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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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The Nekros moved his head a bit, starting to groan and come to, he held his head like he had a headache and began to try and get up, doing so slowly, while he does look somewhat Gaunt and Thin he seemed to have some muscle left in him.


The Trinity that had performed surgery on him earlier came walking over as she saw him rouse from his anaesthesia-aided sleep. "I would recommend you don't make any sudden movements. You're still recovering from surgery. That aside, how do you feel?"

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The Trinity that had performed surgery on him earlier came walking over as she saw him rouse from his anaesthesia-aided sleep. "I would recommend you don't make any sudden movements. You're still recovering from surgery. That aside, how do you feel?"

The Nekros held his bare head, rubbing his temples and eyes "Like a Rhino that got hit with a Hammer by Lech Kril"

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The Nekros held his bare head, rubbing his temples and eyes "Like a Rhino that got hit with a Hammer by Lech Kril"


"Would you like something to numb the pain? We have pain-killers though they're Corpus-manufactured. They may or may not be particularly strong but they're safe at least." The Trinity picked up Corvo's helmet which she had removed earlier before setting it down nearby so he could get it when he felt like.

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"I never was one for extravagance so a rather standard room was always fine with me. I am glad that you're fine with the arrangements, however." Pyre removed her helmet before setting it down on the desk nearest the bed she used. She sat on the edge of the bed, letting her legs hang off the edge. "I guess you usually sleep aboard your ship?"


In an instant, Shinkiro had disappeared and popped up, laying back on Pyre's bed, helmet sitting on the other one. "Correct, miss. My ship doesn't have a bed of it's own, so I have to make due sleeping on my cockpit seat." He stretches his arms before putting them behind his head, laying there comfortably.

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Corvo shaked his head "No, I'll take the pain in my stride" as he slowly got on his feet, taking his helmet and putting it back on. "Any rooms I could use?"


"Yes, there are several empty rooms you could use in the barracks. I can show you the way to the barracks. Feel free to stay as long as you like."


In an instant, Shinkiro had disappeared and popped up, laying back on Pyre's bed, helmet sitting on the other one. "Correct, miss. My ship doesn't have a bed of it's own, so I have to make due sleeping on my cockpit seat." He stretches his arms before putting them behind his head, laying there comfortably.


"Can't imagine that being very comfortable." Noting that he was on her bed, she inquired, "Do you intend to share the bed with me?" She meant it jokingly as either way, she had a bed to sleep in. If she had to, it wouldn't be a big deal for her to switch to the other bed.

Edited by Sumika1204
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"Yes, there are several empty rooms you could use in the barracks. I can show you the way to the barracks. Feel free to stay as long as you like."


Corvo looked to the Trinity for a moment and nodded "Very well, Lead on"

Edited by Drakeardian
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"Very good, We're going to the Hanger" 


And the Medical Team rendezvous to the Hanger bay where the Shark cleared everyone from the area without a hazmat suit, including Sovereign who had to be tasered in the Anyo's to be convinced! they locked Temperances shuttle with a tractor beam and brought it in.


Ana was fine, the Warframes also acted as a hazmat suit against the void's energies


As soon as Temperance's craft docked, Cardina shoved past Anaesthesia inside it, the twin tails of her Imperator syndana trailing behind her. She skidded to a stop in the cockpit, seeing Temperance slumped in the pilot's seat. She got behind him, holding his head in both her hands; he was burning, crackling with Void energy. Cardina's warframe struggled to channel the otherworldly force, and failing with a loud snap, sending Cardina staggering back.


"Anaesthesia!" Cardina called, rubbing what would be new burns on her hands. "We need to get him back to the Church. I have Ancients bound into the plants of my garden, including Disruptors. If I could channel them right, we could disrupt his connection to the Void long enough to send the energy back."

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Corvo looked to the Trinity for a moment and nodded "Very well, Lead on"


The Trinity nodded and gestured for him to follow before she started walking. She led him out of the infirmary and through the halls, reaching the barracks after a few minutes. She kept her pace slow enough for Corvo to keep up without exerting himself too much. If he had any difficulty with walking there, she would offer to assist him.

