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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Waking up from a good sleep, he decides to look for that Oberon that saved his life. He found him in the dueling room with his brethren. Seeing Tatsuya enter his room he approached him, "Hey just wanted to say thanks again for saving us, my new ship will be arriving tomorrow so I will be taking Miho with me, as for the refugees, sending the Red Veil to retrieve them would be the best option. Miho is not exactly my sister by blood though, but I'm sure you have noticed that already. She's gotten a lot more possessive lately. Oh and how rude of me." He holds out his hand, "I'm Tatsuya of the Sun Clan."

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As Arkas watched Cardina storm away, he could only shake his head. Just like the old saying goes "Pride comes before the fall". The question is, are you ready to face the consequences of that fall Cardina?

"Well that went well."

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Cardina boils with disgust at the sudden contact, jerkily pulling away from his hands. "Thank you for the warning." She replies curtly, brushing off her shoulders. She wasn't quite able to keep her gritted teeth from affecting her discordant voice. "I assure you, I will have the situation under control. If there's anything else you need, feel free to ask any of my Acolytes. I have preparations to attend to." She turns quickly without bowing, the twin tails of her Imperator Syndana snapping like whips. 



"Temperance," she sighs, brushing his hand as they met at the Hanger's entrance. "Contact the Lotus as soon as you are able. I need to get my Church ready for the Corpus."


Temperance nodded, sensing her need for control.  "I will."


He waited until she left the bay before turning to the newly arrived Ash and his Vauban companion.  "A word of advice, Tenno Arkas, by way of thanks for your warning.  Tread carefully here.  The Church of the Ascension is open to all, but some of its members do not take kindly to over-familiarity.  They have walked their own path for quite some time, and have only recently found acceptance with the Tenno as a whole.  Please remember that for the duration of your stay."


Belatedly, he bowed.  "My name is Temperance, emissary of the Lotus.  If you have any other messages for Herald Cardina, please direct them to me or one of the Acolytes.  We will see that she receives them."

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He waited until she left the bay before turning to the newly arrived Ash and his Vauban companion.  "A word of advice, Tenno Arkas, by way of thanks for your warning.  Tread carefully here.  The Church of the Ascension is open to all, but some of its members do not take kindly to over-familiarity.  They have walked their own path for quite some time, and have only recently found acceptance with the Tenno as a whole.  Please remember that for the duration of your stay."


Belatedly, he bowed.  "My name is Temperance, emissary of the Lotus.  If you have any other messages for Herald Cardina, please direct them to me or one of the Acolytes.  We will see that she receives them."


Returning Temperance's bow, Ark nods in acknowledgement. "I kinda figured I was stepping on a wasp nest with that one, but I had my reasons. Now, as tempted as I would be to let her arrogance get her in trouble, I don't abandon my brethren. Consider my Sword and Ship at your disposal."

Arkas extends his hand and clapses arms with the Ash.


"Considering we're about to deal with one of the most dangerous Navys in the Origin System, I would appreciate it if you filled me in on what we're working with. What is this ship capable of?"

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The Engineering Team Leader quickly made a report to Cardina and Pyre "Ma'am, we're almost to the lower decks, we've also taken the Liberty to have a go at activating the defences and weapons of the Derelict, so far we're doing good on shields"

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The Engineers waste no time, quickly rushing to work on repairs, upgrades and god knows what else, The Engineers were hand-picked by The Shark's Chief Engineers as the best of the best, from the rookie genius to the Veteran, each of them working like bees in a hive. The rubbed would have been recycled into spare parts and items for the ship to use later


Meanwhile Samantha takes the opportunity to the Cafeteria, she hadn't eaten for a while and was dying for a burger. She asked the Chef "Say do you do burgers?"


