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A Quick Warframe Knowledge Check: What Do You Know?


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We keep asking for lore and more depth to Warframe but some bits and pieces already exist.

As a check of the player base I wanted to know how players will answer these questions.


If you are going to cheat/look stuff up/ copy paste please do it elsewhere.


I am genuinely generally interested in what players can answer off the top of their head.

When I ask people these questions verbally I get some interesting answers.



You can post mini-essays if you want, but short answers (1-4 lines per question) would be preferred:


1)      Who are the Grineer? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

2)      Who are the Corpus? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

3)      What does Orokin mean to you?

4)      What are the infested? Where did they come from?

5)      What is the Sentients?

6)      What is a Tenno? What is a Warframe?



Thanks for your time.


P.S. PLEASE DO NOT CHEAT! No one will be impressed.

Edited by MDRLOz
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1) The grineer are a militarized group of humanoid beings that are subject to the heavy use of cloning technology in order to conqure the solar system

They are lead by the twin queens


2) Corpus are merchants that basicly sale anything out of greed. They are also a cult like group that worships/worshipped the Orokins for their advanced use of technology and curse the tenno for destroying said empire.

They are lead by the corpus board (?)


3) Orokin Oro- gold Kin- people/family/something like that "gold people"


4) The infested are mutated abominations created by the technovirus that consume anything in their path. The virus was created by the Orokin to fight against the Sentients.


5)It is not clear what they are but they did rage war against the Orokin for control of the solar system


6) Tenno are former orokin (i think) that where exposed to the technovirus but didnt die and where mutated by the void as well (far as I know). They got powers they could not control so the warframe was not only for protection but also like a buffer system for their powers to control it properly. The orokin basically loved these guys.

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Let's see how I do. Hopefully I don't embarrass myself.


1)      Who are the Grineer? Who leads them? What is their Goal? They are a militant society of genetically cloned humans. The Queens are their leaders. Their goal is to conquer and control anything they see.


2)      Who are the Corpus? Who leads them? What is their Goal? The Corpus are a merchant society of humans that not only control the trading system, but also obsessively seek Orokin technology to further improve their robotics, even going as far as ripping it out of Warframes. They are lead by a group known only as "The board"

Edit: (Completely forgot to answer "Their goal": Their goal, more or less, is to take over as much as they can to make as much money and get as much Orokin technology as they can.


3)      What does Orokin mean? Related to gold, Family of gold....something like that.


4)      What are the infested? Where did they come from? Current infested are Corpus and Grineer that have become infected by the Technocyte plague. Kind of answered both at once, but the plague stems back to long ago, before the Orokin era.


5)      What is the sentience? The Sentience is not fully known, but it was some kind of weapon or entities, that nearly wiped out the Orokin and forced them to take drastic measures, such as infecting their own with the Technocyte plague as a means of fighting back.


6)      What is a Tenno? What is a Warframe? A Tenno is a human from the Orokin era who was infected by the Technocyte plague via the void and trained in the art of weaponry and Warframe. A Warframe is a suit that not only contains the Technocyte virus, it keeps the inflicted from turning into a mindless infested, and also allows the user to harness the power it gives into deadly abilities while also increasing their physical strength.

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1: Grineer are mass-cloned survivers of the old Earth. They got two queens as leaders and try to dominate the solar system.

2: Corpus are the other survivers, mostly seen though their Robots. Dunno who leads em but they just want to get money from selling warframe stuff and controled most solar rails in the past.

3: The Orokin were an old race who ruled the solar system quite a while ago until the war with the so called sentients.

4: The Infested are some kind of weapon created but the Orokin or an infection form of the technocyte virus released on earth centuries ago (look up Dark Sector Lore or play the game)

5: Dunno much about them, only that they fought the Orokin and it seems like they won. In a last try to win the war the Orokin created the first warframe - Excalibur (Prime)

6 Tenno were created by the Orokin and are the only "persons" who can control the power of the Warframe suits.


Thats from my knowledge - Please correct me if im wrong at anything :)

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1)      Who are the Grineer? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

The Grineer are an army of degenerate and degenerating clones bent on conquest.  I don't know who leads them


2)      Who are the Corpus? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

The corpus are technophiles who don't have infuriating units like Napalms or Shield Lancers or those 'roller' things.  (I know F***-all about the Corpus.  =P)


3)      What does Orokin mean?

I don't know what it means, but that's the name of an ancient civilization.  Something about them creating the Tenno, but then ultimately being destroyed by them (the tenno).


4)      What are the infested? Where did they come from?

Something about a "Technocyte virus".  They're basically The Flood but in Warframe.


5)      What is the sentience?

I don't know who the sentients (when used in game, I remember it being plural, not singular) were, but the excerpt said something about them turning the weapons of the Orokin against the weapons' masters.  So I'd guess it was Lotus and/or who she works for.


6)      What is a Tenno? What is a Warframe?

A Tenno is a warframe 'pilot'.

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You can post mini-essays if you want, but short answers (1-4 lines per question) would be preferred:

No, i can't. I'll answer in short sentences.


1)      Who are the Grineer? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

         Greedy people who just wants the conquer everything. The sisters. Rule the universe.

2)      Who are the Corpus? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

         People of trade. The board. Have complete control over resources in the universe thinking they'd rule if they do.

3)      What does Orokin mean?

         Ancient Technology.... manufactured from technocyte virus.

4)      What are the infested? Where did they come from?

         Remnants of the Great Plague. Teachnocyte virus.

5)      What is the sentience?

         Hmm, probably a group within the orokin(underworld) whose aim is to become the strongest in the universe.

6)      What is a Tenno? What is a Warframe?

         Tenno is an alliance to take down the sentients and balance the universe. Exoarmors.


Ha! tried my best to remember those codex stuff.

Edited by Scherhardt
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1)      Who are the Grineer? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

2)      Who are the Corpus? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

3)      What does Orokin mean?

4)      What are the infested? Where did they come from?

