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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Infested Flora



Stationary, tentacle like with an alien plant type look. Act as Infested turrets and arc traps/explosive barrels essentially.



There should be a variety of these plants.


-Spitter: Launches whatever projectiles infested guns shoot.

-Constrictor: Wraps up enemies that come to close, can be escaped with melee.

-Biter: Bites enemies that come to close.


Environment restriction:

Stationary, and should grow from those patches of infested whatever you find on the ground.



Afore mentioned patches of whatever.



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i want a female stalker that is purple use this link as reference: http://24.media.tumblr.com/a0d339e022cf1d77c576ea8d2190ada8/tumblr_muey0etuJw1r9i6ido1_400.jpg
(please note i did not draw this)

her weapons should consist of heavy explosive weapons based on how the female frames are made to be more tank than the male the female stalker should not be stealthy these are some weapons that i think she should have (also she should have a unique mask like stalker)
primary:a rocket launcher with high charge time but huge crit dmg (should top most weapons in game with the crit)and moderate standard dmg
secondary:a duel wielded machine pistol with bullets that take a few seconds to explode but don't do any damage on impact the only way to escape these bullets is to get them off u via slash dash rhino charge or a standard roll and than u have to get out of the range of the explosives (they should have the same damage as the jackals grenades (all of them)in one shot 
melee:finally she should have a heavy wep maybe a two handed sword that is slow but packs one hell of a punch or a hammer with an insane ragdoll every time she smash attacks or an axe that removes your powers with a hit or an insanely fast pole arm that has extreme slash damage

i hope DE adds her to the game i really want to see what u guys do with it

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name: mimic



behavior: tends to do what you do like if your frost and you do a freeze attack it will do a freeze attack on you and you will be frozen. it mimics what you do like if you go left it goes left too.


look: anti you, again if your frost it looks like your warframe.


how to kill it: you just doge the attacks.

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Name Suggestion: gluttony

Behaviour: he is blind, but can listening  you and smell you, specialy if you stand still ( be very afraid loki and ash users),its slow when searching

and runs to the direction where you were, usually wanders search for enemies to devour

Attacks: when find you runs and knockdown, and if you have less tan 15 % of your health devours you in one easy bite and your friends can't be revive you 

Environment restrictions: just appears in planets where bombards spawn

Art : ]http://postimg.org/image/nda4z98db/


PD: sorry for the ortography horrors, the english its no my native lenguage

Edited by marcus_101_
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Name Suggestion: Netherslayer


Behaviour: A horror spawned from a corrupted warframe, this creature can fly and turn itself invisible while it's not attacking. It will lie in wait, suddenly appearing to strike its prey. When endangered or outmatched, it will flee, using its invisibility to attempt to flank its foe for another attack.


Attacks: The bones of a netherslayer's forearms extend into scythe-like spikes rather than hands, and it can use these to shred enemies. If it pins an opponent with all four spikes, it can drain the health of its foe, ignoring shields and armor, using a glowing mass protruding from its chest that resembles a cluster of insect eyes. Its head is also mutated into an infested weapon of sorts, capable of shooting large blasts of ethereal energy, which allows the creature to attack from range when needed.


Environment Restrictions: Netherslayers stick to areas dominated by infested presence where they can focus on fewer opponents.



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Name Suggestion: Grinfested Berserker


Behavior:  It maneuvers in similar fashion to a gorilla. This includes clinging to walls and hanging from ceilings for maximum mobility (I do wish most infested had this ability). It tends to find hiding spots for ambushes (under walkways and such). When the berserker spots some prey, all focus is moved to closing distance and crushing it.This even overrides all other functions (such as defense targets). Its wall clinging mobility means there are no hiding spots a Tenno can use to keep away from this monstrosity. And the woven in ferrite or alloy armor protects the infested flesh from the slashing weapons of its enemies.


Attacks: Other than the basic fist slam attacks it brings to the table, the berserker has a growth on its back that can burst. Knocking back all enemies near it and blinding them for a short time. Due to this creatures size it is known to pick up and hurl some enemies. In some mutations, the heavy Grineer unit that became such a beast had its weapon assimilated as well. Giving the berserker a ranged attack (much needed for the infested) that it uses sparingly to attempt to put down fleeing victims.


Environment restrictions:  None. Enclosed spaces or large hunting grounds. All are perfect for the Grinfested Berserker.




