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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name: Infested Scavenger


Unlike other Infested the Scavenger prefers to stay back and fight at range. It can jump incredible distances with the aid of it's membranous wing flaps. It might attempt to melee Tenno if they get separated from their squad.


Main attack: The Scavenger turns it's bloated abdomen towards the enemy, raising the petal like flaps in a grotesque parody of a flower. A moment later it compresses it's abdomen accelerating a massive stinger of black bone with a spray of caustic blood. This attack deals high penetration damage at long range with a caustic AoE at close range.

In melee it may bite(high damage), smack with it's wings(knockdown) or rear up and slash with it's four clawed hands.

If a Tenno is bleeding out the Scavenger will risk anything to attack it. The Scavenger will cover the Tenno with its body, embracing them with the claws underneath it. If the Tenno finishes bleeding out in the Scavenger's embrace it will consume them and gain a large stat boost.

Environmental Restrictions

It cannot open it's wings in many of the tight corridors in the game.

Original art


My scanner lightened the colour. It's supposed to be a darker, congealed arterial blood sort of shade.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Name Suggestion: Infested Araknus

Behaviour: Infested Araknus are Spiderlike creatures roughly the size of Infested Chargers. They move with the speed of a Loki frame and can scale walls and ceilings. They emit otherworldly wet clicking sounds when near. They spawn high up in maps, out of sight, and work their way down. They single out and knock down Tenno who venture too high vertically.(ODD)

Attacks:They leap from surfaces with a distance similar to an Ancient's smack. Their jump attack is known to ragdoll Tenno. Their jumpbite has a 30% chance to proc heavy poison damage. Their stationary bite procs 100% of the time.

Environment restrictions: same as infested.

Other notes from the Lotus: "The Infested are changing Tenno. They are becoming more deadly, unpredictable, and more ferocious. Nowhere is safe Tenno. Watch your back."

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Name Suggestion: Icarus


Behaviour:  this shapeshifting unit spawns with the visual of another random infested unit, and behaves similarly until its unit cover would normally have been killed, when the cover dies, the corpse explodes violently dealing damage and revealing the inner monster. Icarus then spawns with a random melee weapon type and begins to attack the tenno/enemies in the vicinity. this unit would fight extremely offensively to blitz its targets in an attempt to kill them quickly, since it would have lost the element of surprise. in defense, it would target tenno over the pod. should be immune to crowd control effects llike bastille/well of life/radial blind.


Attacks: the transformational explosion: large aoe, decent damage depending on proximity with a blind effect, forms a random melee weapon of infested style (scythe, sword, mace, whip etc) and attacks depending on the weapon type, usually very rapidly, as well, utilizing a grapple which makes the one being grappled the target of surrounding infested units. think like vines wrapping around limbs from the back to immobilize the unit.


Environment restrictions:  would not do well in extreme cold, so would be less likely to appear.


(Optional) Art or Reference Images: i am a horrible artist, so i'll simply say that the unit ought to be very thin, thin enough that when bundled up could fit inside of a crawler while still being tall enough to match or outmatch a tenno. think slenderman bundled up into a basketball. the idea of the thinness is so that it will be harder to hit with bullets as well as actually being able to fit inside of the smaller units. clawed feet for better traction on surfaces.

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behavior:                                                                                                                                                                                                 they are deaf but not blind so they lurk around and crawl up walls on the ground and begin to shoot out destryable infested flares when they spot tenno.



shoot out spores which blow up and do viral damange and if close enough to another tenno gives the viral damange on, does melee attacks which gives out the target sense which allows other omni-devourver's to locate the tenno also charges at enemy for tenno to fall over  and does a tail whip for a combo attack.


enviromental restrictions:

level 20+ any tileset.



large fangs spread through out the mouth with liquid dripping out of the mouth, long slender body with spines and small wings and small legs of bone and has large plates made of metal so it can take alot of damange and has a mire melee weapon as a tail.

Edited by ghoul1
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Name Suggestion: if you want simple, call them Suckers, if you want some mystical name call them Camazotz (bat god), idk

Behaviour:  A flying Crawler-like creature (with wings instead of arms), it would have sharp teeth all over the mouth (like a shark, multiple rows), and an incredibly long claw-like tongue (that would wrap around when grabbed). They would hang from ceilings (probably in groups) and swoop down when near. Or in a defense/mobile defense, they'd fly above crawlers to make their entrance

Attacks: They would fly, similar to osprey (but with flapping wings), and it would attack one of two things. 1. grab you and lift you in the air for a brief amount of time, forcing a slower pace and also disabling abilities that cannot be used in air, 2. it would leech it's tongue on to you for some time, draining energy, thus having to shoot it off of you.

