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I Know Guys...


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Name and shame tactics? I'm getting messaged by a supposedly according to you all "a very nice" clan yet on of their members whispers me trolling and i choose to show you this and IM THE BAD GUY HERE?


There is a reason why i said they have blind support of mongoloids. If you cant accept that truth and realize what your'e allowing and doing then i rest my statement.


 Calling wide number of players "mongoloids" becouse they dont agree whit you - well played masta.

 Base opinion on an alliance of 4000+ players thanks to single "unconfirmed" player trolling you - teach me masta.

 Been just as much of a troll in the very same screeshots - pricless. 



 Now the funy part is. According to you "mongoloids" support us. Smart players like you oppose us. Yet the very same "mongoloids" are getting 15-20k battle pay for 3 min run and then go to have fun in the void or whatever. While smart guys like you are running for free getting jack all - and then despite all the big talk - proceed to play on our "high" taxed 20-25% rails and cry on the forums.


 Soo who was the mongoloid again ?




"If you argue with an idiot you therefore become one". I hope you all enjoy your mistake and dont come crying later. /thread


 Oh so we dont agree whit you and we are idiots ? lol what were you saying bout Eclipse ?

Edited by SilentFears
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 Calling wide number of players "mongoloids" becouse they dont agree whit you - well played masta.

 Base opinion on an alliance of 4000+ players thanks to single "unconfirmed" player trolling you - teach me masta.

 Been just as much of a troll in the very same screeshots - pricless. 



 Now the funy part is. According to you "mongoloids" support us. Smart players like you oppose us. Yet the very same "mongoloids" are getting 15-20k battle pay for 3 min run and then go to have fun in the void or whatever. While smart guys like you are running for free getting jack all - and then despite all the big talk - proceed to play on our "high" taxed 20-25% rails and cry on the forums.


 Soo who was the mongoloid again ?




 Oh so we dont agree whit you and we are idiots ? lol what were you saying bout Eclipse ?

Judging from your profile you bash ANYONE that has anything to say thats bad about eclipse...why should we take anything you say with any form of competence.

Edited by Haldos
Cleaned up a bit.
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Judging from your profile you bash ANYONE that has anything to say thats bad about eclipse...why should we take anything you say with any form of competence.

The same can be said about you, especially given the context you go digging around in peoples post histories. So how about we move along here, you can continue hating eclipse and pretending anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot and the rest of us can have a collective facepalm.



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The same can be said about you, especially given the context you go digging around in peoples post histories. So how about we move along here, you can continue hating eclipse and pretending anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot and the rest of us can have a collective facepalm.



Did you even read his post? he said "us" implying hes part of Eclipse....dont blame one guy...Riiight...and im wrong for saying if one does it the rest do..


Youre slowly turning this into a flame thread when all it was was meant to show the reality that Eclipse offers high battle pay to just get it back. You allow them to monopolize and gain territory because all you see is the carrot.


The few that realize this are actually planning and working together to keep them out of the system as best they can. If youre too ignorant to see this whatsoever then i cant help you.


You need to see the whole picture

Edited by Borockobama
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Alright guys Dragazer here, with the trolling aside lets talk for real here.


that eclipses battle pay is nice but trust me stop playin for Eclipse solar rails. Please! You cant let them gain control of those sectors guys shut Eclipse out while we have a chance to.


Holy crap thia blew up. So you all like being taxed for playing a planet?

None of your arguments have any facts to back them up. You say that we should not be allowed to gain control of the sectors but give no reason why. The taxes we put on the rails are necessary to maintain them and to dish out our battle pay whenever a conflict arises. The 25% credit tax does not even matter much because you will be getting more out of it when you get battle pay from the conflicts. You cannot even say that we are greedy or what not. Our members are taxed higher on credits then other people and we don't put any resource taxes on our rails. And to the people saying we are going to take over the dark sectors or monopolize them, think about it again. We own only 8 out of the 26 dark sectors. that is not even close to owning majority of the dark sectors to have a monopoly.

You're supporting a clan that will have absolutely no benefit for the rest of the community and i'm childish? Your'e insane

No benefit? If you have been seeing our recent battle pays we are dishing out 10-15k battle pay for anyone who sides with us which BTW is not taxed on. Looking at the previous posts here many people can agree with me on this one. Like I said before we do not even put a resource tax. Also Looking at Megasnail's post, no where did he say that he was calling you childish.

