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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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The nightmare stopped as suddenly as it started. The chaos was gone; the only thing anyone could see was a uniform, white calm. Children laughed, somewhere, like windchimes on a sunny day. The white nothing was unnatural and strange, so it changed to be more natural; more orderly. The space coalesced, pulling itself taller with a whirlwind of turning pages, and suddenly-


Cardina sighed, closing a brand-new book as it lay on a desk. I'll have to get used to this, her thoughts reverberated through the Dojo's library as if it were a hollow citadel. If I'm going to continue my training. The memory drain scares me, but if I tell anyone I'll never be a Tenno. She stares at the book a moment longer, then picks it up to leave. As she turned away from the desk, Cardina's red-brown hair trailed to her lower back, and her pointed features raised in pleasant surprise as she saw Ana, Temperance and the others. "Oh," she spoke aloud, of course he's training to be an Ash, he's never not snuck up on me. Nice of him to bring her along, though, she's been so lonely since her father left to fight the Sentients. "I didn't know you were coming to see me."

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"Well, at times it can get outright boring, especially in the market where I make some trades. When the times get exciting, it usually takes place in Grineer, Corpus territory, parts of the void, or a derelict ship like this one."


"Is that why some of our Tenno brothers and sisters spend so much time just fighting and nothing more? For the thrill of battle?"


"This is Cyrios, requesting permission to dock, over." Cyrios sat in the chair of his ship's color, relaxed, and waited for the answer to come to him.


A Nyx, kept out of sight by her ever dutiful Shade, stifled a demented laughter as she heard the request through a controlled Tenno.
"Permission granted. You may land, Cyrios."


The docking officer at that point in the rotation gave permission. He didn't have any reason to deny Cyrios or at least not yet. He had proven helpful during the earlier engagement after all. The officer felt a Nyx trying to take over his mind and resisted as best he could while he sent out a call for the coordinator on duty to carry out a deep radar sweep in an effort to find the culprit.


Cardina felt the Divinities standing near her, their presence both inspiring and terrifying. 


"Ok," she took a deep breath, letting the vines wrap around her legs like grounding cables. "I have to vent this energy. Without the disruption and channeling of the Garden, it would kill us all. As it is- hnng!-" She shuddered with the force she was preparing to channel. It was so far beyond anything she'd dealt with before, but if it remained in Temperance any longer, the consequences would be lethal, or worse. "You all are going to see things. They won't be real," I think, she second-guesses herself, then shakes the thought away. "but they'll look like it. Feel like it, you can reach out and touch them and feel them move under your hand. DON'T. All of your senses will tell you the world is collapsing around you, that everything you hate and fear is rising to become reality, but don't despair, don't feel any emotion! That'll only feed me and make the illusions stronger, do you understand?" She couldn't risk breaking her concentration to listen to their replies.


She tapped the reserve of energy within Temperance, and for a split-second, the Void surrounded the Tenno, offering a brief, horrid glance of that insult to reason and logic. A second later, the dreams and nightmares of the Tenno sprang into terrible life. The tree trunks sprouted great, slavering jaws, through which vomited swarms of Grineer, Corpus and Infested. Twisted, vividly colored Harvesters roared in hateful laughter as they skittered among the branches, taunting the Tenno with every soul they'd reaped. Bombards the size of mountains boasted of their power, swarms of missiles adding their screeching contrails to the din.


Beyond that, the Chaos reached into the Tenno's minds, bringing their worst memories and fears to life before them, swallowing their minds in their own personal hells.


Gaia and Mortos seemed unaffected as they had trained their minds and bodies to resist the void energies. The void could drive many to madness and cause rampant mutation. It was a hell-space where logic meant little to nothing. As the energy flowed out of Temperance, they continued to watch, not intervening unless it was necessary.

Edited by Sumika1204
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Unfortunately for Ana, She had to put down the Hazmat team that accompanied her, as they were becoming insane and beginning to mutate, remarkably she doesn't even folly or flinch with such things as she pulls the Trigger on her Lato on the Hazmat Team, she returns to watch, still as cold as ever.

