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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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A Scout ship arrived to vicinity of current chaos area


Ansilm: "This is Ansilm. Requesting to land" *as small scout ship passed by the huge building with great speed and pass sounded like a huge jet fighter going faster than sound at space making few aileron rolls and then quick U turn following up with barrel roll. At the pilot seat being bored Ansilm making these tricks took at middle of them deep breath to keep his head clear about what he is doing*

Edited by Revel72
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"The links on your HUD will explain better than I can, but, in summation she is a renegade Tenno who was the leader of a renegade clan. The Lotus hired me and sent a few cells of Tenno to take her down. I met her first there, and managed to siphon out her energy until she couldn't mind control a gnat. Seems she wanted revenge. I doubt the bomb was her though. While she is an avid Corpus supporter, that isn't her style"

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"Miho!" Cardina strode proudly into the training room, in a surprisingly good mood. "It has come to my attention that you are a dormant Mag. Undoubtedly, you want to become a full Tenno. However," Cardina inclines her helmet grimly. "There is a price to be paid for this power. You'll have to be exposed to the Void and Technocyte, in no small measure. Death, or worse, is not uncommon. Are you prepared for that?"

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Miho nodded and raised he hands towards the metal cubes, she widened her eyes, it felt so natural to her in this room when she moved the metal cube, when it came for the non-metallic objects, nothing happened. Tatsuya was up on the balcony watching her lover move the metal, he nodded at her progress, 'I knew it, a dormant MAG, I guess Alad V did something good after all, too bad I wasn't the one to stab my blade into his heart.' Miho looked at Lambert, "I was able to move the metal, but not the non-metals, what do I do now?"


"Well, we are sure you have the powers of a Mag and you can actually use them to a degree. Now here comes the hard part. You will be exposed to a controlled dose of void radiation and the technocyte virus. It has the potential to be deadly, however. The virus will be limited by the void energies, allowing you to control it instead it being the other way around and it will allow for compatibility with a warframe." Now was the particularly difficult part to express without it sounding odd. "You will need to remove all clothing before entering the infusion chamber. To that end, a female will take over for me."


Cardina stepped back from Cyrios, since the immediate threat of psychic attack had passed. "Let Mortos break her. What happens after that is his call, I have issues that require immediate attention."

Cardina got up too quickly, wincing as she placed weight on her hurt leg. "Sorry I can't stay longer," she sighed while brushing gently past Temperance. "Everything is on the edge of Chaos, and I'm tempted to just- let it."

She strode purposefully, and painfully, out of the Garden, hailing engineering as she hurried through the main hall to the Hanger. "Thanks for the repairs, if the Corpus show up, stay at the edge of our long range weapons effective distance. We want to delay, not defend or attack."

She arrived at the Hanger with a grim resolve. "Tenno, you're going to have to clear the Hanger for the time being, until we can get the situation under control. My acolytes are spread thin, but I'm sure you can find your way to the cafeteria. Take whatever you need from your ships." Without waiting for a response from them, she hurried over to the salvage crew, though her injury prevented her from sprinting. "What happened here? Is anyone harmed, how soon until this is cleared out?"


The Rhino Prime responded, "We were carrying out crates of resources Temperance donated then next thing we knew, there was an explosion. Apparently, someone planted a bomb on one of the crates." The Hydroid then added in, "Don't worry though, the lads survived with nothing more than the loss of a layer of Iron Skin and I extinguished the fire."


Meanwhile, Rien brought the Nyx to a holding cell where her energies were drained away by the Mag Prime who operated as a warden of sorts. The holding cells were something they had hoped would not be needed but due to the attack by the rogue Tenno and now that Nyx, they were coming in handy. "I've dropped her off in a holding cell and her energy has been drained. She will be monitored to ensure she stays put. I will report back once Father Mortos is finished with her."


Samantha takes the offered help, standing up right and giving a bow to the Nekros "Thank you Sir, Sorry I'm just not used to speaking with a Tenno of your....um...scariness?" Samantha dusted herself off and asked very quickly "Who is the other Divinity?"


"The other would be Gaia, my sister. Speaking of which, she has not returned in some time. Those repairs must be taking longer than expected." That was when he recieved a message from Rien, requesting that he come to the holding cells to deal with the rogue Nyx responsible for the psychic attacks on several church members.


"And it seems my attention is needed elsewhere. There is a rogue Tenno I have to deal with." Mortos went back inside his chambers for just a moment to fetch his Reaper Prime before he had the door slide shut behind him and he locked it down to prevent any unwanted entry should there be any more spies or rogues hiding about the area.