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As soon as Temperance's craft docked, Cardina shoved past Anaesthesia inside it, the twin tails of her Imperator syndana trailing behind her. She skidded to a stop in the cockpit, seeing Temperance slumped in the pilot's seat. She got behind him, holding his head in both her hands; he was burning, crackling with Void energy. Cardina's warframe struggled to channel the otherworldly force, and failing with a loud snap, sending Cardina staggering back.


"Anaesthesia!" Cardina called, rubbing what would be new burns on her hands. "We need to get him back to the Church. I have Ancients bound into the plants of my garden, including Disruptors. If I could channel them right, we could disrupt his connection to the Void long enough to send the energy back."

Before Ana could reply the Shark already set off back to the church to get Temperance to Medical, over comms The Cardinia heard Siren says "I am the Shark Cardinia, I hear all" 


She also send a notification to the Church "Ve are Bringing in a injured Tenno, Request medical to prepare for us"


Meanwhile Corvo arrived at his room, taking a seat on his bed "Thank you"

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Temperance was drifting.  Well, perhaps drifting was not quite the right word.  More like...suspended.  His sense of equilibrium was shot to hell; in any case, with no gravity or discernible markers of arbitrary up or down, it wouldn't have mattered much if he was standing straight or spinning like a top.  He was surrounded by a strangely familiar negative starscape, which did not seem to be moving, but then, perspective tended to get a little muddled over interstellar distances.


I'm in the Void.  Of course the thought was absurd; nothing could survive in the Void for long, not even a Warframe-clad Tenno.  How the Orokin had managed to build, maintain, and stabilize their Towers in the chaotic hellspace was anyone's guess.  Still, the only place he had seen this weird white space before was through the windows of those ancient, sepulchral bastions.


His body felt...strange, but seemed to be intact.  His Warframe was another matter; it was not responding to system queries.  Because I'm not wearing it.


Now that really was impossible.  The only way to get a Tenno out of a Warframe against his will was to cut him out, and that would have made the worst torments of the Grineer and Corpus combined seem like affectionate nuzzling.  Temperance's thoughts were strangely scattered, almost like there were parts of him slowly drifting away...


Pain lanced through his temples, sharp, clear, and glorious.  Reflexively, Temperance brought his hands to his head, and encountered another pair resting over his temples.  A face swam above him; a female Tenno, her expression...concerned.




But he had never seen her without a Warframe, how on Earth had he recognized her?


Cardina's lips moved, seeming to form words.  Before Temperance could reply, she was torn from him with an anguished cry, vanishing like a Wraith into the white.


The would be Ash was left alone in his strange prison, contemplating in silence as he mind began to fuzz over again...

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Before Ana could reply the Shark already set off back to the church to get Temperance to Medical, over comms The Cardinia heard Siren says "I am the Shark Cardinia, I hear all" 


She also send a notification to the Church "Ve are Bringing in a injured Tenno, Request medical to prepare for us"


Meanwhile Corvo arrived at his room, taking a seat on his bed "Thank you"


"You're welcome and I hope you find this room comfortable.", the Trinity replied. "If you need anything, feel free to call for one of the medics on duty."


Meanwhile, the Vauban that had been working as the communications officer received the message from Siren and called one of the available medics to let them know to prepare for an injured Tenno to come in. "I have called for a medic but we need more information. Just what are we to prepare for? What particular damage is the injured suffering from?"

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"You're welcome and I hope you find this room comfortable.", the Trinity replied. "If you need anything, feel free to call for one of the medics on duty."


Meanwhile, the Vauban that had been working as the communications officer received the message from Siren and called one of the available medics to let them know to prepare for an injured Tenno to come in. "I have called for a medic but we need more information. Just what are we to prepare for? What particular damage is the injured suffering from?"