5)      What is the Sentients?

6)      What is a Tenno? What is a Warframe?

1. Grineer are a belligerent and militaristic group of humans (rather, human descendants) that are led by the Queens. They rely on cloning as a means of procreating because they do not want to sully their genetic pool (possibly with greedy milk?), and have a rather "grand" vision of a Grineer dominated solar system. They want to control everything with an iron fist.


2. Corpus are a group of human descendants who rely heavily on technological advancement. As a faction, they're run more like a corporation (versus the Grineer being run like an army). They have a "board" of "directors" that seem to decide the significant directions that the faction will take. They just want to make lots of money and be rich.


3. The Orokin are the "ancient" humans, the humans that were alive during the "golden age" which lead to immense technological advancements. The areas in the void should be an indication of the sort of prosperity and advancement that the Orokin had the benefit of. There are no Orokin remaining that we know of.


4. The Infested are products of the Technocyte virus running rampant. The Orokin had originally developed the Technocyte virus to create superpowered creatures to fight the Sentients (more on them later), however the virus seemed to run rampant and create more problems than it solved, especially because of the virus's tendency to assimilate both animate and inanimate objects. In short, they're the descendants of a biological weapon developed to win a war.


5. It's still unknown what the Sentients actually are. It's speculated that they're either a race of aliens from another solar system, or super-advanced AIs (think Geth). What we do know is that they were at war with the Orokin, which lead to the development of both the Technocyte virus and Warframes.


6a. A Tenno is a descendant of an ancient family of humans (likely from Hayden Tenno), or a human with specific genetic markers that allow them to fuse with Warframes (and possibly even the Technocyte virus without being overwhelmed) and obtain fantastic powers when exposed to the energies of the void. 


6b. A Warframe is a special suit of techno-organic armor (possibly created through the manipulation of the Technocyte virus) that serves several functions: it protects the wearer with energy based shields and a level of ballistic protection, it serves as a temporary breathing apparatus when no air is available, and lastly it serves as a conduit for the Void's energy to allow the wearer to channel and manifest amazing powers. Only the Tenno are capable of wearing a Warframe, possibly due to the Tenno's resistance to the Technocyte virus and their inherent genetic traits and abilities granted from their dip in the void.

Edited by Letter13
This is the lore as I understand it.
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1)      Who are the Grineer? Who leads them? What is their Goal?


The Grineer are led by the Twin Grineer Queens, and are apparently a matriarch-republic-warrior race that were cloned en masse to form an army. Of course, apparently, repeatedly cloning yourself and sending your clones to die has detrimental effects on your long-term health. They want to conquer the solar system, and also regain their perfect genes, which is why Tyl Regor's around, the mad scientist with a Skana. They have a bureaucratic hierarchy where individuals are assigned leadership positions in certain areas of their administration: Foreign affairs, military, research, exploration and so on. 


2)      Who are the Corpus? Who leads them? What is their Goal?


The Corpus are a conglomerate, a huge company which specialises in dealing with technological goods. We don't know much of their civilisation outside of this corporate entity, but we know that the Board of Directors makes the decisions on what is to be done. Alad V, Fraud Behk and Darvo are apparently famous businessmen who were promoted, a la CEO's of a company. However, Alad V was ousted for doing poorly, Darvo rejected his father's role for him, and Fraud Behk is a massive pain in the derrière. 


Interestingly though, I think they're given quite a lot of freedom from the board as to how they perform business, so long as they turn over a profit. Zanuka Project was such an example of the liberty given (To senior members of the board only, perhaps), but we really screwed Alad V over on this one.


They worship the Orokin, and seek to salvage all of their technology, possibly to reverse engineer it and achieve the same level of technological achievement. Most likely it's to also turn over a massive profit. It is also possible they're into other sectors of business, such as consumer products, manufacturing of vehicles, construction equipment and so on. This is evidenced in the common availability of "Greedy Milk", which is apparently a Corpus favorite. (Joking! The milk comes from crushing the skulls of Corpus Crewmen!)


3)      What does Orokin mean?


The Orokin actually refers to a race of people that pre-dates all the current races, except for the Tenno. They're known to be technologically advanced, possibly having invented faster-than-light travel with the Solar Rails, among other things. Their weapons are the pinnacle of technology, and their weapons, which are most likely laser-based, are far more advanced than the weapons which the Corpus try to mimic. This is seen in the speed of their projectiles, despite possibly having the same energy source: Despite having a laser/plasma casting sound effect, the Orokin have hit-scan bullets and magazines, whereas the Corpus still shoot slow projectiles. 


These guys were wiped out (possibly not entirely) long ago by the Tenno, and before that, threatened by the beings they refer to as "The Sentients". 


4)      What are the infested? Where did they come from?


A biological weapon created by the Orokin as a means to combat the Sentients, or so it seems. Possibly, created before the Tenno were used. Impressively, they developed a hive-mind sentience, though it's unknown whether they were created this way. 


5)      What is the Sentients?


Currently unknown exactly what they are, but it's known they are good at using enemy technology for their own. The infested were made to combat them: An essentially technologically-absent race. Possibly, they are AI of some sort, or even robots, which may explain their predisposition to technological affairs. Based on the naming convention, they most likely surprised the Orokin by being "Sentient", where they were expected not to be.


6)      What is a Tenno? What is a Warframe?


A Tenno is the operator of a Warframe, which, supposedly, is a humanoid that has been somehow changed by the Void, or has a connection to the Void. It's unknown whether we can truly call a Tenno "Human", because we don't know what we actually are: We fit into Warframes of different sizes and different powers. We turn into puddles. We turn invisible. We teleport. A Warframe has been known to be a weapon which is a catalyst for Void energy, and would presumably be useless for those who are not with this ability. 


So it really begs the question: What are we?

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1)      Ugly, dirty, mutant, toxic guys. Clones. Formerly humans from the planet Earth. They are lead by "The Queen Sisters", whatever they are. Their goal is to role the whole Solar System with their own kind of brutal tools.

