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To The People Whining About The Inevitable Trinity Nerf: A Reality Check.

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let me modify a post I made earlier to start.




Oh god this reminds me of the people who S#&$ themselves over the Quick Thinking+Rage nerf.  That wasnt even metagame, that was an invulnerability glitch that people still $#*(@ about.

If it makes the game trivial and unchallenging, they will remove it.


"Muh Endgames/Metagames"

There's Metagame, then there's the rest of the game.  Same thing applies to Nova, she can be invaluable in later defense waves, but gods is she annoying in normal games. 

They have to take care of the majority here, and add in a proper endgame.  Not just jerking off in a defense or survival for 7 hours at the mercy and whim of algorithms and random tweaks to abilities for playability for the other 99% of the game.




Bored of regular Warframe?  Take a break.  If you want something actually challenging, Dark Souls 2 just came out.  Get that, play it. 

One guy just said something quite relevant in another thread.


God mode will be removed, people, accept that and move on. It would be ridiculous to have it in the game and any sane person would understand that. Any reason you can come up with to keep Blessing is an excuse to have god mode in a multiplayer game.

Edited by Gaminus
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The quick thinking/rage glitch is not the same thing as Trinity's blessing. What in the world made you think that they're comparable?

Because they both make you invincible and remove any kind of challenge from the game.

They're broken.  They will get fixed.  Well one did, and one will.

Now exhale, wash your hands and move on.

Edited by Gaminus
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Because they both make you invincible and remove any kind of challenge from the game.

They're broken.  They will get fixed.  Well one did, and one will.

Now exhale, wash your hands and move on.

You're the one that needs to "exhale, wash your hands and move on." You're comparing a glitch to an intended ability. And if you don't want to deal with a trinity, play solo without trinity. There's your challenge, now move on.

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You're the one that needs to "exhale, wash your hands and move on." You're comparing a glitch to an intended ability. And if you don't want to deal with a trinity, play solo without trinity. There's your challenge, now move on.


If you don't want to deal with a nerfed Trinity, then play with another frame. There's your solution. Deal with it, move on.

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You're the one that needs to "exhale, wash your hands and move on." You're comparing a glitch to an intended ability. And if you don't want to deal with a trinity, play solo without trinity. There's your challenge, now move on.

When you can make your team utterly invincible for ~30 seconds, that needs to be fixed.  There are no ifs ands or buts, it will be fixed because it makes your team invincible for ~30 seconds.  Much the same as Rage+QT, making you invincible.

And saying it's "Intended" is meaningless.  They made a mistake with the balance of this game.  ALL sorts of things happen and are put into games that aren't intended, like Rocket Jumping and Bunny Hopping, or Skiing in tribes.

But the thing is, God Mode is never interesting.  It's an unintended, uninteresting exploit.  All those others I mentioned enhanced the game by adding another layer of challenge. 

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If you don't want to deal with a nerfed Trinity, then play with another frame. There's your solution. Deal with it, move on.

I almost never play as trinity and rarely play with a trinity. Try again.


When you can make your team utterly invincible for ~30 seconds, that needs to be fixed.  There are no ifs ands or buts, it will be fixed because it makes your team invincible for ~30 seconds.  Much the same as Rage+QT, making you invincible.

And saying it's "Intended" is meaningless.  They made a mistake with the balance of this game.  ALL sorts of things happen and are put into games that aren't intended, like Rocket Jumping and Bunny Hopping, or Skiing in tribes.

But the thing is, God Mode is never interesting.  It's an unintended, uninteresting exploit.  All those others I mentioned enhanced the game by adding another layer of challenge. 

The max is 24 seconds, and that's with a helmet and 2 rare mods, so it takes a lot. And besides, you can still be knocked down and proc'd with blessing on and it takes a long time to deploy the ability, where you and everyone are still vulnerable.  Needless to say, this is also Trinity's ult which requires 100 energy, and don't say fleeting expertise helps as that reduces the duration.


If you don't like trinity, don't play as her or with her. Hell, want a challenge, then play solo.

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I love how everyone is getting all sensitive about nerfing Blessing. Yes it was intended initially. Now, people realize it was actually really cheap and feel it should be balanced.

Everyone just accepted that it gave you god mode. Like how Rhino's Iron Skin was. Even for Frost's Snow Globe (projectile immunity).

Now when things get changed, and DE realizes their mistakes and wish to change them, everyone suddenly can't adapt/accept this.

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How to nerf trinity: 


Make it so you can get knocked down as trinity so you can't spam blessing in a pinch. Oh, and give it a long cast time.



