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[Mission Concept] Emergency (Attack On Lotus's Home Tile Set)


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I had this realization. The one thing we players do is invade the enemy's quarters and make a mess of things whether it is to eliminate them from a map, to deploying a package to defend, or to capture/rescue our fellow Tenno. Part of me find that merely the charm of this game, and another part of me find this a bit repetitive.


But why should we the Tenno be the aggressors in almost every situation; invading their homes and sabotaging their well beings. I think its time that the Corpus and Grineer step up a notch...by attacking the Lotus.







[inbox Message]


[Player's Name], you have to hurry quickly! Lotus's headquarters is under attack by the Grineer/Corpus lead by [insert a Boss name]. If we do not stop them quickly, [boss's name] will breach our last defenses and capture Lotus! Attached to this message is a key that will take you to a safe zone inside the headquarters. You will be briefed by Lotus herself as soon as you are transported into the compound.


Lotus's Home


I imagined the setting of this fight will appear a bit like the Void/Clan Conflict maps but with some different variations especially when it comes to boss battles.




In this fight, the players are given the [Key of Lotus] item; a consumable key that will take them into a safe room inside Lotus's headquarters. Once there, the Lotus will immediately contact you and will direct you to do 3-4 certain tasks to try and drive away the enemy from the headquarters and to assist other Tenno operatives. The very last task the players will be asked to do is to take out the Boss leading the attacking faction. This fight can get tough as the enemy faction will be spawning a lot of mobs. There is no particular order as to which task Lotus will give the players. Sometimes, players will be asked to deal with the same task in one Emergency Mission.


Emergency Missions are like a rare Alert Mission occurrence that lasts around 12 hours. The [Key of Lotus] also will last 12 hours just to prevent any player from harvesting these keys and abusing the good rewards.


Tenno Operatives


The Tenno Operatives that will fight with you are those that you have evacuated in Rescue Missions as well as some Tenno Specters. Both of these types of Tenno Operatives can be revived.


Lotus's Assigned Task before taking out the Boss


1> Disable a bomb from detonating


In this task, you and the players must locate a bomb that the Corpus/Grineer planted to destroy the headquarters. This will be a bit of a race against time as you have a set amount of time before the bomb detonates. To disable the bomb, you must hack into it before time runs out. Failure will result in a game over.


2> Capture a Grineer/Corpus spy that has hidden data on the Lotus and Warframes


This is like a Capture Mission where you hunt down a single Capture Enemy. Take out the enemy can extract the intelligence data the Spy stole.


3> Reduce the enemy forces


Unlike Elimination, you are asked to just take out a set number of the enemy inside the headquarters to weaken their morale a bit.


4> Find a misplaced device and install it to restore defenses


Similar to how in Mobile Defense you need to deliver  package to a computer, but this time you have to search for the package placed somewhere in the headquarters and deliver it to the designated computer system. Installing the device will activate friendly turrets around the headquarters to thwart the enemy faction.


5> Secure a vital Tenno Operative


The enemy faction has downed a Tenno Operative. Be warned; the downed Tenno is currently guarded by an Eximus enemy or two for you to deal with. Reach to the Tenno and revive to complete this task.


6> Gun down incoming Corpus/Grineer ships


This seems a bit fun to me; While the headquarters are under attack, Grineer/Corpus ships are still trying to enter the vicinity. The players will have to go find an indicated Turret Gun and shoot down a set number of Grineer/Corpus Ships. Think of this as a mini game. Be careful, the Turret Gun has health as well, and while the Grineer/Corpus ships will attack with shootable torpedoes, they can damage that Turret Gun and destroy it. If that happens, you have to evacuate that Turret Gun and head to another one to destroy any remaining ships. This mission will fail if all Gun Turrets are destroyed before destroying all the ships an will result in game over.


Optional Mission: Save Darvo!?


This was a bit of a laugh on my part, but since we all know Darvo can be a bro when it comes down to platinum purchases, I felt that I should add this one.


This mission is rare to popup. Basically, Darvo will pop a message begging the Tenno to come over to where he is and teleport him out of Lotus's headquarters (in a manner to how the Rescue mission is).


