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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name Suggestion: Shifter

Behaviour: Ignores any objectives such as the cryopod and goes for Tenno instead. Waits until they are engaged in combat by staying at a distance until a friendly wave attacks. Upon spotting a player, it will quickly shift appearance to look similar to the player (along with a name change and a new minimap icon). Then it will approach another busy player, if possible from another direction than the one his friends are attacking from and go in melee range.


In melee, morphs into a gooey slime and cover the player, suiciding in the process. This slows him down and up his energy costs by a percentage until the slime disappears. The slime will be gone faster if you spam rolls.

Environment restrictions:

Will not appear for solo players.

Edited by Badagronk
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Name: Undead Tenno

Behaviour: They behave like Specters.

Attacks: They use only Tenno and infested weapons.

Environmental Restrictions: They spawn only with large infested groups. They mostly appear in survivors but nut sure they will appera in every infested mission.

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Name: Infested Lancer


Behaviour: Typical Grineer Lancer/Elite Lancer behaviour.



Attack 1:

Fires it's ranged weapon limb while on the move and from cover. Weapon fires bolts.


Attack 2:

Launches it's thorns while it's bolt synthesisers produce new bolts the limb. These thorns have a 60 degree arc. Will also fire the Thorns alongside it's limb when enemy target is close.


Attack 3: Uses claw limb to strike enemies in melee range. This staggers the oponent. After it has used the attack it flees to a safe distance to use ranged weaponry.


Environment restrictions: None.


Art or reference image:





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Name: Infested Screecher



Behavior: A stationary infested that is plant-like in structure and is only alerted to Tenno that get within a certain distance, upon being alerted however it makes a loud screeching noise that will increase the movement and/or attack speed of nearby infested as well as summoning additional infested to join the fight.



Attacks: It's screech attack is unable to directly damage players, its main purpose is to summon and buff infested. The summoned infested can either be a unique timed life enemy type or standard infested enemies but should spawn some distance away from the screecher to allow players some time to react.



Environmental Restrictions: Can only appear on orokin derelict tilesets.

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Name Suggestion: Clapperclaw
Behaviour: Invisible (must looks like Loki's Invisibility skill), rest on the ceiling and walls untill victim not in range. Fragile, but have fast and strong poison attack (~150 dmg from hit, 2 hit in sec, bypass shields and armor). Target and attack ALWAYS weaker or single enemy. If target killed, Clapperclaw becomes frenzied and attack anything near corpse (He's protect his food) and got twice health and speed boost.
Attacks: When target near Clapperclaw it jump and knockdown his prey, tear target with claws. If target attempts to escape Clapperclaw shoot harpoon from his chest.
Environment restrictions: None
Art or Reference Images: I think, this guys will fit as example.

Edited by Arghastar
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Name: Infested tenno 


Behaviour: Tenno destroyed by infection is very deadly enemy.


Attacks: It can do a poison damage to you by strikes with its claws.

It can down you on the ground and punch you a few times, but you can counter this attacks by pressing E.


Enviroment restrictions: Orokin derelicts and invasions.



And it looks like a infested saryn.



Edited by Hanped
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Hears my idea for a infested walker


Name: Bone Snapper


Behaviour: This relative medium size body of flesh likes to stay hidden, during combat it will absorb living organic tissue making it increase in health and armour, in doing so the puts it stationary for a few seconds to absorbed and devour the organic matter leaving it vulnerable to attacks, after the absorbing the creature mutates to a bigger size between the runners and leapers and smaller than the ancients. During its second absorbing stage it creates more week point’s which makes it more vulnerable, in its last stage it comes out of hiding and walks slowly towards its target, this is when it is hardest to kill.


Attacks: During the first 2 stages it stays away from other enemy’s that attack it and stick behind the pack (infested) but when in combat it knocks their enemy down so it can escape when it is trying to escape it creates a cloud like ashes smoke bomb but intoxicating at the same time. After the last stage of mutation it starts moving towards its target during its last mutation it explodes on its target by detonating its mutated flesh, it will use its remaining health to cause extra damage for its explosion.


Environmental restrictions: This creature does not react well to cold and wet environments, it freezes up and causes it to shatter making it week to cold planets and dysfunction air coolants


a little example of what im thinking: http://i.imgur.com/bZNLb8f.jpg

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Infested Soul



Behaviour: A ghost, it looks just like the particels or the shadow an enemy leaves when Nekros uses his Soul Punch on him.

He sneakes behind your team and changes into a random warframe or a warframe from your team. When it changed into such

a form, he is  vulnerable. He doesnt takes the name of a player but his own, his health bar is green, not blue like the shields of a warframe. and he doesnt has a gun.