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The nightmare stopped as suddenly as it started. The chaos was gone; the only thing anyone could see was a uniform, white calm. Children laughed, somewhere, like windchimes on a sunny day. The white nothing was unnatural and strange, so it changed to be more natural; more orderly. The space coalesced, pulling itself taller with a whirlwind of turning pages, and suddenly-


Cardina sighed, closing a brand-new book as it lay on a desk. I'll have to get used to this, her thoughts reverberated through the Dojo's library as if it were a hollow citadel. If I'm going to continue my training. The memory drain scares me, but if I tell anyone I'll never be a Tenno. She stares at the book a moment longer, then picks it up to leave. As she turned away from the desk, Cardina's red-brown hair trailed to her lower back, and her pointed features raised in pleasant surprise as she saw Ana, Temperance and the others. "Oh," she spoke aloud, of course he's training to be an Ash, he's never not snuck up on me. Nice of him to bring her along, though, she's been so lonely since her father left to fight the Sentients. "I didn't know you were coming to see me."


"How could I possibly stay away?" Temperance laughed.  "You spend so much time in here, I never see you if I don't come to visit.  Solitude is all well and good, but," he shrugged, "we are Tenno.  Family.  We care for our own.  Right Ana?"

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"How could I possibly stay away?" Temperance laughed.  "You spend so much time in here, I never see you if I don't come to visit.  Solitude is all well and good, but," he shrugged, "we are Tenno.  Family.  We care for our own.  Right Ana?"

"Indeed" Replied the Trinity

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"For some yes, like the pirates that attacked us. Some have many other reasons. Like me."  Shinkiro claps his hands together. "I fight to ensure the survival of other Tenno. My own included. Everything else, money, resources, food. That is secondary."

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"Indeed" Replied the Trinity


"See Cardina?" Temperance said, turning back to the Nyx-in-training.  "Listen, I know it's hard, just sitting here and twiddling our thumbs while there's a war going on out there," he gestured to the world outside the library walls.  "But cliche as this sounds, we will pull through, because we have each other.  Trust in your brothers and sisters, Cardina; if you need us, call.  And when our training is over, when we do get sent to the front..."  Unexpectedly, he smiled.  "Well, Tenno go where they are needed, right?"

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"How could I possibly stay away?" Temperance laughed.  "You spend so much time in here, I never see you if I don't come to visit.  Solitude is all well and good, but," he shrugged, "we are Tenno.  Family.  We care for our own.  Right Ana?"


"Indeed" Replied the Trinity


"See Cardina?" Temperance said, turning back to the Nyx-in-training.  "Listen, I know it's hard, just sitting here and twiddling our thumbs while there's a war going on out there," he gestured to the world outside the library walls.  "But cliche as this sounds, we will pull through, because we have each other.  Trust in your brothers and sisters, Cardina; if you need us, call.  And when our training is over, when we do get sent to the front..."  Unexpectedly, he smiled.  "Well, Tenno go where they are needed, right?"


The room flickered at Ana's name, like static in the transmission between Cardina's mind and theirs. Cardina smiled warmly, but her eyebrow twitched; it was a tell that she still hadn't yet been able to suppress. "Of course, I just- I hate not having agency to change anything." She flicked a stray hair from her face while cracking open the book in her hand. I- I could swear that wasn't her name, the walls pulsed with her thoughts, while the books rustled their pages. I couldn't have forgotten it already- right? Her face stayed serene, as she casually flipped through the pages of blue ink. "I'm almost jealous of how easily patience comes to you two. But, ah," Have to change the subject, buy more time to look for her name, "How's your training coming along?"