The cooks on duty were a Volt and a Saryn. It might be an odd choice considering the latter frame was known for potent toxins and corrosive acids but she knew her chemistry and used that as the basic for making everything taste good. In response to Samantha asking about a burger, the Volt looked to the Saryn and gestured to her with both hands. The Saryn, in turn, replied, "I can prepare burgers. What kind would you like? Granted, extras might be a bit limited since we're working with Grineer and Corpus ration packs and whatever we've managed to either cultivate in controlled spaces or buy from neutral traders."


Waking up from a good sleep, he decides to look for that Oberon that saved his life. He found him in the dueling room with his brethren. Seeing Tatsuya enter his room he approached him, "Hey just wanted to say thanks again for saving us, my new ship will be arriving tomorrow so I will be taking Miho with me, as for the refugees, sending the Red Veil to retrieve them would be the best option. Miho is not exactly my sister by blood though, but I'm sure you have noticed that already. She's gotten a lot more possessive lately. Oh and how rude of me." He holds out his hand, "I'm Tatsuya of the Sun Clan."


The Oberon shook his hand. "Nice to meet you. I am Lambert of the Church of Ascension. Could you tell me more of this Red Veil? We've heard very little about them."


The Engineering Team Leader quickly made a report to Cardina and Pyre "Ma'am, we're almost to the lower decks, we've also taken the Liberty to have a go at activating the defences and weapons of the Derelict, so far we're doing good on shields"


Pyre keyed her communicator as she responded, "You're doing great work and at surprising speeds. Have you come across Mother Gaia and a Valkyr down there? Mother Gaia was helping to repair the other engines last I heard and a Valkyr in one of our search groups was disarming traps and searching for cryopods that might be down there still. Speaking of which, there should also be a Volt and a Trinity down there."

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The Oberon shook his hand. "Nice to meet you. I am Lambert of the Church of Ascension. Could you tell me more of this Red Veil? We've heard very little about them."



He nodded at lambert and begins explaing Lambert about the Red Veil, "Red Veil, the new resistance movement that just revealed themselves, many of them from human settlements within Grineer territory, the Lotus should be informing your clan about them today."


"Onii-chan! Breakfast at the cafeteria! ONII-CHAN!!"


Tatsuya chuckles, "I guess that's my signal, I'll see you at the cafeteria."

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"Beef Burger please" Replies Sam "With a side order of chips and Cola" she replied as she put down the requested payment for the Cafeteria staff.


The Engineering Leader looked at one of his crew "Keep an eye out for a Valkyr and one Mother Gaia? I think she may be a Trinity" he told his crew then replied back to Pyre "We'll keep an eye out ma'am"

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Returning Temperance's bow, Ark nods in acknowledgement. "I kinda figured I was stepping on a wasp nest with that one, but I had my reasons. Now, as tempted as I would be to let her arrogance get her in trouble, I don't abandon my brethren. Consider my Sword and Ship at your disposal."

Arkas extends his hand and clapses arms with the Ash.


"Considering we're about to deal with one of the most dangerous Navys in the Origin System, I would appreciate it if you filled me in on what we're working with. What is this ship capable of?"


"At the moment, low sublight speed and extremely limited ship-to-ship engagement," Temperance replied, shaking Ark's hand briefly before deftly breaking free.  "It seems we have some additional engineers on board at the moment, so it is entirely possible that we will have more systems online by the time the Corpus arrive.  However, I am not particularly optimistic about our odds under the current circumstances."  He gestured to the hangar doors.  "Perhaps we could speak more as we walk?  I have a few tasks of my own to attend to."

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He nodded at lambert and begins explaing Lambert about the Red Veil, "Red Veil, the new resistance movement that just revealed themselves, many of them from human settlements within Grineer territory, the Lotus should be informing your clan about them today."


"Onii-chan! Breakfast at the cafeteria! ONII-CHAN!!"


Tatsuya chuckles, "I guess that's my signal, I'll see you at the cafeteria."


Lambert nodded and decided to follow since he might as well have breakfast too. Most everyone would be having breakfast at the moment. He did feel sorry for those who were on duty at the moment in that they had to eat packed lunches by themselves but at least they weren't going hungry.


