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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Shinkiro let out a small sigh as he watches the two battle. It was starting to bore him that neither was getting an edge over the other. The effects from something unknown to him had shook the Ash and even shuddered a little. "Er.. That didn't feel right. So are you two gonna finish soon?"

Corvo shouted "Just one moment...!" and he disarmed the Hydroid and punched him in the face with the cover of his own cutless, then his stomach and finally a right hook across the face, throwing the Nami Skyla away and catching the Kama Sycthe with his spare hand, closing the blade and leaning on it.


The Hydroid groaned as he was defeated. trying to get up but Corvo slammed his Scythe on his back


"I told you, you're a bad player"

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Corvo shouted "Just one moment...!" and he disarmed the Hydroid and punched him in the face with the cover of his own cutless, then his stomach and finally a right hook across the face, throwing the Nami Skyla away and catching the Kama Sycthe with his spare hand, closing the blade and leaning on it.


The Hydroid groaned as he was defeated. trying to get up but Corvo slammed his Scythe on his back


"I told you, you're a bad player"


"Well, looks like I spoke too soon." Shinkiro tosses the kunai in the air before catching it and putting it back in it's rack.

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Of course, the effect of the trunks echoing left Corvo and Hydroid in a bit of a Jitter, both of them collapsing due to the vibrations and had to trade weapons, the pair looked at their weapons and looked back, but each were skilled in their own way and they continued to do battle, meanwhile the rest of the Rogue Tenno fought the Divinities and their worshippers, including 4 who managed to find their way to The Cardinia and Temperance! while the remaining escaped humans retreated back to the Bleak Veil.


Corvo switched to a swirling Tiger stance while Poseidon went for a Stalking Fan!


Cardina felt them approaching, standing up and twirling the Machete Wraith. "You... poor... luckless... fools. Heh... heheheh." She laughed cruelly, energy flickered around her hands as she prepared an Absorb. "Shoot me, you worthless, cowardly, desecrating sacks of meat!"

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Cardina felt them approaching, standing up and twirling the Machete Wraith. "You... poor... luckless... fools. Heh... heheheh." She laughed cruelly, energy flickered around her hands as she prepared an Absorb. "Shoot me, you worthless, cowardly, desecrating sacks of meat!"

The Rhino of the 4 smirked and slammed his axe into the floor, somehow unleashing a dispel on the Nyx from the Axe! The rest fire on her.

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The Rhino of the 4 smirked and slammed his axe into the floor, somehow unleashing a dispel on the Nyx from the Axe! The rest fire on her.


She felt the energy fizzle from her frame, leaving her all but drained. "Wh-what? No-" The Bolto's tore into her medium shields. Cardina's panic broke as she felt a Bolto pierce her frame, and she began weaving between the slow, heavy bolts, dodging or parrying them to buy time.


"What is it, Rhino?" she growled through gritted teeth. "What is your name?"

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Cardina felt Temperance lie. She didn't know it was just about the pillars. She began trembling with rage, breathing faster, louder. "I- you..." The facade broke after four seconds, the Machete Wraith practically leaping into her hand as she knocked Temperance's feet from under him, sending him to his knees, while his head hung over the chasm. She slammed her elbow into his back, pinning him in place while she raised the Machete like an executor's axe; one swing, and his head would go tumbling into the abyss.


"LIAR!" Cardina screamed, the twisting trunks around them echoing her palpable hate. "You- are- LYING! What did you read? How much of my thoughts do you know?" She was breathing heavily, panicking. "The- the audacity! Is NOTHING below the Lotus? I could have ripped every shred of consciousness out of your worm-riddled skull the second I saw you- DID I? DID I! NO!" Cardina shrieked with a discordant, desperate wail, the flora around her echoing like the roars of a thousand Ancients. "I TRUSTED YOU! WITH THE LIFE OF MY ACOLYTES! AND THIS IS HOW I'M REPAID?"


Now I've done it Temperance thought, staring down into the abyss and hoping there was an infested tree thick enough to support his weight hidden in the mist below.  Of course, it wouldn't much matter if he was lighter by the weight of his head.  "Cardina, I swear to you, I did not even know those volumes were ..."


He broke off as he felt a Dispel wave crash into him, killing his energy pool and sending his HUD into a fritz.  His vision cleared in time to see Cardina weaving through a storm of bolt fire.  For the moment, the rogue Tenno were ignoring him.  Good.


