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Weapons/frames To Keep, & What To Sell.



I know that there are obviously differing opinions on this, and I am only rank 4.5, however I am trying to

Make decisions about what to keep and sell so u can use the slots I have now wisely.

I have no prime frames yet, just rhino mag oberon and Loki. I have 6 warframe inv slots, and 11 weapon slots I believe.

Just curious what peoples favorites are, I'm definitely wanting Frost and Rhino prime as soon as i can get them.

I have a Gorgon and Ogris print I plan to make soon, but the only prime I have right now is a Paris Prime.

I need the BP for a Boltor Prime (god knows that's not happening for a while).

Just curious what everyone's favorites are.

Side note: Is Paris Prime worth a Potato?

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14 answers to this question

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I'd suggest playing and trading the mods/keys that you don't need for plat and then using that plat to buy more slots.  Likewise, if you do tower runs you can trade the prime parts.  The game really does a horrible job of providing you with enough slots for the necessary warframes and weapons so short of only keeping 1 slot open for mastery and using the rest for your best frames/weapons I don't know what to say.  And yes, Paris Prime is a very good weapon if you enjoy using bows.

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Don't know the answer myself, so decided to buy plat for more slots. Kindda boring if we limit ourselves with what we can play with (damn you DE!).

Paris Prime is worth the potato and 3 forma, I just love the effect when the arrow connects to your target. Ohh btw you can bowl with it :D.

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I'd say get rid of mag. replace her with mag prime. but don't trash anything before leveling it up to 30


paris prime is good. it's not my cup of tea, but a lot of people like it, and I won't deny that it's a strong weapon


then you can trash rhino for rhino prime, and plan out what you ultimately want your 4 frames to be. when I started out, I too wanted frost prime, he was the only available prime at the time (*only available prime that you didn't have to pay real money to get. I intended to stay free2play, but I enjoyed the game so much, I had to throw money at it at some point). until I bought plat and got some more slots, I too had to level and sell a lot of weapons and frames. it's tough, you have to plan out carefully what you ultimately want. it's also tougher now because there are so many more frames, and still just a couple slots. back in the day, I think the frames I ended up with were banshee (first frame I ever crafted, couldn't give her up), trinity (for support), frost prime (for defense), and saryn (for offense). sold vauban for frost prime, I think. that was a tough one. but times have changed, since then they've introduced nekros, oberon, valkyr, zephyr, mag prime, ember prime, and rhino prime. like I said, its tougher to decide which 4 frames to keep now that there are so many more options. makes it hard to play without getting plat somehow

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I would delete Oberon as well. Get Trinity, Nova, and Frost, and then replace Mag, Rhino, and Frost with their Primes.

For weapons, I would get the Boar Prime, if you like shotguns, Akbolto or Akvasto (both are good), and the Burston Prime is pretty good too. Orthos Prime is really good but it's quite hard to get.


But a lot of good weapons become available when you hit rank 6, such as: Soma, Synapse, Ogris / Penta for when you're playing Trinity (and can maintain Blessing so you don't have to worry about accidentally killing yourself), Jat Kittag (at rank 5), and Dual Ichor.


All bows are good at doing a large amount of damage in one shot but their overall damage-per-second is not that great. If that play style suits you then, sure, slap a potato on your Paris Prime.

Edited by Ravissen
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Paris prime definately worth potato, with the right build i believe it can easily reach 10k to 20k crit damage.

highest damage per shot so far in game. (learn that from mugamu video)


of all 4 warframe you have, i would keep rhino (for nightmare mode and other too) and loki (awesome for melee 2.0 once we have it).


Gorgon is a not bad weapon , Ogris definately worth keeping, never hurt to have a rocket in your pocket(don't try this at home).

Edited by (PS4)DrunkenHULK88
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Sweet...I may potato it when I'm home. I'm just nervous to because I have only gotten one Orokin Catalyst Alert the whole three weeks I've been playing so I'm hesitant to use it.

I think it may be worth it though seeing as It should take a while until I can get the boltor prime BP (I have all the parts), and I may be able to get another potato by then and I have been thoroughly Disappointed by my karak, Braton, and strum ( they suck so no surprise there)

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 I personally sold my Rhino once I got him to 30. He is no by any means bad, but not my style. This is where you should go... What's your style?

Do you like running-and-gunning in a crowd of enemies? A Rhino and Gorgon can be fun (replaced with Soma once you reach mastery 6).

If you like precise shooting from a bit farther away, then getting a high mobility 'frame (e.g. Volt, Zephyr) with that Paris Prime can be extremely fun as well.


Important Note: Any 'frame/weapon you get, ALWAYS level it to 30 even if you don't like it. This has two important factors... First, it makes sure you get your mastery points; Secondly, it lets you really run that 'frame/weapon through it's paces to see how it will really work, which may change your mind about it. My biggest regret was selling my Loki at level 5 when I was Master Rank 1 and having to wait a long time to get him back after I learned how good he was in late-game matches.

Edited by Angelus_de_Mortiel
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As far as choosing what to build, everything is worth mastery, just some things are more painful to rank up than others.  I found an unpotatoe'd gorgan to be second only to flux rifle so far as being a painful weapon to rank up.  It is pretty good with a potato and a couple forma into it, but that is only excusable if you put the potato on it way back when its magazine size and spray-ability were unique.

If you are looking for something that plays soma-like until you get the soma I'd say grakata.  Crit build on it is passable up to level 30 enemies where the real difference between it and the soma becomes huge, and even without a potato is a good weapon for 3/4 of the star chart.


As far as frames it is all so personal opinion.  I personally would farm for mods and parts that you can hit the trade chat for slots and just collect them all.  I have no problem selling weapons... well small problem I have plenty of weapons I can't get rid of but probably won't ever use again.  But i've sold a lot as well.

Frames I just feel like holding onto but only use a few.  6 slots would actually be enough for me.  In order of current usage:




Frost Prime


Nova - but this is very rare.



It depends on your style of course but I think leveling up and just replacing the frames you don't use or find fun.  Some people love Mag... kinda meh to me.  In threads like this lots and lots of NOVA comments about it being a must have, and yes I have it, yes I use it, but meh not a must have.  You have six slots.  Fill them up, rank to 30 with those frames.  Once you have them at 30, which ones do you still use?  Which ones do you not?  If you aren't using a frame?  Sell it.  Get a new one.

Also frames for the most part, are far less in need of a potato to level and get the feel for how they play.  My personal opinion is Trinity needs it more than most.  Rhino needs it less than most.

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My personal opinion is Trinity needs it more than most.



Yup. First forma on a 'frame for me was Trinity to change her aura polarity to tactical for Energy Siphon. Same thing I found with Zephyr (removing an ability polarity), Volt (adding a second tactical polarity), Saryn (why did she even have a defensive aura anyway?), and others... that first forma really opens things up for many 'frames, where as subsequent formas just seem to tailor for maximization. That's why I typically suggest that aura polarities are the first choice for warframe formas, unless the 'frame already has an ideal aura for how you use them.

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