Environment restrictions:  They would like outside tile sets without too much lighting (Corpus Gas City, Grineer Galleons, and daytime Grineer Forests [Earth] would be too bright) they may look like bats, but they need room to fly in groups (pefect for Corpus Outpost, Grineer Asteroid, Grineer Settlement [Phobos], Grineer Shipyards [Ceres], Orokin Derelict).

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: just a quick sketch, of course you DE peoples would make it look creepy as hell.




and i read a post earlier about the new infested should be 'infested color pack' colors and i definetely agree; mainly purple and green :P

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Dues Infernus:

Literally means god of inferno. This beast of an infested stands around 10ft tall with a body similar to an ancient but with thick patches of smoldering skin on his back. His back arches forward and has to walk with one arm to support himself while his longer arm coils up into a tight whip, ready to snap when any tenno get to close. When he walks he has one leg thats bigger than the other so his left leg drags behind him like a tail. The end of his longer limp leg has been smashed from previous fights so it constantly bleeds but it doesn't bleed blood... It bleeds a burning hot orange acid. This acid creates a trail of nasty crud that you reaaaally do not wanna step into... The acid will slow down your warframe and slowly burn its feet, doing high damage over time if you don't move.

Behavior: Dues Infernus lives in the Orokin Derelict and tends to come once he notices his ancient brothers are getting killed constantly. Now once he makes eye contact with your warframe, he starts into an unstoppable charge at you, opening his large cylindrical mouth, to show his razor sharp teeth and broken jaw bones as an intimidation factor, while screaming a creepy grumbling growl at your warframe. Once he comes into within 5 feet of your warframe his coiled arm snaps out like a whip and knocks your warframe back on their face, then spits the strange orange acid blood on your warframes back.

Weakness: The only way to stop the Dues Infernus from doing massive damage to your warframe is to act like your going one direction and switch directions quickly once he starts charging so you can come up behind him. When hes charging, the smoldering patchings on his back open to release gases that give him sort of a boost of speed. On the downside for him, this opens up his vital organs, leaving it up to you to get that well placed shot into his now open back, to put this twisted demented ancient down for good.

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Name: Jörmungandr




An infested ambush anthropod capable of climbing up objects and walls but normally remains in a dormant camouflaged state nearly invisible along pathways or above entry points.  When spooked will grapple the nearest victim poison and drain their energy while chewing away at them.  After taking a noticeable amount of damage will retreat out of eyesight where it will reenter the camouflaged state and slowly regenerate. When retreating, it will lay down a substance that attracts other nearby infested to swarm the victim as it retreats. Will attack normally if pursued.




-Grapple:  Wraps itself around an enemy stopping them from moving or using any attack other than melee and possibly reduce the target's melee damage (op balancing) while it chews away at shields and health doing toxic damage, slash damage, and draining energy.  Jörmungandr will cease grappling when it has taken enough damage.


-Default attack: Will arch itself raising a portion of its body strike the target with the poisonous pincers on it's head.


Environment restrictions: Will only appear near infested biomass.


Anthropod Examples:


Edited by KnotOfMetal
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Why not: 

The Fake:

Behavior: Disguises itself as a weakened, Red Veil or Tenno hostage hiding in a corner, causing a fake "bleeding out" distress signal, and having it's name as: Hostage. This unit will have 3 forms. Should you approach it, it will wait at least 5 seconds before making an action, and this is where the multiple forms come into play. Scenario 1: Should you attempt to revive it, it will be a weakened humanoid Grineer looking unit, with something similar to the charger head on top twitching, an arm, with the other ripped off, and it will slowly walk towards you, taking the form of a "butcher. Something like a "downgrade.

Scenario 2: Should you not revive it the Fake will be normal, will be normal, with a hostage look, though blood all over it's body, a trail of acidic blood following with a notification of: "Why didn't you save me..." Something along those lines. It will walk at a moderate pace, similar to an ancient, attacking occasionally.

Scenario 3: Should you attack the Fake before it gets up, taking damage, it will launch up taking the form of your frame, though damaged and bloodied, attacking quickly, and chasing. ex: Stalker-like. Will awaken with something such as: "How dare you!"


Scenario 1: 

1: Slash. A basic quick slash with it's arm, dealing medium damage (as it is so slow).

2: Swing. The Fake will flail or swing it's arm towards the player, knocking them down. They will raise the said arm before attacking, though.

Scenario 2: 

1: Trail. The fake will have a trail of acidic blood material flowing as a trail following it, constantly. When stepping in this trail, it will cause  poison damage to you for 10 seconds.

2: Rush. Resembling slash dash, the fake in scenario 2 will rush forwards at the player, dealing slash damage and causing blood to spray out, dealing poison for 3 seconds should the spray hit too.

