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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name:  Infested Titan



- Charges aggressively at nearest Tenno

- Thrashes around if it loses aggro of it's target, ex loki goes invisible or it's blinded.

- Immune to knockback

- immune to many CC skills as standard bosses are due to it's sheer size at five meters tall.

(suggested stats)

- Sprint speed 0.50

- time to turn 180 degrees 4 seconds. 

- Torso twist in forward 120 degree arc with a full twist in 2 seconds. 

- Jump height 1 meter.

- Health: Alloy Armor: 500, Infested 500, Sinew 1000

- Has heavy damage reduction on it's armor plates but not on areas where infested flesh is showing or at it's joints.

- Prioritizes living targets over mission objectives. 



- Lash: Similar to the Ancient's attack, deals heavy damage to the target, although with longer reach.

- Tentacle Splay:  Tentacles extend around the Infested Titan, lashing out rapidly in a 5 meter radius.

- Stomp Shockwave: Similar to the shockwave MOA ability

- Charge: Attacks by rapidly charging forward, dealing impact damage and knocking down any enemies hit in it's path, though it takes time to pick itself up again when it stops. 


Environment Restrictions: 

- Miniboss like Eximus units or rare

- Orokin Derelict, Void towers, Locations in "The Admiral's Gambit" suggestion.   ( https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/223998-the-admirals-gambit-event-fan-project/ )


Art: (curtsey of Chaotic Whimsy)




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Name Suggestion:Buzzing Pest

Behavior:Pests tend to group in small swarms of two to three individuals. These flocks tend to congregate around other groups of infested. When combat begins, Pests tend to skirt around the edges of combat waiting for the opportune moment to attack. More commonly however, Pests will avoid attacking entirely and instead defer to their preferred tactic, stealing ammo pickups their fallen brethren drop to prevent the Tenno from using them.

Attacks:Buzzing Pests are very weak and succeptible to damage, but when forced into combat they can use their small but not insignifcant bulk to knock enemies over with divebomb attacks. More annoyingly, Pests have a habit of finding and picking up ammo pickups and holding on to them until they are killed.

Environment Restrictions:Pests are relatively small (about the size of a Shield Ospry) so they can fit in most areas, but wide open outdoor areas like earth or phobos would allow for larger swarms of them.

Reference Images: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c2/Tabanid_wynaad.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f0/HookeFlea01.jpg

Edited by Mordrevious
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Name: Ploutus

Behavior: This infested type does think albeit it's a bit predictable, when small it acts like a fungus that picks up anything shiny or with great energy like a health / energy globe or storage container and then run climbs into whatever crevice it can find. kinda like a sparrow. over time it nourishes from whatever it grabs and picks up certain properties of it. Having molded the substance within its core it lays dormant and happy, until ofcourse an unsuspecting tenno comes near it.
Attacks: This creature is not afraid of death, it will ether surprise the Tenno from above if it has achieved an explosive compound to drop on the Tenno and blow itself up like a red barrel would, or if it has Grown around a blunt object it would run into the Tenno probably knocking them down if they're hit.
An energy orb would cause it to do strange things, cast abilities or teleport to the player to attack it.
Environment Restrictions: Close corridors will Block the Ramming ability considering it needs to sprint.
Environment effects: If more of these are in the same area and one is attacked, they all get angry.(Suggestion)


Edited by Yuicne
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Имя: Галлюциноид



Газообразный, почти прозрачный, сливающийся с местностью, заражённый. Способен принять любую форму и размер. Противник атакующий из-за скрытых мест, не влезая в открытый бой.



Враг использующий телепатию, вызывает у тенно галлюцинации в виде любых других врагов,которые будут атаковать тенно с реальным уроном, галлюцинации будут продолжаться пока заражённый не будет найден и убит. Также он может галлюцинации в виде враждебных к тенно других игроков, при этом призраки также будут атаковать тенно, но при попытки их уничтожить урон будет направлен на соответствующего игрока, в призрака которого он идёт. В любом случае главное найти Галлюциноида.


Ограничения окружающей среды:

Может быть в любом помещении или на открытом пространстве, при чём во втором случае его будет труднее найти т.к. из-за более смешанного фона он будет лучше замаскирован.


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I had an idea for a ground attacking infested that was stationary etc but then I realized that the infested already (at least used to) have patches. Maybe we can just make those poisonous? ;)

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Name Suggestion: Colossus


Behaviour: These behemoths move slowly and heavily, smashing everything in their wake, they rely on brute strength.

Seen leading hordes of Ancients, they are the elite of the Infested.


Attacks: The colossus features 3 attacks -


Binding Chains - The Colossus unleashes his chains to grab a Teeno, stunning and dragging them towards him.

Special Effect - Colossus Below 75/50/25/5% HP - 1/2/3/4 Chains (Below 5% HP he chains all 4 Teeno)

This skill is effected by line of sight.

