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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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"Thank you, we are now en route for hangar 1. Estimated time 4 minutes" And with that Jinx ended the transmission.

"See? You can be nice when you try" The Excalibur said with a grin to his sister

"Oh shove it somewhere"


Within 4 minutes they had successfully boarded and all three of them now set foot on the Derelict. The Nekros didn't betray anything about his current mood but the Nyx and Excalibur expressed fascination  over that the church seemed to have managed to get things to work, even though it was apparent that they'd rather be elsewhere. 


The current lookout on rotation for hangar 1 was a Banshee. "Welcome to the Church of Ascension." Her voice and demeanour were welcoming to but she was still a lookout. That meant part of her duty involved watching every motion the visitors passing through made for any signs of a threat.


"-and those long-range energy turrets need to be online yesterday, am I clear?" Cardina closed the transmission to engineering as she entered the hanger, swiftly approaching the new group of Tenno. Gods, we're popular today. I don't think we have room for another ship. She nodded to the Banshee. "I'll take over from here, lookout, thank you." With the guard dismissed, Cardina turned to the Nekros, Nyx and Excalibur, inclining her helmeted head and touching her fingertips to the base of her throat. "Sorry to leave reception to the lookout, we've been spread thin as of late. I am Cardina, Herald of the Ascension." Her normally harmonic voice was slightly hoarse, the pitch-perfect tone flawed like a chipped wine glass. "What brings you honored Tenno to our Derelict home?"

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Temperance excused himself from Ark when they reached the hangar where his ship was docked, asking the other Tenno to take charge of the resource containers that he released from the cargo hold while he himself rode the lift up to the cockpit.  The scan results blinked back at him from several holographic screens, displaying in painstaking detail the name and location of each and every lifeform on the derelict.  He quickly perused the most prominent new arrivals, including the human Samantha Church, the Tenno Tatsuya, and a strange young girl ID-ed as Miho who seemed to follow him like a shadow.  Just landing in hangar 1 was a Tenno shuttle carrying a Nyx, an Excalibur, and a Nekros.  Then he frowned.  The hacker Cyrios was out of place; deep in the bowels of the derelict, and apparently alone except for a slightly deviant energy signature.  And he wasn't moving.


Cardina he sent grimly.  Sorry to bother you, but we have a Tenno out of place: the hacker Cyrios is on the lower levels, one of the areas I was only able to get to with Rien's clearance.  He appears to be alone, but he's not moving.  Shall I investigate?


While he waited for her response, he keyed a comm. to the Lotus strike force still in the area, alerting them to the approaching Corpus fleet.


((Dear god.  200 posts.))

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Temperance excused himself from Ark when they reached the hangar where his ship was docked, asking the other Tenno to take charge of the resource containers that he released from the cargo hold while he himself rode the lift up to the cockpit.  The scan results blinked back at him from several holographic screens, displaying in painstaking detail the name and location of each and every lifeform on the derelict.  He quickly perused the most prominent new arrivals, including the human Samantha Church, the Tenno Tatsuya, and a strange young girl ID-ed as Miho who seemed to follow him like a shadow.  Just landing in hangar 1 was a Tenno shuttle carrying a Nyx, an Excalibur, and a Nekros.  Then he frowned.  The hacker Cyrios was out of place; deep in the bowels of the derelict, and apparently alone except for a slightly deviant energy signature.  And he wasn't moving.


Cardina he sent grimly.  Sorry to bother you, but we have a Tenno out of place: the hacker Cyrios is on the lower levels, one of the areas I was only able to get to with Rien's clearance.  He appears to be alone, but he's not moving.  Shall I investigate?


While he waited for her response, he keyed a comm. to the Lotus strike force still in the area, alerting them to the approaching Corpus fleet.


((Dear god.  200 posts.))


YES, Cardina snaps at Temperance, YES I want tabs on him, if he's hacking my security I swear to the Gods I'll have someone hovering over his golden &#! every second! If he so much as SNEEZES without checking with me first I'll have someone give him a tissue and a galatine to the skull!


((One of us! One of us!))