When he reached the holding cells, he walked to the one the Nyx was held in, casting a shadow down the hallway which the cells lined as he approached. His Mortos Syandana swayed slightly with each movement and there was a creeping aura of fear. It was as though the shadow of death had entered the area to sap the life from everything within. "Why is it so hard for everyone to heed our message? Your life is forfeit due to your hostilities towards us and our allies but killing you would be letting you off easy. No, you will suffer and I will break you." The Nyx would be forced to relive the worst horrors she had ever experienced or imagined.


While storming away from Cyril, Cardina raised a hand to the air, releasing the pent-up rage of both herself and Temperance in a bright white flash. When the Tenno around her blinked away the short stun, monstrous, unspeakable horrors flooded the Hanger, like the Void itself had vomited it's nightmares into realspace. The vines twisted into a thrashing, horrid Octopi, each woody tentacle terminating in a leering snake head. The floor bubbled into acid, with screaming faceless things begging for death as they drowned in the burning liquid. Walls grew gaping, fanged maws, roaring pure unreason with a rain of caustic spittle. It lasted an eternity, clawing at sanity like only the truth could, for surely there was no hope, no dream of peace or salvation that could truly exist while this shrieking madness lived under and above all things!

It ended in a second. Cardina shook herself, now smiling pleasantly while she left the Hanger, her hate and anger completely vented. Feel better now, Temperance?


The Hydroid had, seeing what had gone on, used Undertow to shield himself from the horrors, not caring whether they were real or not while the two Rhinos told themselves and each other that it wasn't real in order to remain stalwart in the face of what Cardina's venting of emotions was creating in their minds.

Edited by Sumika1204
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"The links on your HUD will explain better than I can, but, in summation she is a renegade Tenno who was the leader of a renegade clan. The Lotus hired me and sent a few cells of Tenno to take her down. I met her first there, and managed to siphon out her energy until she couldn't mind control a gnat. Seems she wanted revenge. I doubt the bomb was her though. While she is an avid Corpus supporter, that isn't her style"


"I see," Temperance said grimly, accessing the links and cross-referencing with the Oracle servers.  A chill ran up his spine as he reviewed the data.  


"Rien," he said over the comm, "if you have any form of Warframe disruption tech, something lifted from the Corpus maybe, you need to slap it on that Nyx and make sure it stays there.  Please let me know where she is being held."


Cardina, as soon as you're finished with Miho, Cyrios and I have IDed that Nyx.  She's trouble, in the worst way possible. 


Inside his Warframe, he was shuddering.  What could be so horrible that the Lotus would issue a 'kill on sight' order?

Edited by Temperance000
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Arkas watched the Ash walk away with smile. You're just full of surprises aren't you Temperance? I look forward to fighting in this battle with you.

Leaving the hanger towards engineering, he mentally opened up a private comm link with Cyrill.

"Cyrill, give me a quick status report"

Edited by Arkitect_ShadowFrame
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"I see," Temperance said grimly, accessing the links and cross-referencing with the Oracle servers.  A chill ran up his spine as he reviewed the data.  


"Rien," he said over the comm, "if you have any form of Warframe disruption tech, something lifted from the Corpus maybe, you need to slap it on that Nyx and make sure it stays there.  Please let me know where she is being held."


Cardina, as soon as you're finished with Miho, Cyrios and I have IDed that Nyx.  She's trouble, in the worst way possible.  Meet me in the gardens when you have time, please.


Inside his Warframe, he was shuddering.  What could be so horrible that the Lotus would issue a 'kill on sight' order?


Rien replied, "We have that covered. Her energy and shields are disabled by the warden who is a Mag Prime. We're making sure she won't have enough energy to do much of anything, especially mind controlling people. Mortos is also dealing with her at the moment." While Rien spoke, the Nyx's screams could be heard in the background as Mortos tormented her with his Terrify ability which due to the void energy he had absorbed little by little of time, was powerful enough to cause madness in minutes for anyone without a strong mind.

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"Well, we are sure you have the powers of a Mag and you can actually use them to a degree. Now here comes the hard part. You will be exposed to a controlled dose of void radiation and the technocyte virus. It has the potential to be deadly, however. The virus will be limited by the void energies, allowing you to control it instead it being the other way around and it will allow for compatibility with a warframe." Now was the particularly difficult part to express without it sounding odd. "You will need to remove all clothing before entering the infusion chamber. To that end, a female will take over for me."