Maximum range: 250 Meters.


Rage - Unleashes his wrath upon the Teeno. Gains lifesteal per hit and builds Rage stacks (maximum 5).

After 5 stacks (5 auto attacks) he stuns in an aoe around him.

Special Effect - While under the effect of Rage he gains 20/40/60/80/100% damage reflection from all sources for 5 seconds at maximum stacks.


Soul Ripper - Goes airborne and smashes down on the furthest Teeno.

Special Effect - Instantly kills the Teeno if below 35% hp. If the Teeno survives, he is dealt massive damage and knocked down for 3 seconds.


Environment restrictions: No environmental restrictions.

Edited by Ezeron
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Name Suggestion: Speeder



Behaviour:  This Ancient size unit is very fast and able to climb walls.



Attacks: Mid melee dmg when gets close to a Tenno uses his slow aura to get an edge over the attacked.


Environment restrictions:  Yes, only in closed up rooms.

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Name Suggestion: Infested Polluter


Stays stationary if behind cover. If attacked, screeches and attracts/spawns other infested to aid them and slowly starts advancing towards enemies. They tend to spawn in packs of up to three

Pollutes the air in a tile as well as a radius around them slowly damaging enemies as long as it is alive. The closer the enemy gets, the more damage they will receive.
When killed it leaves a puddle of toxic miasma behind that lingers for a bit.

Environment restrictions:

Due to their nature they don't appear in open environments.

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Name Suggestion: Infested Taker


Behavior:  Targets all enemies of Infested faction, but heavily prioritizes tenno. Approaches first target it sees until it is with ~2 meters of the target. If the target is not a tenno, it whips the target for low damage. If the target is a tenno, it does a small wind-up and then whips a couple tentacles around the tenno's leg(s)/ankle(s), causing the tenno to fall down into a pose similar to the bleedout pose. The taker then runs (as directly as possible, using pathfinding) away from the centroid of all the other tenno, victim in tow. While dragging, the taker runs about as fast as a vanilla Excalibur sprints. While being dragged, a tenno is in a bleedout-like pose (though not in bleedout) facing the taker. The tenno can fire secondary weapons as in bleedout, though while being dragged, the tenno's aim is VERY wobbly. In addition, the taker's backside is more heavily armored than his front. If the taker is killed while running, the captured tenno is immediately released unscathed. If the taker reaches the furthest point on the map from the other tennos' centroid, he ceases running and simply turns around and begins whipping his victim with his remaining tentacles, identical in form but with higher damage compared to his base attack against non-tenno.


Environment restrictions:  Appears any time infested are present, but prominently in defense missions and most prominently in survival missions, where getting inadvertently split-up can easily be fatal.


Appearance: A simple bipedal infested creature, somewhat shorter than Excalibur, with multiple tentacles protruding from its sides and a large metallic carapace covering its back.

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Suggested Name: Spreader / Beaspray

Behavior: This enemy, codenamed 'Spreader' is an Osprey infected with features of a bee on decomposition, it moves in small groups of 3-5 members, is commonly seen in open spaces.

Attacks: This enemy has a ranged attack throwing poisonous stingers any creature that approaches. Being in a group, their attack power is multiplied based on the number of members of the swarm.

Environment Restrictions: It is common to see it in open spaces but can be found occasionally in closed areas.


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Suggusted Name: Latrunculus

Behaviour: Latrunculi wait underground for their prey, bursting forth when Tenno are above them. They spawn via crawling underground unseen. They are completely invisible until they are in position, at which point some body part (face, feet, tendrils, ect.) stick slightly out of the ground. Abilitys such as Bastille or Vortex will not lift them or move them but instead only have the other effect, i.e. Bastille holding them in place, or Vortex dealing damage.

Attacks: Upon bursting out of the ground, they latch onto a player, knocking them down and holding them down, as if they are bleeding out. The player will then be restricted to secondary weapons and melee weapons, secondary weapons hitting enemies besides the Latrunculus, melee weapons hitting the Latruculus, scince the player is on their back. Eximus variants may hold the player down, then throw them at other players, ragdolling both of them. After the Eximus has thrown however, it cannot move and will remain still unless a player walkes over it, at which point he will attack again.

Enviromental Restrictions: They are slow while crawling undergound, and they cannot climb.


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Name suggestion infested Biter

appearance crawler sized looks similar to a tick with larger fangs longer legs and many red eyes body colored red green blue or purple. able to grow to 6 times their original size with jet black eyes and tentacles coming out of it's back .


Behavior: Often first to attack latching on to their enemies slowly sapping their health stamina shields or energy based on cover.( Red health green stamina blue shields and purple energy). They often attack first to weaken their enemies and then let the other infested units go in for the kill .Despite this in desperate situations they have been known to use what the sapped from the tenno and sometimes other infested to gain more power in an attempt to finish off the tenno. usually quick and agile due to low defensive stats but when transformed this is reversed with it's movements being much slower but having higher defensive stats and more damage.