It Can't do anything when in ghost form, except from making scary noises. When taken the warframe form, he sneakes upon you, try's to poison you/ jumps upon you knoking you down and stealing your soul. when it stole your soul, you take  damage on your health like when you take damage when the window on a corpus ship breaks or the oxigen runs out in survival mission. your health stays at 10% of your normal health and you armors is lowered by 50%. This says till the soul has been killed.



environment restrictions:

Is common in Orokin delerict missions. and uncommon/rare in normal infested missions.








I know Last image looks like stalker, but it is just for the smoke idea.


Edited to add images

isnt this for infested this |^| would seem something like a byproduct of necroses soul punch and i mean this could be on any level to aney enemy

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Name Suggestion: Cyst

Backstory: Cysts are a parasite that attaches to trilobite-style Orokin 'waste disposal' creatures, designed to suck up toxic waste and other dangerous materials as a food source. The Cyst purposefully keeps it's host alive as it forces it to gorge heavily on not only it's favored meal, but also the likes of raw Detonite and other volatile substances.

Behaviour: A slow, small enemy that is only truly called out via it's bright sacks of various dangerous chemical runoffs that make up it's body and tail. It doesn't have much health, and it's slow nature will make it easy to spot by Tenno or Sentinels long before it reaches them if the Tenno is standing still.

Attacks: Should a Cyst reach a target, it will inflate it's back sacks and the sack in it's tail, quickly growing to three times the size of the Cyst's host. After which, it will violently detonate into a massive, destructive explosion. (Think Ogris with max Blast Area mod and you got a good idea how devastating it is.) Eximus variants could be element-themed to create gas clouds of various element effects in the blast area (Examples include magnet-charged fields, spore clouds for Toxin, and so on) to act as a continued hazard.

Environment restrictions: As is grows on a wild, Orokin creature, Cysts are limited to planetside and (in theory) the Void and Derelicts.

Art or Reference Images:


Cyst default appearance, including it's trilobite mount


Simplistic example of how a Cyst would work

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snakes. i have no idea if this has been suggested yet but why not!? the only other idea i could come up with was infested tenno and at this point its like singing "let it go" no matter what you do to it or how new and inventive or good your version is, it's still "let it go" the song we've all heard million time and will hear a million times again thus losing all uniqueness to it.


anyway back on topic.

spore snakes

being naturally immune to the infestation, and being cold blooded means the infested don't see or smell it (someone inform me if this goes against the lore) 

basically snakes with spores on their backs. really hard to see but given away by the clouds that follow them about a foot behind them.

environmental limitations 

anywhere in space is no no. planets only. except if DE make a space lab thing.

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Name: Diaboluspiscis


Behaviour: Hides in ponds which it makes himself(similar to hydro) and jumps out of them when player is too close, It also hides behind objects. 


Attacks: It has two long "arms" in the back and both have big claws, it swings them fast dealing low toxic damage.





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Infested Scream




The Infested Scream is an Infected that walks around and waiting for its victim to be a prey to other Infested Hostiles.

Has a Health that is 20% less than common infested.







 Alerting Shout - This Infested will scream loudly on spot of a Tenno, which also calls massive amount of Infested in a certain distance. ( Depends on the choice of the DE Dev Team for the range to be fair )


Supersonic Scream - This will scream to a Visible Tenno in the radius of 15 meters from the Infested Scream, which disrupts the Shield of a Warframe and leaves only 20%. And if the shields runs out it damages the Health, but low damage. ( Can only be used every 10 Seconds )



Bite - Its regular attack which runs and bites a Tenno  with its razor sharp teeth and deals slow but massive damaged attacks. ( This infested will use this after using Supersonic Scream or if the Tenno is close to it )


Environmental Restrictions


Inhabits anywhere like any other Infested. Spawn lesser than common Infested.



Image References:


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Name Suggestion: Energy Leech


Behaviour:  Dormant enemy, will only activate if an ability is used within 25M, it will then seek the closest person (either Grineer/Corpus/Infested/Tenno) and attach to them and activate it's relevant skill.

It is immune to all abilities and can only be killed by shooting/melee.



Corpus, after attaching, it will drain shields entirely and increase damage of corpus by percentage of the shield amount. (Corpus also becomes immune to abilities)


Grineer, after attaching, it will use its' life for the Grineer's ammo, and will cause the Grineer to attack non-stop for 15 seconds, before the Leech dies. (Grineer also becomes immune to abilities)


Infested, after attaching, after 5 seconds (if not killed) it will transform into a copy of the infested, which will spawn more copies the same way until the Leech is killed. (Infested also becomes immune to abilities)


Teeno, after attaching, it will start draining power from the Tenno, then after 10 seconds it will self-destruct dealing damage according to power drained. Also if an ability is used by any Tenno within range, it will cancel that ability and drain the power used. (can be shot off and killed in the 10 seconds by a team member)


Environment restrictions:  None (geared towards void though)

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Name Suggestion: Lumberers

Behaviour: This enemy, codenamed ‘Lumberers’, will persue Tenno cautiously, but abandoning the thorough use of cover like their uninfested counterparts.