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The room flickered at Ana's name, like static in the transmission between Cardina's mind and theirs. Cardina smiled warmly, but her eyebrow twitched; it was a tell that she still hadn't yet been able to suppress. "Of course, I just- I hate not having agency to change anything." She flicked a stray hair from her face while cracking open the book in her hand. I- I could swear that wasn't her name, the walls pulsed with her thoughts, while the books rustled their pages. I couldn't have forgotten it already- right? Her face stayed serene, as she casually flipped through the pages of blue ink. "I'm almost jealous of how easily patience comes to you two. But, ah," Have to change the subject, buy more time to look for her name, "How's your training coming along?"


Temperance grinned.  "Absolutely wonderful.  I may be a better marksman that an swordsman, but it's the learning that I love.  And Ana here may not talk much," he placed a hand on the shorter Tenno's shoulder, "but she is an exceptional healer.  I can only imagine the miracles she'll work with a Trinity.  What about you, Cardina?"

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Temperance grinned.  "Absolutely wonderful.  I may be a better marksman that an swordsman, but it's the learning that I love.  And Ana here may not talk much," he placed a hand on the shorter Tenno's shoulder, "but she is an exceptional healer.  I can only imagine the miracles she'll work with a Trinity.  What about you, Cardina?"


"Great!" Cardina said dismissively, her attention focused on the book in her hands; as she leafed through the pages, there were more being added than she could turn, and the volume grew larger and heavier in her arms. A- a Trinity? But I thought- oh, gods, no, I can't remember- I thought, I knew- With another disruption of the pseudo-reality a bookshelf toppled, laboriously spilling its contents with a dusty Whuuuump. Behind it, the bare metal of the Dojo was split and bulging, with a distinctive blue light peering through the cracks.


"A-Ana," Cardina asked with a smile, while creeping tendrils began to push through the seam. "What frame does your father use, again? I can't quite recall."

Edited by SnaleKing
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"Great!" Cardina said dismissively, her attention focused on the book in her hands; as she leafed through the pages, there were more being added than she could turn, and the volume grew larger and heavier in her arms. A- a Trinity? But I thought- oh, gods, no, I can't remember- I thought, I knew- With another disruption of the pseudo-reality a bookshelf toppled, laboriously spilling its contents with a dusty Whuuuump. Behind it, the bare metal of the Dojo was split and bulging, with a distinctive blue light peering through the cracks.


"A-Ana," Cardina asked with a smile, while creeping tendrils began to push through the seam. "What frame does your father use, again? I can't quite recall."

"My father?" Replied The Trinity with a raised eyebrow "If you're inquring about Cross, then I am not his daughter"

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"My father?" Replied The Trinity with a raised eyebrow "If you're inquring about Cross, then I am not his daughter"


"But I thought- aren't you-" no, nononono not already! They said- the books said it would take years to degrade this much- I've known her- Cardina's book hit the ground with a thunderclap, the impact shattering the floor of the dream library. Through the cracks, Infested Chargers and Runners began pushing through, joints popping and bones cracking in their eagerness to consume their prey. "I- I don't- how long have I known you?" Cardina begged, eyes welling with tears as she shook Ana's shoulders, the library collapsing around them as the Infestation consumed the vessel.

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"But I thought- aren't you-" no, nononono not already! They said- the books said it would take years to degrade this much- I've known her- Cardina's book hit the ground with a thunderclap, the impact shattering the floor of the dream library. Through the cracks, Infested Chargers and Runners began pushing through, joints popping and bones cracking in their eagerness to consume their prey. "I- I don't- how long have I known you?" Cardina begged, eyes welling with tears as she shook Ana's shoulders, the library collapsing around them as the Infestation consumed the vessel.

"We've just met a few minutes ago and if I may be blunt, I advise you to prepare your weapon!" Shouts the Trinity as she begins to fire on the Infested with her Lato, being weary that this may be an illusion

Edited by Drakeardian
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"But I thought- aren't you-" no, nononono not already! They said- the books said it would take years to degrade this much- I've known her- Cardina's book hit the ground with a thunderclap, the impact shattering the floor of the dream library. Through the cracks, Infested Chargers and Runners began pushing through, joints popping and bones cracking in their eagerness to consume their prey. "I- I don't- how long have I known you?" Cardina begged, eyes welling with tears as she shook Ana's shoulders, the library collapsing around them as the Infestation consumed the vessel.


