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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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After a moment, Mortos unlocked the door to his chambers before looking over his visitor. It was unusual to find someone come to him and knock on his door with the exception of Cardina or Gaia. "Who are you? A visitor to the church, I take it?"



-Before the Explosion shock-wave went of-



Samantha blinked and stepped back a bit, Almost falling on her backside.  Nekros's had an aura of fear around them naturally "Um....Excuse me sir, I was just um....e, e,exploring around? I'm Samantha Church, part of the Red Veil Movement..." Samantha's shaking a bit around Mortos.

Edited by Drakeardian
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-Before the Explosion shock-wave went of-



Samantha blinked and stepped back a bit, Almost falling on her backside.  Nekros's had an aura of fear around them naturally "Um....Excuse me sir, I was just um....e, e,exploring around? I'm Samantha Church, part of the Red Veil Movement..." Samantha's shaking a bit around Mortos.


When the shockwave from the explosion came, Mortos gripped the doorway tightly to avoid being thrown to the floor. Once it was over, he put out his hand as he offered to help Samantha up. "I am Mortos, one of the two Divinities of the Church of Ascension." Noting the way she was shaking earlier, he added, "You have no reason to be afraid if you are truly a friend of the Tenno. Fellow Tenno and our allies are allowed here."

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The docking officer replied, "You're clear to dock in hangar 3."


"Alrighty then." Shinkiro deactivated auto-pilot and took the controls. Slowly, his ship flies into the hanger before opening it's landing gears and landing safely. With the entrance hatch open, the Ash hops on out of his ship, stretching his arms.

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Lambert led Miho to a training room normally used by Tenno who were just getting accustomed to their powers after losing their memories to cryonesia. He brought up the Mag type test where several metallic objects and a few non-metals came up. The first step was differentiating between whether it was magnetism or psychokinesis. If she could move the non-metals and the non-magnetizable metal then it was definitely not magnetism. "Try to affect these cubes of material with your powers. Move them or something. Anything, really."


Miho nodded and raised he hands towards the metal cubes, she widened her eyes, it felt so natural to her in this room when she moved the metal cube, when it came for the non-metallic objects, nothing happened. Tatsuya was up on the balcony watching her lover move the metal, he nodded at her progress, 'I knew it, a dormant MAG, I guess Alad V did something good after all, too bad I wasn't the one to stab my blade into his heart.' Miho looked at Lambert, "I was able to move the metal, but not the non-metals, what do I do now?"

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Rien nodded and put his helmet back on. "I've got her in my sights, so to speak.", he spoke through his helmet comm to avoid being heard by anyone but Cardina. He approached the cloaked Nyx from behind and using his Vasto as a blunt weapon, proceeded to pistol-whip her into unconsciousness with a flurry of blows to the head.


When the Nyx fell unconscious on the floor, Rien picked her up and responded, "I have our little troublemaker. I'll be heading up now. Should I bring her in for interrogation by Mortos or to the garden?" He walked in the direction of the lift, returning to the upper floors once he reached it.

Cardina stepped back from Cyrios, since the immediate threat of psychic attack had passed. "Let Mortos break her. What happens after that is his call, I have issues that require immediate attention."

Cardina got up too quickly, wincing as she placed weight on her hurt leg. "Sorry I can't stay longer," she sighed while brushing gently past Temperance. "Everything is on the edge of Chaos, and I'm tempted to just- let it."

She strode purposefully, and painfully, out of the Garden, hailing engineering as she hurried through the main hall to the Hanger. "Thanks for the repairs, if the Corpus show up, stay at the edge of our long range weapons effective distance. We want to delay, not defend or attack."

She arrived at the Hanger with a grim resolve. "Tenno, you're going to have to clear the Hanger for the time being, until we can get the situation under control. My acolytes are spread thin, but I'm sure you can find your way to the cafeteria. Take whatever you need from your ships." Without waiting for a response from them, she hurried over to the salvage crew, though her injury prevented her from sprinting. "What happened here? Is anyone harmed, how soon until this is cleared out?"

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"Cardina, this is Ark. It would seem somebody wants to see Temperance dead, they rigged his ship with a self-mobility explosive device. Surprise, surprise it's Corpus tech."



Recovering from the blowback of the explosion, Cyrill stood up and broke in a sprint towards Arkas.  "Your Cardina friend is probably not too pleased with this situation, Plexon.  I suggest a swift explanation.  I am armed and your weapons are waiting for you inside the Nocturne."

Cyrill was about to use his superior technological skills to establish a line with Cardina, when he noticed there was no need; she was only a couple meters away from him.

"Now would be a time better than later, Arkas."

