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Melee Damagetype Redistributions + Some Minor Attackideas


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If you look at the shape of a lot of the melee weapons, some of their damage types could stand to be made more logical. This is not so much about the damagenumbers in themselves (their total need some rebalancing in regards to their speeds etc), but this is mainly the DISTRIBUTIONS of their damagetypes.


So here are my suggestions, based on their looks and shapes (I also included how I consider their comparatives speeds should be like):


* Heat Dagger - Mainly Slash, but also quite high Heat

* Ceramic Dagger - Mainly Slash (right now it is Puncture, but it's a CURVED blade, perfect for Slashing!)

* Dark Dagger - Mainly Puncture, and maybe some COLD?

ATTACK SPEEDS (From fastest to slowest): Ceramic, Heat, Dark

Special note: Can Single Daggers also please get the ability to knockdown targets with jumpattacks?



* Fang - Remain the same (Mainly Puncture)

* Fang Prime - Remain the same, but add a bit of Slash too, to be consistent with regular Fang

* Ether Daggers - Mainly Slash and Puncture, with next to no Impact at all (to simulate the old Ether's Serrated Blade) (and bring it back to the market)

ATTACK SPEEDS (From fastest to slowest):Fang, Ether Daggers, Fang Prime



* Ankyros + Ankyros Prime - Remain the same (Mainly Impact)

* Furax - Mainly Impact, but also very high in Puncture. While I said I wasn't gonna talk about total damage and such, the Furax definitely is one of those that overall needs more damage (more than at least the regular Ankyros, due to being slower than it)

ATTACK SPEEDS (From fastest to slowest): Ankyros Prime, Ankyros, Furax



* Kogake - Remains the same (Mainly Impact)

* Obex - Mainly Impact but also high amount of Magnetic

ATTACK SPEEDS (From fastest to slowest): Obex, Kogake



* Amphis - Mainly Impact, but also quite high Electricity.

* Bo - Remains the same (Mainly Impact), but add a bit of Slash too, to be consistent with other blunt weapons

ATTACK SPEEDS (From fastest to slowest): Bo, Amphis



* Cronus - Mainly Slash (remove its high amount of Impact, it's a CURVED blade, perfect for Slashing!)

* Dakra Prime - Remains the same (Mainly Slash)

* Dark Sword - Mainly Puncture, and maybe some COLD?

* Ether Sword - Mainly Slash and Puncture, with next to no Impact at all (to simulate the old Ether's Serrated Blade)

* Heat Sword - Mainly Slash, but also quite high Heat.

* Jaw Sword - Mainly Slash, but also quite high Puncture

* Mire - This one could be quite variable, but I'd make it focus more on Puncture, Toxin and decently high Slash too

* Pangolin Sword - Due to its similarities to Fang, I'd let it have quite high Puncture, but should still focus mainly on Slash

* Plasma Sword - Mainly Radiation (makes more sense here than on Dark Sword/Dagger), but could also have high amount of Slash?

* Skana + Skana Prime - Mainly Slash, but also decently high Impact and Puncture (fitting for a Starter weapon to be more versatile)

ATTACK SPEEDS (From fastest to slowest):  Cronus, Pangolin, Ether, Jaw, Dakra Prime, Skana Prime, Skana, Heat, Mire, Dark, Plasma



* Nikana + Dragon Nikana - Remain the same (Mainly Slash)


"MACHETES" (Rename this category? Something more like "Axeblades and Maces?" It's quite hard to categorize)

* Kama - Mainly Puncture with very high Slash as well

* Machete + Machete Wraith - High Slash, but also quite high Impact and Puncture (and bring the regular one back to the market)

* Prova - Mainly Impact, but also quite high Electricity

ATTACK SPEEDS (From fastest to slowest):  Kama, Machete, Prova



* Dual Ether - Mainly Slash and Puncture, with next to no Impact at all (to simulate the old Ether's Serrated Blade)

* Dual Heat Swords - Mainly Slash, but also quite high Heat

* Dual Skana - Mainly Slash, but also decently high Impact and Puncture (fitting for a Starter weapon to be more versatile)

* Nami Skyla - Remains the same (Mainly Slash)

ATTACK SPEEDS (From fastest to slowest):  Ether, Nami Skyla, Skana, Heat



* Dual Cleavers - Mainly Impact and Slash (Impact due to being such a flat axe-like blade)

* Dual Ichor - Mainly Impact and Toxin (with tiny bits of Slash and Puncture too)

* Dual Kamas - Mainly Puncture with very high Slash as well

* Dual Zoren - Remains the same (Mainly Slash)

* Dual Daggeraxes - Make this Zoren-skin into a seperate Dual Axe! It would mainly be Slash, with a decent amount of Puncture

ATTACK SPEEDS (From fastest to slowest):  Zoren, Daggeraxes, Kamas, Cleavers, Ichors

Special note: I think Dual Axes should be a category of its own and use different new stances with new animations compared to Dual Swords. They don't have to be all too different from Dual Swords, but should emphasize more on chopping and slashing-motions, while not utilizing stabbing at all (which is part of many animations of the Dual Swords)