This is wrong.  The thought was so out of place that Temperance's mind that he could not help but notice it.  He snapped awake as if from a dream.


What the hell?  He was...shorter, than he remembered.  He felt weak, incomplete, and once again he was not wearing his Warframe.  And the young woman he was talking to held a familiar book, its text handwritten in blue ink.


"Cardina?  Is that you?"


Then the walls buckled, and the Infested poured through.

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"For some yes, like the pirates that attacked us. Some have many other reasons. Like me."  Shinkiro claps his hands together. "I fight to ensure the survival of other Tenno. My own included. Everything else, money, resources, food. That is secondary."


"That is quite a noble cause. It is good to know there are still Tenno like you out there. The church tries to do the same. We want to build a place for our people in this system and ensure their survival."

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Ana continued to shoot as the Infested begin to pour in, presenting her Orthos and cutting though at the so called Infested, although she was aware that this would be an illusion she could'nt take any chances.


"Siren please confirm there are no Infested aboard this vessel?" she said, Ever so calm! even while shooting a Lato!


"Jawohl" said the Banshee as she began her scans

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"We've just met a few minutes ago and if I may be blunt, I advise you to prepare your weapon!" Shouts the Trinity as she begins to fire on the Infested with her Lato, being weary that this may be an illusion


The Lato's bullets bounced off the Infested, the only effect the shots had was making the creatures wobble and ripple like jello. Cardina staggered back, desperately, terribly confused, "Wh-what? How- but you- I- AAAH!" A charger scraped a claw against Cardina's leg, sending her jumping away from the dread creature's snarling jaws. "Infested!" she gasped, and fumbled a hand in her priest's robes before clutching onto something in her pocket. 


This is wrong.  The thought was so out of place that Temperance's mind that he could not help but notice it.  He snapped awake as if from a dream.


What the hell?  He was...shorter, than he remembered.  He felt weak, incomplete, and once again he was not wearing his Warframe.  And the young woman he was talking to held a familiar book, its text handwritten in blue ink.


"Cardina?  Is that you?"


Then the walls buckled, and the Infested poured through.


Ana continued to shoot as the Infested begin to pour in, presenting her Orthos and cutting though at the so called Infested, although she was aware that this would be an illusion she could'nt take any chances.


"Siren please confirm there are no Infested aboard this vessel?" she said, Ever so calm! even while shooting a Lato!


"Jawohl" said the Banshee as she began her scans


I- can control this. Cardina closed her eyes, holding out a shaking hand to the Charger. The creature stopped clawing through the floor, confused. A grim, tentative smirk crept across Cardina's face, and another creature stopped in its tracks, turning left and right as if searching for something. "We're going to be fine," Cardina demanded as the walls and Infested folded together on themselves, pulling away to show a familiar sight; rows and rows of twisting, symmetrical plants, stretching away forever.


"Temp- no, I think," Cardina fell to a knee, and from the plants on either side, the gauntlets of a Nyx warframe shot onto her arms. She looked up at Temperance as the legplates slammed into place. "You," she wondered, the light of recognition leaving her eyes just before the Vespa faceplate clamped on. "You're ok. Get to the hanger," The room tilted behind Temperance and Ana, sliding them towards the yawning door as Cardina stood to her full height, the last pieces of her warframe clamping into place. 


"I have it under control."


The room went completely horizontal, dropping Temperance and Ana back into the Garden. The illusion was over. 

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The Lato's bullets bounced off the Infested, the only effect the shots had was making the creatures wobble and ripple like jello. Cardina staggered back, desperately, terribly confused, "Wh-what? How- but you- I- AAAH!" A charger scraped a claw against Cardina's leg, sending her jumping away from the dread creature's snarling jaws. "Infested!" she gasped, and fumbled a hand in her priest's robes before clutching onto something in her pocket. 