Temperance rolled up, snatched his Soma from his back and took aim, laying into the Rhino with a hail of magnetic rounds.  With a mental flick, he added Cardina to his cell roster, continuing to fire while his Aura began to feed them both a trickle of energy.

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Now I've done it Temperance thought, staring down into the abyss and hoping there was an infested tree thick enough to support his weight hidden in the mist below.  Of course, it wouldn't much matter if he was lighter by the weight of his head.  "Cardina, I swear to you, I did not even know those volumes were ..."


He broke off as he felt a Dispel wave crash into him, killing his energy pool and sending his HUD into a fritz.  His vision cleared in time to see Cardina weaving through a storm of bolt fire.  For the moment, the rogue Tenno were ignoring him.  Good.


Temperance rolled up, snatched his Soma from his back and took aim, laying into the Rhino with a hail of magnetic rounds.  With a mental flick, he added Cardina to his cell roster, continuing to fire while his Aura began to feed them both a trickle of energy.


Cardina noticed her energy replenishing faster, and Temperance's vital signs appeared in her HUD. "Don't think this changes anything, spy." She rushes the Rhino, deflecting his axe strike into the ground and pressing two fingers to his helmet, flooding his mind with her hate, stifling his rational thoughts beneath a veneer of despair and anger.

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Cardina noticed her energy replenishing faster, and Temperance's vital signs appeared in her HUD. "Don't think this changes anything, spy." She rushes the Rhino, deflecting his axe strike into the ground and pressing two fingers to his helmet, flooding his mind with her hate, stifling his rational thoughts beneath a veneer of despair and anger.

"Of course not," Temperance muttered. "As long as I get to keep my head." He took three quick steps and dropped, sliding past Cardina and casually hamstringing the Rhino with his Dark Dagger as he passed. Unfortunately a stray bolt struck his Soma from his hand, forcing him to draw his Lex Prime. His shields started taking hits, but the Boltor series were anti-armor weapons; he was safe from bodily harm, for the moment. Still, that wouldn't last long with three of them firing at him.

Temperance tucked into a forward roll, quickly slashing upward with his dagger at the Tenno immediately in front of him. The blade skated off shields, but the Excalibur still instinctively jerked his head back, giving Temperance the perfect opening to put three rounds point-blank into his chest from the pistol in his other hand. He spun away as a Bolto fired by his head, the armor-piercing bolt clipping the tails of his helmet as he fired his own pistol into his assailant's face. The Tenno collapsed, and Temperance froze. Not because of the mess that tends to result from four high-caliber viral rounds to the head, or the bits of bone, brain, and bio-tech matter that spattered across his Warframe. No, he froze because of the Boltor pressed against his lower spine.

Edited by Temperance000
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"Of course not," Temperance muttered.  "As long as I get to keep my head."  He took three quick steps and dropped, sliding past Cardina and casually hamstringing the Rhino with his Dark Dagger as he passed.  Unfortunately a stray bolt struck his Soma from his hand, forcing him to draw his Lex Prime.  His shields started taking hits, but the Boltor series were anti-armor weapons; he was safe from bodily harm, for the moment.  Still, that wouldn't last long with three of them firing at him.


Temperance tucked into a forward roll, quickly slashing upward with his dagger at the Tenno immediately in front of him.  The blade skated off shields, but the Excalibur still instinctively jerked his head back, giving Temperance the perfect opening to put three rounds point-blank into his chest from the pistol in his other hand.  He spun away as a Bolto fired by his head, the armor-piercing bolt clipping the tails of his helmet as he fired his own pistol into his assailant's face.  The Tenno collapsed, and Temperance froze.  Not because of the mess that tends to result from six high-caliber viral rounds to the head, or the bits of bone, brain, and bio-tech matter that spattered across his Warframe.  No, he froze because of the Boltor pressed against his lower spine.


The Oberon holding the boltor smirked, and removed his helmet with his free hand. "Right," Cardina said distastefully, her hand tracing intricate, glowing lines in the air. "You're a proud one. This is your idea." The pirate tenno removed the Boltor's barrel from Temperance's spine, holding it to his chest. "The Captain wouldn't want you to do this. You're valuable, imagine how angry he would be if he found out-" The Oberon's Boltor touched his own teeth with a light click.


