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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Finished with the attackers in the room, Shinkiro took a moment to look at his work. With the exception of the Tenno, there were parts of humans scattered across the place along with blood on the floor, the ceiling, and even a bit on Shinkiro himself. Performing chiburui with his bloodied nikana, Shinkiro slides the blade back into it's scabbard before walking off to another area. Conveniently, he would eventually reach the main hall where he runs a nearby human through his nikana, and kicking him off to a wall.


"Ah, Shinkiro!" Cardina greets him with a smile, locking blades with the bullet-riddled Rhino raider. "Find your room alright?" She taps her finger on the Rhino's helmet, staggering him with a storm of chaotic fears, then seized the opportunity to hack into the vulnerable neck chink, landing several heavy swings on the same point to weaken the armor. Cardina then turned the Machete Wraith in her hand, savagely ramming it to the hilt down into the Rhino's torso. She slipped the blade out, not bothering to clean it while searching for another desecrator.


To Cardina's surprise and relief, the Divinities had joined the fight; this would be over much sooner than she had hoped.


"Temperance, the Divinities are helping us in the main hall, so they might try a more backhanded approach to hit the reactor. Be ready for anything."

Edited by SnaleKing
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"Ah, Shinkiro!" Cardina greets him with a smile, locking blades with the bullet-riddled Rhino raider. "Find your room alright?" She taps her finger on the Rhino's helmet, staggering him with a storm of chaotic fears, then seized the opportunity to hack into the vulnerable neck chink, landing several heavy swings on the same point to weaken the armor. Cardina then turned the Machete Wraith in her hand, savagely ramming it to the hilt down into the Rhino's torso. She slipped the blade out, not bothering to clean it while searching for another desecrator.


To Cardina's surprise and relief, the Divinities had joined the fight; this would be over much sooner than she had hoped.


"Temperance, the Divinities are helping us in the main hall, so they might try a more backhanded approach to hit the reactor. Be ready for anything."


"You could say that my room is my reward for helping you, because I am constantly busy. Hopefully once this is done..." Shinkiro puts a nearby Tenno into an armlock before stabbing his wrist blade into the neck for a quick and painless kill. "You could take me to this garden of yours. I am a bit fond of nature." Dropping the corpse, the Ash grabs a handful of kunai from their rack and starts throwing them at pirates like playing cards.

Edited by BIGBushido
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"The pirates attacked us and the humans are on the side of the pirates. We are dealing with them for now and as for turrets, there are very few working ones remaining but they are not located in convenient locations."

"Thank you."

The screens returned to whatever activities they were previously performing as Cyrios closed the comm channel. He raised the prosthetic that was his left arm, which consisted of golden replicas of the bones that made up an arm. A holographic screen flickered into existance, filling the empty space between his radius and his ulna, which was covered in symbols that were alien and unreadable to anyone but him. Cyrios keyed in a few of these symbols, which forcibly locked open a comm channel with the humans onboard the Derelict.

"Hello humans! Nice day today isn't it? But, I'm not here to discuss the weather. You see, right now, every second that I sit here, safe and sound, chatting with you, I'm downloading a virus to your exosuits. 'But what does this virus do?' you might ask, and, because I'm a nice person, I'll tell you now instead of letting you figure it out yourself. See, what it does is give me full access to your suit. Now, if you're OK with that, please drop your weapon and put both of your hands in the air."

Cyrios spoke to the humans as if they were children, taking a sort of pleasure as he gained control of anyone who hadn't torn their comm units out of their ears.

"Now, I'm doing this because you aligned yourself with a very bad man, who is being very mean to his brothers and sisters." Cyrios paused, thinking for something to say, then finished with "Well, it's been so fun talking to you guys, but I've got to go now. Bye!" Cyrios closed the comm, cackling with glee at the symphony of swears that followed him. He opened a channel to the Tenno of the Church, and announced "The humans are undergoing some technical difficulties. While I understand the desire for a bit of target practice, please try not to kill any people with their weaponless arms held high. It's just unsportsmanlike. Thanks!"

Edited by fishworshipper
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He opened a channel to the Tenno of the Church, and announced "The humans are undergoing some technical difficulties. While I understand the desire for a bit of target practice, please try not to kill any people with their weaponless arms held high. It's just unsportsmanlike. Thanks!"