I- can control this. Cardina closed her eyes, holding out a shaking hand to the Charger. The creature stopped clawing through the floor, confused. A grim, tentative smirk crept across Cardina's face, and another creature stopped in its tracks, turning left and right as if searching for something. "We're going to be fine," Cardina demanded as the walls and Infested folded together on themselves, pulling away to show a familiar sight; rows and rows of twisting, symmetrical plants, stretching away forever.


"Temp- no, I think," Cardina fell to a knee, and from the plants on either side, the gauntlets of a Nyx warframe shot onto her arms. She looked up at Temperance as the legplates slammed into place. "You," she wondered, the light of recognition leaving her eyes just before the Vespa faceplate clamped on. "You're ok. Get to the hanger," The room tilted behind Temperance and Ana, sliding them towards the yawning door as Cardina stood to her full height, the last pieces of her warframe clamping into place. 


"I have it under control."


The room went completely horizontal, dropping Temperance and Ana back into the Garden. The illusion was over. 


Temperance landed back in his body with a jerk, eyes snapping open to the blessed familiarity of his Warframe.  That had been more than an illusion.  It had been...memory.


He groaned and tried to move, only to find himself restrained by multiple infested vines.  He felt hands leaving his head, and tilted back to gaze at the familiar red and black Vespa Nyx.


"Cardina," he said with a smile in his voice, the name infused with old familiarity.  "Thank you..."


Then he slid back down, into the cool embrace of sleep.

Edited by Temperance000
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"That is quite a noble cause. It is good to know there are still Tenno like you out there. The church tries to do the same. We want to build a place for our people in this system and ensure their survival."


"I thought I had a good reason to stay here. To lend my aid to your church." Shinkiro laid back on his bed, letting out a satisfied sigh. "You know, Pyre. You have been the most loveliest person I've had a chat with since..... Well I guess you're the first then." He shrugged some.

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The Lato's bullets bounced off the Infested, the only effect the shots had was making the creatures wobble and ripple like jello. Cardina staggered back, desperately, terribly confused, "Wh-what? How- but you- I- AAAH!" A charger scraped a claw against Cardina's leg, sending her jumping away from the dread creature's snarling jaws. "Infested!" she gasped, and fumbled a hand in her priest's robes before clutching onto something in her pocket. 




I- can control this. Cardina closed her eyes, holding out a shaking hand to the Charger. The creature stopped clawing through the floor, confused. A grim, tentative smirk crept across Cardina's face, and another creature stopped in its tracks, turning left and right as if searching for something. "We're going to be fine," Cardina demanded as the walls and Infested folded together on themselves, pulling away to show a familiar sight; rows and rows of twisting, symmetrical plants, stretching away forever.


"Temp- no, I think," Cardina fell to a knee, and from the plants on either side, the gauntlets of a Nyx warframe shot onto her arms. She looked up at Temperance as the legplates slammed into place. "You," she wondered, the light of recognition leaving her eyes just before the Vespa faceplate clamped on. "You're ok. Get to the hanger," The room tilted behind Temperance and Ana, sliding them towards the yawning door as Cardina stood to her full height, the last pieces of her warframe clamping into place. 


"I have it under control."


The room went completely horizontal, dropping Temperance and Ana back into the Garden. The illusion was over. 


Ana looked around as the illusion ends, putting her Lato away and her blade "How nice, The Illusions of the Void"


Temperance landed back in his body with a jerk, eyes snapping open to the blessed familiarity of his Warframe.  That had been more than an illusion.  It had been...memory.


He groaned and tried to move, only to find himself restrained by multiple infested vines.  He felt hands leaving his head, and tilted back to gaze at the familiar red and black Vespa Nyx.


"Cardina," he said with a smile in his voice, the name infused with old familiarity.  "Thank you..."


Then he slid back down, into the cool embrace of sleep.


Mortos and Gaia came forward, Gaia being the one to speak this time. "Welcome back." As usual, her voice was warm and welcoming. She walked over to Cardina, offering her assistance. "You must be tired after all that. Mortos and I will oversee the rest. You should rest now."