If youre getting knocked down when you should be somewhere relatively safe and ready to recast then youre doing it wrong


The cast time isnt long at all, only a second and maybe a bit more between invis


Using two trinities effectively eliminates all chances of failure


I almost never play as trinity and rarely play with a trinity. Try again.


The max is 24 seconds, and that's with a helmet and 2 rare mods, so it takes a lot. And besides, you can still be knocked down and proc'd with blessing on and it takes a long time to deploy the ability, where you and everyone are still vulnerable.  Needless to say, this is also Trinity's ult which requires 100 energy, and don't say fleeting expertise helps as that reduces the duration.


If you don't like trinity, don't play as her or with her. Hell, want a challenge, then play solo.

24 seconds is a long time


The helmet and mods arent hard to get and the payoff is much much greater than the effort


The energy is more than sustainable  even without energy drops


Balance of the game is important

Edited by Azawarau
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I almost never play as trinity and rarely play with a trinity. Try again.


The max is 24 seconds, and that's with a helmet and 2 rare mods, so it takes a lot. And besides, you can still be knocked down and proc'd with blessing on and it takes a long time to deploy the ability, where you and everyone are still vulnerable.  Needless to say, this is also Trinity's ult which requires 100 energy, and don't say fleeting expertise helps as that reduces the duration.


If you don't like trinity, don't play as her or with her. Hell, want a challenge, then play solo.

You're implying that energy is difficult to come by, especially with Energy Vampire and Siphon.  You have a point with the rare mods, but lets be honest here.

They're not that hard to come by, especially for an experienced player.


And ~30 Seconds meant "Around" 30 seconds.  It's just as broken.  It's just as imbalanced. 

Edited by Gaminus
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You're implying that energy is difficult to come by, especially with Energy Vampire and Siphon.  You have a point with the rare mods, but lets be honest here.

They're not that hard to come by, especially for an experienced player.


And ~30 Seconds meant "Around" 30 seconds.  It's just as broken.  It's just as imbalanced. 


He seems so defensive about the nerf, perhaps he secretly plays Trinity, or has a friend/clan mate that plays her.


Anyway, yeah. The nerf was bound to happen. Like with Nova's MP, Rhino's Iron Skin, Frost's Snow Globe.

Most of us had a feeling it was coming, but some refused to see this coming.

While it's nice to enjoy the benefits of a skill that gave god-like powers, when it's taken away, everyone starts throwing a fit.


I'm not surprised this game is still in beta, with all the broken mechanics this game still has.

Although I just hope there will come a time where it will finally come out of beta (with at least most of the bugs/mechanics working as it should).

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He seems so defensive about the nerf, perhaps he secretly plays Trinity, or has a friend/clan mate that plays her.


Anyway, yeah. The nerf was bound to happen. Like with Nova's MP, Rhino's Iron Skin, Frost's Snow Globe.

Most of us had a feeling it was coming, but some refused to see this coming.

While it's nice to enjoy the benefits of a skill that gave god-like powers, when it's taken away, everyone starts throwing a fit.


I'm not surprised this game is still in beta, with all the broken mechanics this game still has.

Although I just hope there will come a time where it will finally come out of beta (with at least most of the bugs/mechanics working as it should).

I'll be sure and post something like this when the *@##$ing threads regarding Nova's MP nerf come along:


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If you don't like trinity, don't play as her or with her.

Not a valid argument. Why should the rest of us limit ourselves so a few can keep playing with something that is clearly balance-breaking.


The same could have been said about Snow Globe or the old Iron Skin. They were still broken as hell. And they were toned down.

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Trinity honestly isn't even that common. And no, I don't use her pretty much at all anymore as personally I don't need the invincibility to do good. It's really something to help the newer players rather, or help in nightmare missions.


Only reason I'm defensive about it is that there's no point to this nerf and it'll only harm newer players, which already have a bad enough introductory experience. DE has said it themselves, they work more on endgame than focusing on new players, which is good to an extent but they need love too.


Also don't tell me 24 seconds is a long time when valkyr gets a full minute and can't be knocked down.


@Doc: Then don't use blessing if you're so hard pressed about link, energy vampire, and whatever the first one is called. It's not like there's not a plethora of warframes you can use that aren't trinity anyway.

Edited by USAF_Growlmon
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I almost never play as trinity and rarely play with a trinity. Try again.


The max is 24 seconds, and that's with a helmet and 2 rare mods, so it takes a lot. And besides, you can still be knocked down and proc'd with blessing on and it takes a long time to deploy the ability, where you and everyone are still vulnerable.  Needless to say, this is also Trinity's ult which requires 100 energy, and don't say fleeting expertise helps as that reduces the duration.


