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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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"Well nobody will miss this sack of Grineer carcuss" replied Corvo as he slammed his Sycthe right into the Hydroid's head...only to find it hiss, releasing steam from the hole in the side of it's head and splutters before it became nothing more than a deflated suit, Corvo, Cross and Leo raised an eyebrow as they inspected Poseidon's supposed Corpse. There was no body, only a suit filled with air and a robotic body! "What the Hek?" Asked Cross...


Suddenly the ship made a noise, similar to laughing as it detached from the Derelict and left with it's spoils! 


Mortos turned and left, heading back to his quarters. Along the way, he stopped for a moment to speak. "Thank you, those who helped us. It is appreciated." With a wave of his hand, Mortos scattered the shadows that he had summoned earlier. They started to pick up tools and begin work on repairs, assisting the Acolytes.


Gaia nodded to the crew of the Shark and Shinkiro. "Thank you for your help. You have our gratitude." She then turned to her Acolytes. "We need to take inventory and take a head count. I fear the damages caused by our unwelcome visitors will cause a setback. Hopefully, the returning cells will have brought enough with them to advance repairs."

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Mortos turned and left, heading back to his quarters. Along the way, he stopped for a moment to speak. "Thank you, those who helped us. It is appreciated." With a wave of his hand, Mortos scattered the shadows that he had summoned earlier. They started to pick up tools and begin work on repairs, assisting the Acolytes.


Gaia nodded to the crew of the Shark and Shinkiro. "Thank you for your help. You have our gratitude." She then turned to her Acolytes. "We need to take inventory and take a head count. I fear the damages caused by our unwelcome visitors will cause a setback. Hopefully, the returning cells will have brought enough with them to advance repairs."


Cardina ran into the main hall, spotting the Divinities leaving. "Father Mortos! Poseidon is getting away! We need to strike down the one responsible for this! Mother Gaia, we have to ensure he doesn't harm other Tenno!" She spun to face her Acolytes, pointing out directions with her Machete Wraith as she spoke; her stance and echoing voice was inspiring and intimidating as she called out orders.


"Volt, use Speed on Rien and our Vanguard Rhino Prime. There are two exterior heavy laser beam turrets that we've managed to make operational, I need you to cripple the Pirate's engines with them. Zephyr, assemble a team of our best mechanics to get this ship moving. It doesn't have to be fast, but those turrets have comparatively short range, and we need to get them as long a window of opportunity as possible. I want a team of Mags polarizing the Derelicts shields in case we get counter attacked." Her voice dropped low, and she grinned, the infested trunks throughout the ship vibrating with haunting, mocking laughter. "Let's make these pirates an example of Mortos' death."


Cardina then swiftly approached Leo and Corvo. "Can you get me onto that ship?"

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Leo nodded to Cardinia "Of course, though We have rules, I trust you'll follow them?" Corvo looked to the Crew of the Shark "You go ahead, I need a moment" Leo blinked "Corvo?" 


"I just need a minute Leonardo,  Please"


Leo nodded "Fine, We'll see you back here" and The rest of the Crew headed onto the scout ship, while doing so Cross asked the Cardinia very quickly "Cardinia, I have a question"

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Leo nodded to Cardinia "Of course, though We have rules, I trust you'll follow them?" Corvo looked to the Crew of the Shark "You go ahead, I need a moment" Leo blinked "Corvo?" 


"I just need a minute Leonardo,  Please"


Leo nodded "Fine, We'll see you back here" and The rest of the Crew headed onto the scout ship, while doing so Cross asked the Cardinia very quickly "Cardinia, I have a question"


"Of course, Leo. You've been nothing but helpful to me and my Church." 


She smiled to Cross as they walked. "Certainly," Her voice was sing-song and harmonic, like a struck wine glass. "What troubles you?" 

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"Of course, Leo. You've been nothing but helpful to me and my Church." 


