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Just Wanted To Say Thank You De


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How did a thread about giving thanks turn into the S#&$ storm it is now?

Because every time someone praises a developer when the consumers are not that happy it makes it look like:

1.- A shill.

2.- An 4$$ Kisser.

3.- Someone with Post Purchase Rationalization.

4.- Stockholm Syndrome.

5.- A Fanboy.

6.- Someone in complete denial about the big flaws on the product.

7.- All of the above.


Let me expand for example, when Melee 2.0 came after the delay and the hotfixes followed countless of these people just kept telling the staff

"Oh thanks, you shouldn't be up so late"

"Please get some sleep"

"Is OK, you can fix it later"


People, Digital Extremes ARE NOT YOUR BUDDIES, it is their job to deliver a product, they are not doing it for the kindness of their hearts or because they love videogames, once the cash shop was up this became a business, beta or not, they have a job and they have to either satsify the customers or go the EA/Bioware route, either way, sweet words, sun baths and puppies are not feedback and we as consumers have spoiled the $H!7 out of developers, you can see it on every stream, the game is a mess of ideas, there is no direction, no purpose, the concept is good, the art is interesting but is not going anywhere and feeding the ego of the staff won't make it better.

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Because every time someone praises a developer when the consumers are not that happy it makes it look like:

1.- A shill.

2.- An 4$$ Kisser.

3.- Someone with Post Purchase Rationalization.

4.- Stockholm Syndrome.

5.- A Fanboy.

6.- Someone in complete denial about the big flaws on the product.

7.- All of the above.


Let me expand for example, when Melee 2.0 came after the delay and the hotfixes followed countless of these people just kept telling the staff

"Oh thanks, you shouldn't be up so late"

"Please get some sleep"

"Is OK, you can fix it later"


People, Digital Extremes ARE NOT YOUR BUDDIES, it is their job to deliver a product, they are not doing it for the kindness of their hearts or because they love videogames, once the cash shop was up this became a business, beta or not, they have a job and they have to either satsify the customers or go the EA/Bioware route, either way, sweet words, sun baths and puppies are not feedback and we as consumers have spoiled the $H!7 out of developers, you can see it on every stream, the game is a mess of ideas, there is no direction, no purpose, the concept is good, the art is interesting but is not going anywhere and feeding the ego of the staff won't make it better.

Things happen


Beating them down about it certainly isnt going to help anything

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Azawarau I know you told me you have a medical condition, but please leave VanFanel1980mx's post alone...

He makes completely valid points. White knighting is a poison and we are consumers, not DE's buddies.

And as for the question... severity means how serious something is.

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Things happen


Beating them down about it certainly isnt going to help anything

Giving constant feedback and then seeing questions dodged, buried or feedback completely ignored makes people consider using stronger approaches, you can't just think every piece of feedback is beating them down about it, the same way these "thank" posts are so overblown with that amount of praise, as I said, it is their job, we are not friends with them, friends and business don't mix well.

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Azawarau I know you told me you have a medical condition, but please leave VanFanel1980mx's post alone...

He makes completely valid points. White knighting is a poison and we are consumers, not DE's buddies.

And as for the question... severity means how serious something is.

Ill probably forget and mention my bad memory to you 4 more times before remembering


Im not white knighting anything


i know the issues DE has


I dont particularly fancy being labeled that way for an opinion i have


Anyone who defends DE here is labeled that way whether they have reason or not and its not proving any kind of point


Im not after being friends with anyone in DE either


I jut think people should take it a little easier


The backlash at U13 was far higher than it shouldve been


They apologized and offered compensation and people still treated them much more worse than they have ever deserved


Thats the thing im against


Its not white knighting


Its just anti bullying in a way at that point




Giving constant feedback and then seeing questions dodged, buried or feedback completely ignored makes people consider using stronger approaches, you can't just think every piece of feedback is beating them down about it, the same way these "thank" posts are so overblown with that amount of praise, as I said, it is their job, we are not friends with them, friends and business don't mix well.

They have alot of work to do and alot of questions to answer and things to answer to that they dont




They listen to ALOT of player feedback and use it often


Theyre quick to work on bugs and fixes and in all honesty just arent bad people from what ive seen

Edited by Azawarau
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Im not white knighting anything


I jut think people should take it a little easier


The backlash at U13 was far higher than it shouldve been


They apologized and offered compensation and people still treated them much more worse than they have ever deserved



They have alot of work to do and alot of questions to answer and things to answer to that they dont




They listen to ALOT of player feedback and use it often


Theyre quick to work on bugs and fixes and in all honesty just arent bad people from what ive seen


Its not white knighting


You're not even trying!


Just because they fixed a lot of bugs doesn't mean there will be less problems in the future.

Just because they apologized doesn't make everything okay.

Just because a comment is negative towards anyone in particular doesn't make it bullying.

Just because people call the game an MMO doesn't mean the grind is fine.


Why is it so hard to accept that this game has a lot of flaws? Why is it necessary to defend every little thing, from the cluttered RNG systems to these damn "Thanks DE" threads? Please, explain how any of this gives every damnably ignorant post thanking DE more value than any other post.