Cardina spun, slicing open a human's stomach, and was poised to strike down another when the hapless soul dropped his Boltor and raised his arms in the air, shortly before she heard the broadcast. "Thank you, Cyrios," she finished the swing with cold precision, the blade entering above the right collarbone and tearing free below the left arm. The human stared, befuddled, as his two halves hit the ground with a wet thud. "I'll keep that in mind," she replied with a sing-song voice.

Edited by SnaleKing
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Cardina spun, slicing open a human's stomach, and was poised to strike down another when the hapless soul dropped his Boltor and raised his arms in the air, shortly before she heard the broadcast. "Thank you, Cyrios," she finished the swing with cold precision, the blade entering above the right collarbone and tearing free below the left arm. The human stared, befuddled, as his two halves hit the ground with a wet thud. "I'll keep that in mind," she replied with a sing-song voice.


Shinkiro crossed his arms while giving her that "did you really just do that...?" look. From Cardina's point of view, he is just crossing his arms and his head tilting slightly to the side.


"Miss Cardina, while I am impress with your precision and form, I am starting to question your mental stability." He looked around at the pirates who had raised their hands in surrender. "But then, I could assume it is just your fighting instinct."

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The immobilized humans were ignored for now by the majority of the church's forces who either moved ahead to deal with the remaining hostile Tenno or stayed behind to clean up and keep watch over the humans should anything unexpected occur. Mortos and Gaia, however, did differently. Gaia tended to the injuries of the wounded allied Tenno and even to the enemy Tenno who had been disarmed though the latter would be detained and held for interrogation and if possible, redeemed. Mortos slew any humans he came across as he advanced, quick decapitations for some and for others, being split in half down the middle from the groin upwards.

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The Shark's crew took any human and Tenno pirates prisoner, treating the enemy for wounds. Meanwhile The remaining Rogue Tenno were forced back and the low thudding of footsteps is heard as the Hydroid entered the Main Hall, he drew his Bolto and shot at the Divinities worshippers and the Divinities themselves but a shout soon interrupted his target practise




The Hydroid turned around and looked at the Decrepit Corvo, his Kama scythe assisting him in his walking


"Well Well Well, Still around are we old man?" replied the Hydroid as they circled around, preparing for a duel to the death


"You always were too focused on Greed, I'm surprised you even managed to put on that Warframe." replied Corvo


"I have me ways old laddie! you should know that by know!"


"Your ways were hardly acceptable to our master, I reckon you stole that Warframe from the Corpse of another"


"Hah! you know me too Well Corvo! Guess that's why you always win those chess games we used to play!"


"You want to know why?" Replied Corvo as he stood upright 


"Enlighten me" Responded Poseidon, spinning his Nami Skylar


"Because you're a bad player" and the Nekros and the Hydroid rushed eachother, entering a deadly game of combat, between Scythe and cutless! Death and the Pirate, who will win? Place your bets!

Edited by Drakeardian
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The Shark's crew took any human and Tenno pirates prisoner, treating the enemy for wounds. Meanwhile The remaining Rogue Tenno were forced back and the low thudding of footsteps is heard as the Hydroid entered the Main Hall, he drew his Bolto and shot at the Divinities worshippers and the Divinities themselves but a shout soon interrupted his target practise




The Hydroid turned around and looked at the Decrepit Corvo, his Kama scythe assisting him in his walking


"Well Well Well, Still around are we old man?" replied the Hydroid as they circled around, preparing for a duel to the death


"You always were too focused on Greed, I'm surprised you even managed to put on that Warframe." replied Corvo


"I have me ways old laddie! you should know that by know!"


"Your ways were hardly acceptable to our master, I reckon you stole that Warframe from the Corpse of another"


"Hah! you know me too Well Corvo! Guess that's why you always win those chess games we used to play!"


"You want to know why?" Replied Corvo as he stood upright 


"Enlighten me" Responded Poseidon, spinning his Nami Skylar


"Because you're a bad player" and the Nekros and the Hydroid rushed eachother, entering a deadly game of combat, between Scythe and cutless! Death and the Pirate, who will win? Place your bets!


