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Grineer Rollers


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ok, when you are soloing and more than 1 roller comes it gets annoying

when you playign with a friend and 6 of them are hitting you it usually means game over

but when 4 people are defending something and there are 12 rollers preventing us from moving, reloading, or doing anything. i gotta ask. WTF?!

add that to all the grineer shooting you and it creates so many rage quitters.

please, either make them easier to hit, slower, or put a LIMIT on how many can be on map at a time.

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i also hate rollers with a firey passion, and the only solutions i have found to getting away from them are these:

1.let yout sentinal shoot them it makes them stop so they switch targets

2.jump on crate it takes them awhile to start jumping at ou

3.AOE skill be it melee jump or warframe skill

4. run the hell away and shoot the bugers while they chase you

again i hate these things and want them change cause they can uttlerly stop progressions, they've even stoped me from setting of my ubber move...

so much hate

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or how about this. they can only hit you 3 or 4 times then they die.

and digital. we were all trying to shoot them, kinda hard with no AoE skills and the boss throwing MORE of them at us every secound. oh and the grineers shooting us so our shields dont recover

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I also hate them with a pasion. Usually putting freeze damage is a huge help with those since they slow up considerably after one shot connects. Getting to higher ground is also a great help as they rarelly jump to stagger you and you have a lot more free time to shot at them though of course, that just makes you a much more visible target. AoE abillities of any kind, most warframes have an AoE abillity and when they don't there are other ways. like invisibillities, teleports, stuff to get you away from it damn fast or to deflect it's attention as to make shooting it easier.

Last, if there is a boss throwing them around try having one player of the team ignoring the boss completly, the rest of the team handles him and that player's job is to kill those balls when they are thrown, so he's always reloaded to get them. If he has a good shotgun it's even better to get them. Other enemies are not going to be respawning, kill everything that moves except for the boss, that will leave you with the boss and the rollers only, if one guy is on roller attack only duty, it should go smoothly.

I also realise the "easier said than done" but do try it out with a team of 4 people and tell me how it goes.

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Rollers are the real only challenge ive met so far, their annoying, i hate them but PLEASE let them be its nice to have atleast 1 unit that your scared off..

Edited by Feddy
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I think they should be left as is, but their "passes" should be longer. What do I mean?

Well imagine that you're stationary and a roller comes. It tries to hug you staggers you, travels a very small distance, and it turns around and staggers you again.

I think the distance they travel before they turn to go for a second pass should be longer. This would allow us to shoot them more consistently. Right now the best moment to shoot them is when they come for you, but once they start dancing around you it becomes an exercise in frustration, especially if there's more than one and there are other enemies attacking you.

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That's their purpose, to be both annoying and dangerous. You can already shake off any sticky nades.

If you can get higher ground, they become a non problem, just aim and shoot. If you can't (for example if you pop on that box to be safe from the roller, 20 mad gineers will shoot you and instantly drop your shields and kill you), then either shoot it after it passes you once, or do a timed jump and slash when is coming at you.

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Soooo yeah.

1) The rollers are a cool attribute. Don't make them slower, and keep the stuns.

2) Make them have less health.

The rollers promote a sense of "holy crap, I need to find the guy who keeps throwing them and take him out". It's just a major issue that you can't kill them easily. It's a pain to get at least one shot to hit them, and I find it completely stupid that a small ball is the single most difficult mob to kill in the entire game. (Seriously. Unless you're the host, it's nearly impossible to shoot them.)

To those of you saying "just get to high ground and shoot":

Nooooo, I didn't think of that! -.- *Sarcastic Rage Activate*

You get to high ground, and then you've still got to shoot them, which just doesn't happen within a reasonable amount of time.

Just make them have less health.

Less health = easier to deal with

Easier to deal with = less QQ from community

Less QQ from community = happy sunshine cornflakes

The end.

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To kill the grineer throwing them: wait for the ball to hit you once, then sprint toward him and charge your melee attack as you get close. You should KO him or stagger and get him low hp enough to finish him off while he's in recover animation, then you can deal with the ball.

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Here's how you deal with those rollers: CHASE THEM DOWN. They can only roll in one direction, and their turning radius is crap.

So if you're constantly running after them, they can't actually hit you. They either have to stop, in which case you nail them, or they turn slowly, in which case you nail them.

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I think the Rollers work perfectly as nuisances. They imbalance the players and divert their attention. Breaks the flow of combat and requires some adjustment of strategies even if it's just looking for high ground or concentrating fire on the little buggers.

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I think the Rollers actually take a lot of fun out of fighting the grineer the way they're implemented. Everytime they run into you they stop you from reloading...and when you get 3 or 4 of them there's nothing you can do. Especially on a defensive mission where you can't dictate the battle at all.

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Guest Hermaphrodite

dont be a noob and shoot them for once? 12 balls seriously? what were you doing?

I'v noticed a lot of your posts seem to be on the offensive against others, using " noob " and " get better " phrasing , should work on that.

Edited by Hermaphrodite
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IMO Rollers are one of the worst ideas I've ever seen implemented in a game. I love Warframe but these are seriously stupid. Worst is when you destroy 1 and another is immediately deployed. These just get insane when trying to solo and 2-3 keep knocking you around and you're taking damage from nearby enemies. Either lower their health, add a countdown to self destruct and also limit it to 1 per enemy (except bosses).

Edited by Foxxar
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Rollers are annoying, but at least they can be killed with solid aim, good timing or an ability. There are far worse abilities, like the Rail-gun Moa that snipes you through walls, or the Greneer teleporter commander.

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