Attacks sapper Latches on to Enemies and sometimes other infested to weaken them.

           Vampirac fang  absorbs power from enemies  or infested comrades to power itself up

          Fang jab Lauches itself fangs first into enemies often knocking them down (used only while transformed)

         Tenacle destroyer tentacles pound  any enemies nearby with a brutal barrage (used only when transformed)


Environmental restrictions  usually found within small spaces. the ones that can transform are found in open areas.



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Name Suggestion: Scream Eater


Behaviour:  A crawler that is darker than blackest night, more slender, more sinister. Their claws are hands instead of claws or tendrils.


A trap type infested, it hides in dark corners or containers, and in large groups. When alerted, they will try to sneak up on targets who are alone, whispering "Join usss" or "traitor".


Their very presence eats light, dimming the place, making the stage darker with greater numbers, and in dark places, more spawn.. They will also feed on corpses, replicating themselves.


Attacks: Very low damage, but multiple stacks of bleeding and slow status. Tenno or other races killed by them will be strung up in black webbing that are essentially hands. These guys will crawl along walls and ceiling alike, and left alone will attack the very lighting as well.


Attacks that light up the place will send them shrieking, retreating in horror.


Environment restrictions:  Only in dark spaces.

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Name Suggestion: Corpse Maw


Behaviour:  It looks like a glowing, floating starfishy orb with a maw underbelly.


This things feed on corpses, friend and foe alike, hovering over dead bodies and absorbing them like a slow vortex. The more it feeds, the larger it gets. Periodically, it will regurgitate a new infested.


Attacks: It has no primary attack, but will detonate depending on how much it has fed. If alerted, its explosion will be a one-directional spew towards its attacker. The sudden downpour of corpses will knock down and ragdoll all caught in the blast.


Environment restrictions:  None. It prefers high ceilings though.

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Name Suggestion: Ancient Caller / Nightshade


Behaviour:  Purplish Ancient. A leader among infested.


Its roar will call all infested nearby to its location. But once it learns the opponents deals area attacks in spades, its roar will scatter all infested.


Its very presence brings more infested to the fold, increasing the number/threshold of infested on the map by another 30. Killing it will cause all infested rallied to scatter (effectively leaving the map).


The true power to its nature, is to negate all kinds of status effects to infested in a 15m radius.


Attacks: Other than regular ancient strikes, it has a long distanced hookshot, impaling a target of its choice and pulling it over to itself. While the target is dazed, the caller's summons will mob its chosen sacrifice.


Environment restrictions:  As regular ancients, but more rare. They spawn best in maps where the count goes over 100.

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(Appearance) A humanoid type creature made of Corpus soldiers much like a charger but taller and thinner

(Attack) This monster can utilize it large lungs and vocal cords to create ear splitting screams that will alert any enemy's of your presence. He/she/it can also stun the Tenno with sonic booms and knock them down with shockwaves.

(Environment) The Screecher can inhabit any area that infested can spawn in preferably mission that's involve a great deal of stealth A.K.A Sabotage,Capture, etc and spawning less in missions like Survival and Defense

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Name Suggestion: Volatile Gobbler


Behaviour:  Like a volatile runner, but more reddish hue. This runner will stop to swallow grenades or bombs, and even throw itself in the path of an ogris in an attempt to swallow the missile.


It also makes curious gobbling sounds. Very irritating.


Attacks: Other than the regular explosion, any bombs it swallows will also deal its regular damage/effect in its death throes.


Environment restrictions:  1 in 20 volatile runners are these

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Name Suggestion: kamakuisa's

Behaviour: flying swarms essentially what you would expect a flock of killer birds to do multiple vartiants in the swarm including queens (they spawn more of the slashers),Inflammatory ( either on fire or explode),Slashers ( self descriptive) Azreal dive bombers 

Attacks:  SLASHERS swarm slash,where a portion of the swarm of kamakuisa circle around the target dealing massive slash damage. INFLAMMATORY  detonation incinerate explode/light target on fire AZREAL div bomb targets for massive damage

Environment restrictions: HEAVILY Infested areas. upper level unit type 

Edited by WolfArtoriasXShark
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Name Suggestion: First Runner


Behaviour:  Assassin boss of the infested. Sleeker than phorid, and more acrobatic.


Infested tumors will start to spawn around the map, triggering Lotus to warn the Tenno.

The creature does not simply engage the Tenno, charging, retreating, healing (eating) and waiting for a chance.


Killing it will cause it to split into 2 to 3 smaller ones. If the small ones feed enough, one of them becomes the original big one again.