Completing this mission will grant a 24 hour grant: Once, while the grant is active, when you purchase an item with platinum, you get 20% off from purchasing an item with platinum.


The Boss


At the very door where the Lotus is, the Boss will be waiting for you and at a relatively higher level. The bosses can include:




Captain Vor (with or without Lieutenant Lech Kril or Kela De Thaym)

General Sargas Ruk (with or without Tyl Regor, Kela De Thaym, or Lieutenant Lech Kril)

Terra Frame Councilor Vay Hek

Lieutenant Lech Kril (with or without Captian Vor or Kela De Thaym)




Alad V

Sergent Nef Anyo (with or without Ambulas, Raptor, or 2 of the Hyena Pack)

Jackal (with or without all 4 Hyenas)


After you defeated the boss, it will take a 10 second count and you finally won the Emergency Mission.


Other Threats


Sometimes (and uncommonly) while you are in the Emergency Mission, the Boss will summon their respective faction's assassin to hunt you down: Grineer's Grustag Three and Corpus's Harvester.


Possible Rewards


One possible reward you can receive is a special Fusion Core called "Adept Fusion Core" that when fused will jump the rank of a mod to one rank regardless of remaining points required for the next Rank. For instance:


A rank 7 Serration 30% filled fused with an Adept Fusion Core will result in a Rank 8 Serration 0% filled.


Other rewards can include a random Rare Mod and a 3 resource pack. Another possibility I thought up could involve a blueprint for Vandal weapons, but that might be out of the question.


Another possible reward after defeating the boss can be the very first time we get to see Lotus in person (and god knows we Tenno have earned at least to see her up close...NO MORE CAMERAS LOTUS!!!).




[beginning of the Emergency Mission]


Lotus: Tenno? I'm glad to see you have arrived. It will take some time before they breach this wall, but first I have some tasks for you to do.


[Tasks the Lotus will initiate]


Lotus: The sensors are detecting a bomb. Tenno, get to that bomb and disable it!


Lotus: Reduce their numbers, Tenno. This will cause a severe blow to their morale.


Lotus: Our defenses are disabled. Find a misplaced device and install it to restore the inner defense systems.


Lotus: We cannot let anymore ships enter the headquarters. Gun them down!


Lotus: One of our key operatives is down. Find and get the operative recovered.


Lotus: The enemy has extracted vital data from us. Hunt the spy and extract the data!


[Victory after defeating a boss]


Lotus: My home is damaged, but we are victorious. I cannot thank you enough.


[Grineer Boss Quotes]


Captain Vor: If you need to remove a weed, you pull out the roots. Tenno, I hope you don't mind I pay a visit to your flower...(laughs)


General Sargas Ruk: I'm preparing a special barbecue entree . I call it: Burnt Lotus!


Councilor Vay Hek: Once I break down this door, I will prepare your beloved Lotus a one way trip to a black hole!!!


Lieutenant Lech Kril: Fell honored that I shall nail your "Voice" as one of my trophies. (in one of the Warframe Trailers, Alad V described the Tenno as mutes)


[Corpus Moss Quotes]


Alad V: I'm like a kid in a candy store here! I think I can create a suitable upgrade for my beloved Zanuka...with Lotus's corpse.


Sgt. Nef Anyo: I'll pluck ever part of that Lotus, and offer them to the highest bidder.


Jackal: Objective: Extraction of subject Lotus. Desired status of subject: alive or dead.


[summoning Assassins]


Councilor Vay Hek: Your persistence disgusts me! Let us test it out...AGAINST MY THREE GRUSTAG!


Alad V: Do you honestly believe I would honestly forget you Betrayers? Don't feel lonely; my Harvester is hot on your trail!


[Darvo's Quotes]


Darvo: Tenno! Help me! I think my father is after me again! Get me out of here!!


Darvo: Help, the Corpus have infi....wait...its the Grineer? Oh, mybad. Anyways, GET ME OUT OF HERE!


Darvo: Oh thank you so much, Tenno. I think I can prep a special deal after you finish things up here. Ok?


