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Glorious Battle And Victory In The Name Of Your Clan [Dark Sector Megathread]


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Don't underestimate the amount of players that only care about the battle pay. I can't say how many, but I've seen several posts saying that they only care about who pays the higher battle pay.


And you forgot Team Irony


"We don't play Eclipse nodes, but we fight for them and get their battlepay ! So they will credit starve themselves one day !"

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And you forgot Team Irony


"We don't play Eclipse nodes, but we fight for them and get their battlepay ! So they will credit starve themselves one day !"


Or the ones that say "We don't play Eclipse nodes, but we fight for them and get their battlepay! All the rewards, none of the drawbacks". That, and what you said, boil down to what I said, pretty much those who only care about the battle pay.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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In less that 3 hours we will know whether battle pay or commitment to 0% rails/'the underdog' will win out. I will support, but I'm not incredibly hopeful for the latter.


The underdogs themselves are millionaires too.

They can fund some battle pay.

Remember epic battle pay is good.

But decent battle pay and a "good cause" might be better for some.

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*prepares popcorn*


It's Gradivus all over again.

Well, what could possibly happened in the future:

- Eclipse holds all of the DS nodes. Then.....

- Either they will losing grip to some nodes, OR......

- The Credit tax will go even higher. Maybe to some ludriculous percentage, like 95 percent.

And if this happened, no one will bother will DS anymore.

At least for myself, when the tax reached 50 percent, I'll just go "eh screw that map" and go elsewhere


Anyhow, I tip my hat to ya, SoV for keeping your words and your stances regarding this matter.

I wish your clan good luck

Edited by Lorche
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The underdogs themselves are millionaires too.

They can fund some battle pay.

Remember epic battle pay is good.

But decent battle pay and a "good cause" might be better for some.


Those millionaires won't have nearly as much as Eclipse.

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*prepares popcorn*


It's Gradivus all over again.

Well, what could possibly happened in the future:

- Eclipse holds all of the DS nodes. Then.....

- Either they will losing grip to some nodes, OR......

- The Credit tax will go even higher. Maybe to some ludriculous percentage, like 95 percent.

And if this happened, no one will bother will DS anymore.

At least for myself, when the tax reached 50 percent, I'll just go "eh screw that map" and go elsewhere


Anyhow, I tip my hat to ya, SoV for keeping your words and your stances regarding this matter.

I wish your clan good luck


If they take over all the dark sectors, then I won't play dark sectors anymore. Just that simple.

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Y'know I've yet to see a post by an Eclipse member that deserved any real ire. They were using the system as it was supposed to be used, and did it quite fairly. Now everyone's trying to "rally" against them?


Frankly it sounds like you all fed yourselves sour grapes and are blaming Eclipse for it.

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reasons: power grab, lying about taxes, lying about repair cost, attacking a zero tax node, their members and supporters belittling anyone who doesn't support them


There are just a few reasons why they aren't the good guys. 


Are you saying that DE designed this game for one alliance to hold the majority of the nodes and for anyone not supporting them to be insulted and belittled as uneducated players making 'inane' arguments? Ok.


Holy S#&$ mate ! You just grabbed every rumor out there and assigned it to Eclipse - you forgot to mention how Eclipse was Adolf Hitler secret weapon ... shesh


 Lets see then

 - Power grab - sure why not ?

 - Lying about taxes - still zero % resource tax. Also - mind providing evidence of Eclipse promising zero % credit tax ? Thank you in advance.

 - Lying about repair cost - nope. Random dude over the forums mentioned 15m repair bill. Everyone agreed. Turned out to be false info. Again - mind providing some evidence outside of "Eclipse are evil i hate them hurr durr" ?

 - Their members and supporters belittling anyone who doesn't support them. Ehh where did that come from ? Oh you mean that guy that provided a screenshot of one of our member saying something about us wining a conflict ? The very same guy that called the whole player base "mongoloids" ? And then proceeded to call anyone who dont agree whit him - and idiot ? Yup you are 100% right i belittled him - would do it again.


 No DE made DS whit intention to provide the community whit a little competitive challenge. The chance for the clans to go and have a test of strength. 