"I thought I had a good reason to stay here. To lend my aid to your church." Shinkiro laid back on his bed, letting out a satisfied sigh. "You know, Pyre. You have been the most loveliest person I've had a chat with since..... Well I guess you're the first then." He shrugged some.


"First since what?" Pyre tilted her head slightly, curious as to what Shinkiro was referring to. That aside, it sounded to her like he might have affections for her.

Edited by Sumika1204
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Temperance landed back in his body with a jerk, eyes snapping open to the blessed familiarity of his Warframe.  That had been more than an illusion.  It had been...memory.


He groaned and tried to move, only to find himself restrained by multiple infested vines.  He felt hands leaving his head, and tilted back to gaze at the familiar red and black Vespa Nyx.


"Cardina," he said with a smile in his voice, the name infused with old familiarity.  "Thank you..."


Then he slid back down, into the cool embrace of sleep.

Ana looked between the two sleeping Tenno "The Joys of Lobotomies and Emotional Inhibitors" as the Trinity Dragged them both to Cardina's room to sleep it off. She's quite strong

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"First since what?" Pyre tilted her head slightly, curious as to what Shinkiro was referring to. That aside, it sounded to her like he might have affections for her.


"Eh, I was trying to remember something, but it seems you are the first then." Shinkiro picked up his helmet, looking down at it, staring at it staring at him. "There isn't much I remember since my awakening." He looks at her before tossing the helmet up and down his hand. "But what is the point of trying to remember long lost memories when you can make some new happy ones?" 

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Ana looked between the two sleeping Tenno "The Joys of Lobotomies and Emotional Inhibitors" as the Trinity Dragged them both to Cardina's room to sleep it off. She's quite strong


Cardina woke up on the floor of her cell, rubbing her head. She stumbled as she rose to her feet, the pattern of roots on the floor unfamiliar. How long was I out? Or- she runs a finger along one of them. Just mutated. The void energy released in the Garden would have had an effect on the whole ship's flora. She stepped over to her desk, touching a hand to the bonsai tree, causing the pen to begin transcribing everything that had occurred. She didn't watch as the entire experience, even the illusionary memories, were being written, more interested in getting back to her flock as soon as possible.


As she turned to the door with her Machete Wraith proudly hoisted over her shoulder, she noticed Temperance slumped against the mural of the Divinities. "Temperance!" She shook him, trying to wake him up. "Are you alright?"

Edited by SnaleKing
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Cardina woke up on the floor of her cell, rubbing her head. She stumbled as she rose to her feet, the pattern of roots on the floor unfamiliar. How long was I out? Or- she runs a finger along one of them. Just mutated. The void energy released in the Garden would have had an effect on the whole ship's flora. She stepped over to her desk, touching a hand to the bonsai tree, causing the pen to begin transcribing everything that had occurred. She didn't watch as the entire experience, even the illusionary memories, were being written, more interested in getting back to her flock as soon as possible.


As she turned to the door with her Machete Wraith proudly hoisted over her shoulder, she noticed Temperance slumped against the mural of the Divinities. "Temperance!" She shook him, trying to wake him up. "Are you alright?"


Temperance was having a dream, the first he could recall in ages.  He woke on the floor of his cell, rubbing his head.  He stumbled as he rose to his feet, the pattern of roots on the floor unfamiliar.  How long was I out? Or - he ran his finger along one of them.  Just mutated.  The void energy released in the Garden would have had an effect on the whole ship's flora.  He stepped over to his desk, touching a hand to the bonsai tree, causing the pen to begin transcribing everything that had occurred.  He didn't watch as the entire experience, even the illusory memories, was being written, more interested in getting back to his flock as soon as possible.  As he turned towards the door with his Machete Wraith proudly hoisted over his shoulder, he noticed...


"What the hell?" Temperance came awake with a start.  "Cardina?  Why am I in your room?  And did I just dream I was you?"

Edited by Temperance000
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