"Thank you, I'll take over from here." Cardina could sense Miho's apprehension. "If it makes you feel any better, this is still far safer than what happened to cause my exposure."

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"Well, we are sure you have the powers of a Mag and you can actually use them to a degree. Now here comes the hard part. You will be exposed to a controlled dose of void radiation and the technocyte virus. It has the potential to be deadly, however. The virus will be limited by the void energies, allowing you to control it instead it being the other way around and it will allow for compatibility with a warframe." Now was the particularly difficult part to express without it sounding odd. "You will need to remove all clothing before entering the infusion chamber. To that end, a female will take over for me."


Miho just stared at Lambert, blinked a couple of times, a tinge of pink appearing on her cheeks, "U-uh, okay." Lambert led her to the infusion chamber, at which point he signaled a female looking warframe to enter so he can leave. Once Lambert left the chamber, she discarded her clothes and placed them on a bin to the side and awaited her instructions.

Edited by Unendingblade
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Rien replied, "We have that covered. Her energy and shields are disabled by the warden who is a Mag Prime. We're making sure she won't have enough energy to do much of anything, especially mind controlling people. Mortos is also dealing with her at the moment." While Rien spoke, the Nyx's screams could be heard in the background as Mortos tormented her with his Terrify ability which due to the void energy he had absorbed little by little of time, was powerful enough to cause madness in minutes for anyone without a strong mind.


Temperance winced as he heard the screams.  "Thank you Rien.  I would like the opportunity to question her on behalf of the Lotus, if I may."

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"Thank you, I'll take over from here." Cardina could sense Miho's apprehension. "If it makes you feel any better, this is still far safer than what happened to cause my exposure."


Lambert nodded before he took his leave. "I wish you the best of luck. May Gaia's Light illuminate your path." Well that went much better than expected., He headed back to his room in the barracks to get some more sleep. He had some time off after the previous day's mission spree so he was going to get the most out of it.


Speaking of Gaia, a message came in from her, resulting in a whole cell's worth of Tenno rushing into the lower area of the derelict with dragon keys in tow. While doing repair work down there, she had found one of the ship's vaults which remained locked due to exploration having been limited previously.


Temperance winced as he heard the screams.  "Thank you Rien.  I would like the opportunity to question her on behalf of the Lotus, if I may."


"You will have to ask Mortos, Gaia or Cardina. I don't have the level of authority to give you clearance for that. Though you should act fast. I'm not sure how long she'll last under the mental torment. Maybe a few more minutes since she's strong in the head."

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"Thank you, I'll take over from here." Cardina could sense Miho's apprehension. "If it makes you feel any better, this is still far safer than what happened to cause my exposure."


Miho looked at the female warframe named Cardina nervously,"A-Ano,* before we go through with this, may I ask what warframe are you?"


*Ano - It literally means uhm, mostly used to get someone's attention.

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Ansilm switches his ship's stance to strafe ship and flies around the building awaiting the response to his request "This is Ansilm. Awaiting your word here like a sitting duck" he send a message. As switched ship's stance to fighter and accelerated to huge speed again flying around the area when decided to stop, took his diary and pen started writing about this day a bit. Awaited extremely nervous and bothered by the decision of his to become a sitting duck for a moment.

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Miho just stared at Lambert, blinked a couple of times, a tinge of pink appearing on her cheeks, "U-uh, okay." Lambert led her to the infusion chamber, at which point he signaled a female looking warframe to enter so he can leave. Once Lambert left the chamber, she discarded her clothes and placed them on a bin to the side and awaited her instructions.

Cardina took off her helmet. "A Nyx," she added with a grin, "and a damn good one." She started manipulating the chamber's terminal. "Alright. Go ahead and step in. It doesn't last long- hm." Cardin raised an eyebrow at the readouts. "Actually, this is... much safer than I thought. Very limited exposure..." Cardina drummed her fingers on the terminal, thinking. "How... strong do you want to be, Miho?" Cardina asked slowly, deliberately. "This will certainly activate your talent, and give you the potential to use a Warframe fully. However, there is another way. Unorthodox, less safe, but you will be all but one with the Void's power. You will feel its calling every moment, as I do. It will be a risk, and a burden for as long as you live, but it may be the difference between life and death for yourself and anyone you protect."