Yea this is what we want for our Solar rails, childish taxation. Stop Eclipse

You are calling me childish when you are saying that everyone who supports Eclipse are "blind mongoloids".
Edited by Dragazer
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From the off shore side of things (as someone who doesn't really care for much of anything in terms of who owns what) From what I can see majority of the time there are clans (hardly anyone knows about) challenging eclipse rails at times.. basically not allowing an alliance to try and challenge them.. this is quite suspicious and pretty cheap if Ec has any involvement with it... I do agree though if given the chance I will fight against them as I am a born rebel and I'm not easily swayed like the sheep into supporting someone who is offering more money.. (just because it's more money doesn't mean it's good) But so long as they don't try and go for a republic move (SW) I don't mind.

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Alright guys Dragazer here, with the trolling aside lets talk for real here.


None of your arguments have any facts to back them up. You say that we should not be allowed to gain control of the sectors but give no reason why. The taxes we put on the rails are necessary to maintain them and to dish out our battle pay whenever a conflict arises. The 25% credit tax does not even matter much because you will be getting more out of it when you get battle pay from the conflicts. You cannot even say that we are greedy or what not. Our members are taxed higher on credits then other people and we don't put any resource taxes on our rails. And to the people saying we are going to take over the dark sectors or monopolize them, think about it again. We own only 8 out of the 26 dark sectors. that is not even close to owning majority of the dark sectors to have a monopoly.

No benefit? If you have been seeing our recent battle pays we are dishing out 10-15k battle pay for anyone sides with us which BTW is not taxed on. Looking at the previous posts here many people can agree with me on this one. Like I said before we do not even put a resource tax. Also Looking at Megasnail's post, no where did he say that he was calling you childish.

You are calling me childish when you are saying that everyone who supports Eclipse are "blind mongoloids".


Because your'e implying that none of this will happen in the near future. As a previous poster said politics came to warframe with the making of Dark Sectors. Therefore its quite simple. You need money. You need A TON of money. 10k-15k per run is not alot but adds up quickly. 


You say you tax your members moreso than that of the community, i doubt that but without any considerable proof otherwise i cannot say for sure. So that tosses that out of the window.


You state that you only have 8 rails. Thats 8. For one clan/alliance. Where as there are not even remotely that many designated towards one clan or alliance at this time. As Sirwolfen stated it looks suspicious considering that these unheard of clans are making major power moves against your rails. That 8 will become 16. then 24. Soon you'll have the entire star map and we will have allowed it because "youre offering sick battlepay"


You keep directing your post TOWARDS your high end battlepay. Simple advertisement to allow the community to use your rails.


When you have control you implement taxes that hurts the community. But because we cant  come up with the credits whatsoever to keep you line it stays that way in one "hella long rule" that im telling you guys you can stop now.



Politics was brought here. I find it strange and alarming at how well Eclipse is doing this and i'm trying my best to just shed light on that.


But im met with i'm a troll, etc slowly turning this thread into flame when in reality you all are "digging your own grave".


You can put on the cute face of "I'm helping you all!" But for the few of us that see the trap behind this carrot wont allow it. 

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From the off shore side of things (as someone who doesn't really care for much of anything in terms of who owns what) From what I can see majority of the time there are clans (hardly anyone knows about) challenging eclipse rails at times.. basically not allowing an alliance to try and challenge them.. this is quite suspicious and pretty cheap if Ec has any involvement with it... I do agree though if given the chance I will fight against them as I am a born rebel and I'm not easily swayed like the sheep into supporting someone who is offering more money.. (just because it's more money doesn't mean it's good) But so long as they don't try and go for a republic move (SW) I don't mind.

It might shock you but Eclipse has nothing to do with the quality of the challengers they receive. Heck they even had -two- in a row on Sinai Jupiter (early on in dark sector life mind you) Give them a serious run for their money. Then Dark Echelon Wasted the opening Salvo they had laid waste too and didn't capitalize on the -huge- 40% or so lead they had.

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Dude you clearly haven't been fact checking. 




At one point Ceres Seimeni had a 75% ALLIANCE MEMBER CREDIT TAX. It may shock you but -we- spend a lot more of our own credits defending this than you realize.


EDIT: And that isn't even factoring in how many credits we donate to our alliance via the vault. But no, keep on thinking we're somehow the big bad evil even though by the large the numbers don't agree with your claims.

Edited by Squig
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You say you tax your members moreso than that of the community, i doubt that but without any considerable proof otherwise i cannot say for sure. So that tosses that out of the window.

If you want proof just check at Jupiter Sinai this Rail was designed for members who want to contribute to the rails by running it.


Edited by Dragazer
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You can put on the cute face of "I'm helping you all!" But for the few of us that see the trap behind this carrot wont allow it. 

You keep using this "carrot on a stick behind a trap" thing.


Let's pretend Eclipse gains every rail on every dark sector and has a *true* monopoly. How are they going to hurt the common player? By putting taxes through the roof? Doubtful.