If you don't like trinity, don't play as her or with her. Hell, want a challenge, then play solo.

So much bad here. Anyone defending infinite invincibility, (which is EASILY achieved) Is straight scrub. Sorry, but it's true.

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See,  my group only run 1 hour+ T3 survival and 100+ waves of T3 defense. Look, we don't even want Blessing to give that long invincibility, but when you have around 1k hp and 1k shield, getting 1 hit by mobs while it takes a clip or two to take them down, it's not doable without trinity. Sure some people suggest to make blessing 90% damage reduction, which sounds good, but looking at DE and their history of bad changes, we just don't have the faith in them. That's why we want it just the way it is. But from an outsider's perspective, Blessing is fking OP lol

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Trinity honestly isn't even that common. And no, I don't use her pretty much at all anymore as personally I don't need the invincibility to do good. It's really something to help the newer players rather, or help in nightmare missions.


Only reason I'm defensive about it is that there's no point to this nerf and it'll only harm newer players, which already have a bad enough introductory experience. DE has said it themselves, they work more on endgame than focusing on new players, which is good to an extent but they need love too.


Also don't tell me 24 seconds is a long time when valkyr gets a full minute and can't be knocked down.


@Doc: Then don't use blessing if you're so hard pressed about link, energy vampire, and whatever the first one is called. It's not like there's not a plethora of warframes you can use that aren't trinity anyway.

And it's also broken, no other way to cut it.  It's like saying Riki or Slark is just for new players in Dota, there's no reason a skilled play who simply doesn't care or a vet who just never bothered to play without training wheels cant pick them.  It's a hollow argument and ultimately Blessing will be nerfed anyways.  Hopefully, Nova too.  It just makes the game so damn boring. 

I just find it astounding how you're defending god mode. 

Edited by Gaminus
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The introductory for new players are horrible. They released a bunch of tutorials, but still, new players only really benefit when they are introduced to the game by an actual friend that helps them through it.


Those that struggle by themselves and still end up sticking with this game, good for you.

As for the endgame, there really is not much interesting things to it. All DE does now is release new warframes/weapons for us to get and max out. And once we max it out, if we decide we like it, we either keep it and use it a lot, or keep it and shelf it in our inventory to collect dust like with the antique types (event only weapons). As for the events DE releases; it's basically them testing out a new game mode/feature to introduce to the players as a possible permanent feature to this game, and while they release these events, they give a vague story/info on what is happening in the game's current history. There is no story or lore, besides the ambiguous/vague intro we get when playing this game for the first time.

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I can't believe people are trying to defend unlimited range team-wide 24 second invulnerability that can be spammed as soon as it wears off for basically no energy.


I've been mainly using Trinity with a fully forma'd Ogris for awhile now and I knew a "adjustment" was coming eventually.

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Its been far to long.  I've been hoping that DE would look at Blessing quite a while before this and I'm glad that its finally here.

1) Blessing maxes at 28.2 seconds, not 24.
2) Cast time delay of 1.2 seconds. Even if you get downed while casting, the healing and invulnerability will still be granted and your allies will be able to safely revive you. The invulnerability for you still applies, even while being downed. Enemies will not be able to hasten your bleedout.  That means that it could have a 5 second cast time and it would still be broken as hek.

ANY skill that can trivialize 99% of content needs to go.
It removes *all* challenge in the game, which is a bad thing.

Further, the game is NOT balanced around infinite levels as that is impossible to do.
DE has stated that the intended time in survival is 30-40 minutes.  Beyond that you're on your own and they aren't balancing any gear around that level/time.  So stop claiming "But our 4 hour survival runs!" because that is just a moot point.

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Its been far to long.  I've been hoping that DE would look at Blessing quite a while before this and I'm glad that its finally here.


1) Blessing maxes at 28.2 seconds, not 24.

2) Cast time delay of 1.2 seconds. Even if you get downed while casting, the healing and invulnerability will still be granted and your allies will be able to safely revive you. The invulnerability for you still applies, even while being downed. Enemies will not be able to hasten your bleedout.  That means that it could have a 5 second cast time and it would still be broken as hek.

ANY skill that can trivialize 99% of content needs to go.

It removes *all* challenge in the game, which is a bad thing.

Further, the game is NOT balanced around infinite levels as that is impossible to do.

DE has stated that the intended time in survival is 30-40 minutes.  Beyond that you're on your own and they aren't balancing any gear around that level/time.  So stop claiming "But our 4 hour survival runs!" because that is just a moot point.

Yes.  This. ^^^^^^^

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