She smiled to Cross as they walked. "Certainly," Her voice was sing-song and harmonic, like a struck wine glass. "What troubles you?" 

Cross hands a picture of his daughter when she was 12 to Cardinia "Do you know anyone that looks like her or knew her? her name's Amber...She's my daughter"


Meanwhile Corvo watches as the Shark begins to leave. looking on in his Raknis helmet

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Cross hands a picture of his daughter when she was 12 to Cardinia "Do you know anyone that looks like her or knew her? her name's Amber...She's my daughter"


Something flickered at the back of Cardina's mind, her step faltered as she examined the photo and heard her name. "I- I don't-" she shakes her head to clear her thoughts, her pace recovering. "I don't remember. I can't remember anything beyond a few days ago, so I record my every thought and memory in a series of volumes in my cell. I'll search through them, though it will take time." She fell silent for a while. "This is important to you, and- I think there's something, and I know the wait would be agonizing. If you want, you could help comb through them for a mention of your daughter."

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Something flickered at the back of Cardina's mind, her step faltered as she examined the photo and heard her name. "I- I don't-" she shakes her head to clear her thoughts, her pace recovering. "I don't remember. I can't remember anything beyond a few days ago, so I record my every thought and memory in a series of volumes in my cell. I'll search through them, though it will take time." She fell silent for a while. "This is important to you, and- I think there's something, and I know the wait would be agonizing. If you want, you could help comb through them for a mention of your daughter."

Cross nods and returns to his post, while the shark prepares to take off after the Bleak Veil and Poseidon.


Meanwhile Corvo watches the ship leave, once it's disappeared, the Nekros collapses on the floor

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Cardina ran into the main hall, spotting the Divinities leaving. "Father Mortos! Poseidon is getting away! We need to strike down the one responsible for this! Mother Gaia, we have to ensure he doesn't harm other Tenno!" She spun to face her Acolytes, pointing out directions with her Machete Wraith as she spoke; her stance and echoing voice was inspiring and intimidating as she called out orders.


"Volt, use Speed on Rien and our Vanguard Rhino Prime. There are two exterior heavy laser beam turrets that we've managed to make operational, I need you to cripple the Pirate's engines with them. Zephyr, assemble a team of our best mechanics to get this ship moving. It doesn't have to be fast, but those turrets have comparatively short range, and we need to get them as long a window of opportunity as possible. I want a team of Mags polarizing the Derelicts shields in case we get counter attacked." Her voice dropped low, and she grinned, the infested trunks throughout the ship vibrating with haunting, mocking laughter. "Let's make these pirates an example of Mortos' death."


Cardina then swiftly approached Leo and Corvo. "Can you get me onto that ship?"


Mortos and Gaia looked to Cardina and paused. With all their time spent in meditation and planning, neither of them had checked to see the progress of repairs beyond the immediate facilities such as the main hall and the hangars. At that point in time, they were not expecting much out of the old, Orokin ship at such a stage in its repairs but if Cardina and the Acolytes were willing to make the effort, they would not stop them.


Gaia spoke as Mortos didn't seemed like he hadn't compiled what he would have wished to say. "It seems our many hours spent in meditation has left us behind on certain things. We can try, of course. I will see what I can do to assist." Gaia left with the engineers, curious to attempt something which had come into her mind. As for Mortos, he remained in the main hall. Usually, they delegated to Cardina but since she would otherwise be occupied at the moment, Mortos found the command role passed back to himself.


Volt used Speed to boost not just Rien and the Rhino Prime but everyone else in the radius as well. The boost would allow the engineers and Gaia to reach the engine section much faster. Aside from the engineers and the two sent to man the turrets, the rest of the available Acolytes did whatever they could to contribute. Every Mag and Mag Prime aboard the ship was moving towards the front as giving chase meant if they took fire then the front area of the shields would be the area hit. Those remaining went back to repair work and some thought to attempt salvaging the pods that had been used to board the derelict. If anything, those could be reused to send some of the Acolytes onto the Bleak Veil for an assault.