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Shinkiro laid back on his cockpit seat, hands behind his head, whistling a little tune. The ship was set to auto-pilot and set to fly to the Church's base. His extermination mission became a series of rescue operations that took a lot of his time. On the plus side, many Tenno have lived to fight another day, hostages were safely rescued, and lastly a nice batch of resources. Turning on one of the terminals, he sits up from his seat. "This is Shinkiro, requesting permission to dock, please."

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YES, Cardina snaps at Temperance, YES I want tabs on him, if he's hacking my security I swear to the Gods I'll have someone hovering over his golden &#! every second! If he so much as SNEEZES without checking with me first I'll have someone give him a tissue and a galatine to the skull!


((One of us! One of us!))


Got it.  The Lotus has been informed, reinforcements are inbound.  Good luck with...everything.  I'm here if you need me.


Temperance double-checked his weapons and took the lift down, radioing Rien on his way out of the hangar.


"Hey Rien, you up for another jaunt through the deep storage?  It seems someone managed to slip past your ever-watchful eye."

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Tatsuya wakes up, looking at the clock saying 6:30 in the evening, he looks down seeing the woman he can proudly he is in love with snuggled to his chest. "Miho wake up, gotta get ready for your test."


"Mmmm five more minutes." Tatsuya chuckles at her childlishness, he could get used to this. "Miho come on wake up." She finally opens her eyes and yawns, Tatsuya kisses her forehead, "Hey there beautiful." a tinge of pink appears on cheeks.


"Mouuuu, I got to get used to you saying that to me, but I'm happy you called me that." She smiles as she gets up, "You know Miho I could get used to seeing you wakeup everyday."


"I wouldn't have it any other way, koibito*." As they exit their room they head for the Church's hall, they spot Lambert waiting for them, Tatsuya greets him with a handshake, "Lambert, has the Lotus been informed about Miho?"



*Koibito/Koishi - My love

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Cyrios tried to struggle physically with his attacker, but his cybernetic limbs refused to co-operate with him, so instead he mustered all his mental might in an attempt to repel the invader. Walls layered upon walls, each manufactured with a varying degree of logic and insanity were thrown at the Nyx, yet she deftly smashed through each as it appeared. His world shifted and distorted in a maelstrom of confusion, his body quivering in place as adrenaline supercharged what little organic mass there was. His mind was no match against the Nyx's, and she seemed to revel in that fact.


What's the matter, Cyrios?


Pain lanced through every fiber of his being as the Nyx gained complete dominance.


Do you not remember me? Maybe this will help...


His skull throbbed as memories were forcefully injected into it. He saw Tenno running about in a panic throughout a Dojo, systems shutting down, turrets and sentinels turning against their masters.


Do you not remember worming through my Dojo, helping that eyeless slag, that wench, 'the Lotus' hunt us down? You made our weapons turn against us. You ruined my Dojo. You ruined my life. But now I finally have you. Now I can make you pay.


Malice and hatred sung together in a chaotic harmony in her voice, and only a single thought entered Cyrios' mind.



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Got it.  The Lotus has been informed, reinforcements are inbound.  Good luck with...everything.  I'm here if you need me.


Temperance double-checked his weapons and took the lift down, radioing Rien on his way out of the hangar.


"Hey Rien, you up for another jaunt through the deep storage?  It seems someone managed to slip past your ever-watchful eye."


Rien appeared next to Temperance, helmet off this time to reveal short, olive-coloured hair and slightly pale skin. "Nobody slips past me. However, I had difficulties due to his particular skillset. He is somehow able to instantaneously and wirelessly hack into closed systems and even our helmets. He made the helmets of everyone he passed record the last few minutes of what they saw and replay it on their displays to make it appear as if he had never even entered."


Tatsuya wakes up, looking at the clock saying 6:30 in the evening, he looks down seeing the woman he can proudly he is in love with snuggled to his chest. "Miho wake up, gotta get ready for your test."


"Mmmm five more minutes." Tatsuya chuckles at her childlishness, he could get used to this. "Miho come on wake up." She finally opens her eyes and yawns, Tatsuya kisses her forehead, "Hey there beautiful." a tinge of pink appears on cheeks.


