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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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So this is what all the fuss is about.


As the Ash peered out of the cockpit, he couldn't help but feel a slight sense of awe as he took in the view of the majestic Infested Orokin ship before him. Twisting the glowing control sphere, Ark began rolling his ship into a better viewing angle so he could get a closer look of the derelict cruiser. As the small vector thrusters quickly responded to their new commands, gracefully rotating his sleek stealth ship, Ark couldn't help but crack a smile. "Nocturne, you truly are a composition of the night." he whispered in admiration as he finished his intricate dance up and down the control panel, locking the ship in it's new alignment.

"Could you please stop hitting on the ship and get focused? Time IS of the essence."

Ark spun around in his seat to look at the Vauban, who was clearly making no effort to hide his frustration with him.

"Oh be quiet Cyrill, you're just jealous of my girl. Though as happy as I would be to find you a date, I don't think any females fit your opinion of a 'Proper Woman' "

It didn't take long for the Ash to realize his humor was being misplaced. He didn't even have to see Cyrill's face, he could feel scowl all the way from here.

"Alright, alright. I get it."

Turning back to the control panel and mentally queuing the comms, he began to hail the derelict ship:

**Church of the Ascension, this is Arkas Plexon, I would like to speak with the Nyx that calls herself "Cardina"**


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Turning back to the control panel and mentally queuing the comms, Ark begins to hail the derelict ship:

**Church of the Ascension, this is Arkas Plexon, I would like to speak with the Nyx that calls herself "Cardina"**


"Excuse me one moment, Samantha," Cardina opened the transmission; she had never been called out before they even landed. "This is Cardina, Herald of the Ascension. Welcome to our Church, Arkas Plexon. I must ask, though, how have you heard of me before?"

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"Excuse me one moment, Samantha," Cardina opened the transmission; she had never been called out before they even landed. "This is Cardina, Herald of the Ascension. Welcome to our Church, Arkas Plexon. I must ask, though, how have you heard of me before?"


"I'll explain that in minute, but right now we have a much bigger problem on our hands. Cutting to the chase, let's just say you and your church have gotten on the Corpus radar in a bad way, and one of the board members has assembled a strike force to capture your vessel. Don't ask me how I know all this, I don't want to say to much over an open line."

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"I'll explain that in minute, but right now we have a much bigger problem on our hands. Cutting to the chase, let's just say you and your church have gotten on the Corpus radar in a bad way, and one of the board members has assembled a strike force to capture your vessel. Don't ask me how I know all this, I don't want to say to much over an open line."


Cardina barely suppressed an exasperated sigh. So soon after the pirate attack? "Very well, we can speak in person. You should be receiving the docking codes now, I'll meet you in the hanger. " She switched off the transmission, and pointed Samantha to the Garden. "So sorry, but we need to get you to a safe place. There's an Ember Prime named Pyre in there, tell her Cardina sent you and she'll be glad to show you to your quarters. Again, I'm sorry to leave so soon."


With that, Cardina strode to the hanger, awaiting Plexon's arrival.

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The Oberon looked to the Excalibur. "So, anywhere particular we should let you and them off like a dojo or will we be having guests tonight? Sorry if the cargo bay is a bit cramped though. We came from a resource run and weren't expecting to end up rescuing people."


Tatsuya looked up "If you don't mind I would like to stay with you guys for a while, the civilians are still technicaly my responsobility, I haven't really told anyone this but I am looking for my sister, I wasn't born a Tenno, a Frost Prime name Sigurd found me on Earth almost 15 years ago now. I received intel that my sister was still alive so I'm hoping one of the women there could be her, reason why I volunteered for the mission, here name is Miho if I remember, brown hair green eyes. I also heard Alad V was killed not too long ago, was that you guys?"

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As the transmission ended, Ark couldn't help thinking that Cardina reminded him of someone. I could have sworn I've heard that voice before, but how the Hek would I...


