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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Cardina's eyes narrowed, thinking. "Cross, it is possible that she didn't leave the Void. She could still be on the tower the portal was linked to." The HELL did you say that for? Cardina yelled in her mind, he didn't need to know that! You could have just told me later! Or just thought it!


Cross looked at Temperance with eyes of a angry parent, he walked over to Temperance, shoving Cardina aside and grabbing the Ash, shoving up against the wall




The Temperature in the room dropping dramaticly and ice forming in his hands and about to encase the Ash in a Tomb of ice. The Anger of a Prime is surely a dangerous one


Temperance slumped back against the wall, rubbing tendrils of frost off his face.  One of these days, I will learn to keep my mouth shut he thought bitterly.  His conscience was vigorously beating his mental self over the head with an Amphis.  I think I had a compulsive honesty complex back in the day...in any case, I'd better go after Cross and tell him that there is a significant memory gap between fleeing the dojo with Amber and ending up in cryo.  It's a long shot, but I'll see if the Oracle servers have anything on her last known location.  He sent the next thoughts directly to Cardina.  My report to the Lotus is overdue; I'll swing by the hangar and send it off, then I'll be back.  Give a shout if you need me.  He laid a hand on her shoulder again, briefly, before retrieving his helmet and leaving the room with a purposeful stride.

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Temperance slumped back against the wall, rubbing tendrils of frost of his face.  One of these days, I will learn to keep my mouth shut he thought bitterly.  His conscience was vigorously beating his mental self over the head with an Amphis.  I think I had a compulsive honesty complex back in the day...in any case, I'd better go after Cross and tell him that there is a significant memory gap between fleeing the dojo with Amber and ending up in cryo.  It's a long shot, but I'll see if the Oracle servers have anything on her last known location.  He sent the next thoughts directly to Cardina.  My report to the Lotus is overdue; I'll swing by the hangar and send it off, then I'll be back.  Give a shout if you need me.  He laid a hand on her shoulder again, briefly, before retrieving his helmet and leaving the room with a purposeful stride.


Alright, she thought after him. Just be careful with that Amphis. I'll let you know- well, you'll know if I find anything in volume two.

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Alright, she thought after him. Just be careful with that Amphis. I'll let you know- well, you'll know if I find anything in volume two.


Already on his way down the corridor after the Frost Prime, Temperance smiled.  I promise not to keep it up for too much longer.  Self-flagellation is in terribly bad taste, especially when one has an audience.


"Cross!" he called.  "Wait up!"

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Unfortunately for Temperance, Cross had already left. But He passed Ana on his way to find Cross. Ana looked to Temperance "I don't quite know what happened, But Cross took one of the shuttles from the Shark and left"


"Stubborn old..." Temperance started to mutter, then shook his head.  "I said something that upset him pretty badly.  If you can track him down, I'd like you to give him this."  He keyed a file upload to the Trinity's Warframe databanks.  "This is all the information the Oracles of Saturn have on the initiates that escaped the Infestation attack on the dojo where his daughter was training.  Names are spotty, but they have approximate deployment zones for all survivor up to slightly before the Collapse.  It's a long shot, but his daughter's cryopod may be near one of these sites.  And please, tell him I'm sorry for what I said."


He thanked her, bowed, and continued on his way.

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"Stubborn old..." Temperance started to mutter, then shook his head.  "I said something that upset him pretty badly.  If you can track him down, I'd like you to give him this."  He keyed a file upload to the Trinity's Warframe databanks.  "This is all the information the Oracles of Saturn have on the initiates that escaped the Infestation attack on the dojo where his daughter was training.  Names are spotty, but they have approximate deployment zones for all survivor up to slightly before the Collapse.  It's a long shot, but his daughter's cryopod may be near one of these sites.  And please, tell him I'm sorry for what I said."


He thanked her, bowed, and continued on his way.

Ana raised an eyebrow then walked back to the Shark. a few minutes Later, the Shark left in search of Ana, Corvo stayed behind. Adventuring with his numb heart would not be wise.

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Cardina briefly considered putting on her helmet again, then decided against it and opened Volume Two.