"Beef Burger please" Replies Sam "With a side order of chips and Cola" she replied as she put down the requested payment for the Cafeteria staff.


The Engineering Leader looked at one of his crew "Keep an eye out for a Valkyr and one Mother Gaia? I think she may be a Trinity" he told his crew then replied back to Pyre "We'll keep an eye out ma'am"


The Saryn nodded and went to prepare a burger for Samantha while the Volt took the money since she offered to pay. Usually, they provided food for free if they had the surplus but he wasn't going to turn down money if someone offered to pay. They could put that towards more food the next time they came across Darvo or another neutral trader.


While the Saryn prepared the burger, the Volt went to prepare the fries. As for cola, they did have some thankfully. In just a few minutes, Samantha's order was ready. The Volt handed the tray with the food on it to her. It might come across as odd that the Volt never spoke the entire time but then again, there were stranger things going in this system.

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Samantha took her tray and took a seat at one of the chairs, tucking into her burger, a little nervous that she was the only Human around these strange Tenno, but since they haven't Killed her yet... "So far so good"


Then Corvo walked in with the Trinity, taking a seat in the corner wanting some peace to himself

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"I don't think that will be a problem." He turns to his Vauban companion, "Cyrill, go ahead and start work on the repairs, I've got a feeling we're going to need every bit of firepower we got."


As his friend nodded and went on his way, Ark noticed Temperance tilt his head to the side questioningly. "We took a few hits on our way here" Arkas explained as they started walking, "We did some reconnaissance before coming here to get a better idea of what we were going to be up against. The Nocturne was able to stay under their radar initially, but then a Corpus fighter literally ran into us, and that's when things really got intense."

Observing as much as he could as they proceeded, Ark once again felt the sense of awe he had when he first laid his eyes on this place.

"You know even with all the infestation, this place still displays the glory of the Orokin. The fact that this church has been able to restore it is more than impressive, but I can't help but question the motivations of those who claim two Tenno to be 'Gods'. "


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Tatsuya got his meal in the cafeteria and saw Miho waving at him to sit with her. "I still can't believe that you are a Tenno. I remember stories about the Tenno and their exploits, some of them used as bedtime stories."


Tatsuya nods at her words, "I know, I still can't believe it myself, a Pendragon Excalibur, right after the Corpus took you all those years ago, a Frost Prime found me and took me in, the day I turned 15 the Lotus chose me as an excalibur, so here I am."


Miho nodded, she still couldn't believe the one person who was her adopted brother, but also the man that she has secret romantic feelings for is a Tenno, the guardians of the Origins system, the Knights who protect the weak.


'He's so handsome now.' She starts getting a bit red at that thought. "Miho you ok? You're getting a bit red." Tatsuya places his hand on her forehead and she gets even redder and starts stuttering faster than a Soma could fire.


"N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no I-I-I-I'm fine just a bit shakened from what's happened to me that's all."


Tatsuya smiles sadly at that, he searched tirelessly for her, she was practically all he had left. "Yeah, I'm really glad you're here now, I don't know what I would without you here with me. Now enough of that gloomy stuff let's eat before the food gets cold." Miho nods with a tinge of pink on her cheeks.


'Moouuuuuu, why can't I just tell him I'm in love with him!?'

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While all this transpired there was a small Tenno shuttle en route for and closing in on the Derelict.


"Munin, we got a visual of this "Church", care to take a look?" a black and red Excalibur said as a dark Nekros approached from the shadows behind the bridge.


"A Derelict...remnants from a time when we were the protectors of this Solar system and champions of the Orokin...So is this a symbol of their wish to return to those ways or is it just because they, like so many others, like the idea of having a Orokin ship in their possession?" The Nekros voice sounded old and almost bitter as he spoke and his mind drifted into deep thought. Breaking this deep thought and silence was a female voice.