Cross nods and returns to his post, while the shark prepares to take off after the Bleak Veil and Poseidon.


Meanwhile Corvo watches the ship leave, once it's disappeared, the Nekros collapses on the floor


Seeing Corvo collapse, a Trinity ran over to tend to him. Gaia was otherwise busy so she would tend to him in her stead, bringing him to the infirmary for diagnosis and if necessary, treatment.

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Cardina walks to the bridge of the Shark, glaring at the Bleak Veil. She gave a sideways glance to Siren, noticing her complete integration to the ship. I'll have to see if any of my acolytes can do that. 

Siren looked to The Cardinia "I assume you vish to know if zis is possible?" she replies, as she does a full on scan of the ship, the cloaking mechanism keeps them hidden from the sensors "Also I vould recommend Ve do not engage at the moment, Ve cannot send a shuttle or the Shark itself into ze Bleak Veil without risking detection"


Meanwhile Diagnosis show the Nekros is suffering from exhaustion and suffering a heart attack, the old Nekros was in all cases. Dying

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Siren looked to The Cardinia "I assume you vish to know if zis is possible?" she replies, as she does a full on scan of the ship, the cloaking mechanism keeps them hidden from the sensors "Also I vould recommend Ve do not engage at the moment, Ve cannot send a shuttle or the Shark itself into ze Bleak Veil without risking detection"


Meanwhile Diagnosis show the Nekros is suffering from exhaustion and suffering a heart attack, the old Nekros was in all cases. Dying


"I'm impressed by your technological and tactical acumen." Cardina nods to Siren, finger resting on her Gorgon Wraith's trigger guard. "Proceed as you deem wise; my knowledge more concerns the Void's secrets."

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Cardina walks to the bridge of the Shark, glaring at the Bleak Veil. She gave a sideways glance to Siren, noticing her complete integration to the ship. I'll have to see if any of my acolytes can do that. 


A transmission was sent by a Vauban aboard the derelict, the intended recipient being Cardina. "Herald Cardina, I bring news. The functioning turrets are manned and we are attempting to activate the engines. Thus far, we have found one operational and another only requires relatively minor work to resume functionality."


Siren looked to The Cardinia "I assume you vish to know if zis is possible?" she replies, as she does a full on scan of the ship, the cloaking mechanism keeps them hidden from the sensors "Also I vould recommend Ve do not engage at the moment, Ve cannot send a shuttle or the Shark itself into ze Bleak Veil without risking detection"


Meanwhile Diagnosis show the Nekros is suffering from exhaustion and suffering a heart attack, the old Nekros was in all cases. Dying


The Trinity removed Corvo's helmet while she asked one of the available Acolytes to assist her via bringing her a nitroglycerin pill. She managed to disengage the seals on his helmet and proceed with the removal as the Acolyte returned. Curing Corvo's exhaustion, she thought could be dealt with by using Blessing. She was hoping his heart issues were not too serious as getting him to take the pill should alleviate the problem, assuming it was not serious enough to require surgery.

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The Trinity removed Corvo's helmet while she asked one of the available Acolytes to assist her via bringing her a nitroglycerin pill. She managed to disengage the seals on his helmet and proceed with the removal as the Acolyte returned. Curing Corvo's exhaustion, she thought could be dealt with by using Blessing. She was hoping his heart issues were not too serious as getting him to take the pill should alleviate the problem, assuming it was not serious enough to require surgery.

The Helmet would Corvo revile as a slightly gaunt man in his late 50s with short grey hair, 6 Lines from his forehead across his cheeks and down to his bottom lips his condition begins to improve as the Trinity works but his heart problems look very serious. an old untreated wound has caused his heart to be damaged and weaker, it seems that fight with Poseidon was about to kill him.

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Well, so much for talking the Divinities and leaving.


