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Glorious Battle And Victory In The Name Of Your Clan [Dark Sector Megathread]


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Aye, so if you don't care, why are you here? 0.o

Because I'm sick of Eclipse threads, I'm bored and have little else to do, and this self-righteous, self-congratulatory attitude Eclipse haters are espousing is rather annoying.

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Given the current state of affairs on Sechura -- namely the battle pays -- I've half a mind to think that Eclipse only deployed a rail there to anger the community and rustle their jimmies, not to actually win.

Edited by Katakuna
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eclipse number 1

eclipse number 1

eclipse number 1



Sir I checked and you are not a member of Eclipse. Trying to slander us by pulling this sort of S#&$. How low can you sink?


EDIT: Seriously why are you -redacted-  falling for such an obvious troll trying to make us look like warbros? Are you really that dumb?

Edited by Squig
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 Strong words for an Alliance whose wings were clipped with such haste on their big offensive!


Doesn't look like they put up a fight. Not sure if it was a big offensive to them. Maybe it's all a way to gauge public support and/or lack thereof of their taking other nodes.

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Because I'm sick of Eclipse threads, I'm bored and have little else to do, and this self-righteous, self-congratulatory attitude Eclipse haters are espousing is rather annoying.


You are a confusing person really, i usually avoid threads I am sick off and don't force myself to see things I don't like.  I feel sorry for you  :/.

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since apparently eclipse now has it's own megathread, I guess this is the spot to talk about these past two humbling conflicts


Eclipse fought for their rails, but as we can see, the public actually can muster up the power to beat them back. sure, the forums can consider this a victory, but the underdogs here were Eclipse. just one alliance, versus the rest. it was bold for them to move on pluto, but I do think they would've done better than TW alliance on ceres (no resource taxes. your precious orokin cells? TWA skims some off the top. and those don't come back to you as battlepay)


the sechura conflict has been interesting. I doubt anyone gained anything out of it, since SoV had no battlepay, and eclipse members don't get any battlepay from their own rails. but the public has spoken. I still don't really see Eclipse as the big bad empire that so many people paint them as. but although the rebels have won now, I think it's safe to assume the "empire" will strike back (best movie in the series, btw)

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Sir I checked and you are not a member of Eclipse. Trying to slander us by pulling this sort of S#&$. How low can you sink?


 Comes with the spotlight. Happened to Warbros a lot back in the day, though Warbros #1 has a better ring to it.


 I dunno. It's something in the way it's said. Just rolls off the tongue. "Warbros #1"


 I feel like you could convey so many emotions with just that phrase. Cuddling a lover. Saying goodbye one last time at a funeral. Just whispering it conveys power and glory. "Warbros #1"


  Don't worry. Keep pushing. Keep striving. Maybe you'll get up there too. Though it's hard to see anyone from the top.


Doesn't look like they put up a fight. Not sure if it was a big offensive to them. Maybe it's all a way to gauge public support and/or lack thereof of their taking other nodes.


 Hope that isn't true. That'd be less interesting.

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I don't see what the problem is. I mean, there are other nodes to play for credits. Other missions to play for them. If a clan is just using Dark Sectors for credits, then what's the problem? These aren't going to the members themselves, are they? I figure they're going into the coffers of the clan as a whole for either Dojo construction, rail construction, or battlepay. That's about it. So what's the big deal? 

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It's getting stupid how everyone believes Eclipse will ALWAYS put a 25% tax no matter what... how about instead of jumping into delusional conclusions you actually see what they do?


Wait until we see what they do?  What, do you mean like them attacking a free rail for no good reason?  Yeah.  Screw them and every clan who composes the alliance.  It warms my frigid heart to see them get so utterly OWNED on Pluto and almost-but-not-quite at rocked on Ceres.  Hopefully Tenno at large have had enough of their S#&$ and will continue to fight against Eclipse's Evil Empire.  I'd love little more in this game than to see a star map utterly purged of their blight.

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It's getting stupid how everyone believes Eclipse will ALWAYS put a 25% tax no matter what... how about instead of jumping into delusional conclusions you actually see what they do?

A smart person prevents bad things from happening before it happens.

A dumb one waits for things to happen then act.


why wait if you can act now.