At the beginning, it was still written as a memoir. Cardina hid in the bottom levels of the ship, sometimes inches away from Infested, only surviving by distracting and confusing the odd Charger that came searching for her. She didn't know who else was still alive, the only company in the black bowels of the vessel the slowly growing Infestation plants. For about a week, the entries were short, merely denoting the time passing on her wrist chronometer and her growing hunger.


Eight days after the Collapse, the Infested were becoming desperate in their search for food; as a few dozen chargers and a Disrupter sniffed out her hiding pace, Cardina found out it was easy to reach into the Infested's minds and add her hunger to theirs, instigating them to attack the Disrupter. The Ancient swatted away several of the light beasts, though a dozen more pounced it from behind, tearing into its fossilized sinew with ravishing glee. As a few of them happily dined on their former leader, Cardina made the others jealous, instigating them to bite massive chunks out of their comrades, who retaliated in kind, their starved screams all but deafening Cardina.


Soon, all the infested lied in mutilated chunks before her. She sat back in her little wooden hollow, scratching in her book while trying to ignore the revolting idea that grew in her mind. An hour later, when no others came looking for the missing squad, Cardina shakily crawled from the tree, and- carefully, quietly- ripped a tentacle from the Disrupter's face. It squished in her teeth, oozing glowing red pus as she choked down the sickly-sweet flesh. The Disrupter's flesh was too tough to eat, but its tongue...


In her cell, Cardina had to stop reading, squinting her eyes shut while flipping the page past the rambling description of what followed. Gods... Temperance, did you see that?

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"Stubborn old..." Temperance started to mutter, then shook his head.  "I said something that upset him pretty badly.  If you can track him down, I'd like you to give him this."  He keyed a file upload to the Trinity's Warframe databanks.  "This is all the information the Oracles of Saturn have on the initiates that escaped the Infestation attack on the dojo where his daughter was training.  Names are spotty, but they have approximate deployment zones for all survivor up to slightly before the Collapse.  It's a long shot, but his daughter's cryopod may be near one of these sites.  And please, tell him I'm sorry for what I said."


He thanked her, bowed, and continued on his way.


Rien appeared as he had a habit of doing, seemingly materializing out of thin air as he decloaked. "Greetings, Temperance. All rested up after your close encounter with void radiation?" He was on rotation and had just returned from the hangar where someone else took over as lookout for the moment.


Ana raised an eyebrow then walked back to the Shark. a few minutes Later, the Shark left in search of Ana, Corvo stayed behind. Adventuring with his numb heart would not be wise.


The Trinity that had tended to Corvo a few hours earlier came by to visit, knocking lightly on the door. "Hello?" She was routinely checking on him just to make sure all was well and if he was hungry or anything, she could show him to the cafeteria or wherever it is he needed to go. As far as she knew, he hadn't been shown the bulk of the facilities that he would have to stop by if he was going to stay for extended periods of time.

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Rien appeared as he had a habit of doing, seemingly materializing out of thin air as he decloaked. "Greetings, Temperance. All rested up after your close encounter with void radiation?" He was on rotation and had just returned from the hangar where someone else took over as lookout for the moment.



The Trinity that had tended to Corvo a few hours earlier came by to visit, knocking lightly on the door. "Hello?" She was routinely checking on him just to make sure all was well and if he was hungry or anything, she could show him to the cafeteria or wherever it is he needed to go. As far as she knew, he hadn't been shown the bulk of the facilities that he would have to stop by if he was going to stay for extended periods of time.

"Come in" Replied Corvo, he would have ditched the Nekros Warframe for the moment and was left in his boxers, despite the Nekros's appearance in the suit, he was quite fit but slightly gaunt. his skin was pale 

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"Come in" Replied Corvo, he would have ditched the Nekros Warframe for the moment and was left in his boxers, despite the Nekros's appearance in the suit, he was quite fit but slightly gaunt. his skin was pale 


The Trinity opened the door and entered. "I hope I'm not bothering you but I came to see how you were doing. Also, if someone hadn't shown you where the cafeteria was then I could show you the way when you require a meal."

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"I can imagine. Sweet dreams." Pyre slipped herself under the covers of her bed, leaving her helmet on the side table.


When Pyre would wake up, she would see that Shinkiro was gone. Just a neatly made bed. The helmet was missing, but instead a note was in it's place.

