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Warframe Buffs?


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So, I've noticed lots of calls for nerfs (unnecessary), but what about buffs? There are still many warframes that are laughingstocks compared to others, such as Oberon. While I think nerfs are uncalled for, some changes should be made. Look at Ash, he's only good for Smokescreen, and the duration isn't even as long as Loki's Invisibility. Teleport and Switch Teleport are almost useless, and Bladestorm takes too long for it to be helpful. Excalibur's Super Jump, Oberon's abilities, Volt's Electric Shield, Saryn's Contagion, Frost's Avalanche/Freeze; notice their effects compared to the other frames, such as Nova and Rhino. Now, I don't necessarily know how to solve this balancewise, but I do know they need to be buffed, either have these abilities replaced or upgraded. Oberon is just ridiculous, I don't know how else to put it.

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Warframes are kinda just, what they are, with there own strengths and weaknesses,

Yes, Nova can 1 shot kill anything on the map, but when your in that T3 defense/survival, shes gonna be standing in FROSTS now globe xD

Grineer can put slash on you in an instant now, and Toxic Ancients are a pain.
So how are you gonna get back that heal before you die? (TURN TO OBERON), Since he spawns health orbs with his ult, and can heal you.

Though ill admit that Ash's shirukens arnt that great in high level missions, Smokescreen saves lives, Teleport staggars any enemy you teleport to, Use smokescreen with it, use those 5 seconds of invisibility and teleport to that heavy gunner, and finish him off while hes stunned :D With a decent build Bladestorm can Still do a messton of damage, and insta kill all drones of any kind in the area. 

Volts electric shield Boosts crit damage by 200%, gives you extra electricity damage AND blocks off enemy fire, whats wrong with that :D 

I Can see why your upset about Avalanche, but it is an Ice ability as Frost is Ice, use it in Corpus levels. and Ice wave slows all enemies it hits, once again handy in missions of high level,

Saryns contagion turns the tide, insta poison on a weapon means you can directly Melee straight to health, or turn that cold weapon into a viral weapon temporarily.

This isnt necessarily to you btw,

But people need to stop complaining about Warframes abilities just because they dont 1 shot every single enemy in every single faction. Find the right builds, Make the abilities great themselves, and youll see how much potential they have :D

Even Silence has a purpose. or at least it will soon. and then most people will be using it in every rescue mission :3


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Smokescreen is more a victim of Invisibility than anything else. If you stop trying to use it like a gimp version of another frame's power, it forms an amazing combo with teleport.


Overall I agree though. If we're not supposed to use direct damage powers to pwn everything, and they're going to nerf the powers that reduce gameplay like old Snowglobe and perma Blessing, then the utility stuff we're SUPPOSED to be using needs to be fortified.

Edited by VKhaun
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  I do have to admit, people are a little to quick to judge Warframe's and their abilities, especially if they aren't obviously OP. Rebalances are inevitable and will come with time, as they have before. Even Rhino's stomp stops doing enough damage, and becomes a pure breather move to hold back the swarms of enemies. And just because a power is pure utility doesn't mean that is a bad thing. As more and more environmental pieces get added to the game, like the upcoming turrets, things like super jump, or rip line, will come in handy. Assuming some are hard to reach. Point is, there are many ways that rebalance can come, and it doesn't have to come from buff and nerf's on Warframes themselves.

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Smokescreen is more a victim of Invisibility than anything else. If you stop trying to use it like a gimp version of another frame's power, it forms an amazing combo with teleport.


Overall I agree though. If we're not supposed to use direct damage powers to pwn everything, and they're going to nerf the powers that reduce gameplay like old Snowglobe and perma Blessing, then the utility stuff we're SUPPOSED to be using needs to be fortified.

The thing is, its not reducing gameplay, its improving it.

There was no effort in Defences, when a frost could just click 3 every 70 seconds.

There isnt any effort in missions where Trinity can just spam Blessing.

Frost globes still good, you can still have it for a long time, just stack it, it makes you wary of how its holding up, makes you put armor mods on the frost, and power mods to keep it sturdy, it doesnt need to be fortified any more, people just need to learn what to do in order to make it shine

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Most of those abilities can be easily fixed with the right mods. Oberon is in not ridiculous. Oberon's Reckoning can do a lot of damage. Volt's Electric Shied can be used as a buff for any primary and secondary. Frost's Avalanche is very effective on Corpus. Super Jump with a Impact mod work very well together. You can use Ash's Teleport to quickly get to a downed team mate. Loki's Switch Teleport could be used to force enemies into a trap. I could go on.. but it's easier if I just show you. Please feel free to add me in-game, if you need help. It's not what the abilities can do.. but what you could do with the abilities. (^_^)

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Meh this thread is getting annoying to read. Stop comparing frames to other frames. Super jump , freeze, and ava all do what they were made to do. What more could you honestly want from them. A lot of things have already been buffed secondly. Switch teleport has it's uses as well as teleport does. Oberon is trash sure, but like all new warframes they go through bad points before their final state. So please, save us all the annoyance in posting threads like this

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