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i'm trying to see a future where people aren't going to continue attacking rails anyway for no reason, and i'm not seeing it


you guys can continue to pay the hidden "zero battle pay" tax all you want, but i'm not going to support it out of my time

Edited by weirdee
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And either their coffers ran dry or they are cutting their losses because their Sechura battlepay last I looked was 1 credit.


They never really pushed Sechura hard, the battle pay never rose above 10000 that I saw, and they just graciously bowed out rather than kept pushing to damage SoV's rail.  Rather kind of them honestly, since they could have easily caused a lot more damage to it with just their own alliance members.  They're good sports, but I was a bit disappointed with how "epic" the discussions before the fight made everything feel to how anti-climatic the SoV vs. Eclipse battle ended up being.


Doesn't look like they put up a fight. Not sure if it was a big offensive to them. Maybe it's all a way to gauge public support and/or lack thereof of their taking other nodes.


Feel the same way there.  But who knows, it was all kind of fun to watch unfold even if the ending wasn't what I'd hoped it'd be.

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i'm trying to see a future where people aren't going to continue attacking rails anyway for no reason, and i'm not seeing it


Solar Domination because why not?


Fear is Freedom

Subjugation is Liberation

Contradiction is Truth

Only Marks feel Guilt.


I don't understand how people feel anything but respect for Eclipse's greed.

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 Comes with the spotlight. Happened to Warbros a lot back in the day, though Warbros #1 has a better ring to it.


 I dunno. It's something in the way it's said. Just rolls off the tongue. "Warbros #1"


 I feel like you could convey so many emotions with just that phrase. Cuddling a lover. Saying goodbye one last time at a funeral. Just whispering it conveys power and glory. "Warbros #1"


  Don't worry. Keep pushing. Keep striving. Maybe you'll get up there too.



 Hope that isn't true. That'd be less interesting.

blatantfool? more like arrogantfool, lol


anyhow, I think drawing a parallel between warbros and eclipse has a grotesque irony to it, since eclipse is comprised of mainly crescent moon, the warbros' biggest competition (at least in the past couple events). no one wants to be like warbros. again, coming back to the arrogance bit. however, it seems that the public wants, maybe even needs a 'warbros' to polarize them. for the moment, it's safe to say that eclipse takes that mantle (I mean, there's a whole megathread dedicated to complaining about them, after all). but I certainly hope eclipse never turns into what warbros was


despite the forums painting them as the villain, I think eclipse does stand for good. it's just that the only interaction we've had with them is through their dark sectors. some of the clans that comprise eclipse are noble ones, though it's true that not many have been revealed as part of the alliance. I think it's safe to assume the rest of the clans aren't bad either



but you can just ignore me because I'm not on the 'eclipse=evil empire' bandwagon

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The amount of mad over eclipse charging a 25% tax is hilarious. So many uninformed people who don't understand how math or rails work. Get used to taxes, because NO ONE is going to have 0% tax, ever.


Eclipse is amazing and I will continue to support them for the insane credits I gain from their battles forever :)

There were these nodes on Pluto, 0% taxes. So your logic is flawed sir

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They never really pushed Sechura hard, the battle pay never rose above 10000 that I saw, and they just graciously bowed out rather than kept pushing to damage SoV's rail.  Rather kind of them honestly, since they could have easily caused a lot more damage to it with just their own alliance members.  They're good sports, but I was a bit disappointed with how "epic" the discussions before the fight made everything feel to how anti-climatic the SoV vs. Eclipse battle ended up being.



Feel the same way there.  But who knows, it was all kind of fun to watch unfold even if the ending wasn't what I'd hoped it'd be.


Personally they had the battle pay up at 10k in the beginning until they realized that people didn't care too much about the battle pay in this instance.  When their rail had taken enough damage they didn't graciously bow out they just realized that it would be more costly to pay out in order to try to compete with peoples opinions of them owning Sechura lol.

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for the record, eclipse's battle pay for pluto went up to 20k, and then 40k, but they cut it off when they hit around 16% health when it was clear that their health was going down too fast to close the gap


anybody saying otherwise was not actively participating or is lying


it says something about people when they try to downplay the aspects they know they can't take head on in favor of idealism which has much more down the road to test it than they anticipate


edit: sorry, meant gabii on ceres, these threads getting merged is really throwing me off

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