2)      Sci-fi scientist guys, tons of recolored two-feeted cute things called "MOA"s, and an other ton of recolored drones. Humans with cute boxes on their heads that protects them (well, not against Tenno bullets, huh?). They also came from planet Earth, however, there's an other planet (Neptune?) which says it's the home of their empire. Their leader? Do they have any? We don't know that. But I think they probably have a Council-thing. They are also "traders", they want to sell everything in order to grow their knowledge and empire.

3)      Orokin is an ancient super-intelligent civilization. They were known from their fantastic technologies. And BAM! They are gone to the "void". We don't really know WHAT they are actually...

4)      Sick guys. They used to be normal humans but an unknown disease made them be reckless, toxic mutants. They infect everything they can.

5)      Probably the Tenno. Or their relatives. According to the Excalibur codex entry.

6)      The first Tenno was Hayden Tenno from the game known as Dark Sector, so probably the first group of Tenno is his... group...?? But now they are warriors of the whole Solar System. They are paid for their jobs. I don't think they are loyal, actually. The Corpus call them 'betrayers' for some reason. A warframe is a special cloth they always wear, it has special and unique abilities. It also protects them from heavy damage, but only useful with attention.

Edited by at35z
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1. Clones of clones  - Their "Queens" - Complete system domination/eradication of the tenno

2. Space-faring humans - Richer spacemen - Get rich

3. Hell if I know, the Orokin are dead

4. Technocyte zombies - Orokin era super-weapon?

5. Sentient machines I suppose, like the Towers.

6. Another race of humans, named after Hayden Tenno, (I imagine he's considered a god to them). - A Warframe is an Orokin-tech suit of armor.

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1)      Who are the Grineer? Who leads them? What is their Goal?


Army of clones. Mostly. I say mostly because if they are all clones, why do we have Kril or Vor or Ruk Or Kela Or .....

Lead by the Twin Queens. Matriarchal society.

Goal is global domination. Eventually extermination of all non-grineer race.


Xenophobic bastards.


2)      Who are the Corpus? Who leads them? What is their Goal?


Corpus are merchants. Like... Real mad merchants. They want profits, they want Orokin tech for profits.

Lead by some sort of High Council.

They have indoctrination temples. Goal is money. The more the better.


3)      What does Orokin mean?


"Oro" mean  "gold", I think "Kin" refer to species or race.


4)      What are the infested? Where did they come from?


Infested are humans/corpus/grineers infected by the Technocyte virus.

Unlike Tenno, the virus affected them a lot. Physically and mentally.


Basically, they are in so much pain they become insane, and the virus transform them.


5)      What is the Sentients?


Sentients are an obscure group of entity.

We don't know much. Just the fact they were fighting the Orokins before the "invention" of the Warframe. And they were winning.


6)      What is a Tenno? What is a Warframe?


The first Tenno was a Human called Hayden Tenno. Infected by the Technocyte (Nano-virus created by humans in Dark Sector) but he didn't become an infested because he was immune to physical pain.

He was still partially affected and a least one part of his body became a "warframe", some kind of magical armor.


Fast forward, the Orokin "invented" again the Warframes to win the war against the Sentients.

They sent a lot of people in the void during the creation of the first Warframes prime but I'm not sure how these people were used in this process.

They won against the sentients with the help of the Tenno/Warframes, we killed the Orokins after. We were sleeping in cryopods since this event.

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1) Humans who re-discovered cloning technology, allowing them to take over Earth and create a massive army by zerg-rushing, They are lead by the Twin Queens and their goal is likely to create a paradise for the Queens/Grineer


2) Human merchants who have started a religion over Orokin technology, they are lead by the "Board" and their goal seems to be to succeed the Orokin


3) GoldGold/Gold people


4) The infested are living beings infected with the Technocyte virus, which was created by the Orokin to combat the Sentience.


5) A robotic hivemind of sentient machines who were adaptable and capable of using an enemies technology against them, the MOA is derived from a sentience footsoldier


6) Tenno are humanoids who successfully survived in the Void, this gave them unique powers and abilities, Warframes are suits of armor created from a controlled strain of Technocyte, they work both as protection for the wearer but also used to amplify the abilities of the Tenno wearing it.

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1) The Grineer are a deteriorating people who rely on old cloning techniques and mechanical prosthetics; they are better at fixing their bodies than they are at making good ones in the first place. Led by enigmatic figures known to us as ‘The Queens’, they seek to dominate the universe and paint it in their colors, other races be damned.


2) The Corpus are a merchant society that have an almost unhealthy reverence for Orokin technology, and worship it thus. Not much is known about their chain of command, but given their corporate-styled structuring and being driven by profit, it would be safe to assume that chairman of the board Frohd Bek plays a major role in the leadership of the Corpus. Known objectives of the Corpus include finding Orokin artifacts and selling them to the highest bidder.


3) The Orokin were a race of sentient beings that predate the Warframe Era by thousands of years. They were well versed in both mechanical and biological technologies, and their legacy can be seen in prime equipment and the Infestation, respectively. When used as an adjective, Orokin means that the object in question either is an artifact from this lost civilization (Orokin catalyst/reactor), or has ties with them (Orokin derelict).


4) During the war with the Sentients, the Orokin unleashed the Technocyte virus: a biological weapon in a last-ditch attempt to defeat them. Poor souls infected by this weapon mutate and become the Infested. Capable of infecting Grineer and Corpus alike, the Infestation constantly mutates until the original host is no longer recognisable, as seen in the Infested Ancients and Lephantis.


5) The Sentients were the Orokin’s main enemies during the Orokin era. Very little is known about them at the current time, but it is speculated that they may have been the descendants of humanity, hence the name.