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Name Suggestion: Bulwark

Appearance: A Deformed Shield Lancer, despite the shield not being part of the Lancer it stuck with them throughout the Infecting process.

Behaviour:  Will run normally until close enough to the Tenno and then will act like the un-infected counterpart providing cover for the Infested Brethren.

Attacks: Shield Bashing, and the firing of quills. 

Environment restrictions:  None they are useful for Infested everywhere.

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Name: Ancient Feeler.

Behaviour: this is another form of the ancients, but this was grown eating dead tennos,it trapping them and eat them bite by bite. 
he have a big life pool, and a lot of armor but no shield. have the same size of the others ancient but very different, because he has mutated with a little warframe parts.



His basic attack is with his hand-claws dealing penetrating damage. but his power attack, he can catch and pull in a tenno from the distance with the tentacles on his back, and then he will bite them dealing a big amount of damage.
after the bite, he will leave the tenno and attack him with his basic attack. 


Environment Restriction: he have no environment restriction because he can appear like the others ancients, but in teh middle-high levels.




Edited by AbaddonChope
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Name Suggestion: Ancient Inoculator


Behaviour:  This enemy will charge the tenno and attack with a piercing tentacle. This tentacle will inoculate the technocyte virus into his/her victim and assign an "infected" status to him/her.


Attacks: After inoculation, the infected tenno will gradually loose health (much like MN vampire mode) until he is downed. Upon revival, the infection will remain in the tenno and the life drain will continue. BUT upon contact with an ancient healer's wave, the infected tenno's body will be overrun by the technocyte virus and will turn against his own companions (AI controlled, turn into specter mode?).

If downed, he can be revived (once again player controlled) but he/she will remain "infected" and will loose control if exposed to an ancient's healing wave once more. Life drain, of course, will also continue as long as the tenno remains infected.

Only after being downed or harmed significantly by electrical/radiation damage can the infected status be removed. 


Environment restrictions:  No restrictions


Hope you guys like it!

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Name Suggestion: Reaper(old) and Forgotten(new)


Behavior: As it is derived from second ranking guardians, like the stalker, they have a more advanced AI and have two variations, the old and new ones, the first spawn surrounded by higher ranking infested, reviving fallen ones with reduced level, the second on the other hand spawn closer to tenno and are more tatical, prefering stealth(lesser invisibility) but attacking relentlessly when encountered, even by other infested, although avoiding these. Emit unique sonar clicks. As they are a more rare recurring spawn they tend to drop higher level resources and mods. Both have proto shields, while the older has a weaker one in exchange for stronger armor. Are very vulnerable to magnetic proc, as they loose energy.


Attacks: Have stalkerish attacks, they take advantage of their powers to hunt and kill the tenno. New ones can use their pistols whereas the old ones do not and both will frequently use hand to hand combat, being very resilient to gun fire, also old ones can command infested to attack a tenno with a death mark and buff their strength, while the new can debuff the tenno and enter a fury mode, being invunerable to all elemental status effect and knockdown. Powers: New ones- Lesser invisibility, Teleport, turbulence, Warcry+Hysteria(both in looks and function, no immortality), Contagion. Old Ones- Shadows of the dead, Roar, Null Star, Radial Disarm.


Enviroment Restrictions: Primary spawn are defense and survival, with the old ones appearing in extermination(trying to defend their allies) and the new in rescue (trying to apparently revenge themselves against the tenno)


New ones look like a mix of stalker with hayden tenno's infection, but a little more advanced, also they are sleek. Old ones are covered completly, but still byped and humanoid, are bulkier and emit eletric sparks/fire from their back.


"Remember tenno, they are not to be jocked with, these recently discovered infested are to be feared both for their lethality and power. They seem to share a history with you, so take care.."




Sorry for long post >.< (and pleeeeeeease, put some lore *------------*)

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Name Suggestion: Infested Proto-Golem


Behaviour: Proto-Golems are Infested that predate even Ancients. They have lost all resemblance to the creatures they once were, and instead have begun growing into a giant tripedal creature, like Lephantis.  They shy away from direct combat, preferring Ranged attacks aimed at Tenno avoiding attack from other infested (i.e. Hiding on a ledge where Infested can't reach), and organizing other Infested against the greatest threats.