The distinct Ch-choom of a Boltor echoed down the hall, and a second later the Oberon slumped to the ground, still grinning despite the two bolts lodged clean through his skull.


Cardina stepped over the corpse, utterly pleased with her handiwork. "I promised you," she turned to the crippled Rhino. "None of you would leave alive. Go on. Beg me to spare you."

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The Oberon holding the boltor smirked, and removed his helmet with his free hand. "Right," Cardina said distastefully, her hand tracing intricate, glowing lines in the air. "You're a proud one. This is your idea." The pirate tenno removed the Boltor's barrel from Temperance's spine, holding it to his chest. "The Captain wouldn't want you to do this. You're valuable, imagine how angry he would be if he found out-" The Oberon's Boltor touched his own teeth with a light click.


The distinct Ch-choom of a Boltor echoed down the hall, and a second later the Oberon slumped to the ground, still grinning despite the two bolts lodged clean through his skull.


Cardina stepped over the corpse, utterly pleased with her handiwork. "I promised you," she turned to the crippled Rhino. "None of you would leave alive. Go on. Beg me to spare you."


A breath of relief escaped Temperance's lips as the Boltor left his back, and was quickly drawn back in when the weapon fired and its owner hit the floor in a heap.  Quietly gritting his teeth, he stepped over the prone Excalibur, who was still struggling feebly in spite of the gaping red hole in his chest, and retrieved his Soma.  Then he turned to Cardina, who was looming over the immobile Rhino, her Machete Wraith held in a comfortable grip.  He cleared his throat for her attention.


"Cardina," he said softly.  "I think they have had enough."

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A breath of relief escaped Temperance's lips as the Boltor left his back, and was quickly drawn back in when the weapon fired and its owner hit the floor in a heap.  Quietly gritting his teeth, he stepped over the prone Excalibur, who was still struggling feebly in spite of the gaping red hole in his chest, and retrieved his Soma.  Then he turned to Cardina, who was looming over the immobile Rhino, her Machete Wraith held in a comfortable grip.  He cleared his throat for her attention.


"Cardina," he said softly.  "I think they have had enough."


"Hm," She regarded the helpless Rhino pirate, comfortably spinning the Machete Wraith. "Maybe. Tell me, are you afraid? No. Of course not. You still have a trump card- RAAUGH!" She spun suddenly, stabbing inches past Temperance into a Shade-cloaked Valkyr, the corrosive blade punching clean through even the Valkyr's armor, severing the spine of the would-be backstabber. 


"WHAT NOW?" Cardina screamed at the Rhino. "Who's in control now, you sad, simpering f*ck?"  Cardina severed the Rhino's left arm with a swift, controlled chop, drinking in his stifled scream; his agony was exquisite.

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"Hm," She regarded the helpless Rhino pirate, comfortably spinning the Machete Wraith. "Maybe. Tell me, are you afraid? No. Of course not. You still have a trump card- RAAUGH!" She spun suddenly, stabbing inches past Temperance into a Shade-cloaked Valkyr, the corrosive blade punching clean through even the Valkyr's armor, severing the spine of the would-be backstabber. 


"WHAT NOW?" Cardina screamed at the Rhino. "Who's in control now, you sad, simpering f*ck?"  Cardina severed the Rhino's left arm with a swift, controlled chop, drinking in his stifled scream; his agony was exquisite.


And now I owe her my life.  His emotions were in tumult, caught between admiration, gratitude, and disgust.  The situation was rapidly spiraling out of control, and Temperance did not like it one bit.  Add to that the fact that Cardina had suddenly transformed from a cool, manipulative, and utterly controlled individual into a raging sadist and the Ash's day was looking rather bleak.


Third Axiom: Tenno are not cruel.  Praying that it would not result in Cardina turning on him, Temperance stepped up to her side, sent her a silent apology, and fired his Lex into the back of the Rhino's head, killing him instantly.

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And now I owe her my life.  His emotions were in tumult, caught between admiration, gratitude, and disgust.  The situation was rapidly spiraling out of control, and Temperance did not like it one bit.  Add to that the fact that Cardina had suddenly transformed from a cool, manipulative, and utterly controlled individual into a raging sadist and the Ash's day was looking rather bleak.