6) Tenno are the inheritors of the Warframe exo-armor, and carry with them many powers and mysteries. A product of Orokin Technology, both the Tenno and their Warframes revolve around a warrior society and are held to their values of honor, although recent events (the Gradivus Dillema, for one) implies that not all Tenno are driven by Honor and balance alone, and may be swayed by profit.

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1. Grineer are basically the space dalek.

Generally modified to be perfect but because of excessive cloning they're degrading.
The twin queens called Sisters lead them. 
Goal is to kill everything that isn't Grineer. Total domination.
2. Space merchants that use indoctrination and proxies to fight.
Counsel of 9.
3. Tenno ancestors, that fought in a war, loved gold, and were killed by the weapons they created.
4. Bio-organisms mutated from a virus of unkown origins, believed to be created by the Orokin
5. An unknown race that almost destroyed the Orokin, they were defeated by the Tenno in the end of the old war.
6. Tenno is the name given to someone that wears a Warframe and has unique powers granted from exposure to the void.
Warframe is the armor they wear, it was created by a form of the Tenchocite virus.

Edited by DecapitatingJim
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NOTE: Since there is not a whole lot of lore surrounding the topics you brought up, nearly all answers, especially those concerning the Sentients and the Orokin, are nothing more than what I as an individual think, and therefore may differ significantly from others' answers. With that, let's get to it.


1)      Who are the Grineer? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

2)      Who are the Corpus? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

3)      What does Orokin mean to you?

4)      What are the infested? Where did they come from?

5)      What is the Sentients?

6)      What is a Tenno? What is a Warframe?


1) The Grineer are an empire of totalitarian, militaristic clones led by the Twin Queens, Matriarchs that co-rule the Grineer Empire. They seek the total subjugation of all denizens of the Solar System, and if they resist, they are dealt with, primarily through violence. While the Twin Queens rule the Grineer, they have Figureheads (or puppet rulers) set up throughout the Solar System. These include the likes of Vay Hek, Captain Vor, and Lech Kril. While these figureheads control their respective sectors, they ultimately answer to the Queens.


2) The Corpus are a massive merchant guild and the primary source of trade throughout the Solar System. They meddle in the business of all other factions, including their own enemies, dealing weapons, building armor, constructing space-worthy ships, dealing in scrap, and so on. Where there is profit to be made, they are undoubtedly there. They are led by a "Council" of sorts, which consists of the richest and most successful merchants and traders from all around the Solar System, and operates similarly to a Board of Executives. Their goal is simple: profit, at any cost. The less red tape and morals to block them, the better.


3) The Orokin, translated, is essentially Gold, which fits the aesthetics of what they left behind, such as the gold-trimmed Orokin Towers. They are no alien race or perfect beings like some Corpus and Grineer have come to believe. They are (or were) simple humans that were fortunate enough (or smart enough) to use powerful technology to assert control over the Solar System. Beyond this, there is little information left. We do not know if they were benevolent, or sadistic. We simply do not know beyond what was learned through archives.


4) The Infested are people that have become infected by the Technocyte virus. The virus (also known as T-Cyte) originated long before the Tenno rose from their cryopods, back to the time of the first Tenno. It originated from the United States, and after having gone rampant in the country of Lasria, spread throughout the world, and eventually the Solar System. The T-Cyte virus is akin to modern day rabies, but on a more violent scale, quickly deforming the body of the victim and morphing their brains. The Infested are the result. As time passes, the Infested spread and grow, until eventually a Hive-Mind of sorts is formed. This Hive-Mind is often given a physical shape, the more notable of which being Lephantis and the Phorid, which both act as the central intelligence for their respective Hive-Minds.


5) Little is known of the Sentients. Much of what was known has been lost to time, the Tenno being the only ones that can possibly remember, but due to the amnesiac side effect of spending so much time in cryostasis, that information was lost as well. What is known is that the Orokin were once at war with the Sentients, the reasons for the conflict being unknown as well. As time went on, the Sentients destroyed more and more of the Orokin empire, until eventually they were at the doorstep of the Orokin seat of power. Forced into drastic measures, the Orokin turned to the Tenno, and these Tenno drove the alien Sentients out of the Solar System. Although they were driven out, the Sentients were not annihilated. They still exist, in deep space, beyond the edges of the Solar System.


6) The Tenno are individuals physically twisted and empowered by the Void energy. During their conflict with the Sentients, the Orokin took drastic measures and sent many of their own into the Void. Of the thousands that were undoubtedly sent, only a fraction of them returned. These individuals were twisted, some more twisted than others. Some retained their looks and human shape, while others were not so lucky. Despite the vast differences in appearance, they were each given extraordinary power. Some had the ability to control magnetism, some electricity. Some had no special power, but their physical and mental ability were boosted tremendously. These became the Tenno, named after a historic figure the Orokin held in high regard. And so, the Tenno became Warrior Gods, nigh-undefeatable in battle. But the Tenno faced a problem. They were powerful, but that power was almost impossible to control. So the Tenno and Orokin, together, crafted the Warframes, techno-organic suits that amplified and controlled the Tenno's power all at once.


And that's that. I hope you enjoyed my essay.

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1)      Who are the Grineer? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

An Evil clone army empire led by twin queens(how that works is beyond me). Their goal RULE EVERYTHING!!!


2)      Who are the Corpus? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

Abunch of marketing clans that came together. They are led by a council(possibly the heads of the best marketing clans). Profit is their goal.


3)      What does Orokin mean to you?

Humans... Future humans... possibly what cybernetics, and bionics came too, or some evolutionary period to the human race which allowed them to live, and breed in space since giving birth in space would lead to deformed children that would die on re-entry to earth.

4)      What are the infested? Where did they come from?

Infested are an infestation created by the orokin(or so were lead to believe) That helped wipe out the sentients, and helped wipe out the orokin.

They can consume anything from metal, and flesh to enhance, and evolve into superior beings until eventually the masses become one making a new golem.


5)      What is the Sentients?

Some mysterious alien race the orokin were at war with.

6)      What is a Tenno? What is a Warframe?