"Herald Cardina!  I request a waypoint to the Engineering bay at your nearest convenience!  I will gladly assist in fortifications."

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When the shockwave from the explosion came, Mortos gripped the doorway tightly to avoid being thrown to the floor. Once it was over, he put out his hand as he offered to help Samantha up. "I am Mortos, one of the two Divinities of the Church of Ascension." Noting the way she was shaking earlier, he added, "You have no reason to be afraid if you are truly a friend of the Tenno. Fellow Tenno and our allies are allowed here."

Samantha takes the offered help, standing up right and giving a bow to the Nekros "Thank you Sir, Sorry I'm just not used to speaking with a Tenno of your....um...scariness?" Samantha dusted herself off and asked very quickly "Who is the other Divinitie?"

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Cardina stepped back from Cyrios, since the immediate threat of psychic attack had passed. "Let Mortos break her. What happens after that is his call, I have issues that require immediate attention."

Cardina got up too quickly, wincing as she placed weight on her hurt leg. "Sorry I can't stay longer," she sighed while brushing gently past Temperance. "Everything is on the edge of Chaos, and I'm tempted to just- let it."

She strode purposefully, and painfully, out of the Garden, hailing engineering as she hurried through the main hall to the Hanger. "Thanks for the repairs, if the Corpus show up, stay at the edge of our long range weapons effective distance. We want to delay, not defend or attack."

She arrived at the Hanger with a grim resolve. "Tenno, you're going to have to clear the Hanger for the time being, until we can get the situation under control. My acolytes are spread thin, but I'm sure you can find your way to the cafeteria. Take whatever you need from your ships." Without waiting for a response from them, she hurried over to the salvage crew, though her injury prevented her from sprinting. "What happened here? Is anyone harmed, how soon until this is cleared out?"


Temperance breathed a sigh of relief as he felt the Nyx's mental assault fade.  Cyrios was in a bad way, but he should recover.  Although, if Rien was bringing that Nyx here, there was no telling how long that would last.  The hacker was an incredibly formidable opponent; for his own protection, he needed to be contained.


I am going to have so much explaining to do he lamented, before extending a hand over Cyrios' still form.  Spectral orange light shone from his palm, breaking the hacker's body into glowing fractals of data that were stored in his Warframe's auxiliary buffer.  No matter how powerful she was, that Nyx could not commandeer a dataform.


Then, worried at the skyrocketing tension radiating from Cardina, Temperance got to his feet and followed her at a run.  He came through the hangar doors, and took a moment to process what he was seeing.  The emotion that exploded across his link to Cardina could only be described as rage.


"What the F*CK happened to MY SHIP!"

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Recovering from the blowback of the explosion, Cyrill stood up and broke in a sprint towards Arkas.  "Your Cardina friend is probably not too pleased with this situation, Plexon.  I suggest a swift explanation.  I am armed and your weapons are waiting for you inside the Nocturne."

Cyrill was about to use his superior technological skills to establish a line with Cardina, when he noticed there was no need; she was only a couple meters away from him.

"Now would be a time better than later, Arkas."

"Herald Cardina!  I request a waypoint to the Engineering bay at your nearest convenience!  I will gladly assist in fortifications."

"Thank Gaia, we could use the help." Cardina approached Cyril, setting the waypoint. "One thing, though." She glared up at the taller Vauban, her icy rage made all but tangible by her mental powers. Her voice was vicious and spiteful, resonating within the Infested plants like the growl of Ancients. "You do only and exactly what my Acolytes say, or the Corpus will be the least of your fears, am I clear?"

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"Thank Gaia, we could use the help." Cardina approached Cyril, setting the waypoint. "One thing, though." She glared up at the taller Vauban, her icy rage made all but tangible by her mental powers. Her voice was vicious and spiteful, resonating within the Infested plants like the growl of Ancients. "You do only and exactly what my Acolytes say, or the Corpus will be the least of your fears, am I clear?"

Cyrill was frightened by the supressed outburst of Cardina's voice, but he could understand she was holding back nearly infinite energy that could easily be channeled as rage.  "Without a second thought.  Clear as an Argon Crystal refracting the sun."  Cyrill was about to leave when Arkas stopped him.

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A strange man hacking into the news system sends in a transmission

???:I am Crow

???:I oppose your foolish notion, equality? Is that really what the system needs? Pathetic


---transmission out---


The transmission echoed through the already hectic derelict, and immediately made the bad situation much, much worse.


Snarling as he strode towards the remnants of his ship, Temperance requested Cyrios' aid in accessing the news feed and tracing the signal.