Attacks: Throws a Crawler at any Tenno that can't be reached by Infested travelling normally. If there are no crawlers to throw, it will instead throw a single spore bomb. Kicks any Tenno to get too close, knocking them down and stunning them for a few seconds. They will also direct the attacks of their allies towards any Tenno that is a great threat (Vauban spamming Bastille or Vortex, Hydroid using Tentacle Swarm, ect.) towards the Infested goal (Whether it be a Tenno cryopod or the Tenno themselves).


Environment restrictions: These creatures have only had the time to develop in the Orokin Derelict and the Dark Sectors.


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Name Suggestion: Ancient Collector


Behavior: This tanky infested pulls in and absorbs any nearby corpses to increase its own health. It mainly tries to collect more corpses but will attack if the opportunity presents itself. If allowed to gain enough health it will go on the full offensive, sacrificing its health and using its collected mass to empower its attacks.


Attacks: The Collector has the standard ancient charge and hit attacks. With a surplus of health it starts sacrificing it in order to use stronger attacks. It gains the ability to lob dense balls of organic matter at distant targets that explode violently upon impact. Also, its normal attacks become empowered with explosive damage as it expels its excess mass. Upon losing all its health it will pause for a second before before violently exploding, expelling all the stolen mass it is no longer able to contain.


Environment restrictions: Does not spawn in large numbers in order to maximize the amount of corpses each is able to collect.

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Name Suggestion: Reaper(old) and Forgotten(new)


Behavior: As it is derived from second ranking guardians, like the stalker, they have a more advanced AI and have two variations, the old and new ones, the first spawn surrounded by higher ranking infested, reviving fallen ones with reduced level, the second on the other hand spawn closer to tenno and are more tatical, prefering stealth(lesser invisibility) but attacking relentlessly when encountered, even by other infested, although avoiding these. Emit unique sonar clicks. As they are a more rare recurring spawn they tend to drop higher level resources and mods. Both have proto shields, while the older has a weaker one in exchange for stronger armor. Are very vulnerable to magnetic proc, as they loose energy.


Attacks: Have stalkerish attacks, they take advantage of their powers to hunt and kill the tenno. New ones can use their pistols whereas the old ones do not and both will frequently use hand to hand combat, being very resilient to gun fire, also old ones can command infested to attack a tenno with a death mark and buff their strength, while the new can debuff the tenno and enter a fury mode, being invunerable to all elemental status effect and knockdown. Powers: New ones- Lesser invisibility, Teleport, turbulence, Warcry+Hysteria(both in looks and function, no immortality), Contagion. Old Ones- Shadows of the dead, Roar, Null Star, Radial Disarm.


Enviroment Restrictions: Primary spawn are defense and survival, with the old ones appearing in extermination(trying to defend their allies) and the new in rescue (trying to apparently revenge themselves against the tenno)


New ones look like a mix of stalker with hayden tenno's infection, but a little more advanced, also they are sleek. Old ones are covered completly, but still byped and humanoid, are bulkier and emit eletric sparks/fire from their back.


"Remember tenno, they are not to be jocked with, these recently discovered infested are to be feared both for their lethality and power. They seem to share a history with you, so take care.."




Sorry for long post >.< (and pleeeeeeease, put some lore *------------*)

just got this idea! As the lesser invisibility would be op when surrounded by infested or against new players the forgotten would emit a weak disruption signal, as a result of the infested thingy mixing with the warframe equipament, it would mess up the map and cause some audio distorcions, lotus could even try to warn the player like with the grustag, but this could be a little exagerated. Also the Reaper could make use of this as a movable fomorian, as means of further protection for his pack. 


P.S sorry for the bad english :x

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Name Suggestion: (Toxic Spitter)

Behaviour:  (Fast moving, will always try to engage at long range, will actively seek attack locations that will allow for the most damaging attacks. Able to cling to walls and ceilings. Snake like lower body, somewhat puffy upper body. Smallish and thin overall size, to help it escape and evade attacks. Will always try to attack from 40-50 m range)

Attacks: (Fast moving blob, AOE Toxic splash damage (5m splash) Fairly fast attack speed

Environment restrictions:  (Strongly prefer this enemy to cling to walls and ceilings; any Infested tileset)

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: (I am weak and unskilled in these matters to my great shame).

Edited by Kartumterek
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Name Suggestion: Toxipeastrum

Behaviour: This bulb-like Infested can be seen attached—in great numbers—to the trees found in the Orokin Derelict ships. Once approached by inattentive Tenno, the Toxipeastrum will extract numerous toxins into the nearby area – harming any Tenno near it.