Tenno is a mutated human from the void. Warframe is a conduit to help a Tenno focus its powers since a Tenno has all powers.



I gave my answers plus showed my source material :D

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1) Clones of humans from long ago led by the 3 sisters bent on origin system domination

2) The corpus are another "race" of humans led by a council of leaders (including Darvos father) and are motivated by money and Orokin technology.

3) Orokin is an old race of as yet to be described in detail beings that used to rule the origin system that were killed by the Tenno.

4) The infested are a hogepoge of many of the other races that used to be a weapon that has grown out of control of it's creator.

5) An as yet undescribed race that fought against the Orokin hundreds of years before the telling of Warframes story.

6) A tenno is a warrior who wields Gun's, Blade's and a Warframe as weapons as it attempts to restore balance to the origin system.

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1. The Grineer are human-based clones that are led by two (female?) characters who call themselves the Queens. Their goal is destroying and enslaving all other factions (Infested, Corpus, Tenno or anything of Orokin origin) and to completely subject them to their rule. Oh, and they also want to rule the Origin System. 


2. The Corpus is a mercantile guild bent on gaining maximum profit, no matter the cost (their motto: Profit numbs the feeling). It seems they are able to co-exist with other factions, but seeing as the Grineer want to destroy the Corpus and Infested seek to consume all... I don't know. It seems that the Corpus are lead by a group of charter members. 


3. A majority of the playerbase has an idea of who the Orokin are. For me, the Orokin is a type of people that were responsible for the creation of the Tenno. The Orokin were extremely prosperous due to the numerous Void towers that were built and the magnificent architecture within said building. I can also say that they were extremely intelligent; they created a suit that allowed a Tenno to channel all of the power, and are able to create an AI that can mind-control battalions of Grineer and Corpus, as well as Infested entities.


4. The Infested is a group of "zombies" that seek to consume and adapt according to their environment (I like to think of them as the Flood from Halo, but Infested seek to consume on a smaller scale). I speculate that Infested came way before Warframe (I'm talking about centuries), in the mid 1900s. Grineer and Corpus soldiers are infected with the virus known as "Technocyte", where the skin grows hard (practically into metal). It is not known where they have received an "animalistic" mentality; the Technocyte that we've known from Dark Sector might have evolved dramatically into what we know in Warframe today.


5. The Sentients are an intelligent human/alien race that fought against the Orokin. Their fighting against the Orokin was part of the reason for the creation of the Tenno. Not much is known about the Sentients.


6. A Tenno is a human that was sent to the Void by the Orokin. The Tenno gains energy (or powers) from the Void. The Tenno are mysterious, but it is easy to tell that they were trained well by the Orokin in ways of stealth, gunplay and swordplay. Their creation was responsible for the defeat of the Sentients as well as the betrayal of the Orokin. A Tenno wears a Warframe, a suit that is specifically designed to suit a specific role. A Warframe helps channel that energy so that the are able to fulfill their role. 

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1)      Who are the Grineer? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

2)      Who are the Corpus? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

3)      What does Orokin mean?

4)      What are the infested? Where did they come from?

5)      What is the sentience?

6)      What is a Tenno? What is a Warframe?



Saw the first few lines of the first post. Sorry...


1) The Grineer is a faction that exists in the world of Warframe. The Grineer are (from what I understand) trying to colonize the solar system. Lead by what I hear the Grineer calling... the Twin Queens or something... weird, the Grineer seem to look like and act as a military-esque faction. Though, the weird thing is that the Grineer faces are malformed in some way, this could probably be from the generations of cloning themselves.


2) The Corpus are another faction in Warframe. Though, I am not entirely sure what their overall goal is... Alad V leads the Corpus, we are introduced to Sir Alad in the PS4 trailer for Warframe. From the few dialogues he provides I can tell that he wants to "extract" or in my eyes "dissect" the Tenno's Warframes and use their sacred powers to gain... well.... power and probably Soul Punch the Grineer.


3) I have not looked too deeply into the Orokin. Here is what I can piece together... The Orokin are what existed before some large-scale war between a few factions. I'd imagine that the Orokin were pretty powerful and adept at weaponry and ship structure. Seeing as though the "Orokin Void" is adrift outside of the known Solar System, these are what remain of the past. (Not much else to say from there)


4) Oh gosh, the infested... though typically a neutral faction... the infested seem to be what wiped out a lot of the Orokin Ships. (Orokin Derelict). From what I've heard somewhere in-game it comes from something called the Technocyte virus or something of that sort. The "Infested" are for the most part manifestations of other faction members. Those being... the Grineer and the Corpus.


5) I have heard nothing about this... well perhaps something on the wiki but nothing major. I am assuming they were some type of (harr harr) proxy made by the Orokin and they gained "Sentience", or.. an understanding of their surroundings and themselves. In other words, artificially intelligent robots.. I suppose.


6) A Tenno... huh... I see a Tenno as nothing more than the living being inside the Warframe. Tenno are probably descendants or something. Hailing from Sir Hayden Tenno, in Dark Sector. I am assuming they have the so-called Technocyte virus in their genes making them immune to the effects of the infestation. (Not sure how that explains the factions you fight alongside though...) Warframes are basically suits that the Tenno wear to enhance the ability, or perhaps utilize them efficiently to what they can endure.


Wellp, you can pretty much see that alot of my ramblings is BS. Lol I hope you like my (mostly) theorized stuff.

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1)      Who are the Grineer? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

Cloned army, the "future of mankind" is genetic homogeneity (seriously?!!? h.omogeneity is a biological term, why does the filter obstruct it?).  Lead by the Twin Queens, they seek solar domination and reclaiming the technologies of the lost Orokin Empire.


2)      Who are the Corpus? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

Corporate Nation State, at odds with Grineer.  Probably lead by some old rich white guys.  Goal: Make money, not die.


3)      What does Orokin mean to you?

Lost golden age of mankind. Defeated the Sentient's, barely.