"Mouuuu, I got to get used to you saying that to me, but I'm happy you called me that." She smiles as she gets up, "You know Miho I could get used to seeing you wakeup everyday."


"I wouldn't have it any other way, koibito*." As they exit their room they head for the Church's hall, they spot Lambert waiting for them, Tatsuya greets him with a handshake, "Lambert, has the Lotus been informed about Miho?"



*Koibito/Koishi - My love


Lambert's grip tightened slightly during the handshake when the Lotus was mentioned but he relaxed after a moment. "We don't report to the Lotus here. We work towards the betterment of the Tenno as a whole."


Shinkiro laid back on his cockpit seat, hands behind his head, whistling a little tune. The ship was set to auto-pilot and set to fly to the Church's base. His extermination mission became a series of rescue operations that took a lot of his time. On the plus side, many Tenno have lived to fight another day, hostages were safely rescued, and lastly a nice batch of resources. Turning on one of the terminals, he sits up from his seat. "This is Shinkiro, requesting permission to dock, please."


The docking officer replied, "You're clear to dock in hangar 3."

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Lambert's grip tightened slightly during the handshake when the Lotus was mentioned but he relaxed after a moment. "We don't report to the Lotus here. We work towards the betterment of the Tenno as a whole."



Tatsuya nodded, "Understood, well then let's get this show on the road, I wanna see Miho become a full fledged Tenno. I will let you handle the rest for her," he looks at Miho and gives her a kiss, "I'll be watching from up there okay? Good luck." Miho nods and goes with Lambert to the testing room.

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Cyrill made his way through the church to Arkas, and caught his attention.  "Alright boss, the Nocturne is up and running steady.  There's a scratch on the back left side but it looks somewhat stylish.  Other than that she's ready.  I also made sure to recharge as much as my energy as I could without being wasteful on that reserve of yours.  If necessary I can assist in fortifications of the front line."

Cyrill looked around for a while and soaked in the somehow beautiful church, despite the Tenno running around and overgrowth of Infestation.

"Amazing how such peace can so easily be shattered.  Come and arm yourself...it'll be just like old times."  Cyrill reminisced on his journey with Arkas in the Gradivus Dilemma--but those thoughts were for another time.

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Rien appeared next to Temperance, helmet off this time to reveal short, olive-coloured hair and slightly pale skin. "Nobody slips past me. However, I had difficulties due to his particular skillset. He is somehow able to instantaneously and wirelessly hack into closed systems and even our helmets. He made the helmets of everyone he passed record the last few minutes of what they saw and replay it on their displays to make it appear as if he had never even entered."


"Isn't that lovely," Temperance muttered flatly.  "Lead on, Rien.  As soon as we get within one hundred meters of Cyrios' position, helmets come off.  We'll have a hell of a time fighting what we can't see.  My Soma is loaded with magnetic rounds; I'll tag him to disable his hacking abilities.  Then we'll talk."

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Oh good, that last one seemed to ring a bell. I'll be sure to remember that.


Each syllable was a jolt of raw pain through Cyrios's somehow-conscious mind.


Now, because I'm a kindhearted woman, I'll let you keep your consciousness... but you're going to do what I say and when I say it.


The hand relinquished its grasp on Cyrios, and he regained control of his limbs. Spinning around, he pulled a heavily modded Lex from his hip, checking everywhere he could, but his target was nowhere to be seen. And if I don't?


He instantly regretted the question as his reality melted and coalesced into a world of unrelenting pain, which then returned to normality as quickly as it descended to madness.


And don't even think about trying to tell anyone.


Cyrios knew to take that threat literally. 

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Temperance sighted down the barrel of his Soma, leveling the rifle at Cyrios' distant form.  The skeletal hacker was bent almost double, leaning against a wall.  It was a long shot without his Warframe HUD, but he was confident that he could make it.  Rien, I hope you're in position Something's not right here.  Without helmets, their comm.s didn't work so well either.


The rifle spat, and a magnetic slug took Cyrios in the middle of the back.


Instantly, Temperance's helmet folded back into place, scanners flickering out to probe the area.  

