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Glorious Battle And Victory In The Name Of Your Clan [Dark Sector Megathread]


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if you want to push them out of their dark sectors - make a post about it - let ppl know the time and that you will put in 0 taxes and we will see their rails destroyed


my loki was soling today vs eclipse quite a bit

and I will support any and all clans that want to go against them

What if they did not adhere to 0% tax, will your clan be the first one to attack ? :l

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i don't bother with rail deployments etc

my clan has 4 ppl in it and the ghost clan alliance i am in don't bother with rails

but we sure will run for rails that we think are fair to the warframe players

like the ghost bears for example and todays defense vs eclipse (the pluto one since the other fight vs eclipse was some taxing clan as well so screw them)

Edited by syle
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i don't bother with rail deployments etc

my clan has 4 ppl in it and the ghost clan alliance i am in don't bother with rails

but we sure will run for rails that we think are fair to the warframe players

like the ghost bears for example and todays defense vs eclipse


 Hell yeah. Anyone who doesn't assist Clan Ghost Bears is a horrible person. 


 They're awesome. 

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Well, how would you feel if Russia for example started attacking countries and taking them over at whim just like that only because they can?

Same logic applies here.

Well, I'd feel pretty horrified at the massive loss of lives such attacks would incur. I'd also feel some measure of horror at the incursion of people's personal liberty and the way this affects their actual lives.

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You're kinda forgetting the fact that eclipse is ran by dozens of other clan officers. Do you really think you're some kind of amazing wizard that has the jump on that many minds coming together to make decisions? You're speaking as if you know what their plans are. There are also more than a few things you haven't taken into consideration. Not only that, but what makes you think Eclipse just doesn't want friendly competition? Your mistake is bringing morality into something that doesn't need that as a consideration.


The clan officers and others do meet up on Teamspeak frequently and coordinate their runs like that.


Also, morality? You're confused.


I was questioning their whole reasoning for it. Because there seemingly was none behind it.


There was nothing to be gained even if they were successful in capturing those sectors, they'd only have to cover more territory and pay more maintenance fees.




It's actually hilarious to read through some of the stuff from yesterday after the conflicts were over.

Especially the silliness that is "we're helping you access the Dark Sectors, you help us with Tax!"


It's like those dudes don't do basic math.

If you're paying too much for all those Dark Sectors, then scale down.

Then again, to fully fix a rail costs 250k credits. So they're mostly spewing bull. 250k can be earned by doing Sechura - Pluto for half an hour, less even with a full squad.


There are multiple clans and alliances holding 1-2 rails with very low or even 0% tax. Their very existence and persistence counters any reasoning Eclipse members gave in this thread.

Edited by Yurilica
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If there is one thing I can never agree with you on, Blatant, it's this.


Well actually you're right about "hey if you can pull it of you have a right a brag about it and raise yourself up some."

But what I don't agree with is just ignoring how far Warbros took it sometimes, and disregarding the fact that many were just plain stuck up pricks about those wins. I don't equate having a right to be proud with being jerks and being untasteful about the bragging. It wasn't all of them like that (obviously, I mean you're a member) ,but there is such a thing as "out of line" with this kind of thing that many did indeed take it to.


When it doesn't get to the point of being totally out of line, I suppose it's up to the person if they want to etch so close to it that they just tick off everyone regardless. Wrong or not why would you want to keep a rep like that?



But anyway, I haven't seen to much of eclipse actually being like that. I just see a big dog being silly and running into fences.


As I recall, their "untasteful bragging" never really went much farther than their signature victory mantra. Which, let's be honest now, is as tame as a lobotomized labrador, compared to worse possibilities.


Or you could show me evidence of overt distastefulness, but I wager most of these accusations stem from mad butthurt. 

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As I recall, their "untasteful bragging" never really want much farther than their signature victory mantra. Which, let's be honest now, is as tame as a lobotomized labrador, comparatively to worse possibilities.


Or you could show me evidence of overt distastefulness, but I wager most of these accusations stem from mad butthurt. 


 There is some evidence out there of some overzealous behavior - but I assure you. It was never out of character and they always looked incredibly handsome doing it.

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I like you a lot. You set a good example. Don't stop being this manly.


Thanks. I guess it's just the culture of where my clan hails from: "Put up, or shut up."


If everyone who complained about Eclipse actually got off their butts and actually ran mission, this would have turned out a lot different. ;D



You've only been able to fight them off because no one cares about those nodes.  If people really cared about the other nodes they'd have wiped you off of them ages ago.