His thoughts were cut short as the console notified him of the incoming docking codes. "Initiate docking sequence." Responding to her pilots command, the Nocturne maneuvered over to the hanger, automatically adjusting itself as it prepared to land. Being a small stealth scouter, the Nocturne had no trouble positioning itself over the landing area before slowly coming to rest on it's magnetic landing gear. From the belly of the ship a small ramp extended and Ark wasted no time making his way over to Cardina.


His Ash frame was dark grey and black, marked with almost neon green lotus symbols. His Locust helm turned this way and that as he took in his surroundings, his imperator syandana stirring gently as he made his way towards the Nyx.

"So you must be Cardina. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Arkas Plexon, but most people just call me Ark" *Bows*

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"Why not?", Pyre responded with a light smile as she thought that Temperance might be able to help her find something good for Shinkiro. That and she was curious about him due to the whole wooden cocoon thing she saw.


"So," Temperance began as he and Pyre stepped out of the Garden.  "I assume when you say 'someone' you mean the Ash named Shinkiro?  I cannot say I've had the pleasure of working with him before, but from what I understand, he's quite easygoing, generous, and open with his feelings, a rarity for most of the Tenno I've dealt with.  But remember this is your gift to him, Pyre, not mine.  What can you tell me about Shinkiro?  The kind of person he is, how you two have interacted, that sort of thing."


He frowned as a wave of alarm and exasperation came from Cardina, and he spotted a tall human woman clad in red approaching down the corridor.  Red Veil Rebellion he thought.  What the bloody hek are they doing all the way out here?  Then Cardina, is something wrong?  You're coming across as rather irritated.


The human stopped in front of them, towering a good two inches over Temperance himself.


"Can we help you ma'am?" the Ash inquired politely.

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"Of course you can," Cardina stepped next to Samantha, leading her out of the hanger. Even with her warframe, Cardina was almost comically short compared to Samatha, a full four inches shorter than the human. Still, Cardina's presence dominated the room, an aura of complete control about her. "Let's find you somewhere to rest. When you're ready, I'd be most interested in hearing your story."

 "Thanks and it's no problem" replied Samatha as she went to find this Pyre, as soon as she found her she said "ah Excuse me, Are you Pyre? Cardina told me to see you?"

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A wide grin that spoke of one too many sleepless nights would greet the Rhino.
"Tell me, does this church have a cafeteria anyplace? I am absolutely famished."


"Why yes, we do." Well, that came as a surprise to the Rhino. He actually wasn't sure if someone in such condition would even need to eat as compared to surviving off nutrient paste IVs or something. "I'm on duty in the hangar so I can't show you the way in person. Would a map marker be fine?"


Tatsuya looked up "If you don't mind I would like to stay with you guys for a while, the civilians are still technically my responsibility, I haven't really told anyone this but I am looking for my sister, I wasn't born a Tenno, a Frost Prime name Sigurd found me on Earth almost 15 years ago now. I received intel that my sister was still alive so I'm hoping one of the women there could be her, reason why I volunteered for the mission, here name is Miho if I remember, brown hair green eyes. I also heard Alad V was killed not too long ago, was that you guys?"


The Oberon shook his head. "No, Alad V's death was not our work though we do wish we could have been the ones to put an end to that defiler. That aside, there is the issue of space. The barracks may not have enough space for this many people once we get back. Around then, several other cells will be returning from around the system to drop off resources and rest."


"So," Temperance began as he and Pyre stepped out of the Garden.  "I assume when you say 'someone' you mean the Ash named Shinkiro?  I cannot say I've had the pleasure of working with him before, but from what I understand, he's quite easygoing, generous, and open with his feelings, a rarity for most of the Tenno I've dealt with.  But remember this is your gift to him, Pyre, not mine.  What can you tell me about Shinkiro?  The kind of person he is, how you two have interacted, that sort of thing."


