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Sentinels 2.0


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Hello guys!

I want to propose a rebalance in the Warframe´s sentinels.

We have 6 sentinels in the game today.


Shade, Wyrm, Dethcube, Carrier, Djinn and Helios.


Let's give first, personal notes 1 to 5 to all of them, based on what you think about each, like the example below.


Shade - 5

Helios - 1

Djinn - 2



After that, suggestions/comments to balance all of them (if you have any).

We did not take into account sentinel's weapons here (we can change between them). Just their abilities.


Okay? Let's do it!

Edited by IronRushBR
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Shade - 3

It's nice at stealth but I almost never stealth so I don't use it. Good for what it does but I never find it useful.


He does what he needs too, Idk how I would rework it. Until stealth is implemented in the game then maybe he will become a better choice.


Wyrm - 5

Utility will always beat damage in higher levels. Having the ability to knockdown a group of enemies, regardless of level, faction, damage, etc. is extremely useful for me in high levels. It can get you out of a tight spot or just put you at an advantage.


I like how he is now. Maybe ad a large AoE to the knockdown although he doesn't need it.


Dethcube - 2

Vaporize's damage is capped and suffers after mid level missions. Now that any sentinel can use the death machine there is no need to use a cube.


Have the damage scale with enemy level, or make it always to a specific percentage of damage to a target, i.e. always do 50 or 75% of health damage. It won't be so good in low level but extremely useful in high levels.


Carrier - 3

Excellent utility and great for every mission type. I just prefer to have another skill since I already run around picking things up anyways


It does what it does good. I don't really see a change needed, maybe have the recharge for it's vacuum faster.


Helios - 2

Stupid ability, it's useless. He never scans anything useful, just crates and other things that sit still and it takes too long to scan anything in the first place. He just wastes your scanners, the only sentinel that requires you to buy things for it to use his skill. His weapon is also bugged and sucks as well. Cool design though.


1. Doesn't use up your scanners, or make it cost nothing.

2. Have enemies that it scans stay orange and in x-ray mode so you can always see them.. maybe other players can see that x-ray'ed enemy as well. (great for stealth maybe)


Djinn - don't have it yet, not do I plan to.

Edited by HandsOfnArtist
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Shade ★★★★★

Does it's job and does it pretty well.


Wirm ★★★★☆

It's use is situational but also works great.


Carrier ★★★★★

There's no way to complain about this guy.


Djinn ★★★★☆

I'd like higher stats for him due to the nature of its percept. The 60m attack range is great.


Deth Cube ★★☆☆☆

Right now I only see the point of getting this guy is to get DMR and swap it to another sentinel.


Helios I wouldn't know as I do not own him.

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Kubrow #1.

Lol jk the only ones I ever use is carrier and sometimes shade so I guess






We dont have helios yet so I cant comment on him. As far as balance goes, for me I think vaccume should be a universal power all sentinels can use and carrier should be givin a new unique ability as thats really the only reason I use him over the others even though I find the others usefull its not worth using them over him to me. But thats only my opinion im sure many will argue against it thats fine.

Edited by (PS4)DA_HEFF_
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Wyrm - 4


Knockdown is always usefull, he's a good bodyguard.


Dethcube - 1


A Barely scaling single target attack, whooo


Helios - 1


At, at least he's more mastery fodder?


Shade - 3


Invis is nice, I like that he has doesn't attack until I'm attacked, makes it easier to pull off stealth kills if I need to.


Djin - n/a


Don't have him yet


Carrier - 5


Brings me energy orbs and loot, pulls them out of corners my Rhino is too fat to fit into,  10m attack range seems weak compared to the rest's 30 m attack range BUT, personally it allows some flexibility for solo runs because he won't alert enemies that I'm sniping at by opening fire until they get too close, so it's like a poor man's version of Revenge.

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Carrier-5 Best ability ever

Shade-4 cloaking is always good, just need to get some bugs out of it

Deathcube-3 Decent killer

Wyrm-3 Decent CC

Djinn-1 Broken

Helios-1 Weak, broken, scans pretty much containers only and takes forever to scan


I did not take weapons into account as they can be put on any sentinel

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Let's give first, personal notes 1 to 5 to all of them, based on what you think about each


Wyrm:  5

His radial knockdown ability is reliable and useful.