[inbox Message from Lotus upon Victory]


If the enemy succeeded in capturing me and destroying the headquarters, communication would've been dealt a severe blow. But thanks to your efforts, the crisis was averted.


For your contribution, I would like to reward you an experimented Fusion Core and some resources to take with you.


As for now, we will relocate the headquarters to another sector. However, please remain in contact if this ever occurs again.


[inbox Message from Darvo after winning Emergency Mission]


Thank you so much, Tenno. I thought I was going to be a goner back there? I hope that Lotus is doing ok.


Oh by the way, I almost forgot to express some gratitude for saving me. Though for a limited one time offer, you can purchase some equipment with platinum for a great discount. Don't worry about how I managed to pull this off.


And...uh...don't tell Lotus I was in her headquarters. I mean I was...uh...doing some personal business...with those Tenno Operatives. Yeah, that's it!...Hey...uh...don't look so suspicious. I gave you a platinum discount for Profit's sake.


Conclusion and other Works I have done:


This is still in the works, but I honestly find it fun to have a mini game to shoot enemy ships and prevent them from reaching Lotus's headquarters.


Other Concepts I have done:


Dark Sector Expansions: https://forums.warfr...ector-missions/
Infested Boss and Assassin: https://forums.warfr...er-the-afflict/
Infested Boss with Counterable Finisher: https://forums.warfr...ntless-ravager/

Mission Mobile Sabotage: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/217208-mission-concept-mobile-sabotage-corpus-tile-set-only/

Corpus Boss with Finisher: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/217901-corpus-boss-corpus-mecha-suit-pillager/


Comments and suggestions are encouraged.

Edited by FoxFX
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Oh my-- YES!




Fascinating new concept, and I like that it's a time-based alert! Quite forgiving, too! Excellent, excellent idea. I love it.


I'm particularly interested in the Tenno Operative, though: If you revive them, will they join your party, like a Spectre? There's the AI for that, so it'll be interesting to see Tenno Spectres assisting you and the Lotus in the game! That would be really glorious. ^^


Hope you get to flesh it out! The cannon idea is pretty neat, too! Since the Grineer Turrets are coming, I don't see why this may not be a possibility as well! 


Perhaps for added fun, multiple bosses? The Vor + Lech Krill was pretty interesting. The Grineer have quite a number of bosses, too, so a good combination could be made! As for Corpus... Currently, you have Alad V and Anyo for the Corpus, but I think they're more likely to send out Hyenas, lone Zanukas and Ambulas (Or raptor). Those would be pretty fun to fight in a group, and really challenging!


Heck, I'd play it just to fight the multiple bosses. <3

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Oh my-- YES!




Fascinating new concept, and I like that it's a time-based alert! Quite forgiving, too! Excellent, excellent idea. I love it.


I'm particularly interested in the Tenno Operative, though: If you revive them, will they join your party, like a Spectre? There's the AI for that, so it'll be interesting to see Tenno Spectres assisting you and the Lotus in the game! That would be really glorious. ^^


Hope you get to flesh it out! The cannon idea is pretty neat, too! Since the Grineer Turrets are coming, I don't see why this may not be a possibility as well! 


Perhaps for added fun, multiple bosses? The Vor + Lech Krill was pretty interesting. The Grineer have quite a number of bosses, too, so a good combination could be made! As for Corpus... Currently, you have Alad V and Anyo for the Corpus, but I think they're more likely to send out Hyenas, lone Zanukas and Ambulas (Or raptor). Those would be pretty fun to fight in a group, and really challenging!


Heck, I'd play it just to fight the multiple bosses. <3


The thought did occur to me to accompany some of the more out-dated bosses like Tyl Regor and Nef Anyo with another boss to even the odds.


The Tenno Operatives that will fight with you are those that you have evacuated in Rescue Missions as well as some Tenno Specters. Both of these types of Tenno Operatives can be revived. (will add this to the description)

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I'm waiting for the day when we actually see the lotus in game ( http://imgur.com/gallery/8TUYEtn heres a snippit from a live stream where they show off a model, same live stream showed darvo who we got to see in a special alert mission as a rescue target) The idea of maybe a corpus grinner team up to take down the lotus as a special alert or multistage event would be awesome. #savethelotus

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Not bad. ^^


The addition of Darvo is a nice throwback to an old concept I saw once, where Darvo would call out to you in a random mission, and in that mission itself, you can see him and access a store for the discount! This is really a pretty neat idea, even from the start.


