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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Once Miho said her thanks to Cardina, she put her clothes back on and once she exited the room with Cardina following her she saw Tatsuya waiting for her, she ran up to Tatsuya placing her arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss. Tatsuya kissed back and looked at her eyes that showed excitement, "How do you feel?"


Miho gave him a smile, "Better than ever, my body hasn't felt this light in... ever." placing her head on his chest, Tatsu just wrapped his arms around her and looked at Lambert, "So Cardina, lead us to the Lab so we can get her frame."

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"Why?" She responded, her voice holding all the gentleness and amiability of a feral badger. "Because the Tenno are weak. You worship your Lotus, yet every day she runs you towards your extinction. Every day your kind dies. I would see us ascend our temporary and fleeting shells, and become the ultimate machines of war, while you stand idle, preaching you false promises of godhood. Ephialtes laughed, a harsh bark filled with malice and contempt. "Let's see how you fare against a Corpus war-cruiser filled with Harvesters. A posthumous gift from Alad himself."

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"Why?" She responded, her voice holding all the gentleness and amiability of a feral badger. "Because the Tenno are weak. You worship your Lotus, yet every day she runs you towards your extinction. Every day your kind dies. I would see us ascend our temporary and fleeting shells, and become the ultimate machines of war, while you stand idle, preaching you false promises of godhood. Ephialtes laughed, a harsh bark filled with malice and contempt. "Let's see how you fare against a Corpus war-cruiser filled with Harvesters."


"Is that so?"  Temperance asked, his tone dangerous.  He could not help but be slightly disturbed by the similarities of Ephialtes' outburst to the ideology of the Church of the Ascension.  Albeit elevated to the level of total dogma.  "Is that why you came here, to sabotage the defense effort?  Is that why you attacked us, and tried to mind-control Cyrios?  You think we are weak, so you betrayed your kin to those dogmatic corporate vultures?"

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"Why?" She responded, her voice holding all the gentleness and amiability of a feral badger. "Because the Tenno are weak. You worship your Lotus, yet every day she runs you towards your extinction. Every day your kind dies. I would see us ascend our temporary and fleeting shells, and become the ultimate machines of war, while you stand idle, preaching you false promises of godhood. Ephialtes laughed, a harsh bark filled with malice and contempt. "Let's see how you fare against a Corpus war-cruiser filled with Harvesters. A posthumous gift from Alad himself."

"Alad V, is Dead" Replied the Nekros known as Corvo at the door, entering as he watches the Nyx. Samantha watched and stepped back abit "The Tenno, the race whom you call weak, have killed him and Neither you or the Harvesters no longer have a master, The one thing he profited from and they have killed him, and if you don't believe me then I have the video footage"

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"One down."  Cyrill rearranged the controls around him and rerouted his now amplified comm to Cardina.


"Herald Cardina!  This is Cyrill.  I apologize if I have interrupted anything.  I am hoping to get more info on Ephialtes' link to the Corpus, and this would allow me to properly arm the Church with proper defenses.  However, I'm not entirely sure what the aforementioned 'defenses' are.  If you find time to fill me in, I can work much faster."

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As Ansilm had docked and heard conversation then the fact about Corpus ship is full of Harvesters (Hmph those things. I was waiting for greater challenge... Well better take than bark) he thought as appeared from nowhere left side of Temperance the colossal two handed sword on his back, rifle at his left shoulder and modified Lex Prime at his left leg. Stood silent like a soldier usually does before being asked to talk.

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"That's great work Cyrill, but please be a little more discreet next time. We've already annoyed enough of these people as it is, we won't be able to give much of a fight to the Corpus if we're all at each others throats. Now that being said, if you could link me to the ships scanners, I have a hunch I would like to check."

I never could keep Cyrill from getting us both in trouble, though I haven't been doing such a great job myself today...

Not being entirely focused Arkas didn't notice Shinkiro, who was on his way to the hanger, and ran straight into him knocking them both over.

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"You think they no longer have a master? Don't make me laugh. They don't need one. All they need is a target."

A message would flash on Temperance's HUD.

"I need out of here. If what she says is true, then you're going to need my skills."

"Then I am sure the Tenno Council would Enjoy your trial" Replied the Nekros as he walked away, checking on the Engineering team that was working on the weapons and defences,


Meanwhile Samantha looked to the Nyx, She was trained to deal with mental confrontations but she put the safeties on all her weapons just incase

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After walking for a short time the Volt and his companion come to a garden. Seeing no one else the Volt decides this will do for a rest. Sitting in a hidden spot the Volt sits, crossing his legs and slowing his breath. The Shade Sprite keeps a watchful eye for any dangers.