3: Pool. The fake will trip, causing a large puddle of blood to appear under it, dealing damage similarly to the damage water in Ceres' tile-set does.

Scenario 3:

1: Punch. The fake in its strongest form, will punch the player with all of it's might, stunning the fake for 2 seconds, though dealing massive damage.

2: Flip. The fake will adapt Tenno skills, performing a backflip and flinging the hit player into the air.

3: Arsenal. The fake, mimicking the player will change one of it's arms into a random melee weapon, using it to attack the player.

Environment Restrictions: 

The fake will be limited to either infested based missions, or only infested rescue missions.


As all these types of units already exist, at the least without the blood on it, or cuts, or anything, you will be able to work off of that.

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Name: Stinger/Hunter

Behavior: Predatory, likes to hunt in groups of two or three, it can work with a group but prefers small ones.

Acts a little bit more stealth like then other infested.

Attacks: it has a scorpion like tail that can melee and shoot stingers (like Djjin), if a Tenno moves in to about 10-5 meters it will jump at them and try to stab the Tennos head(like the new kubruw did in the preview in the last devstream and yes I know I spelled it wrong), doesn't have much armor so it won't go straight to melee it'll try to "Sting" you first.

Environment Restrictions: Wont go into big open areas

Notes: it looks like a scorpion with the tail but the number of legs is flexible it could 2-3-4 or 6, and it can walk on walls and ceilings cuz that would an awesome enemy to face.

(Edit) little advice don't write this at midnight I almost forgot environment restrictions.

And Devs thanks for making one of the best games I have ever seen, no I'm trying to give my idea an advantage I just want to thank u guys for all the hard and awesome work you guys have done so with more sure to come. ;)

Edited by Ironwill17
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i wonder why most of u all giving an idea for infested enemy


i just want to add some idea (not a big one) to the current enemy


Name: Invisible (grineer/corpus)


behaviour & attack : same with every other mob


enviroment restrictions: differ with the mob kind (corpus and grineer)


description: i don't think i need to explain it, since it literally the same mob, just invisible, the only way to detect it is have an enemy radar MOD or keep your eyes open, i'm thinking to restrict this to melee and light armored enemy in the lower levels, because the heavy unit will be very deadly (imagine that someone u can't see shooting you with heavy artillery, it's frightening y know)


background story: corpus unfortunately have been developing some kind of invisible device to counter Tenno, this is happened in the alad V event and just come to realization recently, and worst, this device blueprint copy fall to the hands of grineer, thus grineer troop start to developing the same technology


whoops, didn't see the 'infested submission' part, sorry for being fool like



okay, for infested


name: invisible infested


behaviour & attacks: same with any other infested, but they will be in the middle of the horde or they can make an entirely invisible horde, they become visible once they attack


place restriction: appear on infested nightmare and derelict (not suggested on normal so the newbie don't panic and tell DE it's a bug)


Description: let say the infested got mutated by some nano technology that is accidentally leaked that make them become invisible, and the only way to detect them is enemy radar MOD or keep ur eyes open

Edited by Greywing
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Name:The Swarm

Behavior: Is a flying swarm of insects that can form into any shape and it is Aggressive, if low on health it flees to allies and drains health  from other infested to regain its own after then becomes stronger than before and does more damage but is easily damage inflicted by fire damage.

Attacks:It varies of a ranged and melee as its launches infected swarm of insects toward the player and if to close it surrounds them in insects that do damage over time.

Environment Restrictions:Can fight inside and in the open, but lacks speed inside do its size and height depth, more effective if in open terrain where it attacks from above while healing self from allies.



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Name Suggestion: Doppleganger

Behaviour: Codename "Doppleganger" it´s a highly advance corpus cyborg which origin comes from Zanuka project. With the difference that it can emulate, copy and reply the behavior of that warframe you are using and how you are using it at the moment.

Attacks: This Cyborg will be like a mirror, it will respond in the same manner if you attack. It has the ability to create blueprints of the equipment you have at the moment you are scanned so it will be more difficult to take him down just by the fact it has your same equipment (this will balance the game since it will change depending on the equipment of the player at the moment) it will even be able to replicate your sentinel. If you are defeated it will continue to copy the other members of the party and continue to try to eliminate each one of them. The only way you can defeat it is by improvising the way you play by changing quickly between your weapons and play styles (secondary, stealth, melee, primary, etc.) Even if it seems simple it is no easy task. 

Environment restrictions: Like Zanuka and The Grustrag Three you will have to be death marked from somebody in the lore and story from warframe to encounter them By doing invasions against corpus on grinner side or new types of missions against the corpus.

Optional Art:



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Infested Raptor concept.


Name: Ancient Hunter Killer

Details: Large bird-like raptor. They can utilize any surface to move, for example; wall/ceiling running, duration limited flight. Appearance of a large bird/raptor infested creature. While flying they can spit a corrosive acid.