Attacks: This infested enemy type has a Hind, it is functional, and has a large barb on the end like a bayonet. Tenno who are in range will be fired upon in bursts, however, quite inaccurately. The Lumberers will lunge at with their barbed Hind in close combat, a far reaching attack that will catch Tenno off guard if they are reckless enough to charge at them.

Environment restrictions: None.

Optional Art: http://i.imgur.com/bkK4umO.png

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Name Suggestion: Carbuncula

Behaviour: This enemy, codenamed ‘Carbuncula’, is stationary on walls and ceilings with a long tendril waiting to grapple any who walk by.

Attacks: This infested enemy type has a long tendril that can grab Tenno and pull them toward it’s toothy mouth. Melee attacks are the only option when grappled to kill the Carbuncula, otherwise your health will be drained until death!

Environment restrictions: Yes, only inhabits walls or ceilings, not ideal for open environments.

Optional Art: http://normalaquatics.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/sea_cucumber.jpg


So basically half life... with a different look. great... now we're gonna have some of those in the game as well.

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Name: Tantibus (nightmare in Latin)


Back-story: After the failure of the Zanuka project and Alad V's assassination Frohd Bek has sold the schematics and blueprints that are related to the project to the Grineer. As a result Doctor Tengus (the one who created the The Grustrag Three and changed Vay Hek's total appearance) has created a new series of elite troops specialized in fighting Tenno with their own tech.


Behavior: The Tantibus come in different shapes and colors, each representing the Warframe from which their tech came from. The share some familiarity with the Warframes used by the Tenno. Usualy found in Grineer tile-sets as the high guardians of "peace" and "order" they will strike terror upon any foe. They are much more awareness to Tenno presence and will be harder to take out stealthily. They are agile and nimble. Upon seeing the Tenno they will start their attack relentlessly. Due to their tremendous self-honor and self-respect they will try to go tow-to-tow with the Tenno pretty much on equal footing. They act as the commanding officer in charge of a certain area, meaning that there is a limited number of those in every mission (up-to 4 at most).


Attacks: Due to the fact that they use Warframe related tech they can and will utilize Warframe abilities (except the ultimate ability). The abilities will be in direct corolation to the Warframe from which their tech came from. Other then that they come with full Grineer weapon load-outs (for example: Karak, Kraken, Amphis). They will preform similarly to the stalker yet much weaker then he is. Upon getting in a certain range radius they will switch between weapons for better combat capability (for example: 30m range- Karak, 15m range- Kraken, 3-2 meter range- Amphis).


Environmental Restrictions: They are found on "end-game" Grineer planets that have elite lancers insted of the ordenery ones. Their level is calculated by the max level value at a specific mission +10. As said before they are limited to 4 troops per mission.


Description/reference: They are a sort of Tenno-Grineer hybrid with some Doctor Tengus trademark as seen with The Grustrag Three or Vay Hek.

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Name Suggestion: Sigma-strain

In any infested mission, there is a small chance that an infested specimen carries the Sigma-strain.
Before the specimen is killed, it behaves like other infested units.

When it is killed, it transforms into a jelly like mass, reaches out and absorbs nearby corpses, ammo or orbs. Once reformed, it will typically become some larger variant of its type, but with extra "features" like limbs or spines. It can continue to consume corpses/ammo/orb to heal or evole more. (downed Tenno, if consumed, evolve it faster!)

While initially, it may only be slightly stronger than the non-activated version (and easy to kill), if left unchecked, it can grow into mini/boss like level (e.g. stalker/harvester/g3).

Each infested base type can have its own Sigma-strain, depending on the original carrier type, i.e. Crawler, Walker, Charger and Ancient.

Each evolved type will have several stages of "mutation" which scales with number of stuff consumed.

(this is potentially a mechanism to incorporate/introduce multiple new infested unit ideas into the game)


optional lore: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/226245-ficthe-sigma-strain/


Initial: In jelly state, when first appearing, it is not damagable. (until it is reformed. This is the time to play some Lotus commentary lines :P )

Basic attacks: Mostly based on the original type. Evolved versions becomes larger and may grow more limbs for attack. (increased armor/hp/damage?)