No adjustments needed.


Carrier: 3

The pickup doesn't always work well if you aren't the game host, and is basically a laziness feature. Also this sentinel's attack range is very short.


Should give some kind of benefit that isn't pure laziness. For example, give an ammo scavenger effect to ammo it handles. Increase combat range somewhat.


Dethcube: 2

The only thing the laser attack is good for is to momentarily stun incoming targets, and the cooldown is too long to rely on it.


Laser needs much shorter cooldown or needs to only trigger on high value targets and be an instant kill.


Helios: 2

Scans absolutely everything and does nothing to actually help you in combat.


Should only spend scan charges on things you need scans for, and should give a damage bonus on the closest enemy it sees (i.e. enduring value).


Djinn: 1

Basically never works.


Let's make it work before deciding on balance...



Shade: 1

This sentinel has thin shields that make it the least survivable, and the cloaking effect's activation/sustain range is WAY too short. For example it will trigger when an enemy knocks you to the ground in melee, but usually turn off again as you slide away, making it a total waste.


Restore to what Shade used to do; longer activation range, and sustain should be duration based rather than require you to be close to an enemy.

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Shade - 5

Very good sentinel and he does the job well.


Wyrm - 5

Knockdown foes is a very good utility. Is reliable too.


Carrier - 4

Vacuum is a very good utility, but it has some bugs as client. They need to make vacuum work without bugs, more reliable.

About Carrier's range, I like. Short range to limit the Sweeper gun.


Dethcube - 2

Vaporize can be a good utility with some tweaks. The idea is good, but it need to be an instakill ability with less cooldown (of course not on big bosses, stalker, harvester, etc..). Right now, is useless.


Djinn - 1

This ability doesn't work. Is bugged. As our friend said above, this guy is bugged and broken right now.

What is this guy's job? Tank??? If yes, he needs a muuuuch better resilience. I can't understand, really.


Helios - 1

Right now, is the joke sentinel (and expensive one). I tested him this week, and for sure it is bugged. I can't believe they tested this ability. It can't scan nothing. Is much much better you scan for yourself.

The scan needs to be instantaneous when you aim the enemy to be useful and make you consider not use another sentinel instead.


Curiosity: the two worsts sentinels are the most expensive ones.

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Ok so after reading all this posts I decided to get death cube... TO MAX HIM OUT THROW HIM AWAY KEEP HIS GUN SELL SHADES GUN AND GET WYRM!!! :P

also... Nothing beats carrier.

Not being lazy beats Carrier.





Keeps me alive when needed. Needs some fixes regarding stealth activation and duration.





Knockdown is great but also situational, needs some fixes also.





Pulverize is good till mobs go over certain levels, hence useless after that.





Lazy sentinel that has no real purpose. I am not to lazy to pick items myself. It is more "quality of life" sentinel, not having useful ability that will save your life at some points.





What is his purpose? Half of the people doesnt know how Fatal Attraction even works, and does it even works.





Concept was good, but the implementation was horrible. Long scanning time and scanning mobs that dont need scanning is a deal breaker.

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Are you S#&$ting me?

Like playing games in the first place makes us look like sportsmen!!!!

God... People like you are just the worst


Calm down guys. I can't agree with RoboDoge also, but calm down please.

Lets get back to the topic format please.

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I always thought about how cool it'd be if Sentinels had their own exclusive auras. I just can't think of any good ones at the moment.


Interesting thought, I like it, lemme spitball some ideas out there:


Wyrm - Damage reduction/ HP and/or shield increase


Dethcube - Damage increase


Carrier - Scavenger/Drop rate increase


Shade - weapon silence/muffle or bonus damage to non-alerted enemies


Helios - Shield buff/recharge rate increase (it's Corpus tech so it should act like their Ospreys a little)


Djin - enemy impedance, or something, idunno.

Edited by Gelkor
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I would appreciate your sentinels rates and comments also Cryo, please.

