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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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"Copy that, Divinities; I'll try to shut it down-" Cardina lifted her arms, then thrust them down, hands shaking with the effort. The Derelict mimicked her movements, the long, sinewy vines wrapping around the Bleak Veil, and then ripping viciously upwards, bypassing the shields to tear massive plates of heavy armor into space. With a weak point exposed, Cardina thrust an arm forward, a massive tentacle plunging deep into the Bleak Veil, thrashing about to shred vulnerable systems. The tentacle's razor-sharp barbs rake against the reactor, like a clawed fingertip scratching at a man's heart.

The vines begin to tear the ship apart, the void energy signatures beginning to go wild, but there's no scent or whim of the illusive Poseidon in sight! 


Siren shouts "Ze Reactor is going into Overload! all ships back away!" and the Shark gets a good distance away as the Reactor begins to spark and glow brightly

Edited by Drakeardian
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The Shark blazed it's way, while the Bleak Veil somehow manages to keep afloat, the void energies glows inside the core, electronics inside the Veil begin to disrupt and affect the area  "This is Leonardo to all ships! Focus fire! don't let Poseidon get away!" 


Meanwhile Temperance finds himself against against 5 of the Primes Warframes, each of them wielding prime weapons, the Excalibur Prime spoke "We are the Second in commands of the ship, You and the Rest of the lot shall witness the grand power of the Bleak Veil! See as the Void becomes one with the ship!" and the Rest of the primes charge, firing and swinging at the Ash. 


Excalibur: fast, light, powerful blade attacks.  Frost: slow, heavy, cold-based powers.  Rhino: bloody invincible tank.  Ember: tissue paper armor, fire-based abilities.  Mag: light armor, heavy magnetic powers.  Temperance's thoughts raced as the five Primes opened fire.  He hurled a Smoke Bomb before the Mag could tag him with Bullet Attractor, or worse, Pull.  Still, he could not last against these odds.  Meaning, it was time to get creative.


Temperance somersaulted over the heads of his temporarily staggered assailants, racing through the door behind them and slamming a fist into the nearest access panel.  The door closed and locked, then began to buckle as the Mag brought her power to bear.  Working frantically, Temperance hacked the environmental controls and overrode every emergence bulkhead in the section, venting the five Primes into space.  Or so he thought, until the door buckled again and lines of code indicating a counter-hack began to stream across his screen.


Cursing himself for forgetting the Warframes' magnetic boots, the Ash leveled his Soma and shot the panel, permanently disabling it.  Then he ran.  To stay and fight was suicide, at least for now.  The ship bucked and screeched under his feet, and Temperance winced as the corridor behind him was obliterated by a massive infested vine.  Please Cardina, watch where you aim your pet trees.


Temperance reached the bridge without further incident, and opted for the utterly non-subtle approach.  He strode boldly through the door, waited for the bridge crew to start to turn, and Blade Storm-ed the lot of them into oblivion.  He rematerialized with his arm blade held to Poseidon's throat...or would have, if the Hyroid had been in his chair.  Temperance swore, signalling his ship for a pick up as the Bleak Veil crumbled around him.

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Excalibur: fast, light, powerful blade attacks.  Frost: slow, heavy, cold-based powers.  Rhino: bloody invincible tank.  Ember: tissue paper armor, fire-based abilities.  Mag: light armor, heavy magnetic powers.  Temperance's thoughts raced as the five Primes opened fire.  He hurled a Smoke Bomb before the Mag could tag him with Bullet Attractor, or worse, Pull.  Still, he could not last against these odds.  Meaning, it was time to get creative.


Temperance somersaulted over the heads of his temporarily staggered assailants, racing through the door behind them and slamming a fist into the nearest access panel.  The door closed and locked, then began to buckle as the Mag brought her power to bear.  Working frantically, Temperance hacked the environmental controls and overrode every emergence bulkhead in the section, venting the five Primes into space.  Or so he thought, until the door buckled again and lines of code indicating a counter-hack began to stream across his screen.


Cursing himself for forgetting the Warframes' magnetic boots, the Ash leveled his Soma and shot the panel, permanently disabling it.  Then he ran.  To stay and fight was suicide, at least for now.  The ship bucked and screeched under his feet, and Temperance winced as the corridor behind him was obliterated by a massive infested vine.  Please Cardina, watch where you aim your pet trees.


Temperance reached the bridge without further incident, and opted for the utterly non-subtle approach.  He strode boldly through the door, waited for the bridge crew to start to turn, and Bladestorm-ed the lot of them into oblivion.  He rematerialized with his arm blade held to Poseidon's throat, signalling his ship for a pick up as the Bleak Veil crumbled around them.