Assimilate: Sigma-strain specific ability can be hanging appendages that may reach out to nearby corpses, ammo and health/energy orbs to consume them either to heal, or to evolve. (e.g. corpses adds to mutation, ammo adds to variant and abilties, orbs adds to health/energy)

Cross-mutate: At times, it may spontaneously mutate into a base type. e.g. When it appears, it was a Walker type, then mutate into a Charger type to attack for a while, then mutate into an Ancient type some time later. The mutation could be random, or strategized: (e.g. when far away, Crawler type to do ranged attack, or Charger type to close gap. At close range, use Charger type for agility based attacks or Ancient type for powerful attacks

Environment restrictions: None
(Optional) Art or Reference Images:
(NOT ORIGINAL IMAGE: just for illustration purpose only... though we won't see this at all in-game. this is actually human infuenza :P )

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Name Suggestion: technocyte hive

Behaviour: is a big heartlike looking creature in a room (very easy to kill when found) has many different environmental hazards deployed in a 3-5 room radius. like tendrils and poison spitting mouthes that attck the tenno, they all die when the heart is destroyed

Attacks: tentacle slaps and poison spitting (i might add more later)

Environment restrictions: only on ships (uses air ducts to grow its body in and out of)

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Name: Infested Glider


Behaviour: Launches itself at its prey, gliding over its head, slashing it with sharp bony razors, which grow from its abdomen. After flying certain distance, it lands gracefully, discharging a trail of poison as it hits the terrain. Then,it starts running up the walls or other terrain to gain altitude. If no terrain is in near proximity (like 5 meters), it will simply charge energy for a while, using its muscular talons to jump. After it either jumps or launches itself from higher position, it will glide again, attacking its target. 



Bone razors - only usable during the glide. Will do high slash damage with high slash proc chance.

Poisonous trail - when Glider is nearing the end of its glide, it wil start discharging a poisonous trail (more like poisonous gas). Gas lasts for 5 seconds and deal low Toxic damage with moderate proc chance.

Wing scythes - this is the melee attack this unit will use while running to nearest wall, defending itself against any enemies in melee range. It has moderate slash damage with moderate slash proc chance. Glider wont use its scythes when trying to jump, as it needs the wings to start the glide immediately after the launch.


Environment: All infested areas, mostly infested bases.

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Name Suggestion: Guraak(It is not Namelocked)


Behaviour: The Guraak is an berserk like monstrous creature a repulsive abomination with four arms. A head comprised of skulls and a tongue with numerous, skull-like growths. Incredibly strong, this beast is capable of demolishing any enemy with little difficulty.


Attacks: The Guraak because of his size is a slow creature capable of inflicting huge amounts of damage to the enemy. He uses his huge arms to do wide arc attacks that deliver massive blows to anyone standing in range. In spite of his slow movement speed he will initiate the fight with a leaping slam, slamming the flour with his four enormous arms, that will do a AOE knockdown even damaging nearby allies. When Guraak health drops below 30%-40% he will go into berserker/rage mode which increase his attack speed and his attacks do increased damage at the cost of his life. His slam will now do AOE Poison damage, poisoning anyone that gets hit by the trumendous blast. Guraak can also replenish his health while in berserker/rage mode by grabbing chargers and sucking on them with his leaching tongue. 
(It is best to avoid Guraak when he get's into berserker/rage mode and to wait for him to start regenerating because he will then be most vulnerable )


Environment Restrictions: Due to his massive size Guraak can't enter narrow corridors. 


Art Or Reference Images: 
/*This is NOT my art work. This is the picture of the Suffering from Darksiders II*/ /*But it presents perfectly how I pictured Guraak*/

Edited by BecejBrate
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Name: Ancient Guardian


Behaviour: Walking around like other ancients, though quite faster.


Attacks:This enemy will come storming at any tenno in sight while covering itself with a shield (bigger version of the shield the shield lancers have) and knock the tenno over. After knocking someone down it will start attacking with the other arm/tentacle. The attacking arm will grab the tenno and fling him around (similar to hydroid ultimate), smacking him against a wall deeling impact damage and causing a poison effect (arm/tentacle has stingers to grab tennos, which will be stuck in the tenno for a short amount of time, similar to a bee stinger).


Environment Restriction: None, can be found in any infested mission like other ancients.

Edited by wthdeathknight
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Name Suggestion: Chameleon (Ancient Chameleon)
-It is very agile and dodge the bullets.
-Use camouflage invisibility when it is expected to attack.
-usually in high places when waiting their prey.  Examples: roof, trees, the highest of walls.
-Melee does not cause much damage.
-When in a location near a Screech sound is heard.
-It is an mutacion of the Ancient
-Granada Gas (can only be used when it is visible) damage element gas.
-A tackle:  jumps on target and makes them fall 
-Claw Attack: melee poison element
-Camouflaged Attack:attacks the nearest opponent, when it has not been spotted (shoot or use skills)
Environment restrictions:  none
(Optional) Art or Reference Images: 


Edited by animador23
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名稱:Half Corpse(半屍








在與Grineer衝突戰時,有機率出現子左手抓住敵人後,用奇異的聲音大吼:Why me!!!或是:Why do not you!!!,而被捉住的Grineer則會不斷發出慘叫後被勒死.








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