((I thought Corvo used an Ether Reaper.))


Those remaining humans that the church had gotten their hands on before the crew of the Shark could take prisoners were executed by Mortos himself. He would not allow the defilers to continue to draw breath. He was only allowing the pirate Tenno to live at the moment because Gaia had hopes they could be reformed. After all, Tenno were a dying breed and the church wanted all Tenno unified as a faction.


When Poseidon fired at Mortos, Gaia and their followers, those currently wielding melee weapons used them to block the incoming bolts while those wielding ranged weapons either took cover or took hits to their shields. Mortos was ready to fight Poseidon until the Nekros from the Shark interrupted the Hydroid. He could tell the two likely had a history and while he would rather have fought the defiler himself, he would not interrupt a duel.


Rien, however, was highly tempted to take advantage of the rather unique opportunity that had presented itself. He was cloaked, rendered completely invisible to normal vision and from his position, he could easily unload a magazine from his Vasto into the Hydroid from behind or deliver his dagger into the Hydroid's back.

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Shinkiro crossed his arms while giving her that "did you really just do that...?" look. From Cardina's point of view, he is just crossing his arms and his head tilting slightly to the side.


"Miss Cardina, while I am impress with your precision and form, I am starting to question your mental stability." He looked around at the pirates who had raised their hands in surrender. "But then, I could assume it is just your fighting instinct."


Cardina heartlessly dispatches another human, wrapping her hand around his head and switching off his brain like a lightbulb. "Oh, I'm sane, and perfectly aware of what I'm doing. I told these desecrating sacks of meat that they wouldn't leave alive," One human attempted to flee; Cardina turned and tossed a psychic bolt into the back of his skull. "And I always stand by my word." 

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Cardina heartlessly dispatches another human, wrapping her hand around his head and switching off his brain like a lightbulb. "Oh, I'm sane, and perfectly aware of what I'm doing. I told these desecrating sacks of meat that they wouldn't leave alive," One human attempted to flee; Cardina turned and tossed a psychic bolt into the back of his skull. "And I always stand by my word." 


"Alright then. At least you gave them some type of warning." Shinkiro leaned back on a wall, flicking his wrist to flick off some blood on his hands. "This might take a while to clean up." He looks at all the corpses and blood in the room.

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((I thought Corvo used an Ether Reaper.))


Those remaining humans that the church had gotten their hands on before the crew of the Shark could take prisoners were executed by Mortos himself. He would not allow the defilers to continue to draw breath. He was only allowing the pirate Tenno to live at the moment because Gaia had hopes they could be reformed. After all, Tenno were a dying breed and the church wanted all Tenno unified as a faction.


When Poseidon fired at Mortos, Gaia and their followers, those currently wielding melee weapons used them to block the incoming bolts while those wielding ranged weapons either took cover or took hits to their shields. Mortos was ready to fight Poseidon until the Nekros from the Shark interrupted the Hydroid. He could tell the two likely had a history and while he would rather have fought the defiler himself, he would not interrupt a duel.


Rien, however, was highly tempted to take advantage of the rather unique opportunity that had presented itself. He was cloaked, rendered completely invisible to normal vision and from his position, he could easily unload a magazine from his Vasto into the Hydroid from behind or deliver his dagger into the Hydroid's back.

(He changes his choice of Scythe now and then)


Corvo and Poseidon continued to battle, The Nekros and the Hydroid battled Furiously, Blade against Scythe and Water against Death, each of them ducked and weaved out of each-others attacks like lightning, but Once the Hydroid pulled out his Bolto, Corvo didn't waste time, now it was a game of pass the pistol, unfortunately for Rien's direction the Bolto fires wildly as the two struggle for to keep the pistol away from eachother

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The Volt nodded. "Worry not for I shall keep her safe." He then looked to Kistella. "Worry not, my Tenno sister. I will protect you with my life." He was unarmed at the moment but he still had his warframe abilities. He walked over and picked up Kistella's Dual Kamas for her before handing them to her.