Cardina turned, her expression deadpan and honest. "Don't think I'm pressuring you to do this. I can't guarantee your sanity, your memory or your life. If you choose the safer way, I'd hardly blame you."

Edited by SnaleKing
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Ansilm switches his ship's stance to strafe ship and flies around the building awaiting the response to his request "This is Ansilm. Awaiting your word here like a sitting duck" he send a message. As switched ship's stance to fighter and accelerated to huge speed again flying around the area when decided to stop, took his diary and pen started writing about this day a bit. Awaited extremely nervous and bothered by the decision of his to become a sitting duck for a moment.


"Permission granted. You're free to land in hangar 1.", the docking officer replied.

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Cardina took off her helmet and started manipulating the chamber's terminal. "Alright. Go ahead and step in. It doesn't last long- hm." Cardin raised an eyebrow at the readouts. "Actually, this is... much safer than I thought. Very limited exposure..." Cardina drummed her fingers on the terminal, thinking. "How... strong do you want to be, Miho?" Cardina asked slowly, deliberately. "This will certainly activate your talent, and give you the potential to use a Warframe fully. However, there is another way. Unorthodox, less safe, but you will be all but one with the Void's power. You will feel its calling every moment, as I do. It will be a risk, and a burden for as long as you live, but it may be the difference between life and death for yourself and anyone you protect."

Cardina turned, her expression deadpan and honest. "Don't think I'm pressuring you to do this. I can't guarantee your sanity, your memory or your life. If you choose the safer way, I'd hardly blame you."


Miho looked at her with fire in her eyes, "I wish to be strong my own way, I do not want to use power that is not mine, I want to find my own path with Tatsuya, because he is the one that gives me strength." she steps in to the chamber choosing the safer way, as soon as the door closed, she felt slight sting in her body but not too bad, it only took a few seconds after that the door opened and she felt different, a good kind of different. She cannot wait to show Tatsuya her new found strength. Although it is still kind of awkward for her.


"Uhm, can I have my clothes back now?"

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Cardina took off her helmet. "A Nyx," she added with a grin, "and a damn good one." She started manipulating the chamber's terminal. "Alright. Go ahead and step in. It doesn't last long- hm." Cardin raised an eyebrow at the readouts. "Actually, this is... much safer than I thought. Very limited exposure..." Cardina drummed her fingers on the terminal, thinking. "How... strong do you want to be, Miho?" Cardina asked slowly, deliberately. "This will certainly activate your talent, and give you the potential to use a Warframe fully. However, there is another way. Unorthodox, less safe, but you will be all but one with the Void's power. You will feel its calling every moment, as I do. It will be a risk, and a burden for as long as you live, but it may be the difference between life and death for yourself and anyone you protect."

Cardina turned, her expression deadpan and honest. "Don't think I'm pressuring you to do this. I can't guarantee your sanity, your memory or your life. If you choose the safer way, I'd hardly blame you."


Might I put in two credits for the safe way? Temperance sent across their link.  My own experience with the Void was far from pleasant.  And just so you know, I'm heading down to the holding cells to question Ephialtes before Mortos turns her into a vegetable.


"Thank you, Cyrios.  Rien," he said aloud.  "I'm on my way."  Strange, he could feel Mortos' energy signature almost like a physical presence within the Void.  The Void?  When did I become sensitive to...arrgh, never mind.


Temperance vanished in a flash of white light, appearing behind the intent Nekros.


"Mortos, if I may," he said, laying a hand on the erstwhile god's shoulder.  "The Lotus wants answers, and I cannot question a gibbering wreck."

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Might I put in two credits for the safe way? Temperance sent across their link.  My own experience with the Void was far from pleasant.  And just so you know, I'm heading down to the holding cells to question Ephialtes before Mortos turns her into a vegetable.


"Thank you, Cyrios.  Rien," he said aloud.  "I'm on my way."  Strange, he could feel Mortos' energy signature almost like a physical presence within the Void.  The Void?  When did I become sensitive to...arrgh, never mind.


Temperance vanished in a flash of white light, appearing behind the intent Nekros.


"Mortos, if I may," he said, laying a hand on the erstwhile god's shoulder.  "The Lotus wants answers, and I cannot question a gibbering wreck."


Mortos found it odd that Temperance was able to teleport to him without line of sight but he guessed that some void energy was still inside him. Some very small amount, most likely. How Temperance could harness it, Mortos had no idea. He and Gaia had trained themselves specifically for such a thing in order to reach where they were and Temperance had none of that. He must have a natural aptitude for it and one thing Mortos did not like the sound of was one of the Lotus' agents unlocking the secrets he and Gaia had devoted so much time to.