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An energy shield absorbed the impact of the bullet, and the magnetic qualities of the shot disabled both his shield and many non-essential systems, his optical system being one. The world turned to black as Cyrios staggered and fell from the energy of the shot, quickly rolling and sitting upright, his back pressed against the wall. His breathing was ragged as he looked around, his head swiveling side to side in a panic. Several various robotic proxies instantly became visible, all but one being shield drones, with one Fusion Moa standing defensively by Cyrios.

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Cursing quietly inside his helmet, Temperance rose from his perch and called out to Cyrios, mentally noting Rien's position in his HUD.


"Tenno Cyrios!  My apologies for that, but given the circumstances, I was obliged to be cautious.  My name is Temperance; I was sent here to ensure that you were not about to compromise our defensive preparations against the incoming Corpus fleet.  If you can tell me what you were doing down here, I will see to getting you back to the main levels.  Please understand that I normally do not make a habit of shooting kin in the back, but with everything that's been happening lately..."


He shook his head.  "Again, I apologize.  Will you help me clear this mess up?"

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"I-I was heading to the cafeteria, as far as I recall." Cyrios paused, shivering in a mixture of fear, anticipation and panic. He knew full well that the Tenno that just shot him in the back might be his only salvation. "I was... I was walking through the halls, and a N-" Cyrios' mouth clamped shut, and his skin turned several shades paler than it already was. His blind, left eye uncharacteristically darted around, and his body was forcefully held in place by a psychic force as unrelenting pain roiled into him.


What did I say about not telling anybody, mister? Try a stunt like that again and I might just have to take over.

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Tatsuya nodded, "Understood, well then let's get this show on the road, I wanna see Miho become a full fledged Tenno. I will let you handle the rest for her," he looks at Miho and gives her a kiss, "I'll be watching from up there okay? Good luck." Miho nods and goes with Lambert to the testing room.


Lambert led Miho to a training room normally used by Tenno who were just getting accustomed to their powers after losing their memories to cryonesia. He brought up the Mag type test where several metallic objects and a few non-metals came up. The first step was differentiating between whether it was magnetism or psychokinesis. If she could move the non-metals and the non-magnetizable metal then it was definitely not magnetism. "Try to affect these cubes of material with your powers. Move them or something. Anything, really."


Temperance sighted down the barrel of his Soma, leveling the rifle at Cyrios' distant form.  The skeletal hacker was bent almost double, leaning against a wall.  It was a long shot without his Warframe HUD, but he was confident that he could make it.  Rien, I hope you're in position Something's not right here.  Without helmets, their comm.s didn't work so well either.


The rifle spat, and a magnetic slug took Cyrios in the middle of the back.


Instantly, Temperance's helmet folded back into place, scanners flickering out to probe the area.  


((Sorry for the delay.))


Rien was behind Cyrios, cloaked by his Invisibility and watching. He had his Dark Dagger in hand just in case something happened and he needed to end things quickly. His helmet was still off to prevent his HUD from being hacked again.

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Cyrill looked around for a while and soaked in the somehow beautiful church, despite the Tenno running around and overgrowth of Infestation.

"Amazing how such peace can so easily be shattered.  Come and arm yourself...it'll be just like old times."  Cyrill reminisced on his journey with Arkas in the Gradivus Dilemma--but those thoughts were for another time.


"Yeah, just like old times, except this time we're out numbered 10 to 1." The Ash frame couldn't help but laugh. "What was it the Lotus used to say? 'The odds were against us Tenno, but we succeeded.' She always was quite the optimist." Ark smiles and claps Cyrill on the shoulder.

"If we're going to even stand a chance of surviving this ordeal we're going to have to get this ship fully operational, so I want you to go lend your skills to the engineers. I will go see if I can lend a hand..."

As he spoke, Ark noticed something amiss on one of the resource crates being unloaded from Temperance's ship. There was a small black device lodged in between the two morphic containers.

"Hang on a second." Zooming in on the object, he took a better look. It almost looks like a small mechanical spider. Why do I have the feeling I've seen one of those before...