Third Axiom: Tenno are not cruel.  Praying that it would not result in Cardina turning on him, Temperance stepped up to her side, sent her a silent apology, and fired his Lex into the back of the Rhino's head, killing him instantly.


"Just one loose end," Cardina neatly decapitated the Excalibur, flicking the blade at the end of the sweep to pop the helmeted head into the air, snatching it out of the air at the top of its arc. "Not one," she whispered to the dripping head as the last flicker of consciousness left it.


"Temperance," in the same motion, she sheathed her Machete Wraith and disdainfully tossed the head into the yawning chasm, a neat arc of crimson splashing onto her armor. She didn't wipe it off. "Thank you for your aid. The Chruch of Ascension thanks the Lotus and her followers for their assistance in repelling this attack, and we look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship." Cardina began performing the sign of the Ascension, then paused. "You are uneasy."

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"Just one loose end," Cardina neatly decapitated the Excalibur, flicking the blade at the end of the sweep to pop the helmeted head into the air, snatching it out of the air at the top of its arc. "Not one," she whispered to the dripping head as the last flicker of consciousness left it.


"Temperance," in the same motion, she sheathed her Machete Wraith and disdainfully tossed the head into the yawning chasm, a neat arc of crimson splashing onto her armor. She didn't wipe it off. "Thank you for your aid. The Chruch of Ascension thanks the Lotus and her followers for their assistance in repelling this attack, and we look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship." Cardina began performing the sign of the Ascension, then paused. "You are uneasy."


"Yes."  There was no point in hiding it; even with his shields up, a Nyx as powerful as Cardina could probably still read his surface thoughts.  "Cardina...I am...concerned for you.  Anger at me, I can understand, or anger at fools like these," he gestured to the still bodies, "but...Tenno are not cruel, Cardina.  Even in war, when we are compelled to hunt and kill without mercy or hesitation, we do not...torture like this.  We do not take pleasure from the suffering of others.  What you did to that Rhino, what is being done to the humans who surrendered...that is monstrous, Cardina.  And Tenno are not monsters.  You are not a monster.  You are Tenno, and you are hurting.  Cardina, what happened to you?"

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((5 hour power outage kept me from posting earlier.)) 


Of course, the effect of the trunks echoing left Corvo and Hydroid in a bit of a Jitter, both of them collapsing due to the vibrations and had to trade weapons, the pair looked at their weapons and looked back, but each were skilled in their own way and they continued to do battle, meanwhile the rest of the Rogue Tenno fought the Divinities and their worshippers, including 4 who managed to find their way to The Cardinia and Temperance! while the remaining escaped humans retreated back to the Bleak Veil.


Corvo switched to a swirling Tiger stance while Poseidon went for a Stalking Fan!


Mortos used Shadows of the Dead, summoning forth a group of twenty-four shadows. Among them were humans whom he had killed, the shadows having the same exosuits that the real ones had worn and the rest were specifically Grineer Heavy Gunners and Corpus Techs. Covering him during the summoning was a Frost Prime who used Snow Globe.


With the addition of Mortos' shadows, the Acolytes went forth to battle the remaining rogue Tenno. Gaia used Blessing to grant invulnerability to the Acolytes, Mortos, the shadows and herself. The rogue Tenno would find themselves overpowered due to the firepower of the Acolytes combined with the abilities of the Divinities. Before the charge, Mortos declared, "You have two options. Repent and beg for forgiveness or be slaughters for your crimes as defilers."


This was one fight which Rien took the liberty of excusing himself from as he noted the rogue Tenno that had managed to slip past. He decided to tail them.


"Just one loose end," Cardina neatly decapitated the Excalibur, flicking the blade at the end of the sweep to pop the helmeted head into the air, snatching it out of the air at the top of its arc. "Not one," she whispered to the dripping head as the last flicker of consciousness left it.


"Temperance," in the same motion, she sheathed her Machete Wraith and disdainfully tossed the head into the yawning chasm, a neat arc of crimson splashing onto her armor. She didn't wipe it off. "Thank you for your aid. The Chruch of Ascension thanks the Lotus and her followers for their assistance in repelling this attack, and we look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship." Cardina began performing the sign of the Ascension, then paused. "You are uneasy."