Poseidon's office turns out to be as empty as the heart of Vay Hek! but a Video recording presents itself.


"Ha-ha! Ah you are very predictable my wee friend! but Sadly I'm not avaliable to join in the fight against ye! but let me leave a welcome starter! Stand back my dear!" and a beep is heard before an explosive detonates in the office!

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Poseidon's office turns out to be as empty as the heart of Vay Hek! but a Video recording presents itself.


"Ha-ha! Ah you are very predictable my wee friend! but Sadly I'm not avaliable to join in the fight against ye! but let me leave a welcome starter! Stand back my dear!" and a beep is heard before an explosive detonates in the office!


Cardina winces as the explosion damages a tentacle; the reactor was going critical, but Temperance was still on the Veil. Quickly, a tendril slammed into the ruined bridge, with hundreds of tiny, lashing tendrils grabbing any Tenno they could, then pulling them out of the wreckage, through the void of space, and into the Derelict. "Temperance!" Cardina shouted into the comms. "Did I get you? I have to pull the Derelict away, are you safe?"

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Cardina winces as the explosion damages a tentacle; the reactor was going critical, but Temperance was still on the Veil. Quickly, a tendril slammed into the ruined bridge, with hundreds of tiny, lashing tendrils grabbing any Tenno they could, then pulling them out of the wreckage, through the void of space, and into the Derelict. "Temperance!" Cardina shouted into the comms. "Did I get you? I have to pull the Derelict away, are you safe?"


Once the tendrils had made their way back to the derelict, the two available engines went full blast, bringing the ship away from the ruins of the Bleak Veil. Those aboard hoped that they would be able to clear the blast radius in time.

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Poseidon's office turns out to be as empty as the heart of Vay Hek! but a Video recording presents itself.


"Ha-ha! Ah you are very predictable my wee friend! but Sadly I'm not avaliable to join in the fight against ye! but let me leave a welcome starter! Stand back my dear!" and a beep is heard before an explosive detonates in the office!


The blast sent Temperance flying head first into the ship's forward consoles, annihilating his shields and scoring his armor.  Head ringing, the Ash thought he heard Cardina's voice in his helmet as hundreds of infested tendrils erupted through the viewports above his head, snatching up the bodies of injured Tenno crew and withdrawing.  


"Bloody fracking hell," the Ash groaned, struggling to rise.  Cardina's voice snapped in his ear, suddenly clear.  


"I have to pull the Derelict away, are you safe?"


Oh.  S#&$.


"Just...missed me," he coughed.  Then a blast of Void energy erupted through the bridge, saturating Temperance's Warframe and flinging the Ash out among the stars, into the blessed dark of oblivion.




*Tenno Temperance: signature detected* the autopilot dinged to the empty cockpit.  Bursts of maneuvering thrusters brought the shuttle into position, the airlock cycling to admit its drifting, unconscious pilot.  Scanning quickly, the AI found that Temperance's Warframe was damage but self-repairing.  The Tenno inside was unconscious...and literally overflowing with Void energy.


Troubled as it could be, the AI sent the shuttle rocketing away from the Bleak Veil's exploding wreckage, and began broadcasting an SOS the instant it reached minimum safe distance.


*Tenno Temperance injured, condition unknown.  Request immediate assistance.  Tenno Temperance injured, condition unknown.  Request immediate assistance.*

Edited by Temperance000
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The Bleak Veil Explodes in a dazzle of purple and gold energy,, fragments flying all over the place, fortunately it doesn't hit anything yet, though the backwash will cause a bit of turbulence, meanwhile the Shark quickly zoom off to get to Temperance, determined not to let a fellow Tenno die on them!

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The Bleak Veil Explodes in a dazzle of purple and gold energy,, fragments flying all over the place, fortunately it doesn't hit anything yet, though the backwash will cause a bit of turbulence, meanwhile the Shark quickly zoom off to get to Temperance, determined not to let a fellow Tenno die on them!


"Just... missed me."


"What- NO!" Cardina screamed as the link to Temperance's comm cut off. "I got- just- just a pile of useless pirates?" The tendrils seized the dazed tenno that she had just retrieved from the bridge, and swiftly crushed the life out of them. She turned to Siren. "Have you found him?"

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The blast sent Temperance flying head first into the ship's forward consoles, annihilating his shields and scoring his armor.  Head ringing, the Ash thought he heard Cardina's voice in his helmet as hundreds of infested tendrils erupted through the viewports above his head, snatching up the bodies of injured Tenno crew and withdrawing.  