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The Trinity opened the door and entered. "I hope I'm not bothering you but I came to see how you were doing. Also, if someone hadn't shown you where the cafeteria was then I could show you the way when you require a meal."

"I'm fine, and Let me just get dressed so I can see this Cafeteria" replied the nekros as he got up and rubbed his face.


Should any Nyx including the Cardina pass his room one would see this Corvo's dreams is mostly a dream of A naturalistic landscape of grass, trees

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Cardina briefly considered putting on her helmet again, then decided against it and opened Volume Two.


At the beginning, it was still written as a memoir. Cardina hid in the bottom levels of the ship, sometimes inches away from Infested, only surviving by distracting and confusing the odd Charger that came searching for her. She didn't know who else was still alive, the only company in the black bowels of the vessel the slowly growing Infestation plants. For about a week, the entries were short, merely denoting the time passing on her wrist chronometer and her growing hunger.


Eight days after the Collapse, the Infested were becoming desperate in their search for food; as a few dozen chargers and a Disrupter sniffed out her hiding pace, Cardina found out it was easy to reach into the Infested's minds and add her hunger to theirs, instigating them to attack the Disrupter. The Ancient swatted away several of the light beasts, though a dozen more pounced it from behind, tearing into its fossilized sinew with ravishing glee. As a few of them happily dined on their former leader, Cardina made the others jealous, instigating them to bite massive chunks out of their comrades, who retaliated in kind, their starved screams all but deafening Cardina.


Soon, all the infested lied in mutilated chunks before her. She sat back in her little wooden hollow, scratching in her book while trying to ignore the revolting idea that grew in her mind. An hour later, when no others came looking for the missing squad, Cardina shakily crawled from the tree, and- carefully, quietly- ripped a tentacle from the Disrupter's face. It squished in her teeth, oozing glowing red pus as she choked down the sickly-sweet flesh. The Disrupter's flesh was too tough to eat, but its tongue...


In her cell, Cardina had to stop reading, squinting her eyes shut while flipping the page past the rambling description of what followed. Gods... Temperance, did you see that?


Temperance almost gagged at the vividness of the memory.  He could feel, could taste the Ancient's tough, slimy flesh sliding down his throat...


I saw  he sent grimly as he rode the lift up to his ship.  What's more, I felt.  I suppose this explains your link with the plants, but how did you eat the Disruptor's flesh without becoming Infested?  Unless there's actually some truth to those old theories about the origins of the Tenno...that we're resistant to the Technocyte virus because it was somehow tied to our creation.


He knelt and keyed the comm.


"Temperance."  The Lotus appeared, sounding relieved.  "Our ships brought word of what transpired.  I take it we have the Church of the Ascension to thank for your speedy recovery?"


The Ash nodded.  "We do indeed.  Specifically their Herald, Tenno Cardina.  On which note, I have my report for you."


The Lotus straightened.  "Proceed."


"As you wish."  Temperance linked his scanner data through the Oracle databases, a full record of everything he had witnessed since boarding the Ascension derelict.  In a sudden burst of conscience, however, he withheld his first recordings of Cardina's cell.  "In spite of their actions during the battle, it is my belief - my conviction - that they will not pursue hostile action against other Tenno unless directly provoked.  So long as none of their members become militantly zealous, I believe we should consider the Church kin.  And furthermore, I would add...it is not polite to spy on kin."


The Lotus regarded him for a long moment.  "Very well Temperance," she said finally.  "Your report has been filed and your opinions noted.  Please await our final decision.  Thank you, Tenno, for your efforts."


"Glad to serve, Lotus," Temperance replied with a bow, though some of his original conviction was missing from the words.


The Lotus nodded, and appeared to be on the verge of vanishing, when a rare smile graced her lips.  "How unexpectedly prompt," she said.  "Transmitting now."


A file appeared in Temperance's HUD, marked with the seal of the Lotus.  He opened it and quickly perused its contents.  He felt a smile forming on his own lips.


"Thank you, Lotus," he said, bowing again.


"Glad to be of service," the spectral woman replied, truly smiling now.  "Your mission parameters have been updated.  Be well Temperance."  Then she was gone.