Temperance headed back to the hangar and unlocked his ship, riding the lift up into its welcome confines.  As he brought the systems back up, he noted that the Bleak Veil was spinning up its drives for an escape run, and that the Shark had launched in pursuit and was shadowing at a safe distance.  Curiously, the derelict also seemed to be in the process of powering up its long-defunct engines and weapons systems.  Temperance smiled.  Trust Cardina to have a backup plan he thought as he keyed the secure link to the Lotus.


"Ah, Temperance," the Lotus greeted him, relief in her voice.  "We had begun to worry when we lost comm.s.  We were on the verge of sending a strike team to investigate.  Are you well?"


"More or less, Lotus, more or less," the Tenno replied, a bit wearily.


"And your report on the Church?"


"Will have to wait, I'm afraid," Temperance told her.  "There are still a few factors to account for, but so far, all I have seen is a rather disillusioned and marginally angry group of Tenno who want nothing more than to build a better future for our race.  In all likelihood, they will not be an obstacle to any long-term operations.  In fact, from what I have seen, long-term operations would do well to account for their involvement.  I will contact you again when I learn more, but for now, I have a favor to ask."


"Of course Temperance," the Lotus said.  "What is it?"


"Is that strike team still available?" he asked with a wicked grin.  "The pirate cruiser Bleak Veil is making a run for it, and I really think a Tenno battle squadron flying Lotus flags is about the last thing they want to have on their forward scopes."


"I'm sure," the Lotus replied, the a hint of malicious amusement in her own voice.  "The ships will be dispatched promptly.  Would you care to take command?"


"Lotus," Temperance said, keying his ship's ignition and roaring out of the hangar before vanishing under stealth.  "It would be my genuine pleasure."

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A transmission was sent by a Vauban aboard the derelict, the intended recipient being Cardina. "Herald Cardina, I bring news. The functioning turrets are manned and we are attempting to activate the engines. Thus far, we have found one operational and another only requires relatively minor work to resume functionality."


"Excellent, Vauban!" Cardina smiled hugely. "The ongoing service of your engineering crew bring our Church one step closer to Ascension, and tighten the claw of Chaos around our foes. This will not be soon forgotten." She held herself aloft, watching the Bleak Veil flee. "Bring Order and function to our own systems, and Chaos to those of our enemies! Power up the engines! Open fire!"

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The Helmet would Corvo revile as a slightly gaunt man in his late 50s with short grey hair, 6 Lines from his forehead across his cheeks and down to his bottom lips his condition begins to improve as the Trinity works but his heart problems look very serious. an old untreated wound has caused his heart to be damaged and weaker, it seems that fight with Poseidon was about to kill him.


The Trinity thought for a moment before readying the anaesthesia. She put him under and bound his arms and legs to ensure he would not move before she started to operate. She prayed for Gaia's blessing as she operated.


"Excellent, Vauban!" Cardina smiled hugely. "The ongoing service of your engineering crew bring our Church one step closer to Ascension, and tighten the claw of Chaos around our foes. This will not be soon forgotten." She held herself aloft, watching the Bleak Veil flee. "Bring Order and function to our own systems, and Chaos to those of our enemies! Power up the engines! Open fire!"


((Just thought that since a Trinity's Blessing can heal Sentinels and allied MOAs then it would make sense that Blessing works on machinery as well as flesh.))


"Not just the engineering crew but Mother Gaia as well. As it turns out, she is able to mend metal just as she can mend flesh. She is greatly speeding up the rate of repair. The second engine will be operational in mere moments." The derelict's first engine came to life, at first with a few flashes of light but soon, operation was maintained and the vessel began moving forward, giving chase to the Bleak Veil.


Rien and the Rhino Prime manning the beam turrets opened fire on the Bleak Veil's engines the instant they found that the weapons were in effective range. It was a pity that the other weapons had not yet been repaired but that was a task that could be handled on a later date. For now, focus was on chasing and disabling the enemy vessel.