"We got here. Now can we just get in there, do what we came for, and get out"


The Nekros looked over to the Nyx with a sour expression and said to her in an equally sour voice "Oh, I'm so sorry I dragged you away from your previous task to have you two do some useful work instead for a change"


The Nyx seemed agitated by this as she continued "We are close. Very close now. If you hadn't-" She was promptly cut off by the Nekros again.

"You only see the Stalker when he wants to be seen, you're chasing a ghost Jinx"


"Well you should know all about that now wouldn't you!"


A silence fell over them and the Nyx looked down in shame "Sorry Munin...I didn't mean..."


The Necros looked out into the vast space before them, his feelings hard to read "I know they're out there somewhere. I can feel it"


The Excalibur shared his sister's feelings and frustration, but arguing about it weren't going to change anything. And he didn't want to fight with the Nekros, he had too much respect for him. He finally broke the uncomfortable silence "Shall I hail the Derelict? They should have noticed us by now if they got their sensors working"


"Go ahead" The Nekros said and left the bridge, leaving the siblings alone.  And the Nyx opened the com-channel.


"This is Jinx of the Ghost of Dreirysal, requesting permission to dock" 

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"You know even with all the infestation, this place still displays the glory of the Orokin. The fact that this church has been able to restore it is more than impressive, but I can't help but question the motivations of those who claim two Tenno to be 'Gods'. "


"Regardless of their motives," Temperance said, "I believe Mortos and Gaia have the best interests of the Tenno at heart.  Short of a small heavily-provoked massacre, their influence has been nothing but positive.  I cannot speak to the truth of their divinity, but so long as they use their influence for the betterment of all, I have no grounds for complaint."


He led them down a side corridor, to a small hall where the bodies of Poseidon's fallen raiders had been laid out prior to cremation.  A few acolytes, notably an Ember, were working at the far end of the hall, but it was slow going to sort through the armor and weapons of the deceased.


"Here you are," Temperance said, locating the corpse he wanted: a Rhino with cut hamstrings, his left arm severed and a bullet hole in the back of his head.  He picked up the fallen Tenno's Scindo, scanning it quickly to confirm it was indeed what he was looking for.


"A bit of insurance," he said in response to Ark's confused posture, swinging the heavy axe over his shoulder with a grunt.  "Now, where were we?"  The pair of Ashes continued out of the morgue, on their way to Temperance's ship.

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After their meal they both decided to spend some more time with each other, they have almost a decade to catch up. "U-Uhm Tatsu," 'Tatsu? Where did that come from?' They both thought at the same time.


"When I was captured, they didn't experiment on me or anything, not even torture, but they always did some tests on me like in a firing range, I seem to react to metallic objects, and then they made me touch a glowing yellow potato. I-I somehow made it glow brighter when I touched it."


'A glowing yellow potato?' Tatsuya sweat dropped at that, but his eyes widened at her words before that, 'An Orokin Reactor, how did the Alad V get his hands on one? I need to talk to Lambert about this, we're still not in our Clan Dojo so Lambert would be our best bet, she reacted to metallic objects, could she have dormant Mag powers?'


While Tatsuya was in thought Miho could not seem let go of the metal railings, "Tatsu can you help me here? I can't seem to let go of the railings now matter what I do." Tatsuya sighed, 'Yes it is best if we go now' he reached for her hand, as soon as their hands made contact both their eyes made contact as well. Their hearts beating faster as both of them start leaning towards each other, closer and closer, as soon as they were less than 3 inches apart a certain familiar Oberon came through the door.

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After a times silence Jinx turned to her brother "They're not answering. Don't they have any communication systems working on that thing?"


"They must have, how else would they have been able to broadcast that message?...Hail them again" The Excalibur urged "Maybe they're preoccupied or something"


Jinx sighed before trying again "This is Jinx of the clan Ghosts of Dreirysal requesting permission to dock. Do you read me?"

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After their meal they both decided to spend some more time with each other, they have almost a decade to catch up. "U-Uhm Tatsu," 'Tatsu? Where did that come from?' They both thought at the same time.