Her head followed the volt as he moved. " I would rather die, then have some one give their life for me." She made her way slowly over to him, before looking over her bow. " I will never let some one die in my place." She could feel her body shaking under her. Fear. She smiled under her helmet. Standing up straight and holding her head high.  " I Hope you know that I'm not going to just sit here while every one else is fighting." She held her bow ready in her hands, her now orange energy flowed into it.

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((Okay!  I'm back.  For clarity's sake, please assume this post occurs while Mortos and Gaia are wading through bodies in the main hall.))


Temperance was beginning to get more than a little bit frustrated.  With all the trouble Cardina had put into leading him around by the nose, he had assumed there almost had to be something worth hiding aboard the Church's derelict.  So far, all he had seen were a few perfectly innocuous research labs, not unlike the kind that could be found in any other Dojo.


Then he paused as a flicker of color caught his attention.  A red and black door, slightly ajar, surrounded by an intricate mat of invested vines.  Black and red.  Cardina.


 With a quick glance down the corridor, Temperance slipped inside.  


It was a small cell, lit only by the soft blue bioluminescence of the infested vines the blanketed the ceiling.  To his right, the plants curled down and twisted around each other in an uncannily precise mural of two Tenno, a Nekros and a Trinity.  These, Temperance assumed, were the Divinities.  Beneath the mural was weapons rack, on which rested a sparkling Orthos Prime, a Gorgon Wraith, and a Vectis sniper rifle.  There was a set of ceremonial robes on the floor next to the rack, neatly folded.  To his right, the plants had formed a kind of living bookshelf, sagging slightly under the weight of thirty-six identical volumes, numbered in sequence with a numeral system dating back to Pre-Orokin Earth.  The thirty-seventh volume lay open on a desk at the back of the room, the only place in anything more than twilight.  A bottle of blue ink sat next to it, along with a hollow wooden stylus.  The book seemed to be in the process of being written; the text ran about half-way down the left page.  Sharing space on the right side of the desk were a tiny infested bonsai that seemed to be part of the omnipresent foliage, four Wraith Viper clips, and an ornate brooch of Orokin design.  The desk also had three drawers, closed but not scan-shielded.  There was no bed.


Well, definitely Cardina's room Temperance thought, giving the place a second pan with his scanner.  Only she would decorate like this.  He ran quick scans of the drawers' contents before backing out and setting off down the corridor at a brisk clip.  Every vine on the ship was like an extra set of senses for Cardina; he had no wish to draw her attention away from the battle raging upstairs.


Temperance made the reactor room in good time, apologizing to the four Tenno on duty for his tardiness.  After all, delays could only be expected with so many pirates aboard.  He was careful to keep his mental shields up, however; it verged on criminally stupid to do otherwise around a Nyx.


In spite of Cardina's warning, the intervention of Cyrios more or less halted the pirate offensive in its tracks.  Or seemed to, until the Nyx cried out and collapsed with a Fang in her back.


Temperance and the Mag spun towards her, and a golden halo lighted the shimmering form of a cloaked Loki.  An instant later, the would-be assassin cried out and flickered into visibility as Temperance nailed him with viral-magnetic rounds.  There was nothing for the lightly armored 'frame to do but take the punishment; Bullet Attractor had a way of making parries difficult, and dodges impossible.  The Loki collapsed to his knees, and Temperance strode up and coolly plunged his Dark Dagger into the 'frame's forehead.


Then Temperance himself grunted and fell to his knees as a high-powered round struck him in the side.  He raised his eyes towards the would-be sniper just in time to see the Zephyr magnetically yanked from her perch and fried mid-air by a stream of lightning from the Volt.  Cold enveloped him; the Frost had cast a Snow Globe.  Then the Mag was at his side, green mist flowing from her hand as the Volt did the same for the fallen Nyx.  Nobody particularly bothered with the Loki.  With Temperance's dagger still stuck in his head, he was going nowhere anytime soon.


"Thanks, sister," the Ash said gratefully, then opened a channel to Cardina.


"Cardina, you were right.  We had a bit of trouble, but the reactor is secure.  How are things up there?"


((By the way, sorry for taking control of the defense team, Sumika.  I was a little rushed to catch myself up.))

Edited by Temperance000
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"Thanks, sister," the Ash said gratefully, then opened a channel to Cardina.