"This is Temperance, operative of the Lotus.  Crow, considering that we are about to be steamrolled by a Corpus fleet, would you kindly TAKE YOUR BIGOTED IDIOCIES AND SHOVE THEM DOWN YOUR OWN THROAT!  If you attempt any hostile action against this Church, I will have a battle cruiser and ten cells of Tenno storming your position faster than you can blink.  And I promise that they will have specific instructions to leave you just cognizant enough to feel pain while the cruiser nukes you to the far end of the Void."


"Arkas, what happened here?"  His normally calm tone was brittle with rage.

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It felt so... Natural for Cyrios, being data. The pain from the transformation was like a cool, summer breeze compared to what Ephialtes was putting him through. Cyrios flicked around the Warframe, monitoring and watching the relevant systems as he did so. When he got to the HUD, he put a single message on the screen.

"The Nyx is Ephialtes."

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It felt so... Natural for Cyrios, being data. The pain from the transformation was like a cool, summer breeze compared to what Ephialtes was putting him through. Cyrios flicked around the Warframe, monitoring and watching the relevant systems as he did so. When he got to the HUD, he put a single message on the screen.

"The Nyx is Ephialtes."


Finally, some good news.


Cardina, we have a name.  As soon as my Oracle uplink is back online, I'll get you any information I can.  Until then, be careful.


"Thank you, Cyrios," Temperance said gratefully.  "Again, I must apologize for my treatment of you.  Once Ephialtes is dealt with, I will see to having you reincarnated."


He turned his attention back to the scene before him.  His repeated queries to his ship's systems were, unsurprisingly, met with static.


"I am waiting Arkas.  What happened here?"

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"Thank Gaia, we could use the help." Cardina approached Cyril, setting the waypoint. "One thing, though." She glared up at the taller Vauban, her icy rage made all but tangible by her mental powers. Her voice was vicious and spiteful, resonating within the Infested plants like the growl of Ancients. "You do only and exactly what my Acolytes say, or the Corpus will be the least of your fears, am I clear?"

Standing beside Cyrill, Ark's hand slowly drifts towards the hilt of his Dragon Nikana. "Cardina, I get that your under a lot of stress right now, and a lot of things are going to hell, but remember who the enemy is. This is no way to treat your fellow Tenno. Also, let me be clear about something."

Ark steps in front of Cyrill, towering over him by a full 2 feet.

"Do NOT threaten my friends, or YOU will be the one to have more than just the Corpus to worry about"

Storming past her, Ark heads over to Temperance.

"Temperance, I'm sorry about your ship, she seemed to be a might fine vessel. Someone used a self-mobile corpus explosive, they're like small suicide spider drones. They're activated by a remote detonator, so the culprit could have been anywhere on the ship. Do you know who would want to see you dead?"

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Being near explosions wasn't exactly what they had expected when arriving at the church. But having things explode around them was hardly anything new to them. 


The Nekros looked as Cardina was giving out orders and then turned back to his companions. "We'll hardly get any answers here. If we want to know what's happening we better go elsewhere. Come on, let's not disturb them in their work."


And so they grabbed their gear and moved out of the hangar. Agreeing that some sort of social gathering point would be the best place to start they quickly found a map and headed for the cafeteria.


"We really know how to pick our timing don't we" Said the Excalibur as they kept walking down the hallway"


"That Cardina is trying to keep something away from us. I'm not sure what yet but I'll find out" Jinx said. And the Nekros didn't like the sound of that.


"Don't do anything stupid. We're not here to start a fight, remember that Jinx"


"I'm not looking to start one. But if she wants a fight I'm all in"


They then continued in silence while the Nekros began to question his decision to take the twins with him.

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Storming past her, Ark heads over to Temperance.

"He's a bit defensive, you'll have to excuse him.  We don't need more bloodshed of brethren.  However, I can assure you that I don't want the Corpus here just as much as you don't.  Trust me with handling things and they'll be handled.  Plexon and I share a disgust for the Corpus, but that conversation is for another time.  Good luck, Herald Cardina."

Cyrill called out to Arkas to keep him updated on whatever was happening where ever he was so he could make proper alignments in the defenses, and with that he made his way to Engineering as fast as he could.

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While storming away from Cyril, Cardina raised a hand to the air, releasing the pent-up rage of both herself and Temperance in a bright white flash. When the Tenno around her blinked away the short stun, monstrous, unspeakable horrors flooded the Hanger, like the Void itself had vomited it's nightmares into realspace. The vines twisted into a thrashing, horrid Octopi, each woody tentacle terminating in a leering snake head. The floor bubbled into acid, with screaming faceless things begging for death as they drowned in the burning liquid. Walls grew gaping, fanged maws, roaring pure unreason with a rain of caustic spittle. It lasted an eternity, clawing at sanity like only the truth could, for surely there was no hope, no dream of peace or salvation that could truly exist while this shrieking madness lived under and above all things!