"Yes."  There was no point in hiding it; even with his shields up, a Nyx as powerful as Cardina could probably still read his surface thoughts.  "Cardina...I am...concerned for you.  Anger at me, I can understand, or anger at fools like these," he gestured to the still bodies, "but...Tenno are not cruel, Cardina.  Even in war, when we are compelled to hunt and kill without mercy or hesitation, we do not...torture like this.  We do not take pleasure from the suffering of others.  What you did to that Rhino, what is being done to the humans who surrendered...that is monstrous, Cardina.  And Tenno are not monsters.  You are not a monster.  You are Tenno, and you are hurting.  Cardina, what happened to you?"


Cardina and Temperance should hear a clapping of hands as Rien became visible, changing from a light shimmering into the air to full visibility. "That was truly something to behold, Herald Cardina. Artful slaughter aside, I have a report to give and take. As for the one to be given, the Nekros from the Shark has subdued the enemy leader but has not killed him. At least not yet. The Tenno of the Shark, however, tended to the wounds of the enemy and sent them away. Should we board the enemy vessel and finish the defilers or let them escape and start clean-up early?"

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"Yes."  There was no point in hiding it; even with his shields up, a Nyx as powerful as Cardina could probably still read his surface thoughts.  "Cardina...I am...concerned for you.  Anger at me, I can understand, or anger at fools like these," he gestured to the still bodies, "but...Tenno are not cruel, Cardina.  Even in war, when we are compelled to hunt and kill without mercy or hesitation, we do not...torture like this.  We do not take pleasure from the suffering of others.  What you did to that Rhino, what is being done to the humans who surrendered...that is monstrous, Cardina.  And Tenno are not monsters.  You are not a monster.  You are Tenno, and you are hurting.  Cardina, what happened to you?"


Cardina sighed heavily, her noble posture slumping as if a great weight had been placed upon it. "I don't remember. Somewhere in volume one. I don't know what I was- I don't want to know. Those books are the only thing that keeps me sane, I can't- I can't let who I was control me." She resumed her high, controlled stance. "I am the Herald of the Ascension. Whatever I was before that is dead. I have to be in control of this church, if it is not going to fizzle out and die like every other empire in history, from the Orokin to the Sumerians." Cardina shakes her head, lifting a hand to her temple. "Do you see what I must be? Order and leadership for my Acolytes, Chaos incarnate for heretics."

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Cardina sighed heavily, her noble posture slumping as if a great weight had been placed upon it. "I don't remember. Somewhere in volume one. I don't know what I was- I don't want to know. Those books are the only thing that keeps me sane, I can't- I can't let who I was control me." She resumed her high, controlled stance. "I am the Herald of the Ascension. Whatever I was before that is dead. I have to be in control of this church, if it is not going to fizzle out and die like every other empire in history, from the Orokin to the Sumerians." Cardina shakes her head, lifting a hand to her temple. "Do you see what I must be? Order and leadership for my Acolytes, Chaos incarnate for heretics."


Temperance nodded sadly.  "It is a terrible burden.  One you should not have to bear alone.  We...have not been on the best of terms, you and I, and I understand perfectly if you still do not trust me.  It is what I would do in your place.  I will speak with your Divinities, file my report with the Lotus, and go.  Our ideologies may never match exactly, but if you ever need help, or just someone to talk to...I am not hard to find.  All I ask is that you remember that mercy is not weakness.  We have already lost too many kin."  He made the sign of the Ascension, placing two fingers to his throat and bowing deeply.  "Be well, Cardina."  He stepped past her, and began to walk back towards the main hall.


Cardina and Temperance should hear a clapping of hands as Rien became visible, changing from a light shimmering into the air to full visibility. "That was truly something to behold, Herald Cardina. Artful slaughter aside, I have a report to give and take. As for the one to be given, the Nekros from the Shark has subdued the enemy leader but has not killed him. At least not yet. The Tenno of the Shark, however, tended to the wounds of the enemy and sent them away. Should we board the enemy vessel and finish the defilers or let them escape and start clean-up early?"


"I expect you to keep an eye on her," Temperance growled as he passed the Loki.  "She is hurting, badly, whether you see it or not.  Be there to catch her if she falls, Rien."


Without waiting for a response, the Ash continued on his way, mind swirling from the strange encounter.