"Cardina, you were right.  We had a bit of trouble, but the reactor is secure.  How are things up there?"


"Under control," Cardina cood, with more than a hint of satisfaction in her voice. She watched Poseidon and Corvo with a detached disinterest as they wrestled for the pistol. She pointed to a few high places in the main hall, hailing her Acolytes. "I want snipers up there, in case Corvo loses. Watch for anyone trying to run as well. Shoot to kill."


Cardina turned away from the fight, approaching the Divinities. "I'm needed in the reactor room. Please let me know if you need anything, Divinities." She dismissed herself with a bow, touching her fingers to her throat.


On the way to the reactor room, Cardina stopped at her cell to retrieve her Gorgon Wraith, to provide suppressing fire in case any pirates got stupid. Before she entered, though, something caught her eye; a spiderweb that had formed at the top of her door overnight was gone, its strands catching the Derelict's poor lighting as they swayed in a draft. Her eyes narrowed under her helmet as she stepped in.


The roots that meandered across the steel floor had been trodden upon; the faint coating of pale blue pollen on the floor disturbed by footsteps. Cardina approached her desk, the quill picking itself up and swiftly writing rows and rows of neat, curling handwriting as she touched her fingertips to the bonsai. Tending the garden, nothing out of the ordinary, growth continues where expected, trimmed and contained with no issues. The terminal triggers. A Hydroid, calling himself Poseidon. A pirate, his ship the Dark Veil. Wishes to protect the Church- charges for it? Money is fleeting, ephemeral and transitory, let the greedy bastard find it elsewhere. He signs off- "Faster," Cardina mumbles to the plant, and the stylus scribbles faster, occasionally refilling itself from the reservoir of ink. It transcribed, without omission or error, Cardina's every thought since she last visited her cell. After a few minutes of frantic scribbling, it wrote what she was looking for. Sent Temperance to guard the reactor- it scratched the page for a while longer- too long, she realized, her eyes widening under her helmet. I set him a waypoint, he should have- Unless- Her face flushed red with rage, and she stooped to inspect the roots again; an Ash's feet, they said.


The stylus set itself down as she slammed the door shut behind her, Gorgon Wraith clutched with white-knuckled hands. Soon, she entered the reactor room with her characteristic poise and grace, nodding to her Acolytes as they stood guard. "Are you all alright?" she prodded the Loki's lifeless form with the Gorgon, noting the Dark dagger protruding from its skull. "I see you helped repel the attackers, Temperance. One of the Lotus' finest, for sure."

Edited by SnaleKing
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(He changes his choice of Scythe now and then)


Corvo and Poseidon continued to battle, The Nekros and the Hydroid battled Furiously, Blade against Scythe and Water against Death, each of them ducked and weaved out of each-others attacks like lightning, but Once the Hydroid pulled out his Bolto, Corvo didn't waste time, now it was a game of pass the pistol, unfortunately for Rien's direction the Bolto fires wildly as the two struggle for to keep the pistol away from eachother


Rien dove to the floor, doing a roll and once he came out of it, he took two shots at Poseidon using his Vasto, striking him in the back while he was busy struggling with Corvo. The completely silenced Vasto would not draw any attention though with the shot damaging the Hydroid's shields, it should make it easier for Corvo to deal with him if he acted quickly.


Her head followed the volt as he moved. " I would rather die, then have some one give their life for me." She made her way slowly over to him, before looking over her bow. " I will never let some one die in my place." She could feel her body shaking under her. Fear. She smiled under her helmet. Standing up straight and holding her head high.  " I Hope you know that I'm not going to just sit here while every one else is fighting." She held her bow ready in her hands, her now orange energy flowed into it.


"I meant no disrespect but after exiting cryosleep not long ago, I am unsure if you would be fit for combat at the moment. Also, I would defend any of my Tenno brothers and sisters with my life if need be. In this system, Tenno only have each other to rely on."


((Okay!  I'm back.  For clarity's sake, please assume this post occurs while Mortos and Gaia are wading through bodies in the main hall.))


Temperance was beginning to get more than a little bit frustrated.  With all the trouble Cardina had put into leading him around by the nose, he had assumed there almost had to be something worth hiding aboard the Church's derelict.  So far, all he had seen were a few perfectly innocuous research labs, not unlike the kind that could be found in any other Dojo.