Though... You'll need a good reason to explain why Darvo, who tries to keep himself hidden from the Lotus, is in her base. xD

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Though... You'll need a good reason to explain why Darvo, who tries to keep himself hidden from the Lotus, is in her base. xD


Oh I'm sure Darvo can come with a convincing reason..XD.


Will add Inbox Messages upon victory soon for both Lotus and Darvo and maybe a Failure Inbox too.

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Imagine this:


ALERT: Sabotage Mission - 10k CR - Forma


You start the mission.

After arrival, you will notice you are in the Void, completely void of enemies.

So you wander around, looting boxes and so one... and it feels wierd.

You delve deeper in the Void, eventually reaching a vault door - what its looks like, but isn't.


You will be like: "Omg, I didn't brought a key." but as soon you stand in front of it,

Lotus will contact you: "There is no need to open that vault. Please resume your mission."

But, the vault states "Press X to open", so you press X and read a message: "Vault is locked"

And a really difficult hacking scheme comes up with 10 tiles.


You succeed and as you open it: "Tenno, this vault has nothing of value in it. Please resume your mission."


Inside is no artifact, but an elevator.

You ride it down... down.. down... into a dark place... so dark, you have to use your flashlight.

And you wander... down dark hallways, which reminds you of your dojo...

While you wander around, the Lotus pleads you not to progress any further and resume with your mission.

Until you stand in front of another vault door and Lotus will demand you to leave this vault alone.


You hack it - by passing another 10 tile puzzle and the door opens..

Inside it, there is a huge tank, with lots of cables, tubes, etc going in and out of it and a green-lit console in front of it...

You look around in the room and find a dusted melee weapon no one has ever seen before

with a thin-double blade, colored in shades of blue and a lotus symbol on the guard...


And the Lotus tells you with a sad, depressed but calm voice:

"What you see, can not be unseen. You decided to come here, so you will see the truth."


You press the console and the tank's front slids sideways... and reveal..

Lotus' Frame - not just the upper part we all know..

her complete self with legs, kneeling inside and connected to all sorts of cables, tubes.


She talks to you for a bit (CUTSCENE ALERT) then suddenly, the water in her tank starts to turn green with shades of grey.

Suddenly there will be an alert and a timer. 5 Minutes.


Figure out the rest. Save her.

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Imagine this:


ALERT: Sabotage Mission - 10k CR - Forma


You start the mission.

After arrival, you will notice you are in the Void, completely void of enemies.

So you wander around, looting boxes and so one... and it feels wierd.

You delve deeper in the Void, eventually reaching a vault door - what its looks like, but isn't.


You will be like: "Omg, I didn't brought a key." but as soon you stand in front of it,

Lotus will contact you: "There is no need to open that vault. Please resume your mission."

But, the vault states "Press X to open", so you press X and read a message: "Vault is locked"

And a really difficult hacking scheme comes up with 10 tiles.


You succeed and as you open it: "Tenno, this vault has nothing of value in it. Please resume your mission."


Inside is no artifact, but an elevator.

You ride it down... down.. down... into a dark place... so dark, you have to use your flashlight.

And you wander... down dark hallways, which reminds you of your dojo...

While you wander around, the Lotus pleads you not to progress any further and resume with your mission.

Until you stand in front of another vault door and Lotus will demand you to leave this vault alone.


You hack it - by passing another 10 tile puzzle and the door opens..

Inside it, there is a huge tank, with lots of cables, tubes, etc going in and out of it and a green-lit console in front of it...

You look around in the room and find a dusted melee weapon no one has ever seen before

with a thin-double blade, colored in shades of blue and a lotus symbol on the guard...


And the Lotus tells you with a sad, depressed but calm voice:

"What you see, can not be unseen. You decided to come here, so you will see the truth."


You press the console and the tank's front slids sideways... and reveal..

