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Melee Only Missions, Melee Only Enemies.


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well, the title pretty much states it.

with our brand new melee system insalled and staying i was thinking.. why not melee only missions where you have to face melee enemies?
ofcourse im not talking about those slow butchers and corpus, but something more in the line of the prosecutors and stalkie.

while i find very interesting and entretaining blocking and dodgin bullets with my melee, i'd also like to block melee attacks and counter attack as well. and this does not happen very often.

so, how about some melee missions where you cant bring your primary weapons, and you have to deal with ordes of melee enemies that want to cut you in half? (infested are ok, but come on)
perhaps proxy wars and the quests could add some of it to the equation??

any ideas? would you like to go full melee against the most talented melee enemies?

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40 mins of solo survival with melee only vs grineer. Died twise during last 3 minutes as enemies got so huge buffs so fast. Another 40 mins vs infested in D-Sectors, Jupiter. Rhino skin was useful.

If you want melee enemies then

1)Go to OD-missions, dark sectors or infestation outbreaks

2)Use Loki with Radial disarm build

I usually go to mission with a low tier secondary for any extra experience and flying enemies and my trusty D-Nikana that has slain thousands of foes (1k during that jupiter run only!) Including the mighty Stalker. I also do online games that way. I just run around cutting everything in half. Still missing a stance tho xD

Edited by Jeloxale
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You're right, we don't have the opportunity to block melee attacks too often, let alone parrying.

What? Literally 90% of enemies can be parried, just walk up to them while blocking and they will attack you with melee; iirc it's only the grineer heavy gunners, bombards, napalms and moa that don't melee.

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40 mins of solo survival with melee only vs grineer. Died twise during last 3 minutes as enemies got so huge buffs so fast. Another 40 mins vs infested in D-Sectors, Jupiter. Rhino skin was useful.

If you want melee enemies then

1)Go to OD-missions, dark sectors or infestation outbreaks

2)Use Loki with Radial disarm build

I usually go to mission with a low tier secondary for any extra experience and flying enemies and my trusty D-Nikana that has slain thousands of foes (1k during that jupiter run only!) Including the mighty Stalker. I also do online games that way. I just run around cutting everything in half. Still missing a stance tho xD


thats why i said infested are ok, but come on. i was talking about real melee enemies, as the 1st replier said, much more melee based than the foes we usually fight. i mean really melee based enemies, with melee weapons, more skilled and dangerous that current ones.

@Deidaku, you got it right.

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But there needs to be way more diverse melee units , invisible ones, fast one ,wall running  ones , phanax formations , berserkers anything better than pole dancing grineer guardians 

And what if i use invisible as well to an invisible guy O.O. Perhaps we could have enemies that could combo like we do, dealing high damage and stagger and we have to dodge/block it? 

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Its still possible to go melee only, but it involves using Loki :D




Melee only Loki, non disarm build in a 40 minute T3 survival run. 


Now imagine that insanity against melee only mobs :D


I'd absolutely love it!

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hmmmm, can we forget about loki? not everyone likes loki. we are talking about melee only missions, no loki only missions. we should be able to use any frame we want for it. while loki, ash and maybe saryn would excell, the rest of the frames should actually be viable too. i'm glad you like the idea, but we certainly need to take a larger picture of it. keep it coming guys!!

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hmmmm, can we forget about loki? not everyone likes loki. we are talking about melee only missions, no loki only missions. we should be able to use any frame we want for it. while loki, ash and maybe saryn would excell, the rest of the frames should actually be viable too. i'm glad you like the idea, but we certainly need to take a larger picture of it. keep it coming guys!!


You can do melee missions with a Vauban too.

Use aggressive nade tossing, just suck them all in and chop them at your leisure.


Or excal using radial blind.


or Mag mass pulling and stabbing their faces in.



Need more suggestions ?

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Well Melee on Melee battles would be a huge win for this game . BUT , they need to rework the whole melee on melee blocking system . Cause as it stands , especially for tenno vs tenno , It all comes down to : 


1.) Stamina duration for blocking VS combo length/continuity 

2.) Weapon sheath and draw speed when a combo ends VS finishing a block animation and drawing the weapon speed 


And yes I know what i'm talking about . This is pointed towards dark sector Tenno enemies with much better A.i. 

Weapon sheath means how long does it take before we can start the combo again , while weapon draw mean the wind up time for our attacks

Edited by blwf
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ok ok maybe my bad english is causing all this off-topic. lets see:

Yes we can equip only our melee weapon... but then there are pretty much only firegun mobs.  (melee enemies suck at their job)

Loki, Ash and even excalibur can deal x4 stealth damage, but that has nothing to do with the rest, or any of the frames going melee against melee.


so, lets change the word melee for the word sword. tenno vs "X" faction in sword only combat. was that clear enough? tenno meaning any frame.

so, the mission is about melee combat, no fire guns at all.

For example, you enter the mission, lotus says something like: "tenno, a mayor explosion in one of the reactors caused a malfunction in all fireguns, leaving you and the enemy with only melee weapons. Be careful tenno, this "Xs" are very skilled at melee combat. Fight your way through and stop the "X" from reaching the reactor".

and now you have to face a whole army of melee trained "Xs", only with your melee. (this was just a fast and raw example).

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