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Cardina led the three to Ascension's Tenno Lab where Warframes are produced and fitted, Miho was in awe, there were so many, In all her years of hearing stories about the Tenno, she never imagined she would be one as well, it was like a dream. Tatsuya held her hand gently, "See that chamber? That is where Tenno get their warframe, you can take of your clothes in there, no one will see you so everything will be alright." It felt so different having Tatsuya tell her this compared to having Lambert telling you to take of your clothes, probably because it's her boyfriend telling her this instead of a man she does not know.


She stepped into the chamber, it was much more spacious compared to Infusion Chamber, as soon as the door closed she stripped herself of her clothes and spoke up, "Tatsu I'm ready!"


"Okay, punching it." All Miho could do was close her eyes and wait.

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Once Miho said her thanks to Cardina, she put her clothes back on and once she exited the room with Cardina following her she saw Tatsuya and Lambert waiting for her, she ran up to Tatsuya placing her arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss. Tatsuya kissed back and looked at her eyes that showed excitement, "How do you feel?"


Miho gave him a smile, "Better than ever, my body hasn't felt this light in... ever." placing her head on his chest, Tatsu just wrapped his arms around her and looked at Lambert, "So Lambert, lead us to the Lab so we can get her frame."

Cardina smiled slightly. Perhaps Miho had been justified in her choice; to lose that relationship, through death or amnesia, would- Cardina ' thoughts were interrupted as she staggered forwards, suddenly feeling very, very weak, with grey closing in on her vision. "E-excuse me," she staggered towards the door, supporting herself on the frame with a shivering arm. "I- I feel- so hollow-" Cardina gasped twice, feeling the Void Energy being sucked out, but where? "T-temperance," she whispered, falling to her knees.


"One down."  Cyrill rearranged the controls around him and rerouted his now amplified comm to Cardina.


"Herald Cardina!  This is Cyrill.  I apologize if I have interrupted anything.  I am hoping to get more info on Ephialtes' link to the Corpus, and this would allow me to properly arm the Church with proper defenses.  However, I'm not entirely sure what the aforementioned 'defenses' are.  If you find time to fill me in, I can work much faster."

"Th-there are t-two short... sh-short range t-turrets," she mumbled. Even in her drained, delusional state, her only thoughts were keeping her Church safe and controlled. Her Technocyte-ravaged body could hardly keep itself together without the highly concentrated Void Energy Temperance had drained.

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"Th-there are t-two short... sh-short range t-turrets," she mumbled. Even in her drained, delusional state, her only thoughts were keeping her Church safe and controlled. Her Technocyte-ravaged body could hardly keep itself together without the highly concentrated Void Energy Temperance had drained.


"Oh dear."  Cyrill could hear her voice dwindling slowly.  "It sounds like I did interrupt something.  If necessary, I can send help.  Just say the word."

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It didn't take too long for them to reach the cafeteria. Although not as crowded as they had hoped, the old Nekros made and attempt do get some information from the ones who were there.


Jinx on the other hand thought it to be a waste of time and was about walk out before she was stopped by her brother who grabbed her upper arm. "Hey, were are you going? We were supposed to stick together"


"We'll save a lot of time if we cover more ground. There's no point in having us all here asking around" Her brother reluctantly let go of her arm and she made her way down the corridor


Time for some exploring Jinx thought as she kept walking, closing in on the garden.

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Cardina smiled slightly. Perhaps Miho had been justified in her choice; to lose that relationship, through death or amnesia, would- Cardina ' thoughts were interrupted as she staggered forwards, suddenly feeling very, very weak, with grey closing in on her vision. "E-excuse me," she staggered towards the door, supporting herself on the frame with a shivering arm. "I- I feel- so hollow-" Cardina gasped twice, feeling the Void Energy being sucked out, but where? "T-temperance," she whispered, falling to her knees.


While Miho was getting herself fitted in the chamber, Tatsuya looked back at where Cardina was standing and spotted her limping away from the door, "Cardina, Cardina what's wrong?

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Ansilm digs out a book about all those Tenno who he remembers have worked for Alad to create these harvesters. He didn't find this Nyx from the book. "May the dark side of sun shine a luck on you... Poor soul" he says to this with half machine sounding voice. He walks towards the cafeteria his eyes went through all possible ambush locations he didn't really cared about the decoration, paintings and all that art done on the place. He just released a sound of please.

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"You think they no longer have a master? Don't make me laugh. They don't need one. All they need is a target."

A message would flash on Temperance's HUD.

"I need out of here. If what she says is true, then you're going to need my skills."


"Understood Cyrios," Temperance said grimly.  "As for this one..."  He rose and walked out of the cell.  "Mortos, Ephialtes may have a collaborator on board; Cardina and I will search for whomever it is.  This former Tenno also has a standing order of execution for her crimes; as representative of the Lotus, I authorize you to enact it in my stead.  Though out of respect for the Tenno she once was, I would request that you make it quick and relatively painless."