- Aerial Charge: It does not simply run up and claw at targets. It will parkour, twisting and turning midair to rush at its prey. And rather than staying to engage, it


- Spore infection: Tenno are hit as though by Saryn's first power. Other units will eventually be infested and converted to infested on death.


- Molt: if hit with a status effect, it will shed its current skin (which will hold all the effects) to escape reprisal.


- Devour: Non-Tenno corpses heal a percentage of its health. Tenno defeated this way are now infected, a status very much like Grustrag 3's bolt, but rather than disabling powers, will cause the Tenno to infect any map he is on and change the mission to infested exterminate.


Environment restrictions:  As Stalker / Grustrag Three / Harvester

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Name: Sass Eximus


​Behavior: Looks and behaves much like a regular ancient eximus, except with a purple and leopard spot color scheme, as well as a fabulous hat.


Attacks: After rushing into melee range, it will attempt to wrap an enemy with its long arm. If successful, it with then proceed to use its smaller left arm to slap the target in the face repeatedly. This will continue until either the eximus is killed or the target manages to struggle free.


Visual aids


(picture by Yuikami)


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name: vizer
behaviour :    he got his name vizer from the ballon on his back in which he carries his ammo,water (viz means water on hungarian). He wanders around aimlessly until he sees you with his own eyes,he won't turn around if the other infested has seen you. If you shoot the ballon on his back he brings damage to nearby allies and foes 
 attack :   For attack he'll shoot from a canon that he has for an arm.  The ammo for cannons is water   
environment restrictions :there is no restriction to his enviroment he can spawn on all infested missions


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Name Suggestion: Anker


Behaviour:  These are small pods placed around a room that work consecutively with other Ankers. The Anker only works when two/three or more are nearby, and are able to grab a warframe within each individual pod's shooting radius. Inside each pod is a strong tendril that can easily latch onto players. Once the requirements are met, they will shoot out and attach onto the warframe,


The Anker's tendrils can be cut with melee after several hits, but is not advised as the Ankers can still shoot out tendrils after a cooldown period, but can allow for enough time to gain distance from them. It will also do more damage to shoot at the pods themselves rather than slashing at the tendrils, and render them unable to shoot anymore if the pods are destroyed.


Like Arc Traps, they can be avoided fairly easily if players take precautions and destroy them beforehand.


Attacks: The Ankers "attack" by shooting out tendrils towards a player. Once a player is hooked, The Ankers can severely limit the range of motion of a warframe, by only allowing the warframe to move within stretching distance of each attached Ankers. This allows other infested to catch up and attack the warframe.


Environment restrictions:  Unable to move, Spawns on walls, Tendrils can't shoot if an obstacle is in the way.

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Name suggestion: Infested Galentina



Is usually found clinging to walls and ceilings. Its galetenous design enables it to change its form, expanding and contracting its body mass. It will lunge at several different warframes in range, dividing its body into smaller segments however its core body will always remain on the wall/ceiling.Highly camoflagued, especially difficult to see on orokin derelict missions.



1. Tentacles - from wall or ceiling will lash out up to 4 tentacles depending on the number of warframes in the area. These do substantial damage and also cause considerable knockback.


2. Transfer - in an attempt to cling to the tenno it launches much of its body at the target considerably slowing down movement speed and inflicting heavy poison damage. Specific tenno abilities can nullify this such as Nekros' despair ability making it coop friendly. This will be particularly hazardous on solo missions causing people to rethink their strategies for orokin derelict missions.


3. Tenno clone - Rarely it will release from the wall/ceiling and reshape its body into that of a warframe. Upon defeat it will explode covering tenno in sludge inflicting minor poison damage and disrupt shield regen.


Environmental Conditions:


Reserved for infested missions over level 20. Used sparingly in mobile defence and defence missions. Can only be found on walls and/or ceilings except when using Tenno Clone.



Also: Keep up the fantastic work DE. Looking forward to primetime with Rebecca and Megan ;)

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Name Suggestion: Exanimate


Behaviour: A hostage/grineer/corpus unit who is in the middle of infested transformation. They will be sitting in a corner trying to complete their transformation. They will attack both infested and Tenno (and their allies) if attacked before transforming because it still has the mind of both the victim and infested. During this period, they will scream for help or someone to end their suffering. Not killing them in time will transform them to Eximus version of Charger (Grineer), Leaper (Corpus) or a random Ancient (hostage). 


Attacks: It has the knockdown attack of an ancient/shield lancers but less powerful to buy time for transformation. It will also attack Infested units (when not yet fully transformed).


Environment Restrictions: Grineer versions present in grineer controlled nodes, same goes for corpus. Hostage versions in Prison cells or infested rescue alerts.


Optional art:

Can be similar to Dark Sector's Howlers in appearance where humanoid parts are replaced according to faction


Corpus Version:



Grineer Version:




EDIT: Added extra info on the attack and added more images

Edited by Ambisyon_Ni_Batman
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