Grinning widely as he carefully sequestered the memory of the message from Cardina, Temperance accessed his ship's inventory and selected a batch of resources for transfer to the Church of the Ascension.  Then he saved the Lotus' message to a physical drive, along with the resource manifest, and left the ship at a brisk trot, humming tunelessly.


He was halfway back to Cardina's quarters when he felt a Nyx's mind brush against his own.  Ah, Cardina he sent, excellent timing.  I just...  Then he realized that something was wrong.  What?  He staggered and clutched his head as a psychic attack smashed against his barriers.  NO!  Who are...GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HEAD!

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Temperance almost gagged at the vividness of the memory.  He could feel, could taste the Ancient's tough, slimy flesh sliding down his throat...


I saw  he sent grimly as he rode the lift up to his ship.  What's more, I felt.  I suppose this explains your link with the plants, but how did you eat the Disruptor's flesh without becoming Infested?  Unless there's actually some truth to those old theories about the origins of the Tenno...that we're resistant to the Technocyte virus because it was somehow tied to our creation.


Gods, no, Temperance, gods I'm so sorry, Cardina threw the book to the side, sending it skidding across the floor until it hit a root, flipping it into the air in a tumble of flapping pages. I-I didn't think reading it would render actual memories for you- I'm so sorry, I'm not going to read any more, I'll forget it all in a week anyway, I'm just hurting you.


Cardina slipped on her helmet and left her cell, walking a brisk pace to talk to Temperance face-to-face; she'd always found telepathy awkward and distasteful as a method of communication, especially if it couldn't be shut off.


Grinning widely as he carefully sequestered the memory of the message from Cardina, Temperance accessed his ship's inventory and selected a batch of resources for transfer to the Church of the Ascension.  Then he saved the Lotus' message to a physical drive, along with the resource manifest, and left the ship at a brisk trot, humming tunelessly.


He was halfway back to Cardina's quarters when he felt a Nyx's mind brush against his own.  Ah, Cardina he sent, excellent timing.  I just...  Then he realized that something was wrong.  What?  He staggered and clutched his head as a psychic attack smashed against his barriers.  NO!  Who are...GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HEAD!


Cardina twitched slightly, her superior mental training letting her resist the assault on their minds. "Temperance!" she called out, sprinting to catch up to him in the hallway. "Hold on- focus, eyes on me," Cardina forced her full concentration on repelling the attacker, her psyche forming a protective wall of chaos and unreason around Temperance's. 

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Cardina twitched slightly, her superior mental training letting her resist the assault on their minds. "Temperance!" she called out, sprinting to catch up to him in the hallway. "Hold on- focus, eyes on me," Cardina forced her full concentration on repelling the attacker, her psyche forming a protective wall of chaos and unreason around Temperance's. 


It was all Temperance could do to keep Cardina's helmeted face in focus; a mental attack by a Nyx was scarier than an elite battalion of Grineer, even for a well-trained, well-prepared Tenno.  Temperance had been trained.  He was not prepared.


Still, with Cardina shielding him from the worst of the assault, he managed to regain his mental feet, and grimly began the work of excising the distracted intruder from his mind.

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It was all Temperance could do to keep Cardina's helmeted face in focus; a mental attack by a Nyx was scarier than an elite battalion of Grineer, even for a well-trained, well-prepared Tenno.  Temperance had been trained.  He was not prepared.


Still, with Cardina shielding him from the worst of the assault, he managed to regain his mental feet, and grimly began the work of excising the distracted intruder from his mind.


With Temperance regaining his resolve, Cardina shifted to the assault; she threw off the defensive wall like an Absorb, battering the opposing mind with every shred of power they'd struck with. "Who are you!" Cardina screamed it aloud and into the attacker's thoughts. "Tell me or I'll rip it out of your head!" 


"Temperance," she said it only audibly. "We need to get to my garden, no matter how strong she is, she can't beat us there."

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With Temperance regaining his resolve, Cardina shifted to the assault; she threw off the defensive wall like an Absorb, battering the opposing mind with every shred of power they'd struck with. "Who are you!" Cardina screamed it aloud and into the attacker's thoughts. "Tell me or I'll rip it out of your head!" 


"Temperance," she said it only audibly. "We need to get to my garden, no matter how strong she is, she can't beat us there."