Attacks: Toxin release: All Tenno near by will be doused in toxic soot, taking appropriate damage. Toxin can be seen floating around the ship if not attached to (a) Tenno initially. It would be differently coloured than the original floating spores.

Environment restrictions: Orokin Derelict vessels. Has potential to be transported inside the floating spores onto colonies

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Name Suggestion: Omen

Behavior: support role, humanoid infested that appears to be female

Attacks: can scream which has a random affect of stunning players, increasing infested movement speed or mark a specific player to be attack by infested chargers.

Environment restrictions: low armor, some what weak melee, but good speed

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Name Suggestion: Siren


Behavior:  Adopting the bears pivoting movement, The creature awkwardly patrols the battlefield in search of prey. Its jaws and back are armored to protect its lungs and mouth from blades and bullets alike. It's most vulnerable area is it's orange gills, located on its back (area for Critical Damage). It functions as a mobile cannon that uses mild ranged attacks to level enemies so that other infested can approach the Tenno unhindered. Between the segments of the jaws, the creature has webbing to help focus the sound similar to a megaphone.
Attacks:  It's shout lasts for about 3 seconds using the intense frequency of its shout supplemented by a powerful wind. This attack deals mild damage (slash damage for an internal rupturing effect) and can be disorientating for all units (including any infested that happen to be in its way) and can cause friend and foe alike to get blown back (knock down effect) if within a certain radius. This shout will also break the Tenno’s stealth when it echoes down the hallways of a level alerting other infested. This attack however can only be executed after the Siren charges its attack by deeply inhaling for about 3 seconds. It’s also able to charge then hold its breath for a maximum of 20 seconds while it runs around to set up the shot. If 20 seconds elapses and it still has not fired, the creature will stop and vent out the air for about 5 seconds.
Environment restrictions: none







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Name : Cleaver, Infested Cleaver

Behavior : Starts off in "Passive" mode, with huge, crescent-shaped blade embedded in front of body. Fast movement when "Passive", high ferrite armor. Blade is invulnerable. When detecting Tenno, will release Blade and enter "Aggressive" mode. In 'Aggressive' mode walks slowly towards Tenno with blade poised and "Maw" revealed. "Maw" is Infested Flesh and can be shot as a weakpoint. If any Tenno move out of range, goes back into "Passive" mode.

 Reavers alone can are easy with good timing, but can be a problem in packs. (See below)

Attacks : Flings itself forward with the momentum of the Crescent blade, causing body to spin like a wheel, replicating locomotion and dealing heavy Impact and/or Slash damage on contact. If the this attack lands Reaver on a solid surface (Wall, Floor, Ceiling), blade will be embedded in said surface. Reaver will spend 1 second pushing blade out of surface, and using that momentum, launch itself at victims, effectively chaining attacks to pursue victims.

Alternatively, it can fully eject the blade out of it's body and drag it along the ground, revealing it to be attached to the crude, metal "spine". 'Maw' is still revealed at this point. It can flick the blade like a whip, then sweep it horizontally, covering a large area and doing medium Impact and/or Slash damage. This is similar to the Lephantis "Scythe Sweep".

Reaver returns to 'Passive' when victim is out of range.

Environent restrictions : None. Reavers are slow climbers, thus high ground can be an advantage, but Tenno should be vigilant towards Reavers attempting to fling itself at high ground. Reavers are especially deadly in narrow or enclosed areas. 

Art : 


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Name Suggestion: Infested Erupter



- Spawns with other infested enemies like chargers.

- Heavy sized infested enemy (the size of ancients)

- Aim at players and attack when reaches attack range

- Not agile and slow



- Fires projectiles that explodes upon impact

- Projectiles can be shoot down by players

- Inflict Toxin damage and Corrosive damage

- Explode radius is large and therefore makes the Infested Erupter very dangerous in closed space

- Will erupt infestious liquid which deals toxin and corrosive damage and knock players on the ground when players get close


Environmental Restriction: None


Optional Art:




Sorry for terrible art work D:

This is not what I had in mind but I think I should show at least some image.

This is a infested heavy grineer unit and it should be more bulky but I clearly failed at it -________-

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Infested Watcher


Before infested, it was a grineer ballista (or female grineer).Now it has lost her legs and fly with 6 wings. Middle dimensions and similar to a monstrous hornet.

Attacks: Flying slowly over the battlefield and shooting from distance poisoned dards, causing poison damage.