Then it dawned on him, he had.

The day she died.

His heart skipped a beat; it was a bomb.


Suddenly an explosion rocked the hanger, knocking both of them off their feet. Ark was able to look up just in time to see the huge fireball that consumed what was left of Temperance's ship.

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"I-I was heading to the cafeteria, as far as I recall." Cyrios paused, shivering in a mixture of fear, anticipation and panic. He knew full well that the Tenno that just shot him in the back might be his only salvation. "I was... I was walking through the halls, and a N-" Cyrios' mouth clamped shut, and his skin turned several shades paler than it already was. His blind, left eye uncharacteristically darted around, and his body was forcefully held in place by a psychic force as unrelenting pain roiled into him.


What did I say about not telling anybody, mister? Try a stunt like that again and I might just have to take over.


Nyx Temperance completed the word in his mind.  Cardina, I've found our Nyx.  She's assaulting Cyrios mentally, reasons unknown.  I'll get him to the Garden; we'll stand a better chance against her there.


But where was she?  HIs Codex scanner swept the area, and got...nothing.  Nothing except those odd, barely readable phase signatures that were almost too faint to be anything but a glitch or a gnat cloud.  Unless...


"Rien!"  Temperance bellowed over the comm.  "Nyx and Shade, two o'clock!"  He keyed Teleport, appearing next to the dazed hacker and grabbing his hand.  "Hold on!"


The world vanished in white for an instant, before the Teleport spat them out in Cardina's Garden.  Temperance wasted no time in grabbing Cyrios by the head and drawing deeply on the Garden's energy, praying that it would be enough to shield them for the time being.


Who is she?  he demanded as he worked feverishly to shore up the hacker's shattered barriers.  Who the hell is that Nyx?

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"-and those long-range energy turrets need to be online yesterday, am I clear?" Cardina closed the transmission to engineering as she entered the hanger, swiftly approaching the new group of Tenno. Gods, we're popular today. I don't think we have room for another ship. She nodded to the Banshee. "I'll take over from here, lookout, thank you." With the guard dismissed, Cardina turned to the Nekros, Nyx and Excalibur, inclining her helmeted head and touching her fingertips to the base of her throat. "Sorry to leave reception to the lookout, we've been spread thin as of late. I am Cardina, Herald of the Ascension." Her normally harmonic voice was slightly hoarse, the pitch-perfect tone flawed like a chipped wine glass. "What brings you honored Tenno to our Derelict home?"

"Our Clan received your message and so we were sent to investigate to try and determine your intentions" The Nekros began as he stretched to gain his full height and looked down at this so called Herald. The Nyx and Excalibur placed themselves on each side of the Nekros, their black and red warframes carrying a striking resemblance to that of an infamous loner.


"We were intrigued by it, so to speak" Said the Excalibur. The Nyx however stood silent as she tried to get a grasp of the other Nyx's mood and mentality.


YES, Cardina snaps at Temperance, YES I want tabs on him, if he's hacking my security I swear to the Gods I'll have someone hovering over his golden &#! every second! If he so much as SNEEZES without checking with me first I'll have someone give him a tissue and a galatine to the skull!


((One of us! One of us!))

Jinx head jerked back as if someone had just yelled in her ears. The disadvantage of being a Nyx. Most people only had to deal with normal talking and yelling and they weren't effected by any loud mental outbursts. 

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Samantha continued her lunch, finishing it up then proceeding to take a look around the upper levels, keeping herself away from any church member restricted areas. The main hall however fascinated her,  as she explored and walked around the areas.


Then she noticed the place where the Divinities where usually held, she didn't know this place was where two important beings were. She knocked on the door "Hello? anyone there?" she asked inquisitively


Meanwhile the Engineering Team got to work on Weapons and systems repairs and upgrades, doing whatever they can to get the Derelict up to 100 percent. 

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"Our Clan received your message and so we were sent to investigate to try and determine your intentions" The Nekros began as he stretched to gain his full height and looked down at this so called Herald. The Nyx and Excalibur placed themselves on each side of the Nekros, their black and red warframes carrying a striking resemblance to that of an infamous loner.