He frowned as a wave of alarm and exasperation came from Cardina, and he spotted a tall human woman clad in red approaching down the corridor.  Red Veil Rebellion he thought.  What the bloody hek are they doing all the way out here?  Then Cardina, is something wrong?  You're coming across as rather irritated.


The human stopped in front of them, towering a good two inches over Temperance himself.


"Can we help you ma'am?" the Ash inquired politely.


"Yes, it is Shinkiro and from the time I've spent with him, he seems quite nice. He's easygoing just like you guessed, rather open and overall pleasant. He does rather enjoy food though, especially ramen it seems."


 "Thanks and it's no problem" replied Samatha as she went to find this Pyre, as soon as she found her she said "ah Excuse me, Are you Pyre? Cardina told me to see you?"


"Greetings and yes, I am Pyre. I take it you need somewhere to stay?" This human had Pyre curious. She had never seen anyone dressed or armed in the same manner as she was. In fact, she found that it was a rarity in and of itself to find a non-Corpus human.

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"Yes, it is Shinkiro and from the time I've spent with him, he seems quite nice. He's easygoing just like you guessed, rather open and overall pleasant. He does rather enjoy food though, especially ramen it seems."



"Greetings and yes, I am Pyre. I take it you need somewhere to stay?" This human had Pyre curious. She had never seen anyone dressed or armed in the same manner as she was. In fact, she found that it was a rarity in and of itself to find a non-Corpus human.



Temperance looked between the towering human and the comparatively diminutive Ember Prime.  


"I'll leave you two to get acquainted," he said, bowing to excuse himself.  "Pyre, once you're free, please come by my ship in hangar 3.  Ma'am, welcome to the Church of the Ascension."


He resumed walking at a brisk pace, reaching for Cardina again.  Cardina, is everything alright?  You seem rather perturbed by the new arrivals.

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"Greetings and yes, I am Pyre. I take it you need somewhere to stay?" This human had Pyre curious. She had never seen anyone dressed or armed in the same manner as she was. In fact, she found that it was a rarity in and of itself to find a non-Corpus human.


"Yeah, just to hide out until the Grineer or the Corpus stop looking for me or my friends?" Replied the Human, she was quite nervous. The Tenno are rumoured as either honourable warriors or bloodthirsty killers who would shoot you in the head then loot your corpse for whatever they want


"Have you heard of the Red Veil before?" Asked Samantha very quickly

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As the transmission ended, Ark couldn't help thinking that Cardina reminded him of someone. I could have sworn I've heard that voice before, but how the Hek would I...


His thoughts were cut short as the console notified him of the incoming docking codes. "Initiate docking sequence." Responding to her pilots command, the Nocturne maneuvered over to the hanger, automatically adjusting itself as it prepared to land. Being a small stealth scouter, the Nocturne had no trouble positioning itself over the landing area before slowly coming to rest on it's magnetic landing gear. From the belly of the ship a small ramp extended and Ark wasted no time making his way over to Cardina.


His Ash frame was dark grey and black, marked with almost neon green lotus symbols. His Locust helm turned this way and that as he took in his surroundings, his imperator syandana stirring gently as he made his way towards the Nyx.

"So you must be Cardina. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Arkas Plexon, but most people just call me Ark" *Bows*


Cardina returns the bow. "I wish we had more time for formalities, Arkas, but this Corpus force you mentioned is a pressing issue." She stepped to the side, giving the Nocturne a second glance. "I don't suppose your friend will be joining us?"


Temperance looked between the towering human and the comparatively diminutive Ember Prime.  


"I'll leave you two to get acquainted," he said, bowing to excuse himself.  "Pyre, once you're free, please come by my ship in hangar 3.  Ma'am, welcome to the Church of the Ascension."


He resumed walking at a brisk pace, reaching for Cardina again.  Cardina, is everything alright?  You seem rather perturbed by the new arrivals.


There's... a lot going on, and I can't be everywhere at once. Apparently there's some sort of Corpus assault inbound, and about twenty refugees we need to house for the time being. This won't be easy to orchestrate.