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The Trinity thought for a moment before readying the anaesthesia. She put him under and bound his arms and legs to ensure he would not move before she started to operate. She prayed for Gaia's blessing as she operated.



((Just thought that since a Trinity's Blessing can heal Sentinels and allied MOAs then it would make sense that Blessing works on machinery as well as flesh.))


"Not just the engineering crew but Mother Gaia as well. As it turns out, she is able to mend metal just as she can mend flesh. She is greatly speeding up the rate of repair. The second engine will be operational in mere moments." The derelict's first engine came to life, at first with a few flashes of light but soon, operation was maintained and the vessel began moving forward, giving chase to the Bleak Veil.


Rien and the Rhino Prime manning the beam turrets opened fire on the Bleak Veil's engines the instant they found that the weapons were in effective range. It was a pity that the other weapons had not yet been repaired but that was a task that could be handled on a later date. For now, focus was on chasing and disabling the enemy vessel.


Temperance watched with approval and no small amount of awe as the derelict began to move.  Long dead engines flared to life in pillars of glorious blue flame, while twin beam turrets fired radiant lances into the retreating bulk of the Bleak Veil.  The infested creeper that grew wild from the derelict's hull began to twitch and wave as they sampled the void, giving the ancient vessel the look of a stalking, tentacled predator.


His small ship rocketed past the Shark and the Bleak Veil, skidding in space to present its nose to the pirate ship.  Grinning maliciously as they bore down on him, Temperance activated his comm. link.


"Temperance to strike team.  Decloak and engage."


Three corvettes and an assault cruiser shimmered into the visible spectrum around Temperance's comparatively tiny shuttle, engines glowing and weapons charged.  The three lighter ships surged ahead, spiraling around the Bleak Veil and pelting it with weapon fire, while the cruiser moved leisurely into position directly in the pirate vessel's path.


Temperance opened a general comm. channel.


"Hello Captain Poseidon.  Having a bad day?"

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The Trinity thought for a moment before readying the anaesthesia. She put him under and bound his arms and legs to ensure he would not move before she started to operate. She prayed for Gaia's blessing as she operated.



((Just thought that since a Trinity's Blessing can heal Sentinels and allied MOAs then it would make sense that Blessing works on machinery as well as flesh.))


"Not just the engineering crew but Mother Gaia as well. As it turns out, she is able to mend metal just as she can mend flesh. She is greatly speeding up the rate of repair. The second engine will be operational in mere moments." The derelict's first engine came to life, at first with a few flashes of light but soon, operation was maintained and the vessel began moving forward, giving chase to the Bleak Veil.


Rien and the Rhino Prime manning the beam turrets opened fire on the Bleak Veil's engines the instant they found that the weapons were in effective range. It was a pity that the other weapons had not yet been repaired but that was a task that could be handled on a later date. For now, focus was on chasing and disabling the enemy vessel.

One would wonder what a Nekros dreams, Nevertheless this Nekros's heart was put under the knife under the Trinities Guidance, his skin as slightly gaunt as his face but not enough to hamper his performance.


As for the Bleak Veil, the Ship was tougher than a usual Tenno Assault ship it's shields designed to take heavy hits, but the ship isn't defenceless as the Veil fires back with Energy Cannons that are designed to attack the shields heavily, Poseidon laughed as the comms open up "Hardly Laddie, Like all Tenno I always have a backup plan! Why do you think I named my ship the Bleak Veil?!"


The Crew man all weapons and fire on the Lotus's Tenno and the Divinities Covenant, scanners reveal an unknown energy signature building inside the ship, The Shark quickly entering the fight, firing energy beam weapons on the shields, that glow Red as they fire

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One would wonder what a Nekros dreams, Nevertheless this Nekros's heart was put under the knife under the Trinities Guidance, his skin as slightly gaunt as his face but not enough to hamper his performance.