Lotus' Frame - not just the upper part we all know..

her complete self with legs, kneeling inside and connected to all sorts of cables, tubes.


She talks to you for a bit (CUTSCENE ALERT) then suddenly, the water in her tank starts to turn green with shades of grey.

Suddenly there will be an alert and a timer. 5 Minutes.


Figure out the rest. Save her.

Now that is quite deep.


Gonna need some time to make the Inbox Message for Lotus and Darvo

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Imagine this:


ALERT: Sabotage Mission - 10k CR - Forma


You start the mission.

After arrival, you will notice you are in the Void, completely void of enemies.

So you wander around, looting boxes and so one... and it feels wierd.

You delve deeper in the Void, eventually reaching a vault door - what its looks like, but isn't.


You will be like: "Omg, I didn't brought a key." but as soon you stand in front of it,

Lotus will contact you: "There is no need to open that vault. Please resume your mission."

But, the vault states "Press X to open", so you press X and read a message: "Vault is locked"

And a really difficult hacking scheme comes up with 10 tiles.


You succeed and as you open it: "Tenno, this vault has nothing of value in it. Please resume your mission."


Inside is no artifact, but an elevator.

You ride it down... down.. down... into a dark place... so dark, you have to use your flashlight.

And you wander... down dark hallways, which reminds you of your dojo...

While you wander around, the Lotus pleads you not to progress any further and resume with your mission.

Until you stand in front of another vault door and Lotus will demand you to leave this vault alone.


You hack it - by passing another 10 tile puzzle and the door opens..

Inside it, there is a huge tank, with lots of cables, tubes, etc going in and out of it and a green-lit console in front of it...

You look around in the room and find a dusted melee weapon no one has ever seen before

with a thin-double blade, colored in shades of blue and a lotus symbol on the guard...


And the Lotus tells you with a sad, depressed but calm voice:

"What you see, can not be unseen. You decided to come here, so you will see the truth."


You press the console and the tank's front slids sideways... and reveal..

Lotus' Frame - not just the upper part we all know..

her complete self with legs, kneeling inside and connected to all sorts of cables, tubes.


She talks to you for a bit (CUTSCENE ALERT) then suddenly, the water in her tank starts to turn green with shades of grey.

Suddenly there will be an alert and a timer. 5 Minutes.


Figure out the rest. Save her.

This is the most amazing thing heard I ever I cannot speak correctly it is so awesome.

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Lol, you just want to see the Lotus. But I dont think it should be in her (its a her, right?) headquarters. It should be just some clan rooms and other Tenno facilities. Of course, saving the Lotus should then be an event instead. Why? Because the other factions have to take time to find and put together info about the Lotus first.


This is the most amazing thing heard I ever I cannot speak correctly it is so awesome.

Legend of the Lotus, thats what it is. Why Lotus? because for some reason, the main character is never mentioned in the name (Legend of Zelda)


And why save her? What happened to the water?

Edited by jjpdn
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And why save her? What happened to the water?


It's our fault. We invited them.

We forcefully unlocked an armored door the orokin built.

Vaults weren't meant to keep treasures, they were to keep them out.


You hear an Ancient cry behind your back and you never heard it being so loud.

You fought and heard them many times and now is the first time you realize, how stunning it really is.


4:20 Minutes left, the water in the tank begins to get more and more corrupted.

4:05 Minutes, you see a bit of fear in Lotus face while she leans forward and holds her hands against the glass.

Lotus: "Get me out, Tenno. It's the disease. I won't last long in here."

The grip around your favorite melee weapon hardens. You need to do something - quick.


You smash the glass and the corrupted water starts pouring out all over the place.

Lotus, talks to you by her own voice, not over radio: "Cut the cables which connect me, I already made the extraction ready. Escort me."

So you cut her out of this misery, trying not to hurt her and get her out.

The Lotus will talk again, freed from the ties: "Thank you, Tenno. Let me rest for a moment, prepare for battle".

You turn around. Infected are coming your way. You run towards them and some fast blue flashes bypass you.

You turn around once more and see the Lotus - on shaky legs though - wielding the double-bladed sword you

saw earlier, which is covered in a cyanish energy color with matching lines over her body and face.