I'm talking about our core areas: Saturn, Jupiter, Ceres. Like I've said in our alliance chat, we never had the strength to be strong everywhere, so we should concentrate our strength on the places we must hold. It's basic tactics. Heck, Sun Tzu writes about that in The Art of War, and in modern militaries this is called concentration of force.


The fact that people aren't contesting the rails that we're no longer defending in earnest is a boon to us, but it just means that we've been lucky, that's all - and to be honest, we could lose every single planet except for Jupiter, Saturn and Ceres and we would not mind at all, because we consider these three nodes our critical points.


I mean, by my count we've had at least five attempted invasions of Sinai, as an example, and I've run Sinai until I'm sick of it, and we have beaten back the invasions every time through battle pay and sheer bloody-minded stubborness.



 Pace yourself. No need to burn out your engines. 10 runs is good. If you're getting bored you just move to something else a while. Nobody should fault you for that.


Yeah, completely agree. Sometimes it's good to take time off. I've played Warframe nonstop every single day from October 12th 2013 to April 24th 2014, I needed some time to step away and relax. Now when I go back to Warframe, I'm playing because I want to , not because I have to. And that makes all the difference. XD


Like I'll keep saying, if everyone who hated Eclipse jumped on... well that'd be an interesting match. Their hate vs our stubborness. :p

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Thanks. I guess it's just the culture of where my clan hails from: "Put up, or shut up."


If everyone who complained about Eclipse actually got off their butts and actually ran mission, this would have turned out a lot different. ;D




I'm talking about our core areas: Saturn, Jupiter, Ceres. Like I've said in our alliance chat, we never had the strength to be strong everywhere, so we should concentrate our strength on the places we must hold. It's basic tactics. Heck, Sun Tzu writes about that in The Art of War, and in modern militaries this is called concentration of force.


The fact that people aren't contesting the rails that we're no longer defending in earnest is a boon to us, but it just means that we've been lucky, that's all - and to be honest, we could lose every single planet except for Jupiter, Saturn and Ceres and we would not mind at all, because we consider these three nodes our critical points.


I mean, by my count we've had at least five attempted invasions of Sinai, as an example, and I've run Sinai until I'm sick of it, and we have beaten back the invasions every time through battle pay and sheer bloody-minded stubborness.




Yeah, completely agree. Sometimes it's good to take time off. I've played Warframe nonstop every single day from October 12th 2013 to April 24th 2014, I needed some time to step away and relax. Now when I go back to Warframe, I'm playing because I want to , not because I have to. And that makes all the difference. XD


Like I'll keep saying, if everyone who hated Eclipse jumped on... well that'd be an interesting match. Their hate vs our stubborness. :p

Implying that people care about Jupiter or saturn.  You'll prolly lose Ceres soon enough now that it's become evident that the community can beat you into submission if they feel like it.

Edited by Aggh
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Implying that people care about Jupiter or saturn.  You'll prolly lose Ceres soon enough now that it's become evident that the community can beat you into submission if they feel like it.


Jupiter is the only source of Neural sensors fyi.

Ceres is both for credits and cells though.


But saturn also provides cells.

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I mean, by my count we've had at least five attempted invasions of Sinai, as an example, and I've run Sinai until I'm sick of it, and we have beaten back the invasions every time through battle pay and sheer bloody-minded stubborness.



Most of your previous opponents on Sinai didn't even offer battle pay and one was a one-man-clan that did more overall damage than several clans before him.


I think you'll be in for a surprise at the amount of effort and cash you're gonna have to mobilize when Dark Sectors actually become worth doing/owning.

Gabii - Ceres was your first taste of going against a relatively capable alliance. And it wasn't even the weekend, so both sides were not fully mobilized.

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Jupiter is the only source of Neural sensors fyi.

Ceres is both for credits and cells though.


But saturn also provides cells.

Pluto doesn't have any worthwhile rarer resource drops and look what happened credits and xp are more important in the long run.  Ceres is probably next on the chopping block because of the high credit reward and xp bonuses, why bother with saturn if ceres is free?  I don't even remember the last time I had to grind for neural sensors, I doubt the kind of people that will grind a conflict for practically free really care about that anyways.

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I don't get you forum. 


I get the claim that an alliance should not take over the entire solar system.


However, There are people who're telling me that they are upset about the taxes, And yet they also tell me that even though Eclipse is paying up high battle pay awards, It doesn't matter and I should just do voids for credits.


Where's the logic in that? All you do is just follow a few dudes that QQ'd about Eclipse and think you're doing a good cause.