Then he paused as a flicker of color caught his attention.  A red and black door, slightly ajar, surrounded by an intricate mat of invested vines.  Black and red.  Cardina.


 With a quick glance down the corridor, Temperance slipped inside.  


It was a small cell, lit only by the soft blue bioluminescence of the infested vines the blanketed the ceiling.  To his right, the plants curled down and twisted around each other in an uncannily precise mural of two Tenno, a Nekros and a Trinity.  These, Temperance assumed, were the Divinities.  Beneath the mural was weapons rack, on which rested a sparkling Orthos Prime, a Gorgon Wraith, and a Vectis sniper rifle.  There was a set of ceremonial robes on the floor next to the rack, neatly folded.  To his right, the plants had formed a kind of living bookshelf, sagging slightly under the weight of thirty-six identical volumes, numbered in sequence with a numeral system dating back to Pre-Orokin Earth.  The thirty-seventh volume lay open on a desk at the back of the room, the only place in anything more than twilight.  A bottle of blue ink sat next to it, along with a hollow wooden stylus.  The book seemed to be in the process of being written; the text ran about half-way down the left page.  Sharing space on the right side of the desk were a tiny infested bonsai that seemed to be part of the omnipresent foliage, four Wraith Viper clips, and an ornate brooch of Orokin design.  The desk also had three drawers, closed but not scan-shielded.  There was no bed.


Well, definitely Cardina's room Temperance thought, giving the place a second pan with his scanner.  Only she would decorate like this.  He ran quick scans of the drawers' contents before backing out and setting off down the corridor at a brisk clip.  Every vine on the ship was like an extra set of senses for Cardina; he had no wish to draw her attention away from the battle raging upstairs.


Temperance made the reactor room in good time, apologizing to the four Tenno on duty for his tardiness.  After all, delays could only be expected with so many pirates aboard.  He was careful to keep his mental shields up, however; it verged on criminally stupid to do otherwise around a Nyx.


In spite of Cardina's warning, the intervention of Cyrios more or less halted the pirate offensive in its tracks.  Or seemed to, until the Nyx cried out and collapsed with a Fang in her back.


Temperance and the Mag spun towards her, and a golden halo lighted the shimmering form of a cloaked Loki.  An instant later, the would-be assassin cried out and flickered into visibility as Temperance nailed him with viral-magnetic rounds.  There was nothing for the lightly armored 'frame to do but take the punishment; Bullet Attractor had a way of making parries difficult, and dodges impossible.  The Loki collapsed to his knees, and Temperance strode up and coolly plunged his Dark Dagger into the 'frame's forehead.


Then Temperance himself grunted and fell to his knees as a high-powered round struck him in the side.  He raised his eyes towards the would-be sniper just in time to see the Zephyr magnetically yanked from her perch and fried mid-air by a stream of lightning from the Volt.  Cold enveloped him; the Frost had cast a Snow Globe.  Then the Mag was at his side, green mist flowing from her hand as the Volt did the same for the fallen Nyx.  Nobody particularly bothered with the Loki.  With Temperance's dagger still stuck in his head, he was going nowhere anytime soon.


"Thanks, sister," the Ash said gratefully, then opened a channel to Cardina.


"Cardina, you were right.  We had a bit of trouble, but the reactor is secure.  How are things up there?"


((By the way, sorry for taking control of the defense team, Sumika.  I was a little rushed to catch myself up.))


((It's fine. Least you didn't go killing any of them off or something.))


After being healed by the mist, the Nyx rose to her feet. She looked down at the Loki lying dead on the floor before poking it with her foot just to make sure it wasn't a decoy. You could never be sure with an opponent as tricky as a Loki. Confirming that it was indeed a real corpse and not a decoy, she looked to Temperance and the Volt who had revived her. "Thank you."