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Cardina and Temperance should hear a clapping of hands as Rien became visible, changing from a light shimmering into the air to full visibility. "That was truly something to behold, Herald Cardina. Artful slaughter aside, I have a report to give and take. As for the one to be given, the Nekros from the Shark has subdued the enemy leader but has not killed him. At least not yet. The Tenno of the Shark, however, tended to the wounds of the enemy and sent them away. Should we board the enemy vessel and finish the defilers or let them escape and start clean-up early?"


Cardina stood upright, bowing to the Loki. "Thank you, Rien." She took a half-second to weigh the options before her. "We promised that the pirates who set foot on our Derelict would never leave it. Execute the captain, but let their ship go. We've sent our transmission of peace; let the pirates spread the other half of our reputation."


Temperance nodded sadly.  "It is a terrible burden.  One you should not have to bear alone.  We...have not been on the best of terms, you and I, and I understand perfectly if you still do not trust me.  It is what I would do in your place.  I will speak with your Divinities, file my report with the Lotus, and go.  Our ideologies may never match exactly, but if you ever need help, or just someone to talk to...I am not hard to find.  All I ask is that you remember that mercy is not weakness.  We have already lost too many kin."  He made the sign of the Ascension, placing two fingers to his throat and bowing deeply.  "Be well, Cardina."  He stepped past her, and began to walk back towards the main hall.


"Until next time, Temperance." She cracks a smile under her helmet. "If the Lotus ever offers a Vulkar Wraith, you know who to call." She watched him leave, then turned back to Rien. "Let's finish this ordeal. I'll ask the Shark's crew to relinquish Poseidon for execution; if they refuse, slit the pirate's throat immediately. Understood?"

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Temperance nodded sadly.  "It is a terrible burden.  One you should not have to bear alone.  We...have not been on the best of terms, you and I, and I understand perfectly if you still do not trust me.  It is what I would do in your place.  I will speak with your Divinities, file my report with the Lotus, and go.  Our ideologies may never match exactly, but if you ever need help, or just someone to talk to...I am not hard to find.  All I ask is that you remember that mercy is not weakness.  We have already lost too many kin."  He made the sign of the Ascension, placing two fingers to his throat and bowing deeply.  "Be well, Cardina."  He stepped past her, and began to walk back towards the main hall.



"I expect you to keep an eye on her," Temperance growled as he passed the Loki.  "She is hurting, badly, whether you see it or not.  Be there to catch her if she falls, Rien."


Without waiting for a response, the Ash continued on his way, mind swirling from the strange encounter.


Rien watched as Temperance walked past. "Very well, though you need not ask. All of us in the church are here for our Tenno brothers and sisters when we are needed. They need only ask." Aside from philosophical and religious views, many of the Tenno in the church thought of other Tenno as family members or close friends.


Cardina stood upright, bowing to the Loki. "Thank you, Rien." She took a half-second to weigh the options before her. "We promised that the pirates who set foot on our Derelict would never leave it. Execute the captain, but let their ship go. We've sent our transmission of peace; let the pirates spread the other half of our reputation."



"Until next time, Temperance." She cracks a smile under her helmet. "If the Lotus ever offers a Vulkar Wraith, you know who to call." She watched him leave, then turned back to Rien. "Let's finish this ordeal. I'll ask the Shark's crew to relinquish Poseidon for execution; if they refuse, slit the pirate's throat immediately. Understood?"


Rien nodded. "As you wish." Rien ran off down the hallway, heading back to the main hall to see if Poseidon was dead yet or still alive. As per Cardina's orders, he vanished right before he reached the doors in order to be hidden should it come down to him assassinating the captain.

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Rien watched as Temperance walked past. "Very well, though you need not ask. All of us in the church are here for our Tenno brothers and sisters when we are needed. They need only ask." Aside from philosophical and religious views, many of the Tenno in the church thought of other Tenno as family members or close friends.



Rien nodded. "As you wish." Rien ran off down the hallway, heading back to the main hall to see if Poseidon was dead yet or still alive. As per Cardina's orders, he vanished right before he reached the doors in order to be hidden should it come down to him assassinating the captain.


Cardina strode into the main hall, Machete Wraith in hand, with the Gorgon and Viper Wraiths holstered. "Leo, Corvo," she bowed to them curtly. "Thank you for your aid, it will not be soon forgotten. We'll take custody of Poseidon, and deal with him in the way that best serves the balance."

