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I Know Guys...


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Boro, if you haven't noticed I do understand what you're saying, but I just simply do not care about the credits I earn from Dark Sectors. I only care about the XP boost, if they do 100% tax I wont care. 0% tax I wont care. I like Eclipse because they're smart and actually care, they have enough brains to actually think about what COULD happen. What if Eclipse takes over all the Solar rails? Nothing would happen. Do you think the world would end, DE would explode, or Eclipse suddenly gains the power to control DE? Take off your Tin-Foil hat and get out of the bridge, look at the sun and think about what you're saying. There are many more ways other than Dark Sectors to get Credits and Resources, you're acting as if Dark Sectors are the ONLY source of it all. 

Edited by MegaSnail
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How am i troll explain that. You've done nothing but slander me where ive done my best to explain my POV. You literally msged me ingame trolling me from the get-go. 


And im the troll for showing this to the community. Right like i said from the start stop supporting eclipse. you dont help anyone but them. Posting here any further is just a waste of time on my part. Cant change your mind? Fine. i can wait. Im patient.


@lazy Youll eventually have no money, no resources, no nothing.

Like I said before, you keep on avoiding the facts whenever I throw them at you. You refuse to acknowledge the fact that Eclipse taxes their members more than the community despite the fact that I have given you two pieces of hard evidence.  

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How am i troll explain that. You've done nothing but slander me where ive done my best to explain my POV. You literally msged me ingame trolling me from the get-go. 


And im the troll for showing this to the community. Right like i said from the start stop supporting eclipse. you dont help anyone but them. Posting here any further is just a waste of time on my part. Cant change your mind? Fine. i can wait. Im patient.


@lazy Youll eventually have no money, no resources, no nothing.

You do know that there are separate Tax. One for Members, and ones for the Public. Think for once, kay? 



I'm patient as well. I will not leave this thread alone until I change your mind. 

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@lazy Youll eventually have no money, no resources, no nothing.

The funny thing is we don't put resource taxes on the rails. Also I think you don't understand how the dark sectors work, the taxes come from the stuff you get from the mission not from your own inventory and so once again you spread false information.

Edited by Dragazer
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It's so cute people actually believe they going stop at 25%. I wonder what their next excuse for raising the tax again. Oh I know, the repair fee is so high because we attempt to concur every sector.

I believe the word you are looking for is "conquer". Any ways we haven't made attempts to take over the sectors, We just lost a sector and gained another.

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OK....seriously...."whot have been ip banned siriusly"...."whit".......come on now, if you people are going to sit here having this argument in internet futility please for the love of god use decent grammar. At least that way it'll be entertaining for the rest of us to read.


 Look at your keyboard. Where is the location of "i" and "o". Look hard at it. Now try hard to imagine what have coused this typo. And no my grammar suck &#! big time. Nothing new there - been like that for age's.

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 Look at your keyboard. Where is the location of "i" and "o". Look hard at it. Now try hard to imagine what have coused this typo. And no my grammar suck &#! big time. Nothing new there - been like that for age's.

I don't know, it appears you found the I and the O quite easily, you just put them in all the wrong places. 


"sIrIusly"......sErIOusly--That E is a long way away from that I. "whOt".....What,,,,,,while contextually completely invalid in its placement within the sentence, that O, is very far away from the A.,,,,,,,"cOused"....cAused...that O is a long way away from that A. 


I typically hate being a grammar Nazi but damn man. 


Now, on topic a minute...Eclipse tax rates on rails  has no effect over all to the income of the player. I play Eclipse rails all the time. dark sectors are quite entertaining to me. and quite profitable. paying 25% of my earnings to Eclipse doesn't harm me in the least. In a 3-5 minute run I make 20-30k, I'm pretty happy with this.


you want to beat them, try harder.


Or you can pay me 50k per run and I'll do it.  

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Mercs/pubbies are expensive to hire, people want to be rewarded is our experience. While it's true the reward for 0% taxes is the 0% most people don't care about it come battle time. Can't really argue with the effect of it getting those nasty conflicts out of the way in about 2 hours, no? More dark sector uptime for all.