"As you wish but I want answers as well. If your interrogation fails then I have my own ways to dig for the information I require." Mortos stepped aside, giving the Nyx a break from the torment he had just recently been inflicting on her. "I take it your body was able to absorb some sliver of the void energies which had so saturated your form recently that you could have died?"

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Mortos found it odd that Temperance was able to teleport to him without line of sight but he guessed that some void energy was still inside him. Some very small amount, most likely. How Temperance could harness it, Mortos had no idea. He and Gaia had trained themselves specifically for such a thing in order to reach where they were and Temperance had none of that. He must have a natural aptitude for it and one thing Mortos did not like the sound of was one of the Lotus' agents unlocking the secrets he and Gaia had devoted so much time to.


"As you wish but I want answers as well. If your interrogation fails then I have my own ways to dig for the information I require." Mortos stepped aside, giving the Nyx a break from the torment he had just recently been inflicting on her. "I take it your body was able to absorb some sliver of the void energies which had so saturated your form recently that you could have died?"


Temperance shrugged.  "Honestly?  I have no idea."


He stepped past the Nekros and into the cell with the trembling Nyx, kneeling to bring his face approximately level with her own.


"Ephialtes, formerly of the Arma Spectra Clan, now renegade.  My name is Temperance, but I suspect you already know that.  I have come for answers.  You mind controlled members of your own clan, sold your brothers and sisters to Alad V for his deranged experiments, and ultimately sided with the Corpus against the Lotus and your kin.  I want to know why."

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The small Corpus scout ship found itself in danger as an explosion from an unknown source rocks the small vessel. A lone figure not moments ago had jumped off the ship and entered the Derelict through a ventilation shaft and lands lightly in an empty hallway, standing in his Volt Warframe. A small nearly invisible object floats near the Volt observing the surroundings, not trusting the unknown ship.


"Guess we got on the wrong ship after all, eh Sprite?", the Volt says to the object, which is a Shade Sprite. "This is definitely not where the ship was supposed to go..."


And a Derelict no less he thinks to himself. Its like the one I sealed it away on but I can still move so we aren't anywhere near that Derelict.


He sighs wearily and looks to his companion, "Let's find somewhere peaceful we can rest."


And he and the Sprite walk down the empty hallway.

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"Cyrill, give me a quick status report"



"Oh Arkas; you're going to love this.  I made my way through the engineering bay, and the systems here are all running on old Orokin operation systems.  The old Orokin systems are indeed more complex, but with a little bit of fine tuning, I'm connected to the whole system."

"Now we came here for a reason, right?  To figure out what all the fuss was about.  For that reason, in the spare time I've had while I was re-organizing the defense grid for optimal performance, I ran a decoding script on all comm channels that has given me bits and pieces of what everyone has been saying.  I mean everyone.  Apparently Temperance currently has an AI inside his suit updating his systems, and he's giving Temperance info on a certain Nyx inside this ship.  Her name is Ephialtes, and you're not going to like her.  I need to establish a line with Temperance, because I have the most brilliant plan."


"Oh, and a girl named Miho took her clothes off."



"Ephialtes, formerly of the Arma Spectra Clan, now renegade.  My name is Temperance, but I suspect you already know that.  I have come for answers.  You mind controlled members of your own clan, sold your brothers and sisters to Alad V for his deranged experiments, and ultimately sided with the Corpus against the Lotus and your kin.  I want to know why."


"Temperance!  This is Cyrill Ezekias Legránd.  I am currently running your security and defense grid and I couldn't help but catch what you're doing.  Whatever happens, we need this 'Ephialtes' alive...she's connected to the Corpus, and with her, I can get info on the oncoming assault and prepare the defenses of the ship accordingly."


"Temperance...she's our hope."

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"Temperance!  This is Cyrill Ezekias Legránd.  I am currently running your security and defense grid and I couldn't help but catch what you're doing.  Whatever happens, we need this 'Ephialtes' alive...she's connected to the Corpus, and with her, I can get info on the oncoming assault and prepare the defenses of the ship accordingly."


"Temperance...she's our hope."


"I'll...see what I can do about that, Cyrill," Temperance said slowly.  "Cyrios, could you keep a discreet eye on that Vauban?  And block him out of our Warframes.  Even have to draw the privacy line somewhere."


He turned his attention back to Ephialtes.  "Well?"

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