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The Oberon shook his head. "No, Alad V's death was not our work though we do wish we could have been the ones to put an end to that defiler. That aside, there is the issue of space. The barracks may not have enough space for this many people once we get back. Around then, several other cells will be returning from around the system to drop off resources and rest."



Tatsuya nods his head, "It is fine, I can practically sleep anywhere, the people are the priority, a lot of them are malnourished if you've noticed. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to see if my sister is with them. Thank you for saving us." He bows to the Oberon and walks towards. He finds a girl of 18 years with brown hair and green eyes. He walks up to her, he noticed that she was still quivering with fear.




"H-how do you my name?"


Tatsuya removes his helmet revealing healthy looking skin with his own black and red streamlined hair with one green and one blue eyes. Miho widens her eyes as if she has seen a ghost.


"O-onii-chan?" (Big brother?)


"Sashiburi da ne, Miho?" (It's been a while, Miho?)


"ONII-CHAN!" Miho screams at the top of her lungs and flungs herself to her older brother she hasn't seen in over 15 years, she could never forget that face, that smile, the same loving arms her older brother would give her when they were younger. She just cried her heart out as the siblings were finally reunited.

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Temperance looked between the towering human and the comparatively diminutive Ember Prime.  


"I'll leave you two to get acquainted," he said, bowing to excuse himself.  "Pyre, once you're free, please come by my ship in hangar 3.  Ma'am, welcome to the Church of the Ascension."


He resumed walking at a brisk pace, reaching for Cardina again.  Cardina, is everything alright?  You seem rather perturbed by the new arrivals.


Pyre nodded. "I'll meet you there soon."


"Yeah, just to hide out until the Grineer or the Corpus stop looking for me or my friends?" Replied the Human, she was quite nervous. The Tenno are rumoured as either honourable warriors or bloodthirsty killers who would shoot you in the head then loot your corpse for whatever they want


"Have you heard of the Red Veil before?" Asked Samantha very quickly


"Not until recently when a transmission came in regarding hostages. Some of our cells happened to be in the area of some of those hostages while on the way back from resource runs and provided some assistance. Feel free to stay but at the moment, we don't have the space to become a refugee camp so to speak. If we could clear and repair the lower levels more quickly, that would open up much more space for barracks expansion."


Tatsuya nods his head, "It is fine, I can practically sleep anywhere, the people are the priority, a lot of them are malnourished if you've noticed. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to see if my sister is with them. Thank you for saving us." He bows to the Oberon and walks towards. He finds a girl of 18 years with brown hair and green eyes. He walks up to her, he noticed that she was still quivering with fear.




"H-how do you my name?"


Tatsuya removes his helmet revealing healthy looking skin with his own brown hair with green eyes. Miho widens her eyes as if she has seen a ghost.


"O-onii-chan?" (Big brother?)


"Sashiburi da ne, Miho?" (It's been a while, Miho?)


"ONII-CHAN!" Miho screams at the top of her lungs and flungs herself to her older brother she hasn't seen in over 15 years, she could never forget that face, that smile, the same loving arms her older brother would give her when they were younger. She just cried her heart out as the siblings were finally reunited.


The Oberon found the scene to be rather touching. He decided to contact the church, sending in his cell's report regarding having rescued the refugees and their resource run which brought in crates of packaged foods, a few canisters of neural sensors and other materials.

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There's... a lot going on, and I can't be everywhere at once. Apparently there's some sort of Corpus assault inbound, and about twenty refugees we need to house for the time being. This won't be easy to orchestrate.


Bloody hell Temperance thought as he reached his ship.  And on top of everything else that's been happening.  If it's any consolation, Pyre and Samantha seem to be hitting it off just fine, though I have absolutely no idea what a Red Veil would be doing out here; according to the Oracles, they're concentrated around the inner sectors.  I'll keep looking for that Nyx; in the mean time, do you need me to send for backup?  That Lotus strike team should still be in the area, and I don't relish the thought of fighting off a Corpus fleet with just this derelict.