Ok :)

So yeah since i only own shade and carrier I can say that carrier sadly beats him

Though not sure why but sometimes he won't pick up stuff even when standing right next to it

I bought both because or people suggesting them to me

Shade was my 2nd sentinel and I heard they nerfed his stealth ability by giving it a longer cool down which I must say was a mistake from DE

If we could atleast see the cool down on our UI so that we would have more control over I that would be nice...

And I'm quite sure that ima buy death cube tomorrow (reason above) and then wyrm... But I'm mostly doing it for the MR xp and the achievements, lol

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Interesting thought, I like it, lemme spitball some ideas out there:


Wyrm - Damage reduction/ HP and/or shield increase


Dethcube - Damage increase


Carrier - Scavenger/Drop rate increase


Shade - weapon silence/muffle or bonus damage to non-alerted enemies


Helios - Shield buff/recharge rate increase (it's Corpus tech so it should act like their Ospreys a little)


Djin - enemy impedance, or something, idunno.

Those seem pretty good to me. Hopefully one way or another they become a thing, even if their final form is altered.

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I think the best thing that could be done with the Sentinels is to make their specific Precepts behave differently, for their defining precepts (Vaporize, Vacuum, Helios, etc) be interchangeable with other Sentinels like an Aura slot, and for something innate be added to them that distinguishes them.


As it is, I see mostly Carriers out in the wild, because they collect loot.  If Vacuum could go on other Sentinels, like on Dethcube instead of Vaporize or on Wyrm instead of Crowd Dispersion, we'd see more variety on missions.


... actually, the more I think about it, the problem is purely with Vacuum being Carrier exclusive.  That's what should change.  Carrier should get a new Precept, like maybe an ammo collection Precept where it'll store excess ammunition and dispense it when it detects you're low.  Then, make Vacuum something that all Sentinels can use.



It's purely that Vacuum is Carrier-exclusive that kinda breaks the Sentinel system and shatters its variety in practical gameplay.  For any other Sentinel to be competitive, Vacuum would either have to be nerfed (terrible idea) or other Sentinels would have to get some ridiculous Precept to make them attractive (potentially terrible idea).


Basically, people like their loot.  They don't mind killing things themselves if the loot grabbing is a bit easier, if something is there to catch the things they miss.  That should be something every Sentinel has access to.

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I think the best thing that could be done with the Sentinels is to make their specific Precepts behave differently, for their defining precepts (Vaporize, Vacuum, Helios, etc) be interchangeable with other Sentinels like an Aura slot, and for something innate be added to them that distinguishes them.


As it is, I see mostly Carriers out in the wild, because they collect loot.  If Vacuum could go on other Sentinels, like on Dethcube instead of Vaporize or on Wyrm instead of Crowd Dispersion, we'd see more variety on missions.


... actually, the more I think about it, the problem is purely with Vacuum being Carrier exclusive.  That's what should change.  Carrier should get a new Precept, like maybe an ammo collection Precept where it'll store excess ammunition and dispense it when it detects you're low.  Then, make Vacuum something that all Sentinels can use.



It's purely that Vacuum is Carrier-exclusive that kinda breaks the Sentinel system and shatters its variety in practical gameplay.  For any other Sentinel to be competitive, Vacuum would either have to be nerfed (terrible idea) or other Sentinels would have to get some ridiculous Precept to make them attractive (potentially terrible idea).


Basically, people like their loot.  They don't mind killing things themselves if the loot grabbing is a bit easier, if something is there to catch the things they miss.  That should be something every Sentinel has access to.


I think part of the issue is that most people want to feel powerful when they game.  Having a powerful pet that you don't even control or give orders to is pointless, you didn't do anything, you didn't push a button, but your Dethcube vaporized some dude, props I guess.  All the other precepts are about making the sentinel do things better automatically, that doesn't make you as a player feel stronger and better.


But: Carrier brings you health, energy, and ammo.  Carrier doesn't stun enemies, or vaporize them, or draw aggro, instead, it lets YOU keep playing, and pushing those buttons more, to feel more powerful, yourself.  I think that's why it's so popular, it's not necessarily because vacuum is so necessary, it's that vacuum is the only precept designed to make the player stronger, not the sentinel. 

Edited by Gelkor
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