Environment restrictions:


Art: GlL3A7s.jpg

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Name Suggestion: Hivelurker


Behaviour: Like the Ancients, this Infested is a more evolved form with little left to indicate what it once was. It lies inert until a threat is nearby, at which point it begins to slowly approach the target while spawning hostile spores. It cannot run; instead, it lurches forward bit by bit, dragging its body at a surprising pace for its size. It uses the Spindle Spores it spawns to distract and weaken targets as it closes the distance to attack.


Attacks: When aware of enemy presence, the Hivelurker constantly spawns Spindle Spores. These flying threats hover around Tenno in groups, firing beams of biochemical energy from their tail end. Destroyed spores are quickly replaced, but with a short delay between repeated spore spawning, it is possible to exhaust them to attack the hive directly. The Hivelurker is capable of disrupting nearby Tenno's abilities within a radius of about double its strike range. When within attack range, it swings its broad arm-like appendages to deal heavy damage in a wide arc. Because of its durability and high damage, it is advised to deal with the attacking spores as they approach and attack the Hivelurker from a distance.


Environment restrictions: The Hivelurker can spawn in any Infested tileset, but prefers to wait around corners where it can potentially ambush targets that run past it. It is similar in height to ancients, albeit twice as wide, and can fit through most doorways. The Hivelurker can jump to unreachable platforms like other Infested can, but it takes significantly longer to prepare to jump.


Concept Art:


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Name Suggestion: Infested scrapper



Lacking sufficient biomass to grow due to the corpus penchant for machines the infested scrapper scavenges the remains of damaged corpus automatons to form a protective shell over its biomass to cover a vulnerable sac of corrosive poison. This shell gives it ample armor to repel attacks but also to impale prey. Whilst impaled the scrapper can spew its poison more easily onto foes. It can additionally use this poison to bond additional corpus tech to its shell as it finds more biomass and grows larger.



Wrecking ball - The scrapper charges forward using its armored covering to pierce foes.

Toxic bath - douses nearby foes in corrosive spray after using wrecking ball.

Corrosive spit - launches a globule of corrosive poison at a distant enemy.

Environment restrictions:

Can be found anywhere the infested have invaded corpus territory largely dependent on insufficient amounts of biomass.


On a side note, much like the zanuka project used the Tenno to create a new corpus automaton might there be a project where the
corpus have fused corpus technology with the infested.

Edited by Jujitsubah
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Infested Name suggestion: fallen tenno  


Backstory: once were proud noble tenno that didn't give up without a fight it took a army to take one down took eighteen squads to take one down but one day the infested came they were out machete and had fallen by the infested and were transformed into a unstoppable force as silent as the wind but as dangerous as a lion 


Appearance: infested tenno has prime infested warframes, prime infested weaponry


Behavior: has the same combat style as other tenno has wall maneuverability as other tenno has better awareness has tenno ability's


Environmental Restrictions: only in heavily infested areas    

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Name suggestion : Doomed Ancient

Behaviour: This enemy , codenamed Doomed Ancient wanders the premises for signs of vital , he regenerates ( feeds ) or energy sucking the blood of their opponents or other infested . Everything sucked by his tentacle .

1 - It has a tentacle with suction cups holding your opponent and your life or energy. With this he left arm can reach warframes who are up boxes or even two stacked boxes . Quick time event: when the player is trapped by tentacle starts a quick time event with three phases if the player does not drop the third and last he dies or loses energy. It can be a quick time event and we constantly press "E" to fill a bar or press in the right moment to be free.
2 - Even with a warframe stuck in his "arm-tentacle" he still is active against other warframes can give blows with his claws , defend, or use warframe arrested as object to be thrown.

Environment restrictions: In open maps is not very effective against warframes , but spacecraft with small rooms and narrow corridor becomes a nightmare.

Note: It was inspired by the hostages, then it is as if he was a hostage infected.


History: They are hostages of grineer spacecraft and when she was attacked by infested. The hostages were held and over time were also infected. Mutated in the body which increased his size and strength which enabled them to break their cells and could walk freely inside the spacecraft.

Optional Art:


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Name Suggestion: Tortis 

Behaviour:  Walks around slowly till it sees an enemy. Then it walks till all of its armor is shot off. If all armor is shot off then it runs to the enemy.

Attacks: Uses short melee attacks when armor is still on and when armor is gone then it uses fast short melee attacks.  

Environment restrictions:  Infested missions

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