He took a seat in the cockpit and set his scanners running, beginning the meticulous process of locating and categorizing every life form on board.

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She stepped to the side, giving the Nocturne a second glance. "I don't suppose your friend will be joining us?"


"You know, Plexon, getting excited is okay, but you can't just expect me to turn off everything for you--" Cyrill, a white and gray Vauban with blue accents on his armor and Gambit helm, stopped in his tracks when he sensed the tension he just intruded on.  "Oh.  This must be that Cardina you kept referring to.  Hello, I'm Cyrill Ezekias Legránd. My friend here doesn't tell me anything."


Ark coughs and whispers "bow" under his breath.


Cyrill, normally the more formal of the two, apologises for his disrespect and bows.

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Samantha nods "Thank you again, and I hope I won't be a liability to you or your crew, ah care to give me a tour?" asked the Red Veil Human


Meanwhile a shuttle from the Shark and a few hundred engineers arrive. "Hey, we're part of the Shark's Engineering Division, do you need help with the Derelict?"

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Bloody hell Temperance thought as he reached his ship.  And on top of everything else that's been happening.  If it's any consolation, Pyre and Samantha seem to be hitting it off just fine, though I have absolutely no idea what a Red Veil would be doing out here; according to the Oracles, they're concentrated around the inner sectors.  I'll keep looking for that Nyx; in the mean time, do you need me to send for backup?  That Lotus strike team should still be in the area, and I don't relish the thought off fighting off a Corpus fleet with just this derelict.


He took a seat in the cockpit and set his scanners running, beginning the meticulous process of locating and categorizing every life form on board.


To be honest, I doubt we can. The Corpus have the most well-funded navy in the system. At full capacity, maybe our Orokin ship would stand a chance, but as it is I don't like our odds, even with a surprise attack from the Lotus' strike force. Cardina thought for a moment. We have two choices. Order, we run, hoping the Derelict could lose them. Chaos, we send in a few cells to cripple the Corpus from the inside, while distracting them with naval combat. Not trading broadsides, but staying just out of weapon range to keep their scanners on us instead of a few infiltrator shuttles.


"You know, Plexon, getting excited is okay, but you can't just expect me to turn off everything for you--" Cyrill, a white and gray Vauban with blue accents on his armor and Gambit helm, stopped in his tracks when he sensed the tension he just intruded on.  "Oh.  This must be that Cardina you kept referring to.  Hello, I'm Cyrill Ezekias Legránd. My friend here doesn't tell me anything."


Ark coughs and whispers "bow" under his breath.


Cyrill, normally the more formal of the two, apologizes for his disrespect and bows.


Cardina bows back, glad to have someone more respectful to talk to. "I am Cardina, Herald of the Ascension. I wish we had more time to chat, but there remains the immediate threat of the Corpus fleet. What do you know about it?'

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Tatsuya sighs while sitting on his makeshift bed in the hangar, he just sent a message to his Clan for a new ship as his previous one was damaged beyond repair from Corpus attacks. Nothing matter at this moment as long as Miho was safe, he remembered that day when he found her back in Earth, how she pretty much adopted him to be his older brother, how she became so clingy towards him. It has been three days since they were reunited, and he already noticed the way Miho was looking at him and how she became even more possessive, he already knew they were pretty much like siblings ever since they met all those years ago, but now he was not so sure, his mind racing at the possible feelings Miho could be feeling for him, and if that were true he wouldnt know how to deal with it, *sigh* 'Might as well just sleep on it, my new ship won't be here till 2 days, I'll probably talk to the Oberon later, hmm I dont even know his name, I'll properly introduce myself to him later.'

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Cardina returns the bow. "I wish we had more time for formalities, Arkas, but this Corpus force you mentioned is a pressing issue." She stepped to the side, giving the Nocturne a second glance. "I don't suppose your friend will be joining us?"