4)      What are the infested? Where did they come from?

Technocyte virus.


5)      What is the Sentients?

Oppositional force from outside the solar system, possibly alien, possibly technocyte.  Warred with the Orokin, were driven back.


6)      What is a Tenno? What is a Warframe?

Tenno is the way of gun and blade, founded by Hayden Tenno, the first Tenno.  The current Tenno are void-touched humans contained in Warframe armor to control and utilize their powers, and trained in the way of the Tenno.

Edited by Gelkor
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1)      Who are the Grineer? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

Clones, Te twin Queens. Total domination of the solar system or as it called in the game "the origin" system


2)      Who are the Corpus? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

Humans, The board, Money money money, total domination of all Orokin tech.


3)      What does Orokin mean to you?

Highly advance human race that level of technology would seem like magic compaired to our own level (real world) Tech. 


4)      What are the infested? Where did they come from?

a cheep knock off of helo's flood. MUST CONSUME ALL TO GROW. Mindless by them selves smart as a hive maybe there is a hive mind...Come form? that dang virus that on a rare off chance can give birth to tenno. 


5)      What is the Sentients? Something that done gone wrong when the orokin was playing god with their Tech.


6)      What is a Tenno? What is a Warframe?

Tenno are HUMAN  that gotten warped by that techno virus then tossed into the void for poop giggles by some shadow government for experimentation, once they came back they had power beyond scientific explanation/ Again they are humans elevated by a virus and some void voodoo. They maybe (ARE) referred to Tenno after the First one.. Hayden Tenno


 Warframe? That is a layer of exoskeleton armor meant to enhance and tune a tenno's powers. Each suit it tailored to the tenno so every one is going to be differently made and atuned to use speacal powers of said tenno. 

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Yeah I thought I'd give this a go but dear me it's hard as heck without catching other peoples posts:


1) The Grineer are a subset of humanity left after the Tenno destroyed the remainder of the Orokin. With so few of humanity left the Grineer went to cloning to keep itself alive. Though through the centuries issues within the Grineer DNA started to arise and defects started to form. In order to counter this issue the Grineer went about cyberising their bodies in order to survive. They follow a Monarchy (a Queen) and their goal (beyond wiping out the Tenno) is to cleanse the solar system from weakness.


2) The Corpus are... I'm not entirely sure beyond Corporate dudes who in fact are after profit but who is there to gain profit from. The Tenno nor Grineer buy anything from them so how the Corpus work I don't honestly know. I do know they are run by a Board which Alad V was a part of and... Phro Bek (Darvo's dad) is still a part of. I'm also aware that the Corpus are really into robots to fight their wars and Orokin technology.


3) The oringal human race that explored the solar system.


4) The infested are... anything that has been infected by the technocite virus but have devolved into a primordial mess. My theory is that the technocite virus (I'm sure this has been mentioned in the codex) was brought from the void by the Tenno that survived the journey back from the Void. Or maybe it's due to people being experimented on to create more Tenno from the original one that survive the journey from the void *shrug*.


5) Bad dudes that were winning the war against the Orokin before the Tenno were created/used.


6) A Tenno is a dude that's inside the Exoskeleton that is the Warframe. Indicated by Excalibur's and Stalkers codex entries a Tenno wears a Warframe but someone who wears a Warframe might not be a Tenno. I theorise that Stalker is not a Tenno less he did it to himself after the blood bath on terminus. I feel that the Warframe is a conduit for the Tenno however the Tenno is not bound to a single body and they're able to freely move around from Warframe to Warframe though never more than one at a same time and it's not an easy process to switch. Which is why they can go into cryostasis, when they do they're trapped.

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Hello there! Oh interesting, i'll try it without cheating! And sorry if there's any grammar/spelling mistakes.

(btw, Calayne had to speak faux-french in order to show me this thread, you can thank him again if it's not already done Loz! xD )



1- Most of the Grineer we know are decaying clones from genetically enhanced soldiers (maybe from the Orokin age or even before), since the fall, they are governed by the Tween queens. They want to build an empire that will control everything in the system and ensure Grineer domination above everyone else. They also seem interested in a cure against their decay and about orokin/void technology. Yet we don't know much about their culture and how they oppress thoses who live on an occupied planet.


2- Corpus are a quite recent yet powerful corporation, enough to resist against Grineer's military power. They don't seem to have a clear and define leader on their side, it looks more like they tend to build a consensus and thoses who don't agree with it just do things their way (example: Alad V). They look like European's old feudal system without any King, and thus, the balance of power seems in constant change on the Corpus side. Teir goal is to keep and strive their overfree market system. Yet, some Corpus are more interested in warframe & orokin tech' and use their funds to find interesting discoveries in that area. (It's unsure but I think that they have some indoctrination centers to control the population of the colonized worls they have. Plus they have a quite long life expectancy compared to us/grineers)


3- The Orokin is an old empire that leaded the solar system (and maybe even some extrasolar systems) for a long period of time before the fall. It seems that the orokin were mostly humans, judging by the architecture of void structures and technology. It looks like they have unified humans from the Earth after the event of Dark Sector (and a possible Technocythe/Infestation strike). Like Tennos, they used and modified the technocythe virus to create some of their technology ( =Trees from the orokin void/derelict overgrowth). They were also well advanced with the Void and must have used it for space travel/ to hide things/ to distord space (the Tardis effect for those who know a bit of Dr.Who) etc... I believe they know how to control the infestation and maybe used it against the sentient before using the Tenno.


4- I think infested are a biological weapon deriving from the Technocythe virus (if not the virus in it's purest form). I don't know if they came directly form the Orokin or before. Anyway, they seem to act like the flood in halo and try to consume every beeing on their way. They also have the ability to create a consciousness with enough biomass (the golem) and thus creating a leader. At this state, they become highly dangerous, as they become impossible to control.


