although, seriously, what can you do about people not liking something. Just about nothing, as me, and everyone else here, is entitled to their own ideas and opinions, and no one can take that right away.

And that's my opinion.

Edited by EntityOmega
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Although, seriously, what can you do about people not liking something. Just about nothing, as me, and everyone else here, is entitled to their own ideas and opinions, and no one can take that right away.


I believe the issue here is that it's impossble to please everyone.  I've seen some threads on here that complain about things I didn't think it was possble for people to complain about.  The one that stands out in my mind was one where someone was complaining about DE giving out too many potatoes during the week before u13 dropped.


If I could change DE's development process I wouldn't let them release anything else new until all existing mechanics have been balanced and polished.  Some people would approve of this. Others wouldn't and would subsequently complain about the lack of features.  You just can't make everyone happy. 

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Oh man, just wait until you see your first circle jerk thread. It's wondrous.

Last time I've witnessed it, it was a thread about that chicken floor head hitting frame Zefir. Which turned out to be fugliest dumbest playable class in any game I have pleasure to play so far, so no thank you.

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