Features: Very fast moving, medium to high hp and stats. Very powerful melee attacks. Ranged attack is low to medium damage with % corrosive proc. 



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Behavior - Peacefull until attacked. Carries rare loot in its "stomach."

Attacks Literally-rushes Tenno and tramples them. (knock down) Lash oit its only giant flesh arm and knocks down. All attacks have 50 percent chance of poison. Deals two percent of damage each second.

Environmental Restrictions -The Goldenlock can appear on any stage, except during boss fights. (once one player starts fighting the boss, no Goldenlock can spawn.) All other enemies WILL attack the Goldenlock as well, except for the infested themselves.

And apparently I cannot get my picture posted or even share a link. Deviant art.com. Name is SomewhatWarlike. Title for this is Warframe Infested Enemy of the Tenno Contest.

Edited by ORPEAIS
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Name:  infested seer


behavior: slow before spotting a tenno on the ground but if it gets into the air it's fast and hard to target by tenno


Attacks: long ranged fire breathe when in air  and on ground short ranged claw and bite 


Environmental restrictions: spawns in infested missions only




idea pic:



 (sorry not the best artist )

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Name: Tamashī (Ta-ma-shee)


Behavior: This Particular Infested fellow is very swift dodging bullets faster than the Zanuka project, It does Slash and Impact damage in compensation for its health being extremely low, it will dodge bullets constantly, it has a natural ability to camoflage not completely but hard enough for the tenno to slip up, once the tenno are detected they are forced to uncloak.



Short range melee strike, dealing Impact damage.


Mid range "dive", Tamashi dives off the wall and damaging multiple Hostile Targets (if possible) with a slash damage chance.


(not sure if this counts as an attack) Passive Cloaking ability, Tamashi is cloaked for a permanent amount of time until a Hostile is detected short/mid range of the Tamashi.


Active buff, the Tamashi will have +30% speed for 20 seconds after Tamashi has detected an enemy.



Environmental restrictions: This Unit can only move on ground, when on the walls it cannot be in motion.





https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/163290-infested-warroir/       <<Artist post here

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Name Suggestion: Infested Detractor

Behavior:  This unit type is centered around the concept of damage absorption. This unit would be a flying enemy that is brightly colored in order to attract enemy attention (basically to mark it as a high-priority target). It would exhibit the semi-passive behavior that Oxium Ospreys implement while also having offensive tendencies (except the kamikaze attack). This enemy would have high health and armor to ensure it can take a hefty amount of damage from even the strongest attacks and weapons. Also similar to Corpus Ospreys, its primary objective is to act as a support for its allies (ie. Shield Osprey) but instead it would buff the damage of nearby allies. What is unique about this damage buff is that the more damage the Detractor takes, the stronger the ally damage buff becomes.
Attacks: The Detractor would have a nominally slow, weak, and short range stinger attack that does poison damage and has a small status chance. 
Environment restrictions: N/A
Art or Reference Images:
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Name: Infested Tenno



Behavior:Attacks anything on its sights(Tenno+infested=crazy)preferably other tenno's.


Attacks:short range to medium range depending on the melee weapon its using usually just swings its sword


Environmental Restrictions:Can only stay on the ground.

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Name Suggestion: Bone Urchin


Behaviour: This creature spherical in shape and looks like a chaoticly organised pile of hard bone and unknown husk like materials that almost entirely cover the weak soft tentacular mass inside. The outer layer is extremely hard to penetrate but some smaller weak spots with three glowing eyes are around the armor but they constantly change place as the the Urchin moves by creeping forward with pointy bones and tentacles.


Attacks: Urchin moves up the their enemies and when close they stop and change their shape to more cone like, open their armor more and starts spraying sharp bones to its surroundings in intensifying speed. They shoot for couple of seconds and if they are damaged they swell up and explode into a cloud of needles, There is a small window of time to kill it before that. Unhurt they curl up and start hunting again.


Environment restrictions: Being ectothermic they don´t appear in cold planets or ships with malfuntioning cryo systems.



Art or preference images: http://i.imgur.com/31EhtuE.jpg
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Name Suggestion: Infested Slither

Behavior: A timid flying infested that turns into aggressive predator when attacked. When turned into aggressive behavior, it will only attack whoever attacked initially.

Attacks: [A] Spits volatile poisonous grenades that explodes 2 seconds after landing on ground. [Corrosive Damage]

                Sprays poison gas towards the target. [Poison Damage]

               [C] Charge and detonate itself at the target. [Viral Damage]

A - Basic attack

B - When hp went half

C - When hp went below 20%

Environment restrictions: Limited only on mid-air, can't attack near the ground.

Concept Art:


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