"We were intrigued by it, so to speak" Said the Excalibur. The Nyx however stood silent as she tried to get a grasp of the other Nyx's mood and mentality.


Jinx head jerked back as if someone had just yelled in her ears. The disadvantage of being a Nyx. Most people only had to deal with normal talking and yelling and they weren't effected by any loud mental outbursts. 


Cardina watched with detached amusement as the Nekros loomed over her, and the two others flanked her. Oh, I see. No, I'M in control here. "I understand your concern. The Church is working to achieve true balance in the system, and the betterment of Tenno. While we are an independently operating organization, we also have the approval and protection of the Lotus. Oh!-" Cardina saw Jinx stagger at her outburst. She was more concerned that she'd let her mental control slip enough to broadcast it to another Nyx's sensitive mind, rather than Jinx's well being. "So sorry, I'm not used to having other Nyx'es around."


Nyx Temperance completed the word in his mind.  Cardina, I've found our Nyx.  She's assaulting Cyrios mentally, reasons unknown.  I'll get him to the Garden; we'll stand a better chance against her there.


But where was she?  HIs Codex scanner swept the area, and got...nothing.  Nothing except those odd, barely readable phase signatures that were almost too faint to be anything but a glitch or a gnat cloud.  Unless...


"Rien!"  Temperance bellowed over the comm.  "Nyx and Shade, two o'clock!"  He keyed Teleport, appearing next to the dazed hacker and grabbing his hand.  "Hold on!"


The world vanished in white for an instant, before the Teleport spat them out in Cardina's Garden.  Temperance wasted no time in grabbing Cyrios by the head and drawing deeply on the Garden's energy, praying that it would be enough to shield them for the time being.


Who is she?  he demanded as he worked feverishly to shore up the hacker's shattered barriers.  Who the hell is that Nyx?


Thanks, Temperance. Cardina saw the waypoint marking the Nyx's location, and Rien closing in. "Rien," she commed within her helmet, "Don't ask questions or reveal yourself, knock her out and get her to the Garden. We'll best be able to deal with her there."


Cardina returned her attention to Jinx and the others. "My apologies, Tenno, but there's a situation on my Derelict that requires my attention. A rogue Nyx is controlling a very dangerous hacker, and-" the explosion rocked the hanger, Cardina's Vespa helmet barely filtering the blinding flash, but her slight frame was knocked to the ground by the shockwave. "Everyone out!" she screamed, gathering herself to her feet and stumbling for the exit. "Everyone out of the Hanger, now! Guard, you too, and as soon as everyone leaves, lock it down! Acolytes, get yourselves and everyone else somewhere safe!"


Temperance, there's been an explosion in the hanger! I don't know who or why, but it looks like your ship was in the center of it. I'm on my way to the Garden now.


Cardina sprinted into the Garden, though she seemed to be putting more weight on her right foot than her left. She knelt next to Cyrios, calling out a ring of vines to immobilize him, and channel the Void's energy better. "Oh right," she removed her helmet with one hand. "Forgot about that, heard you can hack HUD's." Cardina placed a finger on Cyrios' forehead, right between his eyebrows. I know you're there, she called out to the Nyx. You're powerless compared to me, especially in my Garden. Release him, leave, and never come back, before I am forced to kill you.

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Samantha blinked as the shockwave knocks her off her feet, "What the hell?!" she replied and quickly prepared her Braton rifle, clocking it and preparing to help security.


The Engineering team however didn't let a shock-wave deter them, a thousand combat situations and this would'nt be any different, they kept on working, signalling to Cardina "Ma'am! Main guns are online!"

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His ears still ringing from the explosion, Ark grunts as he painfully rises to his feet. The Tenno who were unloading Temperance's ship lie in many pieces all over the Hanger.

So my contact was right, there's a traitor among them, how else would they have gotten access to his ship?

Queuing up his comm, Ark opens an encrypted private line with Cardina.

"Cardina, this is Ark. It would seem somebody wants to see Temperance dead, they rigged his ship with a self-mobility explosive device. Surprise, surprise it's Corpus tech."