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The only thing Eclipse did was take advantage of the outright greed of the players not in their alliance. Plain and simple. It's crude and possibly offensive, but at its base, its effective and is working. However, the greatest coincidence of all is those who are happy to take the battle pay offered by Eclipse are also part of the crew who wants to limit them.


Nothing will change till people actually want to resist them, till then, they will see the big numbers and shiny credit totals and happily carry on. At the same time, that should also remove them from those who want to limit the alliance control, as they are part of the problem in the overall scheme (not so much the payout, but rather working on their defence). I personally don't mind either way, however I am enjoying the show as it were.

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Ok, let me put my troll mask away...Don't be mad silentfears Im just pulling your chain a little bit. 


Now,  for a legitimate post:




  If stopping Eclipse from controlling sectors is genuinely a top priority to you, you're going to have to do more than sit on forums making posts about nonsense. These threads I keep seeing about how "awful"  Eclipse is are a complete waste of time.  You want to bring down their control, get to work. Is this a serious matter to you and to your group of friends? Get in those DS zones and start farming credits. Don't make excuses for not having enough credits to pay out battle pay, make the money. Don't make excuses for not having enough resources to support your rail,  Make the resources. You want it,  work at it. You will fail utterly at attempting to engineer public opinion against them. 

You will only succeed  if you work at it. You have to want it  more than them. Put the time in, Hours, continually grinding. Show that you mean it. Plan like  you mean it. work  like  you mean it. That is how you succeed. 

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Boro, i understand your concern about "the bigger picture"

i understand the frustration that people dont see "the trap behind the carrot"

but these people cant understand you because you dont have any base on this statement.

is this based on facts?

no. its just based on your assumption made by yourself.


if what you are saying is true, then what is the worst case scenario?

"Eclipse will have the entire Dark Sector in the Starchart and set 100% tax to credit and resource"


is that the big picture?

we have no proof that Eclipse will do that.

but no proof that they wont do it either.


from your posts, i think you are very sure that they will do it because "they can"

you seems so sure that they will do something bad for the community


but for what reason?

why would they do that?

indeed they will be richy rich alliance bathed in credits.

but credits will be worthless if you cant use it, right?

credits from the tax can only be used around the rails cause (battle pay, rail repair --correct me if i'm wrong on this)

they cant split the credits to each member and have them party by buying fireworks or something (again, correct me if i'm wrong)

so having excess credit in their vault will have no advantage for them.


then why would they set a trap behind the carrot?

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I'm not part of Eclipse, but i will always support them. Wanna know why? Here's a list of all arguments presented against Eclipse, and their absolute rebuttal:


B-But Eclipse puts 25% taxes on missions! They're greedy and ebil! How can you not hate them?


Let's not forget that it costs between 10 to 20 million credits to repair the solar rails (that already cost them a lot to craft). The same solar rails that will be under constant attack even if Eclipse puts it as 0%. Doubt it? Check all the other planets - all 0% Tax clans are under constant assault. They will not have the money to repair their rail, and eventually they will fall. Another fool clan will take over, 0% taxes again, and then the cycle goes on and on.


0% is fair! I rather donate millions of credits to keep them alive than support the eeeevil Eclipse!


The problem is that you cannot trade credits. How would you donate millions of creds then, mister Smartypants? Besides, having to pay 15 million credits may not be trouble for some of you high-rollers, but let's not forget they have to pay that every three days or so. Still feel like donating? Wait up, i got an idea then: How about instead of paying them 15,000,000 credits, you pay them much less (so you don't go poor). And instead of giving it out all at once, pay them bit by bit - It's not fair to pay that much if you haven't used the Dark Sector is it? So how about you donate them a little bit, every time you use the mission? Would that be fair for you? What if... the donation was 25% of your mission reward? Heheheheeh.



Even with all the absurd Solar Rail repair costs, they're still making more money than spending! Eeebil!


Because repair costs are just half of their trouble - their main credit sink is their battle pay. We have seen before, missions where they have handed out almost 20 million credits in total as battle-pay for some planets. Sum that up with the solar rail costs, and you'll have an idea of how much money Eclipse has to make in order to survive. And if they don't? Either another clan takes over using the same strategy (and we get threads like these against them), or we get the 0% tax fools. And you have learned what happens to them up there. 