"From ze scans, we are dealing with Void Radiation poisoning, the patient is unconscious and has been exposed to high levels"

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"From ze scans, we are dealing with Void Radiation poisoning, the patient is unconscious and has been exposed to high levels"


"We will prepare accordingly. Thank you for the information." As the only ones with any real experience dealing with void energies were the Divinities and Cardina, the Vauban requested that they come to the infirmary. After the void energy was extracted from the injured, healing could truly begin but before that, the energies would simply foil all attempts at treatment.

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Ana and the Medical Team with the help of Cardinia rushes to get Temperance to the Medical bay, Ana keeping Temperance's condition up with Blessing.


"No!" Cardina pulls aside Anaesthesia as they start moving towards medical. "Not the medical bay, get him to my garden! It's attuned to the Void, we can channel the energy out of him there, then we'll move him for more conventional treatment. Come on, this way."


Cardina leads the group through the main hall, to the door of the Garden; it seemed to have pulled itself wider, infested thorns ringing the entrance like teeth. Cardina didn't comment on the development as they entered, hurrying to the center. All around them, the plants seemed agitated, but even their bizarre thrashing didn't break the room's perfect symmetry as each waving frond was mirrored by it's counterpart.


"Lay him down here," she pointed to a twisting altar made of intricately woven branches; it glowed with a sinister blue bioluminescence, and some of the branches slithered to encompass Temperance's form. "Temperance," Cardina stepped behind him, wrapping her hands around his helmeted skull. "Can you hear me?"

Edited by SnaleKing
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"No!" Cardina pulls aside Anaesthesia as they start moving towards medical. "Not the medical bay, get him to my garden! It's attuned to the Void, we can channel the energy out of him there, then we'll move him for more conventional treatment."

Ana blinked at Cardina's request but whatever works. Herself and the Medical team rush Temperance to the Gardens.

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"Can't imagine that being very comfortable." Noting that he was on her bed, she inquired, "Do you intend to share the bed with me?" She meant it jokingly as either way, she had a bed to sleep in. If she had to, it wouldn't be a big deal for her to switch to the other bed.


Shinkiro thought about it for a moment, grinning at the thought before sitting up and crossing his legs. "Aww, are we already that close? I would say I made very good progress." He lightly laughed it off before moving off to his bed and sitting at the edge. "But yes, when it comes to moving a lot, the chair is the most comfortable thing I have on me."

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"No!" Cardina pulls aside Anaesthesia as they start moving towards medical. "Not the medical bay, get him to my garden! It's attuned to the Void, we can channel the energy out of him there, then we'll move him for more conventional treatment. Come on, this way."


Cardina leads the group through the main hall, to the door of the Garden; it seemed to have pulled itself wider, infested thorns ringing the entrance like teeth. Cardina didn't comment on the development as they entered, hurrying to the center. All around them, the plants seemed agitated, but even their bizarre thrashing didn't break the room's perfect symmetry as each waving frond was mirrored by it's counterpart.


"Lay him down here," she pointed to a twisting altar made of intricately woven branches; it glowed with a sinister blue bioluminescence, and some of the branches slithered to encompass Temperance's form. "Temperance," Cardina stepped behind him, wrapping her hands around his helmeted skull. "Can you hear me?"


Mortos and Gaia entered the garden shortly after, both to watch and if necessary, to lend aid. They both believed that Cardina had the knowledge for the most part as they had been teaching her but with the amount of void energy they sensed within Temperance, absorbing it to channel into one's being was out of the question. It was assumed that rather than absorb it, it would be vented.


Shinkiro thought about it for a moment, grinning at the thought before sitting up and crossing his legs. "Aww, are we already that close? I would say I made very good progress." He lightly laughed it off before moving off to his bed and sitting at the edge. "But yes, when it comes to moving a lot, the chair is the most comfortable thing I have on me."


"Might I ask what it is like to travel as much as you do? I have largely dedicated my time to the church while others go out on tasks such as resource runs. I haven't seen very much action apart from the recent assault. I bet it must be exciting at times."

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"Might I ask what it is like to travel as much as you do? I have largely dedicated my time to the church while others go out on tasks such as resource runs. I haven't seen very much action apart from the recent assault. I bet it must be exciting at times."