* Glaive - Mainly Slash and Puncture

* Glaive Prime - Mainly Slash (same Puncture as regular Glaive, only Slash being elevated)

* Kestrel - Remains the same (Mainly Impact)

ATTACK SPEEDS (From fastest to slowest):  Glaive Prime, Glaive, Kestrel



* Ether Reaper - Mainly Slash and Puncture, with next to no Impact at all (to simulate the old Ether's Serrated Blade)

* Reaper Prime - Mainly Puncture, with decent amounts of Slash

* Hate - Mainly Puncture

ATTACK SPEEDS (From fastest to slowest):  Ether Reaper, Reaper Prime, Hate



* Orthos - Remains the same (Mainly Slash)

* Orthos Prime - Mainly Slash, but maybe also quite high Impact? (After all, look at it!)

ATTACK SPEEDS (From fastest to slowest):  Orthos Prime, Orthos



* Fragor - Mainly Impact

* Magistar - Mainly Impact, but also quite high Puncture

* Jat Kittag - Remains the same (Mainly Impact, with a hint of Puncture)

* Brokk - Make this Fragor-skin a seperate hammer! Mainly Impact, with a decent amount of Puncture

* Manticore - Make this Scindo-skin into a seperate HAMMER (not Axe lol!) ! It would mainly be Impact and very high amount of Puncture too

ATTACK SPEEDS (From fastest to slowest):  Magistar, Brokk, Manticore, Fragor, Jat Kittag


"AXES" (I'd rename it to "Greatblades" or something like that)

* Gram - Remains the same (Mainly Slash)

* Galatine - Mainly Slash, but with a hint of Impact (due to a very flat blade)

* Scindo - Mainly Slash, but with decent amount of Impact

* Great Daggeraxe - Make this Scindo-skin into a seperate Axe! It would mainly be Slash, with a decent amount of Puncture

ATTACK SPEEDS (From fastest to slowest): Great Daggeraxe, Gram, Scindo, Galatine



* Lecta - Mainly Electricity (but maybe also a bit of PSI?)

* Scoliac - Mainly Slash, and maybe some Corrosive (like it had on Charge-attacks in Melee 1.0)?

ATTACK SPEEDS (From fastest to slowest): Lecta, Scoliac


Other melee attackideas:

* Jumpattacks should all provide with a knockdown or at least a stagger (stagger if they have other "lesser" special effects, such as Radiation procs or similar)

* All Jumpattacks should have a bit bigger radius for some of those with near non-existant radii. Exception: Ether weapons (Ether Daggers, Ether Sword, Dual Ether, Ether Reaper). Instead, the Jumpattack on Ether weapons could have very tiny areas, however, its jumpattack that connects (not the slam) could deal ENORMOUS amounts of damage instead. That'd give Ether weapons an interesting new niche!

* Slide + Tap Melee = Slideattack focused on AoE-attacks and mediumrange distanceclosing (like now, just shorter range, more similar to slideattacks in Melee 1.0). Most animations could remain the same, but I have two special notes here:

1) Gauntlets - Just before the lefthanded uppercut, let the right hand do a horizontal backhand, to aid in AoE!

2) Kickbox weapons - Instead of a completely vertical vaultkick, make it first do a upwards+leftgoing kick with the right leg, followed by the vault/flip and the vaultkick with the left leg, but now kicking more diagonally downwards to the left (using the momentum of the first kick). That'd make it more AoE-like, yet with quite similar animation!)

* Slide + Hold Melee = Slideattack focused on powerful singletarget/line-damage as well as longrange distanceclosing (Which would use thrusts (most weapons) and straight punches (gauntlets and kickbox weapons))

* Jump + Tap Melee = Midair slash attack (good for cutting enemies in the air)

* Jump + Hold Melee = The current slamattack


If you have any question regarding why I distributed a weapon in a certain way, feel free to ask. And if you agreed or disagreed about something in particular, please comment! :)

Edited by Azamagon
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I... yeah, completely agree with this. That's some fantastic creativity and ideas going on. (no sarcasm.)

Thank you :)


Blade curvature is less relevant than it's balance and point.

Good point (hehe, pun :P), but while that may be true, the intuitive thought when looking at it would still be (at least for me) that it would be more slashy than punctury. The opposite for Dark Dagger (straight, V-shaped blade with a narrow angle). *shrugs*


I've thought the same thing when looking at some of the weapons. +1

Thanks! :) I guess I'm not the only one, but someone has to suggest it at least hehe ;)

Edited by Azamagon
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Variety is a must to make things interesting since so many weapons share the same moves anyway. Making direct upgrades with more advantages than disadvantages compared to a similar weapon is much less interesting (why would, gameplay-wise, someone pick a weapon that has 5 different stats inferior to a similar weapon that they can build with just slightly more materials?).

DE should start thinking outside the box with these, and take risks with the way they put damage numbers. Thoroughly-thought risky decisions of course, and not just random or clearly "favoritism" ones.

Edited by Casardis
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