5- I really don't know who are sentients. They seem extinct, so it could be anything (Self-aware AI? Aliens? unforseen mutation of the Technocythe? some kind of infestation? ect...) But at least we know that during the war against the Orokin, they were able to use their technology and use it for their own. Also, it seems that they were weak against Tenno and ancien weaponry of the old Earth. (It reminds me of the replicators in Stargate)


6- We know that Hayden Tenno is the first of all Tenno, so it's quite sure that Tenno are/were human at some point (and not AI/robots/some sort of Void entity). We also know that they are infected by the Technocythe virus but are able to control it/not be overrun by it. I am not sure but it looks like their power are linked with the Void (maybe this aspect is a legacy of the Orokin as they were advanced in that field?). To me, the warframe is like a second skin that serves as a protection and as a tool to amplify their power (and maybe also to create a connection with the void to trigger their power?). Tenno are like a constant instance in this system, as they were created before the Orokin age and ended it.


Woops, I hope it's not too long. I've got too much things to say about it!

Anyways, I think we could also put some lore questions about the Lotus and the Stalker, it might be interesting to see everyone's view on it!  :3



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1)      Who are the Grineer? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

Cloned Humans, led by a bunch of bosses and Grineer Queens.  Their goal is like Klingons, Domination and Conquest (maybe some Honor)

2)      Who are the Corpus? Who leads them? What is their Goal?

A genetic offshot of Humanity.  They are led by Corporations of leaders whom names I do not recall (they have only been mentioned in game maybe once during Darvo event mission).  Their goal, just like Ferengi is PROFIT!

3)      What does Orokin mean to you?

The ones who originally created Warframes that the Tenno/Lotus have adapted for their use.  They're not around here anymore.  (Like the first/old ones from Stargate.)

4)      What are the infested? Where did they come from?

Some generic virus that went out of control to fight some ancient enemy that may or may not have been aligned with the Orokin.  Twisted flesh that replicates and grows and multiplies, just like the Borg ;)

5)      What 'ARE' the Sentients?

AI pets.  Or are we talking about how the Orokin has Neural sentries that can take over the minds of things that aren't protected and use it to protect the tower?

6)      What is a Tenno? What is a Warframe?

A person that is either fused to a suit or has a suit built around them though design or infection.  As to how this relates to playing multiple ones as extra lives?  Who knows.  Is it always the same person in every Warframe you play (aka you) or is it all different people?  Who knows, DE isn't telling on purpose. This definition is left open ended on purpose because they want players to self identify with them to some extent or to simply shut up and shoot and slash at stuff.

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1) The grineer were formerly a group of salvagers and junk collectors wkith no real power, and who presented no real threat to anyone. However at some fairly recent point they came into the possession of cloning technology. At about the same time the Twin Queens rose to power within the grineer faction, turning them into a more militaristic force. Initially through politics and now through military force, the Grineer have begun to dominate the Sol System.


2)The Corpus were originally a number of mercantile factions, all with a similar ideology. They hoarded Orokin tech and used it to help build an almost religious following. With the emergence of the Grineer as a real threat, the Individual Corpus factions decided to band together, to further control prices and profits as well as to present a stronger face to the rest of the system.


3) The Orokin (spoilered for length and bullet points)

The Orokin

  • Former humans who transcended their physical bodies through technology, becoming nearly godlike in the process.
  • Many levels of higher level though. An Orokin entity could play multiple matches of chess at once, focussing on each, while at the same time reading a stack of books and holding a number of conversations.
  • Still had physical bodies, kept in storage similar to Tenno cyropods, consciousness still linked to this body.
  • With their greater technology and nearly limitless mental capacity the Orokin took full control of the Origin system , and soon began to take systems further out. However the huge distance scope required that the physical Orokin body be transferred to these systems (Limits of mental range and interface)
  • Because their bodies remained in permanent stasis the Orokin were functionally immortal. Over time they lost their connection with the physical world and their old morality.
  • Human lives to them became fleeting flashes of activity, mere specs in their infinite perception.
  • Because of this the Orokin empire became one of Tyranny and oppression, prone to their individual obsessions and collective passions.
  • Citizens within the Empire were subject to extensive mental conditioning leaving them under the control of the empire.
  • Most of the Orokin moved their physical bodies to the void after its discovery as the nature of that space allowed for Zero width connections to the normal plane of reality, giving them nearly limitless mental scope (see point about bodies needing to be moved to other systems)
  • Prompted the construction of the void towers.
  • A number of the original Orokin believed that they no longer required their original bodies, choosing to discard them to "truly become immortal". This proved to be a mistake, as those who did so lost their sense of self. These self-less individuals coalesced into what is now referred to as the Neural Sentry, a presence that once pervaded all that the Orokin created. Since the collapse it has been confined to the Towers within the Void. It is incredibly hostile to all who enter, and seeks to destroy anything it cannot bend to its will.


4) The infested were originally a weaponised form of the technocyte virus deployed by the Orokin against the sentients. Over time the virus has further mutated without the control of the Orokin, resulting in the horrors we see today.


5) The Sentients (again spoilered for length)

The Sentients

  • Another post-physical race hell bent on conquest. Their technology and ability was much beyond the Orokin, and so any forces deployed against them were either wiped out or taken over, ironically due to the mental conditioning imparted by the Orokin.
  • First contact consisted of the Sentients completely sterilising an Orokin controlled system, and in the process the first true deaths of the Orokin race.
  • System by system the Orokin forces, and their numbers fell. Many weapons were created, but none succeeded in slowing the tide of the Sentients. Around this time the Technocyte plague was weaponised and unleashed in the form of the Infestation, as a form of a scorched Earth policy.
  • Some tried to escape into the void proper, taking with them whole colonies. The connections back on their former planets were simply severed, trapping there for eternity, left to face the terrible maelstrom of void energies. None were ever heard from again.
  • Systems would quickly fall to the Sentients, but they would still take a "long" time to travel between systems. This passage of time was negligible for Post Physical beings such as the Orokin, but still meant that the conquest of their systems was over a period of nearly a century.


