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Glorious Battle And Victory In The Name Of Your Clan [Dark Sector Megathread]


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Both are greedy in their own way, and that has been my point during this entire thread. I never once called Eclipse *not* greedy.


My point has always been "You can't call Eclipse greedy when you're greedy yourself".


Eclipse wants to move in and tax the rail. Yes, that's greed. That's the obvious part I left out, because... well, that's Obvious.

People supporting SoV want to keep all the money to themselves, so they demonize Eclipse and call them Greedy. The problem is, you can't call them greedy without admitting to your own greed, right?


I support free and low-tax rails. Up to 10% is reasonable. I'd give half my earnings to free rails if the option were present.


But personal motivations are really beside the point. Players running missions are earning that reward, and taxation demands a cut. What has any rail host done to earn the tax revenue they are collecting? In many cases, they were simply the first to click "deploy". Inertia and a pittance of their wealth doled out to entice unaffiliated Tenno ensures they stay in control. I don't find that particularly laudable or worthy of a share of my mission reward -- certainly not a quarter of it.

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If you go by that definition of greedy, then everyone is greedy. "Greed is wanting more than you already have." implies that say I own a 0% tax dark sector. I want to keep it that way. Some other guy wants my dark sector and wants to impose their own 0% tax. I am, by that definition, greedy because I "want to keep it despite another person wanting it and proposing 0% tax, but it is mine because I want to keep it out of either name or because I simply want to keep it." It is greedy of me to want to keep it because I want my freedom and name on it. It is greedy of that other person because they want their name on it and their freedom. Greed does not always apply to one side because the definition of greed, to me, depends on who is viewing it, with what are they viewing it with, and how are they viewing it.

It is all perspective as no one is wrong or right, but I believe it is wrong to say "You're greedy." and then say "Ohhh emmm geee. You can't call me greedy."


I still have no idea why you keep bringing up SoV and Eclipse situation to a "What did you spend on your Eclipse tax refund?" thread, and to a comment I made on another player's comment of member taxation. Ehh, your choice. 


Because my initial post was this, in response to bolognapogna's post, and that discussion carried on because of course pro-Eclipse supporters would have a problem with it.


I have yet to hear/read a good argument as to why 0% tax is a good thing. The developers have said themselves this isn't what they designed the system for. Not only that, but why is Eclipse bad? One good reason. That's all I ask. Dumbest part of 2014 for me so far has been reading and hearing your inane arguments that lack all common sense and demonstrate that elementary economics has either escaped you or you never knew in the first place.


reasons: power grab, lying about taxes, lying about repair cost, attacking a zero tax node, their members and supporters belittling anyone who doesn't support them


There are just a few reasons why they aren't the good guys. 


Are you saying that DE designed this game for one alliance to hold the majority of the nodes and for anyone not supporting them to be insulted and belittled as uneducated players making 'inane' arguments? Ok.


That's why it has continued. Because some people can't accept that there are people who are opposed to Eclipse taking this rail, because there are some people who can't accept that not everyone likes this new tax system, and because there are people who wanted to voice their opinion that they don't like Eclipse.

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So now 50% is reasonable?

To me?  Yes.  I don't lose any credits.  I've done missions with less credit rewards than I would get even after the 50% cut.


Resources?  Might be overkill, but the only resource I even care about anymore that might come from a Dark Sector is Orokin Cells.


The problem is that the dumbass alliances are trying to attack and take Dark Sectors and realizing they don't have the ability to hold them without huge taxes.  The bigger alliances have the dumping power to drop their own resources into construction and upkeep without as much of a dent on their own.


That's just how it's going to be.

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While you guys are going on about Eclipse, poor little WiK is losing their 0% Venus-Malva rail to MotherRussia. Which has 5%/5% tax. Yes that's a resource tax. And they're attacking a 0% rail. Y'know, everything you guys are rallying against.


Go defend the underdogs, Tenno!

Edited by Kyte
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Still have no idea how those relates to my comment to another player regarding Eclipse taxation on members in which I just intended to state of how Eclipse members are not always above the taxation and they can be taxed more than the non-members sometimes. 


And those opinions/comments are perfectly acceptable, but just as some people oppose to Eclipse, there are those who support Eclipse. Everyone has their own opinions/comments which makes things much much more complicated. And the flame wars, and the hate? They do not help. But still trying to find the missing link between that and my comment on taxation of members. 

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To me?  Yes.  I don't lose any credits.  I've done missions with less credit rewards than I would get even after the 50% cut.


Resources?  Might be overkill, but the only resource I even care about anymore that might come from a Dark Sector is Orokin Cells.


The problem is that the dumbass alliances are trying to attack and take Dark Sectors and realizing they don't have the ability to hold them without huge taxes.  The bigger alliances have the dumping power to drop their own resources into construction and upkeep without as much of a dent on their own.


That's just how it's going to be.


Which ones are you talking about? Because SoV and Clan Ghost Bear have held theirs just fine. I don't think big alliances like Eclipse should be the metric on whether or not alliances have the ability to hold their rails. Because no alliance currently has the ability to compare with Eclipse.

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Gabii(Ceres) is about to be contested and Sechura(Pluto) a few hours after. who will won, the 1%, wait i mean eclipse, the  big "alie-once" or the others that won't stop talking about the "evils" of the Eclipse or are they just blowing smoke


anyone got any extra thoughts?

Edited by junothefox
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You could whine about "losing" 200k over 50 missions, OR you could just pony up, and then make that same 200k back later by doing 20 missions at 10k battlepay per defense mission.


This is absolutely absurd.  You do realize that you are basically asking:  Why wouldn't you rather get more credits from the game OR give more money to a small group of players and have them give you a small pittance that is subject to their will.

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So all dark sectors are supposed to be monopolized by one single alliance only because they can?



I already am in a clan, whose leader made an alliance. Not saying any names, but it seems that they dont have much interest in dark sectors at all and have 6 undeployed rails just sitting there.

So I'm just speaking for myself, not representing some clan/alliance who apparently doesnt have an interest in any of this.



Dark Sectors are meant to have huge power blocs that control huge swaths of the solar system.

That is what the alliance system is partly for.


No room for small clans, only major players.

Either let your clan be absorbed or have no rails to the name.

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