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You're not even trying!


Just because they fixed a lot of bugs doesn't mean there will be less problems in the future.

Just because they apologized doesn't make everything okay.

Just because a comment is negative towards anyone in particular doesn't make it bullying.

Just because people call the game an MMO doesn't mean the grind is fine.


Why is it so hard to accept that this game has a lot of flaws? Why is it necessary to defend every little thing, from the cluttered RNG systems to these damn "Thanks DE" threads? Please, explain how any of this gives every damnably ignorant post thanking DE more value than any other post.

Well then


To be fair


There will always be problems in an MMO


New content = new bugs to work out


Apologizing doesnt make everything OK. But not saying anything is worse and not crediting them for apologizing even more so


The U13 threads were mostly flaming DE. Im not sure if you were around and reading all of the things said at that time but i an tell you it was borderline barbaric


I never mentioned anything about the grind so i dont know where that came from. Its an issue in the game yes


Im not defending every little thing so youre overracting very much on that one


My comment that started this string was VERY neutral and youre all taking for for a right wing




I said they arent all that bad


And they do more good than bad


I didnt say they were perfect


I didnt say they didnt have flaw


I didnt take a side on it


I think people need to seriously cut this hostile crap out




And then i get people like you throwing out this kind of thing without even knowing whats going on it seems like


Ive called a few people stupid and apologized for doing so during the same post for things like this


I truly find many of these forumers more frustrating than any ive had the displeasure of being around

Edited by Azawarau
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To be equally fair, your statements show some defense towards DE since you failed to mention that most of the outrage came from the fact that just about the entirety of U13 was placed behind a grindwall that relied on hunting the rare prosecutors with the correct basic element in order to get one of four types of beacons, one of which being rarer than diamond, and hunting a number of enemies to get stances for the Melee 2.0 system that we've been oh so patiently waiting for, with some of them having a <1% chance of dropping and many of these being on the rarer enemies like electric crawlers. There is also the issue that, although they apologize, they don't necessarily address the problems in their apology, making it seem like they're saying sorry just because. Then again, I might be wrong on that last part since it's always difficult to stick around 50+ page threads.


All this hostility comes from the fact that arguments from both sides are often shielded from heavy criticism, as seen in OP's earlier posts, or misinterpreted or perceived as threatening, as seen in our current conflict. It doesn't help that both sides are in the right at some points. Yes, this is indeed a fun game and yes, there are flaws. That doesn't mean I should be grateful nor should I just outright sh!t on the game. My point is that, while proper arguments bring out better discussions, it's stuff like what's seen in this thread - the blind praise and disdain of DE and Warframe - that bring about the worst of people.


As for that whole grind complaint, that was directed more towards Drunken_Child's response towards someone complaining about the RNG:


i will not say thank you to DE

until RNG is actually dealt with, or your know... do Token System that Nugget_ made awhile back DE.... just a thought


 Wow, people like you amaze me, so selfish, how would you feel if DE just shuts us out and refuses to listen to us. We should be thankful that DE is able to put up with people like you and not shut out the masses.


Sure, the term "white knight" was thrown about a bit, but this is some max level holy paladin sh!t going on here.

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To be equally fair, your statements show some defense towards DE since you failed to mention that most of the outrage came from the fact that just about the entirety of U13 was placed behind a grindwall that relied on hunting the rare prosecutors with the correct basic element in order to get one of four types of beacons, one of which being rarer than diamond, and hunting a number of enemies to get stances for the Melee 2.0 system that we've been oh so patiently waiting for, with some of them having a <1% chance of dropping and many of these being on the rarer enemies like electric crawlers. There is also the issue that, although they apologize, they don't necessarily address the problems in their apology, making it seem like they're saying sorry just because. Then again, I might be wrong on that last part since it's always difficult to stick around 50+ page threads.


All this hostility comes from the fact that arguments from both sides are often shielded from heavy criticism, as seen in OP's earlier posts, or misinterpreted or perceived as threatening, as seen in our current conflict. It doesn't help that both sides are in the right at some points. Yes, this is indeed a fun game and yes, there are flaws. That doesn't mean I should be grateful nor should I just outright sh!t on the game. My point is that, while proper arguments bring out better discussions, it's stuff like what's seen in this thread - the blind praise and disdain of DE and Warframe - that bring about the worst of people.


As for that whole grind complaint, that was directed more towards Drunken_Child's response towards someone complaining about the RNG:




Sure, the term "white knight" was thrown about a bit, but this is some max level holy paladin sh!t going on here.

Most stances are easy to get so you cant say theres a grind wall for U13


Heck, youll probably get most without trying


The beacons ill give to you but they dont make up the entirety of U13


If youre really in the middle ground like i am then we shouldnt be having this conversation




And as for white knighting..


People are going to label you a million and a half things through your life before getting to know you


Stereotypes,bias,and cover reading everywhere


We should learn to ignore those things

Edited by Azawarau
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