Ark suddenly embraces Cardina while quickly and calmly whispering in her ear.

"Listen to me very carefully, there is someone on this ship who is not who they say they are. I have a contact in the Corpus government, who has informed me that they were tipped off about you and your church, and specifically your unique ability to control the infested growth. Some high up science official by the name of Silac has convinced one of the board that your capture would be very profitable."

Ark pulls back and places both hands on Cardina's shoulders.


"They have gathered an invasion force large enough to wipe out a planet, and are in route to this location as we speak. They will tear this ship apart until they have found you, and when they do, Silac plans on getting better acquainted with you...on an operation table."


Withdrawing his arms, Arkas's voice drops to a low tone

"This isn't a fight you can win. You have to..."

Ark stops short as he notices another Ash warframe approaching.


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Samantha nods "Thank you again, and I hope I won't be a liability to you or your crew, ah care to give me a tour?" asked the Red Veil Human


Meanwhile a shuttle from the Shark and a few hundred engineers arrive. "Hey, we're part of the Shark's Engineering Division, do you need help with the Derelict?"


Pyre blinked inside her helmet due to the surprise. Well that was quite the gift that the crew of the Shark had sent them. This many people would surely speed up the repair rate of the Derelict. "Why yes. The help would be very much appreciated if you are offering. Particularly the lower levels. The old barracks down there will need to be cleared of debris and repaired as we expect an influx of refugees."


Pyre then looked back to Samantha. "Sure. I can also send you a map to make it easier for you to keep track of where you are."


To be honest, I doubt we can. The Corpus have the most well-funded navy in the system. At full capacity, maybe our Orokin ship would stand a chance, but as it is I don't like our odds, even with a surprise attack from the Lotus' strike force. Cardina thought for a moment. We have two choices. Order, we run, hoping the Derelict could lose them. Chaos, we send in a few cells to cripple the Corpus from the inside, while distracting them with naval combat. Not trading broadsides, but staying just out of weapon range to keep their scanners on us instead of a few infiltrator shuttles.



Cardina bows back, glad to have someone more respectful to talk to. "I am Cardina, Herald of the Ascension. I wish we had more time to chat, but there remains the immediate threat of the Corpus fleet. What do you know about it?'


((I've been forgetting to have this done for a few days. Assuming the Nyx that tried to mind control Temperance is the same that tried to take controlled of that Vauban who is the current docking officer, then this should be fine.))


A fellow Nyx in the church messaged Cardina via her helmet's communicator. "Please excuse the interruption but I have ill news. "Our docking officer was the victim of attempted psychic domination by a foreign Nyx. He is running scans to find the intruder who is likely hiding somewhere. Please be careful."

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To be honest, I doubt we can. The Corpus have the most well-funded navy in the system. At full capacity, maybe our Orokin ship would stand a chance, but as it is I don't like our odds, even with a surprise attack from the Lotus' strike force. Cardina thought for a moment. We have two choices. Order, we run, hoping the Derelict could lose them. Chaos, we send in a few cells to cripple the Corpus from the inside, while distracting them with naval combat. Not trading broadsides, but staying just out of weapon range to keep their scanners on us instead of a few infiltrator shuttles.



Cardina bows back, glad to have someone more respectful to talk to. "I am Cardina, Herald of the Ascension. I wish we had more time to chat, but there remains the immediate threat of the Corpus fleet. What do you know about it?'



Understood Temperance sent grimly, watching as the scanner data streamed in.  You are correct, a direct confrontation with the Corpus fleet would be suicide.  But the derelict is still crippled; we only have two functioning engines, minimal shields and weapons, and hull integrity is shot to hell by the flora.  He paused as a new thought crossed his mind.  Cardina, what if we recall all of the Church's active cells?  Assuming these Corpus follow company protocol, they'll jump at the chance to capture an Orokin derelict full of Tenno.  Let their greed be our shield, and leave a force to defend key areas of the derelict while other cells sneak aboard the Corpus ships and destroy them.  If necessary, the Lotus fleet can provide....