"Got it," Temperance said grimly.  The opposing Nyx must have been incredibly powerful to stand up to both Cardina and himself; alone, he would have been a mindless puppet by now.  But the Garden was too far; the distractions on the way too many, potentially fatal for Tenno engaged in a battle of mind and will.  Unless...


A crazy thought crossed Temperance's mind, a thought so improbable and absurd that he nearly laughed aloud.  I hope you missed some of that Void energy Cardina.  She had just enough time to register incredulity before he grabbed her hand and keyed for Teleport.  They vanished in a flash of blue-white light.


For an instant or an eternity, the presence of the attacking Nyx vanished as they hurtled through white emptiness.  Then the world rushed back as the Void-enhanced Teleport landed them in a tangle of limbs amidst the cradling vines of the Garden.  Temperance did not even bother trying to disengage himself from Cardina as the Nyx's mind found them again.  Through their link, he felt Cardina's psychic connection to the Garden washing over him, anchoring, enfolding, empowering.


Come then, he snarled, arming his mind.  We're ready for you now.  Around them, the vines rustled.

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When Pyre would wake up, she would see that Shinkiro was gone. Just a neatly made bed. The helmet was missing, but instead a note was in it's place.


When Pyre woke up and noticed that Shinkiro was gone, she got out of bed. She noticed the note and picked it up before unfolding it. She guessed he had something to do and it was probably another mission.


"I'm fine, and Let me just get dressed so I can see this Cafeteria." replied the Nekros as he got up and rubbed his face.


Should any Nyx including the Cardina pass his room one would see this Corvo's dreams is mostly a dream of a naturalistic landscape of grass, trees


The Trinity nodded and walked outside, waiting by the doorway. "I'll be waiting right outside the room for you."

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"Got it," Temperance said grimly.  The opposing Nyx must have been incredibly powerful to stand up to both Cardina and himself; alone, he would have been a mindless puppet by now.  But the Garden was too far; the distractions on the way too many, potentially fatal for Tenno engaged in a battle of mind and will.  Unless...


A crazy thought crossed Temperance's mind, a thought so improbable and absurd that he nearly laughed aloud.  I hope you missed some of that Void energy Cardina.  She had just enough time to register incredulity before he grabbed her hand and keyed for Teleport.  They vanished in a flash of blue-white light.


For an instant or an eternity, the presence of the attacking Nyx vanished as they hurtled through white emptiness.  Then the world rushed back as the Void-enhanced Teleport landed them in a tangle of limbs amidst the cradling vines of the Garden.  Temperance did not even bother trying to disengage himself from Cardina as the Nyx's mind found them again.  Through their link, he felt Cardina's psychic connection to the Garden washing over him, anchoring, enfolding, empowering.


Come then, he snarled, arming his mind.  We're ready for you now.  Around them, the vines rustled.


Cardina gasped as if just saved from drowning, glancing about to find herself and Temperance in the Garden. As the Nyx found them again, Cardina quickly threw herself at Temperance, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing him as hard as she could. As she did so, two coiling trunks lunged from the overgrowth, spiraling around and encasing them. The inside shone a burning bright blue, as the trunks chattered and coiled tighter, forming an impenetrable psychic shell.


"We're safe in here," Cardina whispered, with her helmet pressed against Temperance's shoulder. "Nothing can get in."

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Cardina gasped as if just saved from drowning, glancing about to find herself and Temperance in the Garden. As the Nyx found them again, Cardina quickly threw herself at Temperance, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing him as hard as she could. As she did so, two coiling trunks lunged from the overgrowth, spiraling around and encasing them. The inside shone a burning bright blue, as the trunks chattered and coiled tighter, forming an impenetrable psychic shell.

"We're safe in here," Cardina whispered, with her helmet pressed against Temperance's shoulder. "Nothing can get in."

Temperance wasn't quite so sure, but a minute passed and he felt nothing aside from Cardina's slowly subsiding presence in the back of his mind. Bit by bit, he relaxed. It was only then that he became aware of exactly how confining this psychically-shielded cocoon was; they were pressed together so tightly that he could feel the warmth of Cardina's Warframe against the surface of his own, could hear her breath next to his ear. Strangely, he didn't mind.