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(He changes his choice of Scythe now and then)


Corvo and Poseidon continued to battle, The Nekros and the Hydroid battled Furiously, Blade against Scythe and Water against Death, each of them ducked and weaved out of each-others attacks like lightning, but Once the Hydroid pulled out his Bolto, Corvo didn't waste time, now it was a game of pass the pistol, unfortunately for Rien's direction the Bolto fires wildly as the two struggle for to keep the pistol away from eachother


Shinkiro watched the two frames fight over a bolto. Seeing as Cardina had left, he scratched the side of his head before taking out a single kunai. He juggled the little throwing knife in his hand, deciding whether or not to interrupt the little duel or knock the bolto out of their reach. "Decisions decisions..."

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The Pistol flies out of Poseidon's hands as The Hydroid is shot in the back, It lands right next to Mortos's feet. Corvo throws him to one side "Do not Interfere!" shouted the Nekros, his voice drenched in Terrify "This is a fight between Tenno and it shall be honoured as such!" Poseidon laughed "So ye got the lackeys to do tha Dirty work Corvey? ye really should get a new hobby for thee health old man!" and the Hydroid and Nekros battle once more.

Interestingly, Corvo is quite the Contortionist, his body moving in inhumane ways, manoeuvring his body and mixing his attacks with the Stalking Fan stance, He's fast but slightly lacking in strength but Poseidon is stronger but slower, taking use of the Crossing Snakes Stance for his Nami Skyla

Edited by Drakeardian
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After being healed by the mist, the Nyx rose to her feet. She looked down at the Loki lying dead on the floor before poking it with her foot just to make sure it wasn't a decoy. You could never be sure with an opponent as tricky as a Loki. Confirming that it was indeed a real corpse and not a decoy, she looked to Temperance and the Volt who had revived her. "Thank you."


"You are quite welcome," Temperance replied, nodding to the Mag as she finished with him.  "Again, thank you, sister."



The stylus set itself down as she slammed the door shut behind her, Gorgon Wraith clutched with white-knuckled hands. Soon, she entered the reactor room with her characteristic poise and grace, nodding to her Acolytes as they stood guard. "Are you all alright?" she prodded the Loki's lifeless form with the Gorgon, noting the Dark dagger protruding from its skull. "I see you helped repel the attackers, Temperance. One of the Lotus' finest, for sure."


The Ash smiled slightly at her comment.  "I thank you, sister Cardina," he said.  "Though I think only you could make those words sound remotely like an insult."


Cardina gave no outward sign that she was anything but utterly composed, but behind Temperance's mental shields, now doubly maintained, tiny alarm bells were ringing.  She knows.  I don't know how I know, but she knows.

Edited by Temperance000
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"You are quite welcome," Temperance replied, nodding to the Mag as she finished with him.  "Thank you, sister."


The Ash smiled slightly at her comment.  "I thank you, sister Cardina," he said.  "Though I think only you could make those words sound remotely like an insult."


Cardina gave no outward sign that she was anything but utterly composed, but behind Temperance's mental shields, now doubly maintained, tiny alarm bells were ringing.  She knows.  I don't know how I know, but she knows.


Cardina laughed; there was no hint of deceit in the angelic exclamation. "Hardly! Whether she agrees with our philosophy or not, the Lotus has trained you well." She stepped away from Temperance, beckoning him teasingly with her finger. "Come on, the pirate captain is duelling some Nekros from the Shark, quite an interesting contest of skill to watch."


Should he follow, Cardina intended to talk to him on the way there.

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Cardina laughed; there was no hint of deceit in the angelic exclamation. "Hardly! Whether she agrees with our philosophy or not, the Lotus has trained you well." She stepped away from Temperance, beckoning him teasingly with her finger. "Come on, the pirate captain is duelling some Nekros from the Shark, quite an interesting contest of skill to watch."


Should he follow, Cardina intended to talk to him on the way there.


Aaand...here we go again.  Just short of trembling in his boots, Temperance rose, retrieved his dagger, and followed Cardina.

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Aaand...here we go again.  Just short of trembling in his boots, Temperance rose and followed Cardina.


While they were alone in the halls, Cardina didn't display the slightest hint of malice. As they passed a hole torn in the side of the derelict, exposing a long-defunct parkour course choked by vines, Cardina stopped to admire the sight. There was a certain elegance in how the thick trunks wound through the thin stepping pillars, and punched through the wallrunning obstacles.