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The Hydroid got on his knees and looked to Corvo as the Nekros looked down on the Pirate


"You know, at this point I should either kill you or hand you over to the Lotus or the Council to stand trial" replied the Nekros, "But since we have unfinished business I'm considering on finishing this another time..." The Hydroid laughed "Ye think they'll let me go?" "No".


Leo looked To Gaia and Mortos and the Cardina as soon as she arrived "Is it necessary to kill those who are not Tenno? were we not once like them? with families or children? Were we not once in our lifetimes fathers, mothers, Husbands, wives uncles, Aunts and carers to our young kin? Have we forgotten what we once were before becoming Tenno?"

Edited by Drakeardian
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The Hydroid got on his knees and looked to Corvo as the Nekros looked down on the Pirate


"You know, at this point I should either kill you or hand you over to the Lotus or the Council to stand trial" replied the Nekros, "But since we have unfinished business I'm considering on finishing this another time..." The Hydroid laughed "Ye think they'll let me go?" "No".


Leo looked To Gaia and Mortos and the Cardina as soon as she arrived "Is it necessary to kill those who are not Tenno? were we not once like them? with families or children?"


Temperance stood off to the side, waiting for Mortos and Gaia.  As he listened to Leo, as sad smile formed on his face.

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The Hydroid got on his knees and looked to Corvo as the Nekros looked down on the Pirate


"You know, at this point I should either kill you or hand you over to the Lotus or the Council to stand trial" replied the Nekros, "But since we have unfinished business I'm considering on finishing this another time..." The Hydroid laughed "Ye think they'll let me go?" "No".


Leo looked To Gaia and Mortos and the Cardina as soon as she arrived "Is it necessary to kill those who are not Tenno? were we not once like them? with families or children? Were we not once in our lifetimes fathers, mothers, uncles, Aunts and carers to our young kin?"


Mortos responded, "The defilers should have thought about that before they attacked us. their lives were forfeit from the very moment they decided to attack us. The only reason our rogue brethren were shown any amount of mercy was because as Tenno, we are a dying race and it would be best if we could unite rather than kill each other off. Granted, those who have shown themselves beyond redemption or forced our hands had to perish. May their souls find rest."


Gaia then spoke her mind. By her tone of voice, it could be noticed that she was much more caring and warm than Mortos whose tone was cold and unfeeling. "While you do make a point, they chose to attack us. They could have just left us alone and we would have done the same to them. It is sad that it came to it but there are punishments for one's actions."

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Mortos responded, "The defilers should have thought about that before they attacked us. their lives were forfeit from the very moment they decided to attack us. The only reason our rogue brethren were shown any amount of mercy was because as Tenno, we are a dying race and it would be best if we could unite rather than kill each other off. Granted, those who have shown themselves beyond redemption or forced our hands had to perish. May their souls find rest."


Gaia then spoke her mind. By her tone of voice, it could be noticed that she was much more caring and warm than Mortos whose tone was cold and unfeeling. "While you do make a point, they chose to attack us. They could have just left us alone and we would have done the same to them. It is sad that it came to it but there are punishments for one's actions."

"Well nobody will miss this sack of Grineer carcuss" replied Corvo as he slammed his Sycthe right into the Hydroid's head...only to find it hiss, releasing steam from the hole in the side of it's head and splutters before it became nothing more than a deflated suit, Corvo, Cross and Leo raised an eyebrow as they inspected Poseidon's supposed Corpse. There was no body, only a suit filled with air and a robotic body! "What the Hek?" Asked Cross...


Suddenly the ship made a noise, similar to laughing as it detached from the Derelict and left with it's spoils! 

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"Well nobody will miss this sack of Grineer carcuss" replied Corvo as he slammed his Sycthe right into the Hydroid's head...only to find it hiss, releasing steam from the hole in the side of it's head and splutters before it became nothing more than a deflated suit, Corvo, Cross and Leo raised an eyebrow as they inspected Poseidon's supposed Corpse. There was no body, only a suit filled with air and a robotic body! "What the Hek?" Asked Cross...


Suddenly the ship made a noise, similar to laughing as it detached from the Derelict and left with it's spoils! 


"......" Shinkiro stares down at the fake body. "Well isn't that clever..."

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