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It was bound to happen. If it wasn't Eclipse, someone else was going to attack it. If the attackers keep 0% taxes, they won't stay long if they take over. If they do >0% taxes, then threads will be created about them, calling them "greedy and egotistical" too. The 0% tax rate is just an utopia people want to believe, but unfortunately it will not work in reality thanks to the numbers i posted in my previous post.

I must say, the clans keeping 0% taxes are noble and honorable. I bow to you, and i admire you guys for your bravery and honesty. I know every 0% clan just wants the best for the Tenno. I'm not being sarcastic, it's for real. I really admire you guys. But no clan like that will last long. Armies of russian and hispanic clans will march and knock on the Dark Sector doors - they may not win, but they will damage the rail. And without taxes, it will be impossible to fully repair the rail every time... it will be eventually too damaged and then destroyed. There are simply too many clans willing to attack - the assault will never stop. It will be an honorable death to the solar rail - keeping their promised no-taxes true to the last second. Admirable. But they will still be destroyed.

In the end, only clans like Eclipse or others that keep a tight grip on taxes will remain. It's just how it is. The other 0% nodes will be taken over eventually, either in a perpetual war between 0% clans destroying each other mutually with no cash to pay Tenno mercenaries or to repair their rails, or by one of the taxed alliances. That's my prediction.

You're forgetting one tiny little thing. To fully fix a rail, you need 250k credits.

You can farm that up in one hour on Sechura as a single player.

It is actually very, very possible for a single clan to hold on to a single rail for a long, long time.

The issue is when an alliance/clan takes up multiple rails. Then repair costs grow exponentially because of attacks on multiple fronts.

They either have to issue big battle pay to finish the conflict quicker and minimize the damage, or they have to mobilize their players and speed-grind the enemy rail.

Both takes way more effort than just holding and maintaining 1-2 rails.

Greedy? They can't even get the money from the Vault. If they could, then it would be understandable - to deduct all those delicious millions of credits and burn it all on Transmutation, then diving into their pool of recently-acquired stance mods. But that's not gonna happen since you can't withdraw money from the vault, only put more in. At least as far as i know.

Since they get nothing from it, i wouldn't call them greedy. I'd call them... ambitious.

I can't tell if you're confused or delusional. Either way, you need to study up on the definitions of both greed and ambition, because you reversed them.

Ambition is when you have a goal to work towards to and you use everything you have to reach it.

If they could get the credits out of the vault and use them on something like transmuting or fusion, then that would be ambitious.

Greed is when you want something without actually having a real use for it. Greed goes hand in hand with jealousy.

You already have a lot of your own stuff, but you still want someone else's stuff despite having absolutely no real need for it.

EDIT: I have no idea how i double'd. If a mod could merge posts, that'd be great.

Edited by Blatantfool
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I feel like Eclipse didn't attack Pluto because they were greedy, but to make a point : "zero tax is not viable, and people will fight for the highest battlepay".


Well, they were wrong. Pluto is the best money maker right now available to everyone, and as I saw yesterday night, people will fight like hell to keep it that way, even with zero battlepay.

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I don't get you forum.

I get the claim that an alliance should not take over the entire solar system.

However, There are people who're telling me that they are upset about the taxes, And yet they also tell me that even though Eclipse is paying up high battle pay awards, It doesn't matter and I should just do voids for credits.

Where's the logic in that? All you do is just follow a few dudes that QQ'd about Eclipse and think you're doing a good cause.

Even if they put up 20k, the most one can do is about 20 run for the obvious reason. The amount is nothing compare that to what you earn on a 3 day tax free sector. For the record, I'm only getting about 12k reward from Eclipse 25% defense node while the tax free node give me more than 23k per run. Is 20k for maybe 20 run if you're lucky worth losing that 23k per run afterward? I think not. Edited by Neogeo
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Even if they put up 20k, the most one can do is about 20 run for the obvious reason. The amount is nothing compare that to what you earn on a 3 day tax free sector. For the record, I'm only getting about 12k reward from Eclipse 25% defense node while the tax free node give me more than 23k per run. Is 20k for maybe 20 run if you're lucky worth losing that 23k per run afterward? I think not.


That wasn't my point, I suggest you read my post again

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I feel like Eclipse didn't attack Pluto because they were greedy, but to make a point : "zero tax is not viable, and people will fight for the highest battlepay".


Well, they were wrong. Pluto is the best money maker right now available to everyone, and as I saw yesterday night, people will fight like hell to keep it that way, even with zero battlepay.

But it's not zero battle pay.  The 0% taks is the battle pay.


EDIT:  Did I seriously just type taks instead of tax?  Someone needs sleep...

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