"Bloody fracking hell," the Ash groaned, struggling to rise.  Cardina's voice snapped in his ear, suddenly clear.  


"I have to pull the Derelict away, are you safe?"


Oh.  S#&$.


"Just...missed me," he coughed.  Then a blast of Void energy erupted through the bridge, saturating Temperance's Warframe and flinging the Ash out among the stars, into the blessed dark of oblivion.




*Tenno Temperance: signature detected* the autopilot dinged to the empty cockpit.  Bursts of maneuvering thrusters brought the shuttle into position, the airlock cycling to admit its drifting, unconscious pilot.  Scanning quickly, the AI found that Temperance's Warframe was damage but self-repairing.  The Tenno inside was unconscious...and literally overflowing with Void energy.


Troubled as it could be, the AI sent the shuttle rocketing away from the Bleak Veil's exploding wreckage, and began broadcasting an SOS the instant it reached minimum safe distance.


*Tenno Temperance injured, condition unknown.  Request immediate assistance.  Tenno Temperance injured, condition unknown.  Request immediate assistance.*


Any rogue Tenno who had been caught by the tendrils and somehow survived Cardina's wrath were pulled into the derelict, disarmed and had their energy drained before being thrown into cells. They and the other rogue Tenno who had been captured during the earlier battle aboard the derelict were to be kept there until their fate was determined. At this point, Mortos took it that they had exhausted the mercies he normally gave to misguided Tenno and he wanted to have them executed on the spot but Gaia hoped there was some chance of redeeming them.


Meanwhile in the infirmary, the Trinity that had been operating on Corvo nearly got a heart attack herself due to the scare she got from the explosion's shockwave shaking the derelict. Granted, she almost finished with the procedure and she did miraculously manage to keep things going smoothly despite several scares and setbacks. She just had to let the incision marks heal either naturally or accelerated by using Blessing.

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"Just... missed me."


"What- NO!" Cardina screamed as the link to Temperance's comm cut off. "I got- just- just a pile of useless pirates?" The tendrils seized the dazed tenno that she had just retrieved from the bridge, and swiftly crushed the life out of them. She turned to Siren. "Have you found him?"

"Ja, his shuttle has registered an SOS, Ve are Proceeding as we speak" Replied Siren as Leo reached the Bridge "How far are we?" "30 seconds we're there" "Get Ana and the medical Team to Board! have Hazmat also to contain the void energy signature also" said Leo and Siren back and forth. "Jawohl Mein Heir" replied Siren and she logged the orders to Ana and the Hazmat teams, signalling all hands for Yellow alert also.


Meanwhile Corvo's condition greatly improves.

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"Ja, his shuttle has registered an SOS, Ve are Proceeding as we speak" Replied Siren as Leo reached the Bridge "How far are we?" "30 seconds we're there" "Get Ana and the medical Team to Board! have Hazmat also to contain the void energy signature also" said Leo and Siren back and forth. "Jawohl Mein Heir" replied Siren and she logged the orders to Ana and the Hazmat teams, signalling all hands for Yellow alert also.


Meanwhile Corvo's condition greatly improves.


"I'm going to the infirmary too," Cardina asserted, leaving the bridge. "I have more experience with the Void than anyone else here."

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"Ja, his shuttle has registered an SOS, Ve are Proceeding as we speak" Replied Siren as Leo reached the Bridge "How far are we?" "30 seconds we're there" "Get Ana and the medical Team to Board! have Hazmat also to contain the void energy signature also" said Leo and Siren back and forth. "Jawohl Mein Heir" replied Siren and she logged the orders to Ana and the Hazmat teams, signalling all hands for Yellow alert also.


Meanwhile Corvo's condition greatly improves.


The church sent a message to the Shark, a Vauban coming up on the screen. "I have a report from one of our medics that your friend, Corvo was it? His condition is improving. Surgery finished not long ago and rest is prescribed. Under no circumstances is he to undergo any strenuous activity until he fully recovers. Also, might I ask if anything of particular interest has come up?"

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The church sent a message to the Shark, a Vauban coming up on the screen. "I have a report from one of our medics that your friend, Corvo was it? His condition is improving. Surgery finished not long ago and rest is prescribed. Under no circumstances is he to undergo any strenuous activity until he fully recovers. Also, might I ask if anything of particular interest has come up?"

Leo blinked as he received the Transmission "What? Corvo's ill? what happened?"


Meanwhile Ana and Her Hazmat Team await The Cardinia and The Red and White Trinity looked at Cardina "I am Anaesthesia, The Shark's medic and I assume you are the Cardinia?"