Why? Because the only purpose of owning every sector would be to have your name everywhere like a giant advertisement billboard. If they put up sky-high taxes, they know they would lose every rail overnight. 


They is no way Eclipse can harm the average player at all, because there is absolutely nothing they can do with those taxes besides put up battlepay for everyone.

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Judging from your profile you bash ANYONE that has anything to say thats bad about eclipse...why should we take anything you say with any form of competence. Mongoloid in the flesh -_-. 

Sorry cant take anyone whot have been ip banned siriusly.

Why should i take anything you say whit any form of competence - Mongoloid in flesh.



 Oh look that was constructive post wasnt it - now that we are going on personal instead on topic that is.

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If you want proof just check at Jupiter Sinai this Rail was designed for members who want to contribute to the rails by running it.




Drag just stop.



Come on Guys dont let this crap fool you.


@Squig im assuming youre NOT part of eclipse. If this is the case i can understand youre doing everything in your power to defend that one rail. Eclipse has 8. not one. Cant you see that this is getting out of hand?

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Sorry cant take anyone whot have been ip banned siriusly.

Why should i take anything you say whit any form of competence - Mongoloid in flesh.



 Oh look that was constructive post wasnt it - now that we are going on personal instead on topic that is.

double post: Large amount of people were IP banned during DDOS attacks. Quit trolling.


@Lazy You say that, in theory it sounds completely true. But i'm telling you thats not the case whatsoever. They can they will and you're doing nothing more than allowing them to gain that foothold.

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Drag just stop.



Come on Guys dont let this crap fool you.


@Squig im assuming youre NOT part of eclipse. If this is the case i can understand youre doing everything in your power to defend that one rail. Eclipse has 8. not one. Cant you see that this is getting out of hand?

No in case you haven't put two and two together I -am- a smaller piece of Eclipse. Also if you're not aware tax rates shown are the ones that apply to -you- hence as someone not in eclipse you get charged the lesser amount Literally all the information to prove this is on deathsnacks.




Also you do realize Eclipse is made up of a -large- group of clans right? That means in essence each clan deployed a rail for the alliance.

Edited by Squig
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It's so cute people actually believe they going stop at 25%. I wonder what their next excuse for raising the tax again. Oh I know, the repair fee is so high because we attempt to concur every sector.

At this rate itll happen.



@Squig i cant knwoingly agree with you. Even if your taxation is high for  your members the bigger picture is not as pretty. Disappointing but the end-game just means that Eclipse gains control of the current Dark sectors, Taxes us to some insane amount, then we all just sit and twiddle our thumbs knowing we allowed it. 



I cant let that happen, my alliance wont let that happen. And i wish you the best of luck. +1 for a mature response instead of a trolltastic one

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@Lazy You say that, in theory it sounds completely true. But i'm telling you thats not the case whatsoever. They can they will and you're doing nothing more than allowing them to gain that foothold.


What else to they have to gain by putting up higher taxes that I don't know about? 


A clan-owned rail could be used to fund their dojo, an alliance-owned can not. They have nothing to gain out of battlepay, so they give it back to you to you. As a side bonus it keeps the rails open for more time, because of how quickly others grab that payout.


It's win-win.

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Drag just stop.



Come on Guys dont let this crap fool you.


@Squig im assuming youre NOT part of eclipse. If this is the case i can understand youre doing everything in your power to defend that one rail. Eclipse has 8. not one. Cant you see that this is getting out of hand?

Please you are the one that must stop this. It is quite obvious now that the OP here is a troll. I'm providing hard concrete facts that prove my statements and the OP is just dismissing them without having anything to say about it. If you want more proof OP here it is http://deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html

Edited by Dragazer
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Please you are the one that must stop this. It is quite obvious now that the OP here is a troll. I'm providing hard concrete facts that prove my statements and the OP is just dismissing them without having anything to say about it. If you want more proof OP here it is http://deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html

How am i troll explain that. You've done nothing but slander me where ive done my best to explain my POV. You literally msged me ingame trolling me from the get-go. 


And im the troll for showing this to the community. Right like i said from the start stop supporting eclipse. you dont help anyone but them. Posting here any further is just a waste of time on my part. Cant change your mind? Fine. i can wait. Im patient.


@lazy Youll eventually have no money, no resources, no nothing.

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Sorry cant take anyone whot have been ip banned siriusly.

Why should i take anything you say whit any form of competence - Mongoloid in flesh.



 Oh look that was constructive post wasnt it - now that we are going on personal instead on topic that is.

OK....seriously...."whot have been ip banned siriusly"...."whit".......come on now, if you people are going to sit here having this argument in internet futility please for the love of god use decent grammar. At least that way it'll be entertaining for the rest of us to read.

Edited by -LTO-Malachi
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