"So tell me, Temperance," she didn't yell; her tone didn't raise in the slightest. The amount of stress she was in, letting slip the slightest shred of control over herself might tip her over the edge. Somehow, the practiced, holy calm was a hundred times worse than if she was bellowing as loud as her discordant voice could muster. "What did you read?"

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While they were alone in the halls, Cardina didn't display the slightest hint of malice. As they passed a hole torn in the side of the derelict, exposing a long-defunct parkour course choked by vines, Cardina stopped to admire the sight. There was a certain elegance in how the thick trunks wound through the thin stepping pillars, and punched through the wallrunning obstacles.


"So tell me, Temperance," she didn't yell; her tone didn't raise in the slightest. The amount of stress she was in, letting slip the slightest shred of control over herself might tip her over the edge. Somehow, the practiced, holy calm was a hundred times worse than if she was bellowing as loud as her discordant voice could muster. "What did you read?"


Temperance sighed.  Of course she knew.  And now he felt like a child caught stealing from the cookie jar.  "Believe it or not..." he said.  "Nothing.  Oh, I wanted to, believe me, but what good is a spy if he makes everyone suspicious?  Besides, I did actually want to help with the defense.  Renegades like Poseidon make my stomach turn."  He joined her in gazing out over the vine-choked obstacle course.  "You know, those pillars really do look a lot better like that."


((Yes, it is established that Temperance hates the pillars.  See the post when he and Rien are looking for Ezekiel.))

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Temperance sighed.  Of course she knew.  "Believe it or not..." he said.  "Nothing.  Oh, I wanted to, believe me, but what good is a spy if he makes everyone suspicious?  Besides, I did actually want to help with the defense.  Renegades like Poseidon make my stomach turn."  He joined her in gazing out over the vine-choked obstacle course.  "You know, those pillars really do look a lot better like that."


((Yes, it is established that Temperance hates the pillars.  See the post when he and Rien are looking for Ezekiel.))


Cardina felt Temperance lie. She didn't know it was just about the pillars. She began trembling with rage, breathing faster, louder. "I- you..." The facade broke after four seconds, the Machete Wraith practically leaping into her hand as she knocked Temperance's feet from under him, sending him to his knees, while his head hung over the chasm. She slammed her elbow into his back, pinning him in place while she raised the Machete like an executor's axe; one swing, and his head would go tumbling into the abyss.


"LIAR!" Cardina screamed, the twisting trunks around them echoing her palpable hate. "You- are- LYING! What did you read? How much of my thoughts do you know?" She was breathing heavily, panicking. "The- the audacity! Is NOTHING below the Lotus? I could have ripped every shred of consciousness out of your worm-riddled skull the second I saw you- DID I? DID I! NO!" Cardina shrieked with a discordant, desperate wail, the flora around her echoing like the roars of a thousand Ancients. "I TRUSTED YOU! WITH THE LIFE OF MY ACOLYTES! AND THIS IS HOW I'M REPAID?"

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Of course, the effect of the trunks echoing left Corvo and Hydroid in a bit of a Jitter, both of them collapsing due to the vibrations and had to trade weapons, the pair looked at their weapons and looked back, but each were skilled in their own way and they continued to do battle, meanwhile the rest of the Rogue Tenno fought the Divinities and their worshippers, including 4 who managed to find their way to The Cardinia and Temperance! while the remaining escaped humans retreated back to the Bleak Veil.


Corvo switched to a swirling Tiger stance while Poseidon went for a Stalking Fan!

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Of course, the effect of the trunks echoing left Corvo and Hydroid in a bit of a Jitter, both of them collapsing due to the vibrations and had to trade weapons, the pair looked at their weapons and looked back, but each were skilled in their own way and they continued to do battle, meanwhile the rest of the Rogue Tenno fought the Divinities and their worshippers, including 4 who managed to find their way to The Cardinia and Temperance! while the remaining escaped humans retreated back to the Bleak Veil.


Corvo switched to a swirling Tiger stance while Poseidon went for a Stalking Fan!


Shinkiro let out a small sigh as he watches the two battle. It was starting to bore him that neither was getting an edge over the other. The effects from something unknown to him had shook the Ash and even shuddered a little. "Er.. That didn't feel right. So are you two gonna finish soon?"

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