 What DE probably didnt intend to do was provide you whit access to the forums to lead your smear campaign of "It is so - because i say it is so !"


 Now you can go and try to rally support as much as you want and i have no right to brand you for that. But rallying support by leading a smear campaign is even cheaper then what you have accused Eclipse of doing.

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Was I talking to YOU!? 

How dare you interrupt my conversation for your own selfish needs, leave me be and you will live a happy life. And if you don't then you'll live a life. 

A boring one. 


(I'm kidding)

For your information I am a part of Eclipse, (rage! rage! rage!) >:(


(I'm also kidding)


But I am a part of Eclipse

Edited by Trenggiling
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Alright, so.


I've been seeing Eclipse threads clogging up the forum a whole bunch lately- primarily in the form of player after player making dedicated Eclipse hate threads. Frankly, it's been getting rather irritating; thank you for merging those into this megathread, Blatantfool.


Now, a quick explanation.


I'm not a part of Eclipse (hell, I'm not even in a clan as I was kicked for inactivity around eight months ago and never bothered to rejoin, I just buy everything I need, like Zephyr and the Nikana, with plat), but I do know a fair few players who are in Eclipse. So, y'know, feel free to disregard everything I have to say if you're determined enough to hold on to your Eclipse hateboner that you'll dismiss the words of someone who even just has a vague affiliation with Eclipse.


So. Something I've been seeing a lot of on the forums is this notion that Eclipse is a giant, evil megacorp for imposing a 25% tax on their rails.


Time for some quick points!


But Tempera, you say! They're stealing our hard-earned money! With a 25% tax on Ceres, they're stealing a whole 5000 credits from me every time I run one of their higher-level Dark Sectors!


Well, I reply in first person for some reason, quite frankly, I don't give a S#&$.


Even with a 25% tax, I'm still bringing in over 15,000 credits per run every 5 minutes or so. Average it out to account for lobby and extraction times, and I'm still bringing in approximately 150,000 credits an hour.


I'm not so desperate for credits that I'm going to go cry on the forums about the way the dastardly Eclipse is stealing all my credits oh nooooooes. Frankly, if I really wanted credits, I'll just go run Eclipse's Dark Sectors anyway- sure, I might have to grind for an extra ten minutes or so, but what does that matter when I'm already settled in to grind for an hour?


But everyone who doesn't bury their heads in the sand and start crying lalalala knows that you don't go to the Dark Sectors for credits, not really. You can go to Invasions, you can tackle Void Missions, and so on, so forth. Dark Sectors are a supplement at best. No, you go to Dark Sectors for the same reason I do- you want them delicious Morphics drops, or whatever resource you're farming today, because it's far easier to get them in the Dark Sector than grinding Grineer/Corpus defences.


But Tempera, you cry, your voices hoarse from the salty tears you've been crying for the past several days, Eclipse lied! They promised 0% taxes, then imposed a 25% tax on all their nodes!


Well, I reply, growing quickly tired of this faux-question-and-answer-styled response style, I don't really care. In a distant sense, I guess that's sort of $&*^ish? But it doesn't exactly make them soulless devils or anything.


Particularly not when 0% taxes are kind of unsustainable in the current environment. Literally all the time I see people attacking nodes left, right and centre, regardless of the taxes imposed on that node. If you're going to keep attacking nodes all the time, you shouldn't be surprised when an alliance looks at this and thinks "Right, F*** this, we've been paying for this out of our own pockets for days and our members kind of want to spend their own credits on, y'know, actually playing the game. Let's just ratchet the taxes up to a sustainable level and see how that goes."


But Tempera, you cry, your nasally tones grating my eardrums, they're taking too many Dark Sectors! They're not leaving enough for us little clans! DE should impose a maximum limit on the number of nodes a single Alliance can hold!