6) The Tenno (Oh dear RNGesus the length...)

The Tenno, and the Lotus

  • Orokin within the Origin System began a program to develop ships that could pass through the void and re-enter normal space without the need for anchor points, as a means of escaping the seemingly unstoppable sentients.
  • Some of the data they received was that of a set of humans children sent into the void on a ship unshielded from the void, and what had become of them.
  • The process was repeated in order to create super-powered soldiers capable of fighting off the Sentient advance and destroying them
  • The first set of these warriors received the typical mental conditioning of the time, and the first time they were sent into battle they suffered the same fate as every previous attempt to fight back. The ones that had not been sent to fight were kept near where the Orokin were based, where a stronger mental link meant that they could resist the control of the Sentients. They became known as the Lower Guardians.
  • A new set of warriors were commissioned, they were to be free of the Orokin control, the first in ages. Instead one of the Orokin was to preside over them personally. In doing so the presiding Orokin decided to return to her body, a rare, but not of unheard of occurrence.
  • The Orokin had long passed the need for names, but the trainees who were to become Tenno gave their lady the name "The Lotus" because of the shape of her head-dress (needed to maintain connection to her expanded mentality). The Lotus liked this, and began to see the Tenno as her children. As their training went on and the Lotus spent more and more time in her physical body, thoughts and feelings long distant began to return, though the Tenno were a necessary for the fight against the Sentients, the thought of what had been done to mere children brought her unease.
  • As time went on and more and more Tenno were trained, having proved that they were the first things the Orokin had sent against the sentients that could hold their own, slowing the advance and then halting it right outside the Origin system.
  • The Orokin pushed for more Tenno, creating an army ten thousand strong their leaders elevated to near Orokin status, being given elaborately finished Warframes in the process.
  • The army of Tenno pushed back, fighting the Sentients and destroying their fleet entirely. No more attacks came.
  • About this time the Lotus had come to her final conclusion, her fellow Orokin were Tyrants, not the benevolant rulers that they had long believed themselves to be. They were just as bad as the sentients, they had to be stopped.
  • The Tenno Appeared at the Terminus, and all the remaining Orokin returned to their Physical forms to give their thanks to their saviours.
  • Before the return the Lotus had contacted each of the returning Tenno, a plan was formed, on the ninth beat of the Naga Drums, they would attack, and restore balance to the systems
  • On the ninth beat the Tenno drew their blades and slaughtered the Orokin, their enhancements proving no match for the war hardened Tenno. The remaining lower guardians sprang to the aid of their masters, sluggish due to the lack of their link to the Orokin, they also proved no match.
  • Within minutes the Orokin had fallen, but for the Lotus, who spoke to the onlooking citizens of the now former empire, informing them of their freedom, and promising that both she and her Tenno would return when they were once again needed. And with that they left. The Lotus retuned to the Void and the Tenno moved throughout the system routing out the last pockets of Orokin resistance, and then falling cryosleep, ready for when they were needed once again to bring peace and balance to the system.



  • Developed by the Orokin
  • Began with a strain of Technocyte that would amplify the innate powers of those who would bear it and give them structure
  • Sample was engineered from the tissue of Tenno, Hayden, whose body had long been kept in cryo for study.
  • Strain of Virus was identified as the Tenno strain, this is where the name originates
  • Simple T-Cyte armour worked well but was upgraded with electronics and additional plating.
  • Building a Warframe:
    • Trainees showing void adaptions are exposed to Tenno-strain Technocyte in order to channel and amplify their "natural" powers
    • Systems are fitted later to trained Tenno, sensor suites, shielding, energy cells etc
    • Raw active Technocyte mass is then applied, meshes with both the systems and T-cyte of the Tenno, creates the neural interface
    • Armour plating is then bonded to areas of the suit to provide additional protection, this also bonds with the Tcyte
    • Finally the Tcyte mass is returned to a dormant state, locking in the currently held proporties. If damaged it will return to this state given time to regenerate.
    • Helmet designs are based on different interface systems that change certain aspects of a Warframe.
    • Due to the link between the suit and Tenno the warframe acts as a second skin, rather than a simple armoured suit. A warframe boosts a Tennos already increased physical traits, protects them and offers a greater ability to channel and focus their powers, whilst making them easier to use.
    • A tenno without their frame can still use some of their abilities, but at a much greater physical cost, and with less precision, and control over said powers. However without the suits restraints Tenno powers can reach truly awe inspiring levels. During the war with the sentients, a Nova nearly destroyed an entire planet when she converted half of an enemy attack force into antimatter. The unpredictability of their powers in this state is why many Tenno rarely fully remove their Warframes, lest an unconscious gesture do unthinkable damage.


  • Female Tenno seem to have a greater affinity for binding their powers to a specific aspect than their male counterparts.
  • All tenno technically can use any ability, however training and the Warframe channel their energies towards a specific path, set out by the original individuals who showed affinity towards a specific aspect early on (read ember codex)
  • Originally the Orokin believed that Tenno powers were focused upon one aspect or another, with some having powers that did not manifest according to any aspect.
  • Exposed potentials were tested for these affinities, and then trained according to them, as well as having their Warframes based upon these ideals.
  • Research on how these powers could be used however was done starting at around the 7th generation of Tenno. This lead to the creation of new Tenno with the same affinity, but a different skillset. Both Mag and Nova class Tenno had electromagnetic affinities, but different methods of training and augmentations made them very different Warframe classes.
  • Initially it was felt that Males would make better physical front line soldiers, with Females providing support in the manner of superior firepower.
  • Early tactics had the enemy engaged by the soldier class frames whilst the heavy hitting frames provided artillery support, protected from combat. This tactic seemed to work well, and with the Orokin unwilling to risk destruction , it was rarely deviated from


The three long posts are from my personal Lore compendium. A bunch of it is my own ideas, most of it is extrapolation from stuff I have read.



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