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Go Home, -Cm-Trev


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Youre drunk.
And stop pretending to be the stalker.

(bonus points if you actually realize whats wrong in the pic)

Theres a couple things wrong, actually.

1. I was already dead way before the stalker appeared.
2. Its not even the stalker... -CM-Trev is the one after me, by the looks of it... (not that i mind it)
3. He actually did spawn... only to be rhaped by the handsome Sir Loki here.


Edit 2. Lolwut? Un-intentional bug report?

Edited by maikkeli31
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Really funny, how can something like that happen?


P.S: I´m from Finland too so it would be nice to play with you guys some day.

How should I know? All I know is that Trev is haxing the game.


And send me a friend invite. We just might play, even though i met this guy today while working to bring eclipse down =P

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