As for the Bleak Veil, the Ship was tougher than a usual Tenno Assault ship it's shields designed to take heavy hits, but the ship isn't defenceless as the Veil fires back with Energy Cannons that are designed to attack the shields heavily, Poseidon laughed as the comms open up "Hardly Laddie, Like all Tenno I always have a backup plan! Why do you think I named my ship the Bleak Veil?!"


The Crew man all weapons and fire on the Lotus's Tenno and the Divinities Covenant, scanners reveal an unknown energy signature building inside the ship


"Because nothing is ever easy," Temperance muttered.  "You know Poseidon, since you love the high seas so much, have you ever thought of exploring the polar ice caps?  I hear indefinite cryogenic suspension is a fantastic simulation.  All ships, restrictions of engagement lifted.  Primary weapons authorized.  Take.  Him.  Down."  The Ash hit the boosters of his own shuttle, diving through fire from the Bleak Veil's forward guns and point defense batteries to latch on to the ship's underbelly.  Cutting lasers sliced a neat hole in the thick plating, the airlock latched on, and Temperance flipped up through the hole to land on his feet, Soma in hand.


"I don't care what kind of tricks you've got on this boat, Poseidon," he muttered darkly, gripping his rifle tightly as the sound of pounding feet drew closer.  "I...we are sending you to the bottom."

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"Because nothing is ever easy," Temperance muttered.  "You know Poseidon, since you love the high seas so much, have you ever thought of exploring the polar ice caps?  I hear indefinite cryogenic suspension is a fantastic simulation.  All ships, restrictions of engagement lifted.  Primary weapons authorized.  Take.  Him.  Down."  The Ash hit the boosters of his own shuttle, diving through fire from the Bleak Veil's forward guns and point defense batteries to latch on to the ship's underbelly.  Cutting lasers sliced a neat hole in the thick plating, the airlock latched on, and Temperance flipped up through the hole to land on his feet, Soma in hand.


"I don't care what kind of tricks you've got on this boat, Poseidon," he muttered darkly, gripping his rifle tightly as the sound of pounding feet drew closer.  "I...we are sending you to the bottom."

Soldiers of Rogue Tenno and Humans that had escaped attacked, including robot mechanoids that seem to come in more numbers that Alad V can create more Moa's on his bases. The Shark fires and damages the main deck, breaking the hull and creating a Vacuum, but the side of the ship begins to glow, these energies finally register, They're void energy signatures!

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One would wonder what a Nekros dreams, Nevertheless this Nekros's heart was put under the knife under the Trinities Guidance, his skin as slightly gaunt as his face but not enough to hamper his performance.


As for the Bleak Veil, the Ship was tougher than a usual Tenno Assault ship it's shields designed to take heavy hits, but the ship isn't defenceless as the Veil fires back with Energy Cannons that are designed to attack the shields heavily, Poseidon laughed as the comms open up "Hardly Laddie, Like all Tenno I always have a backup plan! Why do you think I named my ship the Bleak Veil?!"


The Crew man all weapons and fire on the Lotus's Tenno and the Divinities Covenant, scanners reveal an unknown energy signature building inside the ship


Cardina notices the lasers sliding off the heavy shielding, her eyes narrowing at the scanner readouts. She watched her Church blaze to life, and the infested fronds undulate as the Derelict pushed through space towards the Bleak Veil, as the Lotus' cruisers blocked the pirate's path. "Cardina to engineering; accelerate to ramming speed. Drop the Derelict right on top of them, and I'll take care of the rest."


Cardina closed her eyes and lifted her arms out, and the Derelict's tentacles stretched toward the Bleak Veil eagerly, vicious, massive thorns covering the grasping limbs.


Cardina laughed as the Shark and Lotus' weapons opened fire, shredding the Bleak Veil's shielding and armor. "Crew of the Shark, the Lotus' fleet; let's tear them apart!"