"When I was captured, they didn't experiment on me or anything, not even torture, but they always did some tests on me like in a firing range, I seem to react to metallic objects, and then they made me touch a glowing yellow potato. I-I somehow made it glow brighter when I touched it."


'A glowing yellow potato?' Tatsuya sweat dropped at that, but his eyes widened at her words before that, 'An Orokin Reactor, how did the Alad V get his hands on one? I need to talk to Lambert about this, we're still not in our Clan Dojo so Lambert would be our best bet, she reacted to metallic objects, could she have dormant Mag powers?'


While Tatsuya was in thought Miho could not seem let go of the metal railings, "Tatsu can you help me hear? I can't seem to let go of the railings now matter what I do." Tatsuya sighed, 'Yes it is best if we go now' he reached for her hand, as soon as their hands made contact both their eyes made contact as well. Their hearts beating faster as both of them start leaning towards each other, closer and closer, as soon as they were less than 3 inches apart a certain familiar Oberon came through the door.


Lambert walked to the counter and served himself at the buffet that was laid out. Anything not in the buffet could be requested. Part of the reason behind the choice of food delivery was that if people moved in and line and served themselves, it should theoretically make things easier.


The Engineering report back to Pyre "Ma'am, we got though to the Lower Decks, We'll work on system repairs now if we're allowed"


"Continue on and thanks again. If you haven't seen Mother Gaia then she's probably down there in the lowest areas."


((Anyone else wondering where wyzilla went?))


"A waypoint would be excellent, good sir."

Cyrios mentally noted the Nyx, Vauban and both Ashes as their conversation continued.


The Rhino sent Cyrios a copy of the map, unknowing that Cyrios had already scanned the derelict. On the map he sent was the waypoint and all areas that were either restricted or currently dangerous due to repair work were shaded in red. "There you go."



After a times silence Jinx turned to her brother "They're not answering. Don't they have any communication systems working on that thing?"


"They must have, how else would they have been able to broadcast that message?...Hail them again" The Excalibur urged "Maybe they're preoccupied or something"


Jinx sighed before trying again "This is Jinx of the clan Ghosts of Dreirysal requesting permission to dock. Do you read me?"


((Sorry for the delay but I was playing CnC4 and got carried away.))


The docking officer gave a sigh due to the headache he had from the earlier psychic attack on him. He was thankful that a friendly Nyx was able to come by and shield him before it escalated. "Sorry about the delay. There were complications, including a particularly nasty headache. You are free to board. Come to hangar 1." Coordinates and a flight path were sent so Jinx they would know where to go.

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Lambert walked to the counter and served himself at the buffet that was laid out. Anything not in the buffet could be requested. Part of the reason behind the choice of food delivery was that if people moved in and line and served themselves, it should theoretically make things easier.



"Continue on and thanks again. If you haven't seen Mother Gaia then she's probably down there in the lowest areas."


((Anyone else wondering where wyzilla went?))



The Rhino sent Cyrios a copy of the map, unknowing that Cyrios had already scanned the derelict. On the map he sent was the waypoint and all areas that were either restricted or currently dangerous due to repair work were shaded in red. "There you go."




((Sorry for the delay but I was playing CnC4 and got carried away.))


The docking officer gave a sigh due to the headache he had from the earlier psychic attack on him. He was thankful that a friendly Nyx was able to come by and shield him before it escalated. "Sorry about the delay. There were complications, including a particularly nasty headache. You are free to board. Come to hangar 1." Coordinates and a flight path were sent so Jinx they would know where to go.


"Thank you, we are now en route for hangar 1. Estimated time 4 minutes" And with that Jinx ended the transmission.

"See? You can be nice when you try" The Excalibur said with a grin to his sister

"Oh shove it somewhere"


Within 4 minutes they had successfully boarded and all three of them now set foot on the Derelict. The Nekros didn't betray anything about his current mood but the Nyx and Excalibur expressed fascination  over that the church seemed to have managed to get things to work, even though it was apparent that they'd rather be elsewhere. 