He almost stumbled as the strangest feeling came through his connection to Cardina.  Like the energy drain of a magnetic proc, but applied to his body rather than his Warframe...


Temperance...the thought crawled into his mind, and his blood ran cold.


"No," he whispered.  "I couldn't have..."  He sprinted from the room, heading for the last place he had felt Cardina's presence.


She was slumped in a doorway when he found her, barely conscious.


"Cardina, can you hear me?"  Temperance knelt at her side, trying desperately to pinpoint the source of the terrible emptiness that was eating away at her.  "Don't tell me...I did this?"


Healing mist would be no help here; her ailment was beyond physical.  Temperance set his hands on her shoulders, focusing his entire being on her fading consciousness.  Hang on Cardina.  He began to pour his 'frame's energy into her, just to keep her systems going.  Something else - his own Void energy - went with it, but Temperance did not care.  Cardina was dying, and it could well be his fault.


He slid an arm under Cardina's shoulder, dragging her up with him, and began to limp painfully in the direction of the Garden as he continued to feed energy into her body.


Please Cardina.  Hold on.  Hold on...

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Samantha went back to the Cafeteria, still impressed with the layout of the area, unfortunatly she may have bumped into Jinx as she goes on her dear way "Oof sorry"

Mentally beating herself for not sensing someone getting so close, Jinx soon recovered from the surprise "Apology accepted" Looking at whoever bumped into her Jinx eyes widened slightly behind her standard Nyx helmet. "Oh, you're a human"

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"Understood Cyrios," Temperance said grimly.  "As for this one..."  He rose and walked out of the cell.  "Mortos, Ephialtes has a standing order of execution for her crimes against the Tenno.  As representative of the Lotus, I authorize you to enact it in my stead.  Though out of respect for the Tenno she once was, I would request that you make it quick."


He almost stumbled as the strangest feeling came through his connection to Cardina.  Like the energy drain of a magnetic proc, but applied to his body rather than his Warframe...


Temperance...the thought crawled into his mind, and his blood ran cold.


"No," he whispered.  "I couldn't have..."  He sprinted from the room, heading for the last place he had felt Cardina's presence.


She was slumped in a doorway when he found her, barely conscious.


"Cardina, can you hear me?"  Temperance knelt at her side, trying desperately to pinpoint the source of the terrible emptiness that was eating away at her.  "Don't tell me...I did this?"


Healing mist would be no help here; her ailment was beyond physical.  Temperance set his hands on her shoulders, focusing his entire being on her fading consciousness.  Hang on Cardina.  He began to pour his 'frame's energy into her, just to keep her systems going.  Something else - his own Void energy - went with it, but Temperance did not care.  Cardina was dying, and it could well be his fault.


He slid an arm under Cardina's shoulder, dragging her up with him, and began to limp painfully in the direction of the Garden as he continued to feed energy into her body.


Please Cardina.  Hold on.  Hold on...


Miho stepped out of the chamber in her new MAG frame, holding her helmet. She spots Tatsuya with a concerned look on his face, "Tatsu doushta no*?


Tatsuya looks at her, "Something's wrong with Cardina, come on!" he grabs her hand and they rush out of the lab and spots an Ash tending to a very weakened Cardina.


"Who are you, and what's going on with her?"



*Doushta no - What's wrong?

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Miho stepped out of the chamber in her new MAG frame, holding her helmet. She spots Tatsuya with a concerned look on his face, "Tatsu doushta no*?


Tatsuya looks at her, "Something's wrong with Cardina, come on!" he grabs her hand and they rush out of the lab and spot Lambert with an Ash tending to a very weakened Cardina.


"Lambert who's this, and what's going on with her?"



*Doushta no - What's wrong?


"Help...me," Temperance pleaded, barely able to form words.  "Garden...I have to get her to the Garden."

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Mentally beating herself for not sensing someone getting so close, Jinx soon recovered from the surprise "Apology accepted" Looking at whoever bumped into her Jinx eyes widened slightly behind her standard Nyx helmet. "Oh, you're a human"

"Yes I am" Replied Samantha "Is it really that surprising?" she asked with a chuckle and a shrug

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"Help...me," Temperance pleaded, barely able to form words.  "Garden...I have to get her to the Garden."


Miho looked at him with a confused look, "A garden? Tatsu what's this garden?" Tatsuya was thinking, "We'll come with you, I have a ship waiting in the hangar."  Tatsuya guided them to the hangar with his newly arrived ship from his clan, he was fortunate it got in earlier than expected, but now he has to help his new friend.


Tatsuya looked at Temperence, "We'll help you, but you need to help guide me to where this garden is."

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