Well, I reply, rubbing my temples as I reach for the Panadol to rid myself of the headache this entire clusterfuck is causing me, quite frankly, I don't care. If you want to take a node, there's a simple way to do it. Ask around, get some other clans together, and create an alliance. Build up a store of credits from all those 0% tax Dark Sectors you're crowing about, get enough together to be able to pull together some decent battle pay, and so on. Hell, if you want to get really tricky, speak to some other Alliances and organize simultaneous attacks on Eclipse. That way Eclipse's resources will be stretched thin, and if you fail, you've drained their resources significantly.


Otherwise? To be quite frank, I'm not a part of a clan or an alliance. I am willing to wager that a good 90% of players aren't in an Alliance and barely care about this entire fracas.


I could not care less if Eclipse has snapped up so many Dark Sectors that your little clan can't hold one. I hate to resort to terms like this, but if you're so salty about it, man up, put your big boy panties on, and go pool your resources so you can contest a node, take it, and hold it.


It holds next to zero interest to the average player. Whining about it on the forums is, quite frankly, far more irritating than seeing Eclipse's name plastered everywhere on the Dark Sectors.


But Tempera, you cry desperately as you grovel at my feet so as to worship the brilliance of my utterly perfect rebuttal, if Eclipse holds all the Dark Sectors, they might jack the tax up to 50%, or even higher!


Well, I reply, gingerly nudging your grimy, sweaty body away from my person with a booted foot, if it comes to that, then I'll probably start rushing missions for whatever clan doesn't impose a 50% tax. I mean, I don't really care about a 25% tax, but a 50% tax probably would be an imposition too far.


Of course, Eclipse knows that full well, so why would they do that? It's not like imposing a 25% tax on all Dark Sectors doesn't give them enough money to offer battle pay and pay for repairs. Jacking the taxes up too far would hurt them far more than it would help them, so why would they do it? I can't actually think of a single reason beyond "Eclipse is solely comprised of heartless devils determined to suck the fun out of the entire concept of Dark Sectors", which makes me think that you don't have a good reason to believe that beyond your stupid hateboners.


And so, my shining example of how to build a rebuttal finished, I watch as the forumgoers collapse at my feet, snivelling as they cover the floor with their assorted disgusting bodily fluids. I turn back to Warframe, where I will run a large number of Dark Sector missions in nodes under Eclipse's control, and where I will likely spend my day running missions for Eclipse in Pluto because this whole mess has irritated me to such an extent that I will oppose Shadow of Vengeance on principle from now on.


With a single click, I hit Post, and turn away from the forums for another several weeks.

Edited by Tempera
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I never question how much I'm going to still be making. More often, what I won't be making.

These posts helped bring together an army of sorts. This army has little to no care for it's allies for any other use than as another bullet to the wound of a common enemy. I'm fine with this going on.

It serves the purpose required of it.

A secured farming ground.

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The power of a united force.

Against the hand of a quiet powerhouse.

The only question left.

Which side gathered more of an army, hidden from view.


 Hell yeah. These conflicts do have a lot of room for delicious, fun sorts of drama when you let yourself sit back and take it in.

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This thread firmly cements a point I made some time ago about Forum Posts since the Dark Sectors were opened.


Everyone should be known by their affiliations.

If you are the member of a Clan or Alliance, it should be immediately visible under your picture.


On topic:

I'll be supporting SOV in their Rail defense this evening.

Eclipse, imo, is overreaching.

The Solar Rails are not just a privilege or spoil of war, they are a responsibility.

If they are charging 25% tax now, it's clear they are incapable of discharging that responsibility on the number of rails they have.

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Just realised I double posted.

Drama is fun even if I hafta join it.

There is a sort antagonistic joy to it.


 Don't sweat the double post. You tend to see that when threads are all being merged together.


 Depends on the type of drama we're talking in my opinion. There is 'good' and 'bad' drama. Good drama is guys having fun by giving things a more dramatic air. By treating a pretty ordinary thing as something big and awesome. 

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Tennos are mercenaries if you did not notice, The Battle pay Eclipse is offering is extremely high so it makes up on the "high" taxed of 25%


I'm not in the alliance of Eclipse, Nor will I ever be, But I understand where they are coming from and they're just humans


all humans are greedy no matter what, Just like you guys are being greedy on the taxes Eclipse is putting up.



I welcome all haters to come and respond

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