"I have something for you," he said, leaning into her embrace as he reached to find the data drive attached to a hardpoint on his waist. Their helmets knocked softly together, and Temperance, without a second thought, willed his to fold back out of the way.

After a bit of fumbling, he finally got his hands on the little disk-shaped device and held it up for Cardina to see. The blue light played strange tricks in his dancing black eyes as he smiled. "Go on, read it."

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When Pyre woke up and noticed that Shinkiro was gone, she got out of bed. She noticed the note and picked it up before unfolding it. She guessed he had something to do and it was probably another mission.



The Trinity nodded and walked outside, waiting by the doorway. "I'll be waiting right outside the room for you."

Corvo put his warframe on and walked out, nodding to the Trinity "What did you say your name was again?"

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When Pyre woke up and noticed that Shinkiro was gone, she got out of bed. She noticed the note and picked it up before unfolding it. She guessed he had something to do and it was probably another mission.


"Hello, beautiful. If you are reading this, I am gone at the moment. A little extermination of some Grineer called me. Don't worry, I'll bring you something nice when I return. From yours truly."

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Temperance wasn't quite so sure, but a minute passed and he felt nothing aside from Cardina's slowly subsiding presence in the back of his mind. Bit by bit, he relaxed. It was only then that he became aware of exactly how confining this psychically-shielded cocoon was; they were pressed together so tightly that he could feel the warmth of Cardina's Warframe against the surface of his own, could hear her breath next to his ear. Strangely, he didn't mind.

"I have something for you," he said, leaning into her embrace as he reached to find the data drive attached to a hardpoint on his waist. Their helmets knocked softly together, and Temperance, without a second thought, willed his to fold back out of the way.

After a bit of fumbling, he finally got his hands on the little disk-shaped device and held it up for Cardina to see. The blue light played strange tricks in his dancing black eyes as he smiled. "Go on, read it."


Cardina twists awkwardly, worming her helmet off; hers lacked the collapsing technology of Temperance's frame, so it was squeezed between her head and the fleshy wood around them. She took the device, examining it. "You have interesting timing, Temperance," she remarked with a smirk as she opened the file. Her silver eyes flicked left and right as she read the message, a surprised smile growing with every line.


"I- I don't know what to say." Still smiling, Cardina's gaze shifted away from Temperance, the soft blue light sharply contrasting her brick-red hair. "The Lotus- isn't against our Church. This is fantastic, I- I don't have to worry about a fleet, or an assassin." Maybe I can sleep now.

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Character: Tatsuya/Pendragon Excalibur

Weapons: Soma, Nikana, Vasto


Location: Tenno Ship in the Jupiter Sector


An injured Excalibur trying his best to stay awake in the ship's cockpit activates a channel in communications "This is Warrior Tatsuya of the Sun clan to any Tenno in range, I am injured and in need of assistance, I have women and children on board my ship and we are being pursued by Alad V's ships, I was able to rescue civilians in the Jupiter sector, but it was a setup, my squad slaughtered and I was the only one to get out with the prisoners, I do not know what Alad V was going to do them but I was not going to take that chance, *grunts in pain* to any Tenno out there, please respond."

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Corvo put his warframe on and walked out, nodding to the Trinity "What did you say your name was again?"


The Trinity shrugged, signalling that she had no idea. "I'm not sure, really. I don't remember my name and nobody gave me one after I woke up from cryosleep. I've just been calling myself Trinity after the name of my frame."


"Hello, beautiful. If you are reading this, I am gone at the moment. A little extermination of some Grineer called me. Don't worry, I'll bring you something nice when I return. From yours truly."


"Well that was nice of him. He left a note letting me know what called him off and he thought of getting me something. Maybe I should get him something? What would he want anyway?" Pyre knew that Shinkiro liked food and specifically ramen but she didn't think that would make a good gift to give him if he really did get her something.


Pyre thought for a few moments before an idea hit her. Temperance might have some idea what Shinkiro might want. Well that might not be correct since a person's frame didn't necessarily dictate everything about their personality though it did usually give hints. Deciding on her course of action, she walked off to go about finding Temperance. Since Cardina should know where he was, Pyre went to her room first but guessed she wasn't there when nobody answered the knock on the door.

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