A whisper in Cardina's ear echoed through their link, the voice of one of the newly arrived Tenno.  "Listen to me very carefully, there is someone on this ship who is not who they say they are..."


Frowning, Temperance keyed the scans to automatic and rose from his chair.  As he stepped out of the lift, a Church transmission informed everyone aboard of a psychic attack on one of the docking officers by a foreign Nyx.


"Bloody hell," Temperance muttered sourly.  Now she knew they were searching for her.


He set off at a jog for the hangar where he sensed Cardina's presence, arriving a few moments later to see her speaking to an immortal-skinned Locust Ash colored a brilliant black and green.

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The Engineers waste no time, quickly rushing to work on repairs, upgrades and god knows what else, The Engineers were hand-picked by The Shark's Chief Engineers as the best of the best, from the rookie genius to the Veteran, each of them working like bees in a hive. The rubbed would have been recycled into spare parts and items for the ship to use later


Meanwhile Samantha takes the opportunity to the Cafeteria, she hadn't eaten for a while and was dying for a burger. She asked the Chef "Say do you do burgers?"

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Ark suddenly embraces Cardina while quickly and calmly whispering in her ear.

"Listen to me very carefully, there is someone on this ship who is not who they say they are. I have a contact in the Corpus government, who has informed me that they were tipped off about you and your church, and specifically your unique ability to control the infested growth. Some high up science official by the name of Silac has convinced one of the board that your capture would be very profitable."

Ark pulls back and places both hands on Cardina's shoulders.


"They have gathered an invasion force large enough to wipe out a planet, and are in route to this location as we speak. They will tear this ship apart until they have found you, and when they do, Silac plans on getting better acquainted with you...on an operation table."


Withdrawing his arms, Arkas's voice drops to a low tone

"This isn't a fight you can win. You have to..."

Ark stops short as he notices another Ash warframe approaching.


Cardina boils with disgust at the sudden contact, jerkily pulling away from his hands. "Thank you for the warning." She replies curtly, brushing off her shoulders. She wasn't quite able to keep her gritted teeth from affecting her discordant voice. "I assure you, I will have the situation under control. If there's anything else you need, feel free to ask any of my Acolytes. I have preparations to attend to." She turns quickly without bowing, the twin tails of her Imperator Syndana snapping like whips. 


Understood Temperance sent grimly, watching as the scanner data streamed in.  You are correct, a direct confrontation with the Corpus fleet would be suicide.  But the derelict is still crippled; we only have two functioning engines, minimal shields and weapons, and hull integrity is shot to hell by the flora.  He paused as a new thought crossed his mind.  Cardina, what if we recall all of the Church's active cells?  Assuming these Corpus follow company protocol, they'll jump at the chance to capture an Orokin derelict full of Tenno.  Let their greed be our shield, and leave a force to defend key areas of the derelict while other cells sneak aboard the Corpus ships and destroy them.  If necessary, the Lotus fleet can provide....


A whisper in Cardina's ear echoed through their link, the voice of one of the newly arrived Tenno.  "Listen to me very carefully, there is someone on this ship who is not who they say they are..."


Frowning, Temperance keyed the scans to automatic and rose from his chair.  As he stepped out of the lift, a Church transmission informed everyone aboard of a psychic attack on one of the docking officers by a foreign Nyx.


"Bloody hell," Temperance muttered sourly.  Now she knew they were searching for her.


He set off at a jog for the hangar where he sensed Cardina's presence, arriving a few moments later to see her speaking to an immortal-skinned Locust Ash colored a brilliant black and green.


"Temperance," she sighs, brushing his hand as they met at the Hanger's entrance. "Contact the Lotus as soon as you are able. I need to get my Church ready for the Corpus."

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