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Shinkiro stood there, watching from a window in the Derelict as the whole event happened. Lotus ships, the derelict attacking the Black Veil with it's tendrils, all of it. There wasn't much he could do. His ship maybe fast and durable, but it was barely armed and not fast enough. "Ouch... That is gonna leave quite a mess...." He watches as pirates were forcefully taken from the ship.

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Leo blinked as he received the Transmission "What? Corvo's ill? what happened?"


Meanwhile Ana and Her Hazmat Team await The Cardinia and The Red and White Trinity looked at Cardina "I am Anaesthesia, The Shark's medic and I assume you are the Cardinia?"


"Yes, I am Cardina, Herald of the Ascension." Cardina asserted, drawing up to her full height of 5'9", though her regal, distant air made her far more imposing than her slight stature would suggest.

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Leo blinked as he received the Transmission "What? Corvo's ill? what happened?"


Meanwhile Ana and Her Hazmat Team await The Cardina and The Red and White Trinity looked at Cardina "I am Anaesthesia, The Shark's medic and I assume you are the Cardina?"


"He was standing in the same spot for several moments, even while you left and after you left, he just collapsed. Our medic found that he was suffering from severe exhaustion and a heart attack. The latter required surgery. He will be fine as long as he gets his rest."

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"Very good, Now we're arriving at the Gentleman's shuttle shortly, I assume you know how to handle Void Energy Signatures? if not, then we may be in a bother" Replied Ana, her Hazmat team all suited up and ready

"I'll do everything I can, " Cardina nodded. "I won't use a hazmat suit, it would hinder my connection to the Void."

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"Very good, We're going to the Hanger" 


And the Medical Team rendezvous to the Hanger bay where the Shark cleared everyone from the area without a hazmat suit, including Sovereign who had to be tasered in the Anyo's to be convinced! they locked Temperances shuttle with a tractor beam and brought it in.


Ana was fine, the Warframes also acted as a hazmat suit against the void's energies

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Shinkiro stood there, watching from a window in the Derelict as the whole event happened. Lotus ships, the derelict attacking the Black Veil with it's tendrils, all of it. There wasn't much he could do. His ship maybe fast and durable, but it was barely armed and not fast enough. "Ouch... That is gonna leave quite a mess...." He watches as pirates were forcefully taken from the ship.


Pyre walked over, a Boltor Prime holstered on her back. "I apologize for all the chaos today. If you would like, I could show you that room."


Meanwhile, the derelict's engines came to a controlled halt. Repairs would be ongoing elsewhere in the derelict and now that Gaia was sure.she could mend machinery just as well as flesh, she was sure that progress in repairs would rocket. The other Trinities could probably do the same in speeding along repairs.

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"Hmm...?" Shinkiro turns and smiles behind his helmet as he spreads his arms. "And now my day has just gotten better with your presence. Do excuse the blood. I had to get a bit messy. About that room, it would be most lovely." He bows.


Pyre nodded. "Right this way." She waved for Shinkiro to follow before she walked off, leading him to the barracks, then to her room. It had ample space for two and two beds too. However, there was just the one bathroom. There were common bits of furniture such as desks with chairs nearby. Overall, an average room.

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Pyre nodded. "Right this way." She waved for Shinkiro to follow before she walked off, leading him to the barracks, then to her room. It had ample space for two and two beds too. However, there was just the one bathroom. There were common bits of furniture such as desks with chairs nearby. Overall, an average room.


As the two headed off to Pyre's room, Shinkiro took note as to where it is and how to get to said location. Once they had finally reached it, he took a moment to survey his surroundings. The room seem to fit his personal preference. A bit basic, though the single the bathroom has brought quite a few thoughts in his head. The Ash merely shrugged as he walked over to a chair and sat down, legs crossed. "So this is where you spend the final parts of your day, eh? I would say quite roomy."

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As the two headed off to Pyre's room, Shinkiro took note as to where it is and how to get to said location. Once they had finally reached it, he took a moment to survey his surroundings. The room seem to fit his personal preference. A bit basic, though the single the bathroom has brought quite a few thoughts in his head. The Ash merely shrugged as he walked over to a chair and sat down, legs crossed. "So this is where you spend the final parts of your day, eh? I would say quite roomy."


"I never was one for extravagance so a rather standard room was always fine with me. I am glad that you're fine with the arrangements, however." Pyre removed her helmet before setting it down on the desk nearest the bed she used. She sat on the edge of the bed, letting her legs hang off the edge. "I guess you usually sleep aboard your ship?"

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