And what if they're making more money than they're spending? There's no way to remove money from the Clan Vault. The treasurer is staring right now at all those millions coming and going, and not even a single credit will go to his wallet. How can you say they're greedy, if they're not allowed to even use the money? Dojo costs hardly use credits.


Okay... so they're not greedy. But they're ebil because they want to take over the solar system!


And? Nothing wrong with that. Saving the rest of the Dark Sectors from their 0% tax-clan-graveyards. 

Remember: Eclipse is not greedy and evil. They're honest and ambitious. I'm not part of that clan, but i assure you that the 25% is unfortunately the necessary to survive. Perhaps if you mr. Smartypants-Prime stopped attacking them, they wouldn't have a reason to have such high taxes (since they wouldn't have to repair/pay battle rewards).

Edited by Neon_Angel
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I'm not part of Eclipse, but i will always support them. Wanna know why? Here's a list of all arguments presented against Eclipse, and their absolute rebuttal:


B-But Eclipse puts 25% taxes on missions! They're greedy and ebil! How can you not hate them?


Let's not forget that it costs between 10 to 20 million credits to repair the solar rails (that already cost them a lot to craft). The same solar rails that will be under constant attack even if Eclipse puts it as 0%. Doubt it? Check all the other planets - all 0% Tax clans are under constant assault. They will not have the money to repair their rail, and eventually they will fall. Another fool clan will take over, 0% taxes again, and then the cycle goes on and on.


0% is fair! I rather donate millions of credits to keep them alive than support the eeeevil Eclipse!


The problem is that you cannot trade credits. How would you donate millions of creds then, mister Smartypants? Besides, having to pay 15 million credits may not be trouble for some of you high-rollers, but let's not forget they have to pay that every three days or so. Still feel like donating? Wait up, i got an idea then: How about instead of paying them 15,000,000 credits, you pay them much less (so you don't go poor). And instead of giving it out all at once, pay them bit by bit - It's not fair to pay that much if you haven't used the Dark Sector is it? So how about you donate them a little bit, every time you use the mission? Would that be fair for you? What if... the donation was 25% of your mission reward? Heheheheeh.



Even with all the absurd Solar Rail repair costs, they're still making more money than spending! Eeebil!


Because repair costs are just half of their trouble - their main credit sink is their battle pay. We have seen before, missions where they have handed out almost 20 million credits in total as battle-pay for some planets. Sum that up with the solar rail costs, and you'll have an idea of how much money Eclipse has to make in order to survive. And if they don't? Either another clan takes over using the same strategy (and we get threads like these against them), or we get the 0% tax fools. And you have learned what happens to them up there. 

And what if they're making more money than they're spending? There's no way to remove money from the Clan Vault. The treasurer is staring right now at all those millions coming and going, and not even a single credit will go to his wallet. How can you say they're greedy, if they're not allowed to even use the money? Dojo costs hardly use credits.


Okay... so they're not greedy. But they're ebil because they want to take over the solar system!


And? Nothing wrong with that. Saving the rest of the Dark Sectors from their 0% tax-clan-graveyards. 

Remember: Eclipse is not greedy and evil. They're honest and ambitious. I'm not part of that clan, but i assure you that the 25% is unfortunately the necessary to survive. Perhaps if you mr. Smartypants-Prime stopped attacking them, they wouldn't have a reason to have such high taxes (since they wouldn't have to repair/pay battle rewards).

Wow... I must say this is probably the most well thought out rebuttal I've seen. I'll be saving this for the next time I see someone arguing Eclipse is greedy/evil/andorbad.

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the 10k credit reward is taxed. I've done Seimeni on 75% tax and received about 4 - 5k out of the whole reward which is like just bit under 20k.

At the end of the mission, you receive twice the credit stated in the reward and then multiplied by the tax. 

For example, Romula Venus has 0% tax and 5k credit reward. At the end of the mission, you get 10k.

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