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Cardina notices the lasers sliding off the heavy shielding, her eyes narrowing at the scanner readouts. She watched her Church blaze to life, and the infested fronds undulate as the Derelict pushed through space towards the Bleak Veil, as the Lotus' cruisers blocked the pirate's path. "Cardina to engineering; accelerate to ramming speed. Drop the Derelict right on top of them, and I'll take care of the rest."


Cardina closed her eyes and lifted her arms out, and the Derelict's tentacles stretched toward the Bleak Veil eagerly, vicious, massive thorns covering the grasping limbs.


Cardina laughed as the Shark and Lotus' weapons opened fire, shredding the Bleak Veil's shielding and armor. "Crew of the Shark, the Lotus' fleet; let's tear them apart!"


"For once Cardina," Temperance said, "we agree."  He took aim and fired in quick, controlled bursts, pelting the approaching hostiles with high-velocity lead.  The magnetic rounds worked wonders on Tenno Warframes and human exoskeletons, halving the former's shields and completely shorting out the systems of the latter.  The robotics fared even worse; the force of the normally debilitating magnetic rounds on their metal frames simply tore them apart.


His magazine clacked empty as a fresh wave appeared down the corridor; without pausing to reload, Temperance activated Blade Storm and dove into their midst.

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Cardina notices the lasers sliding off the heavy shielding, her eyes narrowing at the scanner readouts. She watched her Church blaze to life, and the infested fronds undulate as the Derelict pushed through space towards the Bleak Veil, as the Lotus' cruisers blocked the pirate's path. "Cardina to engineering; accelerate to ramming speed. Drop the Derelict right on top of them, and I'll take care of the rest."


Cardina closed her eyes and lifted her arms out, and the Derelict's tentacles stretched toward the Bleak Veil eagerly, vicious, massive thorns covering the grasping limbs.


Cardina laughed as the Shark and Lotus' weapons opened fire, shredding the Bleak Veil's shielding and armor. "Crew of the Shark, the Lotus' fleet; let's tear them apart!"


The derelict closed in on the Bleak Veil, adjusting course to come in just above the enemy vessel and give the infested trees controlled by Cardina maximum reach. The void energies, however, were noticed by Mortos and Gaia due to their increased attunement to the Void. Neither had any idea what was going on but Mortos had a message sent to Cardina. She would hear his voice over the comms in her helmet as he spoke. "Something is amiss. Gaia and I sense the presence of the Void there."

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The Shark blazed it's way, while the Bleak Veil somehow manages to keep afloat, the void energies glows inside the core, electronics inside the Veil begin to disrupt and affect the area  "This is Leonardo to all ships! Focus fire! don't let Poseidon get away!" 


Meanwhile Temperance finds himself against against 5 of the Primes Warframes, each of them wielding prime weapons, the Excalibur Prime spoke "We are the Second in commands of the ship, You and the Rest of the lot shall witness the grand power of the Bleak Veil! See as the Void becomes one with the ship!" and the Rest of the primes charge, firing and swinging at the Ash. 

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The derelict closed in on the Bleak Veil, adjusting course to come in just above the enemy vessel and give the infested trees controlled by Cardina maximum reach. The void energies, however, were noticed by Mortos and Gaia due to their increased attunement to the Void. Neither had any idea what was going on but Mortos had a message sent to Cardina. She would hear his voice over the comms in her helmet as he spoke. "Something is amiss. Gaia and I sense the presence of the Void there."


"Copy that, Divinities; I'll try to shut it down-" Cardina lifted her arms, then thrust them down, hands shaking with the effort. The Derelict mimicked her movements, the long, sinewy vines wrapping around the Bleak Veil, and then ripping viciously upwards, bypassing the shields to tear massive plates of heavy armor into space. With a weak point exposed, Cardina thrust an arm forward, a massive tentacle plunging deep into the Bleak Veil, thrashing about to shred vulnerable systems. The tentacle's razor-sharp barbs rake against the reactor, like a clawed fingertip scratching at a man's heart.

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