"Well, at times it can get outright boring, especially in the market where I make some trades. When the times get exciting, it usually takes place in Grineer, Corpus territory, parts of the void, or a derelict ship like this one."

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"This is Cyrios, requesting permission to dock, over." Cyrios sat in the chair of his ship's color, relaxed, and waited for the answer to come to him.


A Nyx, kept out of sight by her ever dutiful Shade, stifled a demented laughter as she heard the request through a controlled Tenno.

"Permission granted. You may land, Cyrios."

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Mortos and Gaia entered the garden shortly after, both to watch and if necessary, to lend aid. They both believed that Cardina had the knowledge for the most part as they had been teaching her but with the amount of void energy they sensed within Temperance, absorbing it to channel into one's being was out of the question. It was assumed that rather than absorb it, it would be vented.


Ana and the Medical team stand back, letting the Cardina and the Divinities to do their work 


Cardina felt the Divinities standing near her, their presence both inspiring and terrifying. 


"Ok," she took a deep breath, letting the vines wrap around her legs like grounding cables. "I have to vent this energy. Without the disruption and channeling of the Garden, it would kill us all. As it is- hnng!-" She shuddered with the force she was preparing to channel. It was so far beyond anything she'd dealt with before, but if it remained in Temperance any longer, the consequences would be lethal, or worse. "You all are going to see things. They won't be real," I think, she second-guesses herself, then shakes the thought away. "but they'll look like it. Feel like it, you can reach out and touch them and feel them move under your hand. DON'T. All of your senses will tell you the world is collapsing around you, that everything you hate and fear is rising to become reality, but don't despair, don't feel any emotion! That'll only feed me and make the illusions stronger, do you understand?" She couldn't risk breaking her concentration to listen to their replies.


She tapped the reserve of energy within Temperance, and for a split-second, the Void surrounded the Tenno, offering a brief, horrid glance of that insult to reason and logic. A second later, the dreams and nightmares of the Tenno sprang into terrible life. The tree trunks sprouted great, slavering jaws, through which vomited swarms of Grineer, Corpus and Infested. Twisted, vividly colored Harvesters roared in hateful laughter as they skittered among the branches, taunting the Tenno with every soul they'd reaped. Bombards the size of mountains boasted of their power, swarms of missiles adding their screeching contrails to the din.


Beyond that, the Chaos reached into the Tenno's minds, bringing their worst memories and fears to life before them, swallowing their minds in their own personal hells.

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"Temperance, can you hear me?"

Temperance jerked out of his white stupor as he felt hands close around his head.  "Cardina," he whispered.  Her face hovered above him, distinct in the whiteness, but an exact grasp of her features eluded him.  "Cardina, where am I?  How..."


She didn't seem to hear him.  "Ok," she said to someone he could not see.  "I have to vent this energy.  Without the disruption and channeling of the Garden, it would kill us all.  As it is- hnng!-" She grunted in pain.  "You all are going to see things.  They won't be real," I think echoed in the space around them, "but they'll look like it.  Feel like it, you can reach out and touch them and feel them move under your hand.  DON'T.  All of your senses will tell you the world is collapsing around you, that everything you hate and fear is rising to become reality, but don't despair, don't feel any emotion!  That'll only feed me and make the illusions stronger, do you understand?"


"Cardina," Temperance tried again, starting to worry, "what's going..." Then Cardina screamed.  And he screamed.  EVERYTHING screamed, the death-agony of something beyond monstrous.


The white space contorted, twisted, clawed towards the two Tenno suspended at its center.  Black rents tore across the sky, gaping open on utter darkness.  There were no words, no thoughts that could contain, could filter this hell.


Cardina's fingers tightened, digging into Temperance's skull.  Instinctively, he brought his hands up and gripped her head as she gripped his.  They spun together in the maelstrom of the Void, anchored only to each other.  As one, they spoke.


"Hold.  On."

Edited by Temperance000
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