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Cardina watched with detached amusement as the Nekros loomed over her, and the two others flanked her. Oh, I see. No, I'M in control here. "I understand your concern. The Church is working to achieve true balance in the system, and the betterment of Tenno. While we are an independently operating organization, we also have the approval and protection of the Lotus. Oh!-" Cardina saw Jinx stagger at her outburst. She was more concerned that she'd let her mental control slip enough to broadcast it to another Nyx's sensitive mind, rather than Jinx's well being. "So sorry, I'm not used to having other Nyx'es around."



Thanks, Temperance. Cardina saw the waypoint marking the Nyx's location, and Rien closing in. "Rien," she commed within her helmet, "Don't ask questions or reveal yourself, knock her out and get her to the Garden. We'll best be able to deal with her there."


Cardina returned her attention to Jinx and the others. "My apologies, Tenno, but there's a situation on my Derelict that requires my attention. A rogue Nyx is controlling a very dangerous hacker, and-" the explosion rocked the hanger, Cardina's Vespa helmet barely filtering the blinding flash, but her slight frame was knocked to the ground by the shockwave. "Everyone out!" she screamed, gathering herself to her feet and stumbling for the exit. "Everyone out of the Hanger, now! Guard, you too, and as soon as everyone leaves, lock it down! Acolytes, get yourselves and everyone else somewhere safe!"


Temperance, there's been an explosion in the hanger! I don't know who or why, but it looks like your ship was in the center of it. I'm on my way to the Garden now.


Cardina sprinted into the Garden, though she seemed to be putting more weight on her right foot than her left. She knelt next to Cyrios, calling out a ring of vines to immobilize him, and channel the Void's energy better. "Oh right," she removed her helmet with one hand. "Forgot about that, heard you can hack HUD's." Cardina placed a finger on Cyrios' forehead, right between his eyebrows. I know you're there, she called out to the Nyx. You're powerless compared to me, especially in my Garden. Release him, leave, and never come back, before I am forced to kill you.


Rien nodded and put his helmet back on. "I've got her in my sights, so to speak.", he spoke through his helmet comm to avoid being heard by anyone but Cardina. He approached the cloaked Nyx from behind and using his Vasto as a blunt weapon, proceeded to pistol-whip her into unconsciousness with a flurry of blows to the head.


When the Nyx fell unconscious on the floor, Rien picked her up and responded, "I have our little troublemaker. I'll be heading up now. Should I bring her in for interrogation by Mortos or to the garden?" He walked in the direction of the lift, returning to the upper floors once he reached it.


Samantha continued her lunch, finishing it up then proceeding to take a look around the upper levels, keeping herself away from any church member restricted areas. The main hall however fascinated her,  as she explored and walked around the areas.


Then she noticed the place where the Divinities where usually held, she didn't know this place was where two important beings were. She knocked on the door "Hello? anyone there?" she asked inquisitively


Meanwhile the Engineering Team got to work on Weapons and systems repairs and upgrades, doing whatever they can to get the Derelict up to 100 percent. 


After a moment, Mortos unlocked the door to his chambers before looking over his visitor. It was unusual to find someone come to him and knock on his door with the exception of Cardina or Gaia. "Who are you? A visitor to the church, I take it?"


His ears still ringing from the explosion, Ark grunts as he painfully rises to his feet. The Tenno who were unloading Temperance's ship lie in many pieces all over the Hanger.

So my contact was right, there's a traitor among them, how else would they have gotten access to his ship?

Queuing up his comm, Ark opens an encrypted private line with Cardina.

"Cardina, this is Ark. It would seem somebody wants to see Temperance dead, they rigged his ship with a self-mobility explosive device. Surprise, surprise it's Corpus tech."


A couple of Rhinos, one prime and one normal, walked right out of the flames left behind by the explosion, their Iron Skins coming off as the flames burnt off the remainder of it. The church only had Rhinos and Frosts unload cargo as they were largely known for being strong. So were those in Valkyr frames but that was another story.


A Hydroid came in and used his Undertow to create a pool of water which extinguished the flames and once that hazard was gone, the wreckage could be searched for anything salvageable.

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