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"Ah, many thanks good sir." Cyrios accepted the map and took a brief look at it, adding what it showed to his own mental map, and with that, he walked into the main hallway. The map occupied a small part of the HUD that was permanently ingrained into his vision, and it wasn't long before he began to slowly stray off-course, making his way deeper and deeper into thevDerelict. A strange thought niggled its way into his conscious mind, but he quickly dismissed it as he continued to walk.

Eventually he reached an area so unkept that the vast majority of lights were non-functional, bathing the area in darkness. Another unusual thought found its way to him, though this time when he tried to dismiss it it stubbornly remained. Suddenly, an invisible hand clamped his mouth shut, stifling any noise he might make as the thought grew into a full-blown psychic barrage, culminating in one, malice-filled sentence that was in no way his own.

You are mine, Cyrios.

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Lambert walked to the counter and served himself at the buffet that was laid out. Anything not in the buffet could be requested. Part of the reason behind the choice of food delivery was that if people moved in and line and served themselves, it should theoretically make things easier.



Tatsuya and Miho walked up to him, both still slightly flustered that Lambert witnessed what they were about to do. Nervously chuckling, "Uhm hey Lambert, sorry you had to see that but uh, I was actually looking for you, I have reason to believe Miho is a dormant Tenno, a Mag to be exact. She seems to react to metallic objects like a magnet." Miho widens her eyes and stares at Tatsu.



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"Thank you, we are now en route for hangar 1. Estimated time 4 minutes" And with that Jinx ended the transmission.

"See? You can be nice when you try" The Excalibur said with a grin to his sister

"Oh shove it somewhere"


Within 4 minutes they had successfully boarded and all three of them now set foot on the Derelict. The Nekros didn't betray anything about his current mood but the Nyx and Excalibur expressed fascination  over that the church seemed to have managed to get things to work, even though it was apparent that they'd rather be elsewhere. 


The current lookout on rotation for hangar 1 was a Banshee. "Welcome to the Church of Ascension." Her voice and demeanour were welcoming to but she was still a lookout. That meant part of her duty involved watching every motion the visitors passing through made for any signs of a threat.


Tatsuya and Miho walked up to him, both still slightly flustered that Lambert witnessed what they were about to do. Nervously chuckling, "Uhm hey Lambert, sorry you had to see that but uh, I was actually looking for you, I have reason to believe Miho is a dormant Tenno, a Mag to be exact. She seems to react to metallic objects like a magnet." Miho widens her eyes and stares at Tatsu.




"I didn't see a thing.", Lambert responded. He had seen but he wasn't really interested in their strange, semi-incestuous relationship. "As for your sister, we can test her capabilities in a controlled environment. If what you say is true then we can go about producing a suit for her. Granted, she will need to be exposed to certain things to ensure she is compatible. Namely a very small dose of void radiation."

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"I didn't see a thing.", Lambert responded. He had seen but he wasn't really interested in their strange, semi-incestuous relationship. "As for your sister, we can test her capabilities in a controlled environment. If what you say is true then we can go about producing a suit for her. Granted, she will need to be exposed to certain things to ensure she is compatible. Namely a very small dose of void radiation."


Miho sighed in relief, "We're not really siblings, I sort of adopted him when we were kids, right now I guess we are trying to figure out what kind of relationship is between us, ehehehehe." Miho chuckled nervously, "But thank you for helping me, I will do my best!" she bowed and dragged Tatsuya away with her.


As soon as they reached their room Tatsuya spoke up, "Look Miho about what we almost did, I just want to sa-mmmph." Miho just tackled him onto her bed and started kissing him, Tatsuya just relented and started kissing back, after needing air and just staring at each other Miho was the first to find her voice, "Aisheteru yo* Tatsuya."


Tatsuya looks into her emerald eyes and gives her another kiss, "Aisheteru yo Miho." with that said they just stayed there in a warm embrace for the rest of the afternoon, for in the evening Miho will be taking her Tenno test.


*Aisheteru yo - I love you

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