Lotus: "Now lets get to extraction" she smiles and stops channeling her very own signature melee weapon.


You run down the long dark hallways you get in from, retracing your steps.

Obviously she's strong, impressive and seeing her move in persona fills your heart with honor.

You ride the elevator up with her. You want to get out - NOW.

Suddenly, the whole ship shakes and the elevator stops and blacks out.

Lotus smashes a Grate Prime and reveals a ventilation shaft. "Let's go this way, Tenno"



(This mission is worth the Forma, on completion you may have a special guest and a new room available in your dojo)

Edited by Sypheal
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You put alot of thought to this, and while I like the new mission types, is it really a good idea to reveal Lotus secret hq?

And correct me if im wrong, but did de nnot reveal a virtual resque of Lotus in a Tower during a livestream?

Unless Lotus is a Cyborg or supreme being, I have a hard time picturing her walking around.

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You put alot of thought to this, and while I like the new mission types, is it really a good idea to reveal Lotus secret hq?

And correct me if im wrong, but did de nnot reveal a virtual resque of Lotus in a Tower during a livestream?

Unless Lotus is a Cyborg or supreme being, I have a hard time picturing her walking around.

 I never actually pictured any character with tubes to their heads and body to be much of the walking type (except for some rarer cases), but more of the floating type.


The only reason I had to use Lotus's HQ was to give players more incentive in participating this type of mission; not just by the actual loot and reward but also by putting the main leading figure of the Tenno in the line of fire. And besides, I would like to at least be in the same room with the Lotus even if we only get a silhouette of her.


I haven't kept tabs on DE's images of Lotus besides the one image one of you guys posted in this thread. But if I can get a link I can check it out.

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It's our fault. We invited them.

We forcefully unlocked an armored door the orokin built.

Vaults weren't meant to keep treasures, they were to keep them out.


You hear an Ancient cry behind your back and you never heard it being so loud.

You fought and heard them many times and now is the first time you realize, how stunning it really is.


4:20 Minutes left, the water in the tank begins to get more and more corrupted.

4:05 Minutes, you see a bit of fear in Lotus face while she leans forward and holds her hands against the glass.

Lotus: "Get me out, Tenno. It's the disease. I won't last long in here."

The grip around your favorite melee weapon hardens. You need to do something - quick.


You smash the glass and the corrupted water starts pouring out all over the place.

Lotus, talks to you by her own voice, not over radio: "Cut the cables which connect me, I already made the extraction ready. Escort me."

So you cut her out of this misery, trying not to hurt her and get her out.

The Lotus will talk again, freed from the ties: "Thank you, Tenno. Let me rest for a moment, prepare for battle".

You turn around. Infected are coming your way. You run towards them and some fast blue flashes bypass you.

You turn around once more and see the Lotus - on shaky legs though - wielding the double-bladed sword you

saw earlier, which is covered in a cyanish energy color with matching lines over her body and face.


Lotus: "Now lets get to extraction" she smiles and stops channeling her very own signature melee weapon.


You run down the long dark hallways you get in from, retracing your steps.

Obviously she's strong, impressive and seeing her move in persona fills your heart with honor.

You ride the elevator up with her. You want to get out - NOW.

Suddenly, the whole ship shakes and the elevator stops and blacks out.

Lotus smashes a Grate Prime and reveals a ventilation shaft. "Let's go this way, Tenno"



(This mission is worth the Forma, on completion you may have a special guest and a new room available in your dojo)


lol @ the Grate Prime.

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What are your guys thoughts on my "Adept Fusion Core" reward?


Can they be traded? They may get over the shelves for a couple hundreds of Plat, then.

10 of them can fully level up "Redirection" or "Serration", where you'd need 400+ S5 Cores and lots of Creds usually.


Replace them with a Core which is 10 or 5 R5 Cores worth, call it SR1 (Super Rare 1 - the picture may even be a bit sparkly)

This way the reward is more balanced.

Those cores will still get over the shelves, but won't allow a Mod going max with only 10 of them.


Since this reward is given out once, these core will be rare anyway, unless you go and buy every copy from each player.

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