It ended in a second. Cardina shook herself, now smiling pleasantly while she left the Hanger, her hate and anger completely vented. Feel better now, Temperance?

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Standing beside Cyrill, Ark's hand slowly drifts towards the hilt of his Dragon Nikana. "Cardina, I get that your under a lot of stress right now, and a lot of things are going to hell, but remember who the enemy is. This is no way to treat your fellow Tenno. Also, let me be clear about something."

Ark steps in front of Cyrill, towering over him by a full 2 feet.

"Do NOT threaten my friends, or YOU will be the one to have more than just the Corpus to worry about"

Storming past her, Ark heads over to Temperance.

"Temperance, I'm sorry about your ship, she seemed to be a might fine vessel. Someone used a self-mobile corpus explosive, they're like small suicide spider drones. They're activated by a remote detonator, so the culprit could have been anywhere on the ship. Do you know who would want to see you dead?"


"I can think of a few," Temperance said flatly.  He groaned as he assessed the damage close up.  "Look at this mess.  Those phase scanners alone took me weeks to get working properly!"


A glint of gold in the rubble caught his eye, and he stooped and pulled out the golden jigsaw piece of a Forma.  "Of course this survived," he muttered.  "Come on now...give me something."


There was a flicker at the edge of his awareness, and he nearly jumped for joy.  


*Self-repair systems active.  Prioritizing Oracle uplink, engines, and scanners.*


Breathing a sigh of relief, Temperance returned his attention to the text scrolling along his HUD.


"By all means Cyrios, make yourself at home.  And if you could show me who Ephialtes is, I would greatly appreciate it."


Somehow, he was calm again.  Thank you Cardina.  It is a rather...unorthodox way of venting, but yes, I do feel much better.



((Hey Lady_Viper, did you see the OoC post about the Lotus' message?))

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As the ship began unloading resources, Shinkiro had left the hanger and walked down the main hall. It had been a long day for the Tenno, but in the end, it was worth the work. Some resources, credits, and a new sydana. A thought for some reason came to mind had an urge to visit the hanger where Temperance's ship was at.

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Watching Temperance evaluate the wreckage, Ark's HUD informed him of an incoming message from the Lotus. As he read it's contents, a smile began to form on his face.

We might actually stand a chance now...

"Temperance, I've just been notified of your call for the calvary, I'm starting to think we actually may have a fighting chance now. We still have the problem of the insider however."


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Watching Temperance evaluate the wreckage, Ark's HUD informed him of an incoming message from the Lotus. As he read it's contents, a smile began to form on his face.

We might actually stand a chance now...

"Temperance, I've just been notified of your call for the calvary, I'm starting to think we actually may have a fighting chance now. We still have the problem of the insider however."



"If recent events are anything to go by, Arkas," Temperance said, "that particular problem may be on its way off our hands shortly.  I'll know more once my ship finishes self-repairing.  In the mean time," he laid a hand on Arkas' shoulder, "keep up the great work.  I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot.  Now, if you'll excuse me, there's somewhere I need to be."


He picked up the other piece of Forma from the wreckage before leaving the hangar on his way to the Garden.


"So tell my Cyrios," he said as he walked.  "Who is this Ephialtes?"

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Cyrios began to work. Being a dataform was almost true freedom for him, as it allowed him to work on several things in different places at once.

Shields system updated. HUD updated. Energy efficiency increased. Bladestorm updated. Shuriken updated. Stamina efficiency increased. Firewalls upgraded and installed.

Cyrios accessed several online databanks, read them fir accuracy, and brought links to them to Temperance's now updated HUD.

"I might be able to find this 'Crow' person, though it will take a while without my own body. Probably longer than we have, considering the upcoming Corpus threat. I won't be able to assist with that from here either. Is the Nyx threat resolved?"

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Cyrios began to work. Being a dataform was almost true freedom for him, as it allowed him to work on several things in different places at once.

Shields system updated. HUD updated. Energy efficiency increased. Bladestorm updated. Shuriken updated. Stamina efficiency increased. Firewalls upgraded and installed.

Cyrios accessed several online databanks, read them fir accuracy, and brought links to them to Temperance's now updated HUD.

"I might be able to find this 'Crow' person, though it will take a while without my own body. Probably longer than we have, considering the upcoming Corpus threat. I won't be able to assist with that from here either. Is the Nyx threat resolved?"


"Crow is a secondary priority right now," Temperance said.  "As for the Nyx, Ephialtes, she has been subdued and is being brought to the Garden.  Cardina and I will deal with her there.  Now, can you tell me exactly who she is?"


Right on cue, his Oracle uplink came back online.

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